Explosion in Southern Indianapolis...possible meteor fragment??

Final posting for now on this, a timeline provided by the IndyStar:

(on the left side bar)

Written by
Vic Ryckaert, Barb Berggoetz and Jill Disis

Filed Under

Indianapolis News
Indianapolis Fire Department

Timeline of explosion

>> 11:10 p.m.: Indianapolis Fire Department receives report of blast; 27 vehicles and more than 100
firefighters are dispatched.

>> 2:24 a.m.: IFD confirms one fatality.

>> 3:24 a.m.: IFD confirms second death.

>> 11:15 a.m.: City officials report residents are being allowed back into about 50 damaged homes to collect belongings.

>> 1 p.m.: Relief center moves from Mary Bryan Elementary School to Southport Presbyterian Church.

>> 3 p.m.: Officials confirm number of homes investigated and damaged.

>> 7 p.m.: Vigil at Southwest Elementary School in Greenwood for victim Jennifer Longworth, who taught second grade at the school. She and her husband, John Dion Longworth, were believed to have died in the blast.

>> 8:30 p.m.: Arson investigators, as well as crews from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the gas company, still working at scene.

Curfew in effect
A voluntary emergency curfew for residents of Richmond Hill is now in effect.

Between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. residents are asked to be inside their homes for safety and incident scene preservation.

IMPD also issued a warning to gawkers and would-be thieves. Police plan to stay at the scene and will investigate all non-residents to deter criminal activity in the area.
Well when I first heard of the incident I had a strong inclination that it may have been an air-burst explosion.

I also thought of the possibility the earth is “belching” gas and some sort of interaction with the urban electronics set it off. As the C's say the earth is opening up.

One thing that is curious as always, IMO if this thing was some sort of air burst the behavior of the ptb is always interesting.

Its quite fascinating that the “Distraction War” hasn't kicked into full gear yet. I mean they tried hard to push the Muslims into the clash of civilization with the whole Prophet Mohammed video. But it didn’t have the effect they wanted. Also anyone else notice they tried to piss off the Muslims again with Saudi Arabia announcing they are going to raze “Prophet Mohammed’s tomb to build a larger mosque” after the yearly “stone worship”.

I find this comment from the article interesting:

“The fact that there is no reaction on possible destruction has raised talks about hypocrisy because Muslims are turning a blind eye to that their faith people are going to ruin sacred sites.”

It's definitely not looking like they will be stopping their ww3 attempt anytime soon.

“They” keep pushing, but for some reason the “other side” isn’t quite fully on-board or haven’t been given the go-ahead, yet.

Deadly Indiana Blast Puzzles Officials, Residents

By CHARLES WILSON Associated Press
INDIANAPOLIS November 12, 2012 (AP)

With no hint of a problem in advance, in particular no tell-tale smell of a gas leak, authorities and residents in a southern Indianapolis neighborhood are trying to make sense of an enormous blast that obliterated two homes and made dozens more uninhabitable.

Fire officials expressed amazement that only two people died in the late Saturday explosion so powerful that the devastation spread for blocks from its epicenter. Hundreds of residents were forced to evacuate their Richmond Hill homes, some never to return. Windows and doors were blown in. The blast rocked several houses entirely from their foundations and was so loud it awoke people three miles away. A fire burned for hours, engulfing dozens of homes.

Early Monday, Indianapolis public safety director Troy Riggs said forensic investigators were talking with utility companies and others as they tried to determine the cause.

"We need to make sure that we get some of the forensics back and that we follow where the evidence takes us," Riggs told WISH-TV.

U.S. Rep. Andre Carson, who represents the area, has said he had been told a bomb or meth lab explosion had been ruled out.

Deputy Fire Chief Kenny Bacon said investigators hadn't ruled out any possible causes.

Citizens Energy had received no calls from people in the area smelling the rotten eggs of a chemical added to natural gas, which is odorless, utility spokesman Dan Considine said.

"Most of the time when there's a gas leak, people smell it," he said. "But not always."

Carson said the National Transportation Safety Board and the federal Department of Transportation, which have oversight over pipelines, were sending investigators.

Riggs said police officers and investigators would continue to search and secure the neighborhood on Monday.

"It could take some time. We've asked people to be patient," Riggs told WRTV.

Dan Able, a 58-year-old state employee who lives across the street from the flattened homes, was puzzled by the blast.

