1melissa3]??? I apologize... I don't know what you mean.[/quote]
In order to better understand you.
Simple question said:
This is an example how not to use spirit board!
Couple weeks ago, we (Ljubica, Zo and Saša) decided to undertake experiment with spirit board. We made spirit board pretty much similar to the one Laura has, with Croatian diacritical signs (picture attached below).
Prior scientific experiment it is necessary to know what you want to measure, and according to that to design your experimental setup and to calibrate measuring instruments, to check the background (in order to understand the signal correctly), and on the end to conduct the measurement itself.
The example of reliable experiment with spirit board that we followed was Laura’s experiment with the C’s. Except this work, we did not have any other information to compare our experiment with. So the Laura’s work has helped us to design our experiment and actually assisted us to evaluate the background and to conduct the measurement.
Perhaps we even made a mistake with construction of the board itself, this was our first doubt, could someone make a proper experiment with the tool he doesn’t know well? The answer is: probably not.
The most important part of experimental setup are the persons conducting the experiment themselves. In this case: Ljubica, Saša & Zo. In order to obtain reliable results out of measurements, we should know ourselves to the finest details, or in the words of G, “to know our machines”. Any unknown in this area could and probably would produce a false reading.
In posted séances following this initial post you will probably notice many mistakes that we made, for example:
1 - Anticipation and wishful thinking
2 - Leading questions and being led by answers
3 - Too much curiosity and not taking inner alarms (subtle changes in energy) seriously
4 - Using too few check questions
5 - Unconscious mind
6 - Lack of suspicions
7 - Having prejudice
8 - Staying out of the network and thinking we can do it alone, without the help of the experienced elders
9 - Taking information that can't be checked seriously
10 - Not taking the dangers of spiritual world seriously
11 - Not thinking how our activity could affect people around us and those who are connected with us energetically
12 - Personal programs, gullibility, being naive
13 - Lack of critical thinking and channeling
14 - And many others
This all came to the surface during our experiment, and it was interesting to see how these negative aspects of ourselves were coming to light during experimentation with spirit board, about that we had many discussions and we still do, in one part we are happy to experiment with the board because with it we noticed easily all these discrepancies within ourselves.
All information that we could check turned out to be false and a lie. The surprising part is that source we got this information from, identified itself as 6D STO source. Our obvious conclusion is that this source is in fact a STS source.
We have had a more than dozen séances, and we’ll be happy to provide them here to everybody for analysis.
We know that it is easy to get a STS source, our experiment is an obvious example of that. One of possible reasons for not contacting STO source, we could think of, could be that we did not know how to correctly ask.
In order for data to be reliable, experiment must produce same results in various locations and by various researchers. Perhaps one of the first steps would be to standardize tools of trade, in this case standardized spirit board. Second step would be for researchers to have similar or the same knowledge of the tools of trade and themselves (machines), mutual trust among researchers using the same board could also be beneficial. In this case, since we are dealing with spiritual things, it would be interesting to set same standardized questions for checking out the source.
Our quest for Truth has led us so far and, although we contacted STS source or just our subconscious, we are still looking for objective truth.
We are kindly asking for network assistance and exchange of data in case that any of you have had similar experience, in order to reduce possible dangers, misleading contacts and how to recognize them in short period of time, and especially how to validate and cross check data you received or data you are receiving.
We are most grateful to Laura and Chateau crew for encouraging us to share this information with all of you.
Ljubica, Zo & Saša
P.S. For the time being we have only couple of transcribed séances translated into English, we’ll add new ones as we get them prepared.