Experiment with the spirit board -lies coming through it & how to recognize them

Reading through some of the comments base on Ljubica, Zo and Saša decision to work on the spirit board I came to a remembrance that something like this would happen or if I read this somewhere. That there would be a betrayal to the group and much disappointment would be felt on the group. But it brought more consciousness and awareness that brought about an eventual solidity.

And maybe betrayal is a strong word but given the amount of experience of those who veered so drastically from the direction of a shared vision, especially in such dire conditions the world faces and the Hyperdimensional manipulations I think that this a proper observation of the situation. As above so below..

And given the approach of the wave amplifies this in ways that are shocking to understand why absurd/opprobrious happenings occur.
I think during these times “trust know one”s work of yesterday and see what one does today is useful and vigilant.

“The system brings out the worst and the best in people”, ISOTM, Contents XI, Chapter XII
I don't understand why is everyone angry at Sasa and Ljubica - because they tried to channel or because they've put Q&A from the session on this forum?
aelyrsenn said:
I don't understand why is everyone angry at Sasa and Ljubica - because they tried to channel or because they've put Q&A from the session on this forum?

Have you read this entire thread? I think there were many good reasons why we would be upset with them.
aelyrsenn said:
I don't understand why is everyone angry at Sasa and Ljubica - because they tried to channel or because they've put Q&A from the session on this forum?

I get the impression that there is a underlying assumption behind your question ?
did you read the whole thread ?
I see that you are quite new to this forum.
in order to understand why we are upset about what they did you need knowlege about what the purpose of this forum is all about.
when you understand the context you see that what they did very much contradicts for what this forum stands for.
you probably don't have the context at the moment .
if you want to understand it you have to gain more knowlege about this forum and yourself.
did you read "The Wave " or any other material that was suggested to you yet ?
Yes, I've read it all...When I was writing this question, I was thinking about how C's have said not to trust just one source, and Sasa being the other source of info, it made me think... and why so rude comments...At least we now learned how not to channel. I hope you understand where am i going with this.
aelyrsenn said:
Yes, I've read it all...When I was writing this question, I was thinking about how C's have said not to trust just one source, and Sasa being the other source of info, it made me think... and why so rude comments...At least we now learned how not to channel. I hope you understand where am i going with this.

I guess with a loose enough definition anybody or anything is a "source" of information. Looking for objective truth, we must necessarily measure to the best of our ability how reliable a source of information would be. If you are suggesting that the channelled drivel of Sasa should be considered equally valid as the Cassiopaea channel, then I would say you have not considered the amount of time, effort, training, and research taken in order to build the channel with the Cassiopaeans.

I have not the slightest idea of where you are going with your comments, but we have seen time and time again on this forum, when boundaries are set and hard decisions made by the moderators and by the forum members in general, some people get their "play nice" program set off. Are there emotional reactions of upset, even anger, on this thread? Yes. Some of these reactions may be knee-jerk reactions or mechanical programs, BUT I think quite a few of these upset folks are expressing in a healthy way the emotions that are natural and cleansing to have when one has been put in danger or harmed by another. You may also be reading emotion into the matter-of-fact descriptions of the situation that have been offered by some of the members. I have noticed that matter-of-fact descriptions of difficult situations also seem to set off some people's "play nice" programs.
Patience said:
aelyrsenn said:
Yes, I've read it all...When I was writing this question, I was thinking about how C's have said not to trust just one source, and Sasa being the other source of info, it made me think... and why so rude comments...At least we now learned how not to channel. I hope you understand where am i going with this.

I guess with a loose enough definition anybody or anything is a "source" of information. Looking for objective truth, we must necessarily measure to the best of our ability how reliable a source of information would be. If you are suggesting that the channelled drivel of Sasa should be considered equally valid as the Cassiopaea channel, then I would say you have not considered the amount of time, effort, training, and research taken in order to build the channel with the Cassiopaeans.

aelyrsenn, maybe go back and re-read the 'information' that came through this 'other source of info', only when you do so, ignore the questions and just read the answers. See how much information you can find there, 'yes', 'no, 'yes', 'yes', '6', 'no, 'yes', yes', '3'… and so on. Now, does that still sound like a valid source of information to you, or merely something or other applying minimum energy and toying with over active imaginations/egos?

It really is mind boggling how they ever become so attached to what is essentially nonsense. Can you find any information in that 'information'?
aelyrsenn said:
Yes, I've read it all...When I was writing this question, I was thinking about how C's have said not to trust just one source, and Sasa being the other source of info, it made me think... and why so rude comments...At least we now learned how not to channel. I hope you understand where am i going with this.