"I'm wondering about all the possibilities it could be," he said.

Authorities set up relief operations at a school and church to shelter those displaced in the blast. Some moved in with friends and relatives. Others found hotel rooms.

Alex Pflanzer was sound asleep when the explosion blew out his windows and his wife started to scream.

"I didn't know what was going on," Pflanzer said. "I thought someone was breaking in the house, because the alarm was going off."

Pflanzer grabbed his gun and checked the house. Then he noticed the front door was open and saw a reddish glow flickering outside.

"I walked outside and all the houses were on fire," he said.

The Pflanzers and their two dogs found a hotel room, but they couldn't coax their panic-stricken cat out of a crawlspace.

"All the material things can be replaced, so I'm not worried about that stuff," he said. "People are a lot worse off than I am. People died, and so our thoughts and prayers go out to them first."

Officials have not released the identities of the two people killed. A candlelight vigil was held Sunday night at Southwest Elementary School in nearby Greenwood for second-grade teacher Jennifer Longworth. She and her husband, John Dion Longworth, lived in one of the homes destroyed in the blast. WTHR-TV reported that friends, family and colleagues of the teacher gathered at the school.

Deputy Code Enforcement Director Adam Collins said 80 homes were damaged including 31 that might need to be demolished. He estimated the damage at $3.6 million.

Some residents were allowed to return to their homes under police escort Sunday, but just to retrieve a few belongings. Others whose homes weren't as badly damaged were allowed to return, but officials said they would have to do without electricity overnight. And others, officials said, never will be allowed to go back inside their homes.

"There are houses that will have to be torn down," Bacon said.

He said the toll could have been much worse. "I know we're very fortunate that some of the people weren't home," he said.

Officials said at least two dozen off-duty police officers who live on the city's south side rushed to the scene to help with the rescue effort. More than 80 firefighters battled flames and searched the wreckage of homes for trapped survivors.

At the Southport Presbyterian Church shelter, tables were piled high with blankets, food, diapers, water and other supplies. An animal shelter on the south side of the city offered free boarding for pets whose owners had nowhere to take them.

Rev. Rob Hock said hundreds of congregants had shown up to help after he put out a call during Sunday morning services.
My new theory: what if it was some kind of gas explosion from inside the earth?

I'm just having a time wrapping my head around it. Heck, maybe it was an airburst with everything ricocheting back and forth?
Just saw this, which contradicts what's been posted in the news thus far.


INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — With no hint of a problem in advance, in particular no tell-tale smell of a gas leak, authorities and residents in a southern Indianapolis neighborhood are trying to make sense of an enormous blast that obliterated two homes and made dozens more uninhabitable.

Fire officials expressed amazement that only two people died in the late Saturday explosion so powerful that the devastation spread for blocks from its epicenter. Hundreds of residents were forced to evacuate their Richmond Hill homes, some never to return. Windows and doors were blown in. The blast rocked several houses entirely from their foundations and was so loud it awoke people three miles away. A fire burned for hours, engulfing dozens of homes.

Carson said the National Transportation Safety Board and the federal Department of Transportation, which have oversight over pipelines, were sending investigators.

Riggs said police officers and investigators would continue to search and secure the neighborhood on Monday.

"It could take some time. We've asked people to be patient," Riggs told WRTV.

Dan Able, a 58-year-old state employee who lives across the street from the flattened homes, was puzzled by the blast.

"I'm wondering about all the possibilities it could be," he said.

Authorities set up relief operations at a school and church to shelter those displaced in the blast. Some moved in with friends and relatives. Others found hotel rooms.

Alex Pflanzer was sound asleep when the explosion blew out his windows and his wife started to scream.

"I didn't know what was going on," Pflanzer said. "I thought someone was breaking in the house, because the alarm was going off."

Pflanzer grabbed his gun and checked the house. Then he noticed the front door was open and saw a reddish glow flickering outside.

"I walked outside and all the houses were on fire," he said.

The Pflanzers and their two dogs found a hotel room, but they couldn't coax their panic-stricken cat out of a crawlspace.

"All the material things can be replaced, so I'm not worried about that stuff," he said. "People are a lot worse off than I am. People died, and so our thoughts and prayers go out to them first."

Officials have not released the identities of the two people killed. A candlelight vigil was held Sunday night at Southwest Elementary School in nearby Greenwood for second-grade teacher Jennifer Longworth. She and her husband, John Dion Longworth, lived in one of the homes destroyed in the blast. WTHR-TV reported that friends, family and colleagues of the teacher gathered at the school.

Deputy Code Enforcement Director Adam Collins said 80 homes were damaged including 31 that might need to be demolished. He estimated the damage at $3.6 million.

Some residents were allowed to return to their homes under police escort Sunday, but just to retrieve a few belongings. Others whose homes weren't as badly damaged were allowed to return, but officials said they would have to do without electricity overnight. And others, officials said, never will be allowed to go back inside their homes.

"There are houses that will have to be torn down," Bacon said.

He said the toll could have been much worse. "I know we're very fortunate that some of the people weren't home," he said.

Officials said at least two dozen off-duty police officers who live on the city's south side rushed to the scene to help with the rescue effort. More than 80 firefighters battled flames and searched the wreckage of homes for trapped survivors.

At the Southport Presbyterian Church shelter, tables were piled high with blankets, food, diapers, water and other supplies. An animal shelter on the south side of the city offered free boarding for pets whose owners had nowhere to take them.

Rev. Rob Hock said hundreds of congregants had shown up to help after he put out a call during Sunday morning services.

Indy area papers/sites tend to recycle their stories for continuity's sake, and to make sure everyone spits out the same lines, fwiw.
Laura said:
My new theory: what if it was some kind of gas explosion from inside the earth?

I'm just having a time wrapping my head around it. Heck, maybe it was an airburst with everything ricocheting back and forth?

Indiana has a history of weird gas explosions. Radon gas is very common here, but its not explosive in nature. I remember one winter that all the man hole covers downtown were blown out when the Christmas lights were turned on. (But I'm not certain on that.) The cause was never determined.

It wouldn't surprise me if its a combination of gas bubbling up and an airburst of something else.
Laura said:
My new theory: what if it was some kind of gas explosion from inside the earth?

If that were the case, wouldn't a crater (or major ground disturbance) be more likely? That doesn't seem to be evident in the pictures.

l said:
I'm just having a time wrapping my head around it. Heck, maybe it was an airburst with everything ricocheting back and forth?

Dunno. I think the numbers involved are beyond coincidence, though, and usually when that happens some sort of message is trying to be delivered.
Hello All.

According to MSM at 12 O'clock:

-NTSB is on the scene :shock:

-Having spoken to one of the decimated home's owners, (the ones conveniently out of town), they have stated that they, "thought their furnace may have been faulty".

-No one can get in or out of the sub-division unsupervised, as they have police presence checking all I.D.s, and a voluntary curfew from 10pm-6am.

IMO, especially with H.S. and N.T.S.B. on site, is that THEY DO have an idea as to the cause, and are looking for a smooth way to cover it up. As always though, I could be wrong.
Laura said:
She and her husband, John Dion Longworth,
Longworth has an interesting bio on LinkedIn

Dion Longworth

Innovative Product Manager, System and Electrical Engineer with Significant Start-Up Experience

Indianapolis, Indiana Area
Consumer Electronics


Director of Product Development and Technology at Indy Audio Labs, LLC


Director of Product Development / Senior Design Engineer / Project Manager at Stray Light Optical Technologies
Engineering Project Manager at Stray Light Optical Technologies
Advanced Development Project Manager / Lead System Engineer at Klipsch

see all

Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis


2 people have recommended Dion

236 connections

Dion Longworth's Summary

Strong combination of engineering, product management, project management, marketing, and sales experience that gives me valuable insight into the entire process of product development. Exceptional analytical skills that allow me to learn and put together disparate pieces of information together quickly to provide insight in numerous disciplines. Analytical force behind many decisions both in product management and engineering that have delivered more than $80M in incremental revenue. Proven ability to communicate quickly and effectively to a wide variety of groups on abstract topics. Subject matter expert on topics studied, quickly learn topics previously unknown, with strong leadership and mentoring skills combined with deep technical knowledge and integrity.