Hi aelyrseen. You are assuming that Sasa was actually a source of info! That was one of Sasa's mistake too (to assume that he was capable of channeling, just like that), and something that was pointed out to him and Ljubica on this thread. Another mistake of theirs was to proceed in all this without any input from the network, just because it fed their ego and they knew we would not allow that (ego-feeding). Of course their assumptions were that they were channeling the Cs themselves, and together with the fact that Sasa was an EE teacher, and all of them FCM members, they were in this way involving the work of this group. So naturally, people were upset with what they did. Still, I never got the impression that anyone here were rejecting them, but rejecting what they did.

So there we were asking them questions about exactly what happened, so that we could get to the bottom of the situation and learn from the experience, which if you think about it, is a way of stretching a friendly hand. But they decided to go silent and ignore us. That was rude and contemptuous, and a sign of how they really felt about the whole thing. In other words, they were not really sharing with us "how not to channel". On the contrary, they were enamoured with the idea of being able to channel. So they were not being sincere with us when they posted on this thread.

As you can see, it's a bit more complex than "why are you mad at them for trying to channel". Personally, I wouldn't mind that they tried to channel as long as the experience was sincerely taken as an opportunity to learn. It is the whole attitude of sneakiness, ego, hypocrisy, contempt and distrust that they have displayed so far towards us.

[Edit: clarity]
Windmill knight said:
aelyrsenn said:
Yes, I've read it all...When I was writing this question, I was thinking about how C's have said not to trust just one source, and Sasa being the other source of info, it made me think... and why so rude comments...At least we now learned how not to channel. I hope you understand where am i going with this.

As you can see, it's a bit more complex than "why are you mad at them for trying to channel". Personally, I wouldn't mind that they tried to channel as long as the experience was sincerely taken as an opportunity to learn. It is the whole attitude of sneakiness, ego, hypocrisy, contempt and distrust that they have displayed so far towards us.

The last 2 sentences are really answer to my question.Thank you.
And no, am not considering them as reliable source of info, obviously they are not....just that you all learned something from this, and they are responsible for that,end of story.
Plus, am not that new to this forum, i just don't comment that often.
Laura said:
First rule of channeling: ALWAYS assume that the contact is lying about everything until proven otherwise. That is, unfortunately, the truth of those other realms.

This 'first rule of channeling' seems to sprout out directly from the Odyssey. All the poems characters always check at each others actions and words like nuts.. it is very likely a deep message in a bottle instead some actual and ancient lost habit.

I was looking for this piece of session that explain why channeling for yourself wouldn't be a very good idea. Laura just posted it here.

Q: ... (BRH) Is there any way I can
contact you guys directly?
A: Well, D***, only if you present yourself into the
presence of these 3rd densities here. Remember, their
request was hard earned, and one of them has been
channeling throughout this incarnation, much to his
detriment. Those neighborhood kids usually do not respond
favorably to psychic awareness, now do they? Another one
here has literally turned the world upside down in search
of the greatest truths for all of humanity, much to her
potential peril. And the third one here had to endure
almost unimaginable hardships and tests of stamina in
order to realize his destined path of bringing your 3rd
density realm to the brink of 4th density transitional
adjustment. So, the path is open to you. Wanna follow?!?
aelyrsenn said:
The last 2 sentences are really answer to my question.Thank you.
And no, am not considering them as reliable source of info, obviously they are not....just that you all learned something from this, and they are responsible for that,end of story.
Plus, am not that new to this forum, i just don't comment that often.

Considering your confusion on this topic, perhaps it's time for you to comment more so you can work out some illusions and clear up your understanding a bit? Come on in, the water's fine.
Here something that may help an excerpt from ISOTM:

"How must we speak to them and how can we help them to come back to the group?" some of us ask G.

"Not only can you do nothing," G. said to them, "but you ought not to try because by such attempts you will destroy the last chance they have of understanding and seeing themselves. It is always very difficult to come back. And it must be an absolutely voluntary decision without any sort of persuasion or constraint. You should understand that everything you have heard about me and yourselves are attempts at self-justification, endeavors to blame others in order to feel that they are in the right. It means more lying. It must be destroyed and it can only be destroyed through suffering. If it was difficult for them to see themselves before, it will be ten times more difficult now".

"How could this have happened?" others asked him. "Why did their attitude towards all of us and towards you change so abruptly and unexpectedly?"

"It is the first case for you," said G,, "and therefore it appears strange to you, but later on you will see that it happens very often and you will see that it always takes place in the same way. The principal reason for it is that it is impossible to sit between two stools. And people usually think that they can sit between two stools, that is, that they can acquire the new and preserve the old; they do not think this consciously of course but it comes to the same thing.

"And what is it that they most of all desire to preserve? First the right to have their own valuation of ideas and of people, that is, that which is more harmful for them than anything else. They are fools and they already know it, that is to say, they realized it at one time. For this reason they come to learn. But they forget all about this the next moment; they are already bringing into the work their own paltry and subjective attitude; they begin to pass judgement on me and on everyone else as though they were able to pass judgement on anything . And this is immediately reflected in their attitude towards the ideas and towards what I say. Already 'they accept one thing' and 'they do not accept another thing'; with one thing they agree, with another they disagree, they trust me in one thing, in another thing they do not trust me.

"And the most amusing part is that they imagine they are able 'to work' under such conditions, that is, without trusting me in everything and without accepting everything. In actual fact this is absolutely impossible. By not accepting something or mistrusting something they immediately invent something of their own in its place. 'Gagging' begins-new theories and new explanations which have nothing in common either with the work or with what I have said. Then they begin to find faults and inaccuracies in everything that I say or do and in everything that others say or do.

From this moment I now begin to speak of things about which I have no knowledge and even of things of which I have no conception, but which they know and understand much better than I do,; all the other members of the group are fools, idiots. And so on, and so on, like a barrel organ. When a man says something on these lines I already know all he will say later on. And you also will know by the consequences. And it is amusing that people can see this in relation to others. But when they themselves do crazy things they at once cease to see it in relation to themselves. This is a law. It is difficult to climb the hill but very easy to slide down it. They even feel no embarrassment in talking in such a manner either with me or with other people. And chiefly they think that this can be combined with some kind of 'work'. They do not even want to understand that when a man reaches this notch his little song has been sung.

"And note one thing more. They are a pair. If they were separate, each one by himself, it would be easier for them to see their situation and come back. But they are a pair, they are friends, and one supports the other precisely in his weakness. Now one cannot return without the other. And even if they wanted to come back, I would just take one of them and not the other."

"Why?" asked one of those present.
"That is another question entirely," said G., "in the present case simply in order to enable the other to ask himself who is most important for him, I or his friend. If he is the most important, then there is nothing to talk about, but if I am the most important, then he must leave his friend and come back alone. And then, afterwards, the other may come back. But I tell you that they cling to one another and hinder one another. This is an exact example of how people do the very worst thing they possibly can for themselves when they depart from what is good in them"--ISOTM Chapter XIII, pg 269-271

All of the above description in this excerpt may not apply wholly to this particular situation. There is some reading in between the lines I think. I think in sharing this excerpt it may help in bringing more of an essential perspective or context.
aelyrsenn said:
The last 2 sentences are really answer to my question.Thank you.
And no, am not considering them as reliable source of info, obviously they are not....just that you all learned something from this, and they are responsible for that,end of story.
Plus, am not that new to this forum, i just don't comment that often.

There is really not much to be gained by reading the forum and not interact.
You have to test your compreehension of new information constantly, in order to make practical use of it and claim it as knowledge, and what better place to do so other than here?
I say this not only for you to consider, but also as a reminder for myself, to always make an effort to interact more.
Consider that this desire to "be in the shadows" perhaps is a program that is holding your development back?

On another note, I am just shocked, to see that two longtime regulars could behave in such a way.
If we are not vigilant we can always fall prey to such nonsense, but their behaviour after the fact that truly shocked me.
They just... walked away? After being given EE, priceless information, being an active part of the network via projects and all, they just walked away.
Thanks for that post roland. G's words just solidify even more the rule for not having contact with other members outside the forum and the possible dangers invoved. Whatever it is it can be discussed openly here, period.
[quote author=Roland]
Here something that may help an excerpt from ISOTM:


All of the above description in this excerpt may not apply wholly to this particular situation. There is some reading in between the lines I think. I think in sharing this excerpt it may help in bringing more of an essential perspective or context.

Well pointed out in this case Rolland JP, osit. There are many clues here for a singular individual, now separated, to ponder when faced with the soothing echos of another perhaps.

G said:
The principal reason for it is that it is impossible to sit between two stools. And people usually think that they can sit between two stools, that is, that they can acquire the new and preserve the old; they do not think this consciously of course but it comes to the same thing.
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