Competitive analysis, internet research, technology analysis, technology prediction, disruptive innovation prediction, business plans, P&L statements, Roadmaps, Process analysis and improvement, SWOT analysis, Conjoint analysis, SEI CMMI, Six Sigma, Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM), Design of Experiments (DOE), NPD Powerview analysis, Nerac research analysis, System Requirements, Product Definition, Product Specification, Block Diagrams
Dion Longworth's Experience
Director of Product Development and Technology
Indy Audio Labs, LLC

Privately Held; 1-10 employees; Consumer Electronics industry

March 2011 – Present (1 year 9 months) Indianapolis, Indiana Area

Putting together the technologies, suppliers, and people necessary to deliver the next generation of connected high performance audio products for the home.
- Create, lead, and execute Product Management and Product Development for a new Start-Up with a multi-million dollar two-tier brand strategy of the first full line of networked high performance audio products in their price category
- Launched and Marketed 27 SKU, 6 Product, 2 brand networked high performance audio amplifier lines in 17 months with team of 5 in Product, Project, and Marketing Manager and System Engineering roles, an average of 1 product every 2.8 months
- Lead Part sourcing and cost reduction engineering activities that result in thousands of dollars in cumulative cost reductions
- Research, analyze, and select the best technologies from microchip, passives, electro-mechanical, RF, and module manufacturers to incorporate into products and create advantages in cost, value-add features, and time to market
- Lead and execute System Engineering of key technologies including extensive research and engagement with suppliers and manufacturers of Wi-Fi, Zigbee, ARM processors, LCD Touchscreens, Apple MFi, Apple Airplay, iOS apps, Android apps, and embedded Android OS
Director of Product Development / Senior Design Engineer / Project Manager
Stray Light Optical Technologies

Privately Held; 11-50 employees; Consumer Electronics industry

July 2010 – March 2011 (9 months)

-Lead Multi-million dollar New Product Development initiatives of new highly efficient Light Emitting Plasma products for a start-up
-Lead Electrical and System Engineering on all projects, including development of powerline networking and research into Wi-Fi, 6LpWPAN, and Zigbee networking
-Wrote software for touchscreen control and collaborated on software for Apple iOS webserver app based control system
-Direct team actions, priorities, and collaboration on ongoing Product portfolio and company strategy
-Design new circuits and wiring for entire product line
-Manage supply chain activities for strategically important components for entire product line
Engineering Project Manager
Stray Light Optical Technologies

January 2009 – July 2010 (1 year 7 months)

-Optical systems project management
-Lead Electrical and System engineer
-Lead Development of Configuration Management-
-Research new technologies, analyze their potential, and create new projects for them
Advanced Development Project Manager / Lead System Engineer

Public Company; 201-500 employees; Consumer Electronics industry

March 2007 – October 2008 (1 year 8 months)

Chosen to participate in Advanced Development group where I managed numerous Audio, Video, and networking projects on time and on budget. Directed several technology analyses that resulted in partner selections, initiated and then managed the relationships with the chosen companies from small start-ups to multi-billion dollar chip companies.
Product Line Manager

Public Company; 201-500 employees; Consumer Electronics industry

June 2007 – April 2008 (11 months)

• Created several architectural audio product plans that resulted in increases of millions in incremental revenue.
• Successfully managed a multi-million dollar architectural audio product line through another year of growth.
Product Data Manager and Product Manager / Market Research Analyst

Public Company; 201-500 employees; Consumer Electronics industry

August 2002 – June 2007 (4 years 11 months)

• Led Market and Competitive Research effort that resulted in a new headphone business unit that is generating millions of dollars in incremental revenue and climbing.
• Directed the successful on time and on budget implementation of a $750K PDM / PLM system (Agile Product Data Management / Product Lifecycle Management) from the requirements gathering phase, through installation, user training, launch, and onward to the management and improvement phase.
• Managed and compiled the databases for internal and competitive product information and generated monthly and ad hoc executive market research insight reports that validated countless critical feature, pricing, distribution, and acquisition decisions across all product lines.
• Led engineering initiatives to database change control, technical requirements, technical specifications, quality assurance, quality control, and revision control that reduced time to market increasing the profitability of product creation.
Project Manager, Lead Engineer
D&M Holdings

Public Company; 1001-5000 employees; Consumer Electronics industry

August 2002 – December 2002 (5 months)

Elected Project Manager for Senior Project with Escient (now a brand of Digital Networks North America, a subsidiary of D&M Holding. Project managed the development of an optical multiplexer accessory over a team of 4, two hardware and two software. Ran meetings, provided weekly updates and successfully completed the project.
Audio Salesman
Circuit City

Public Company; 10,001+ employees; CC; Retail industry

May 1998 – September 2002 (4 years 5 months)
Audio/Video/Computer Salesman
Montgomery Wards

June 1995 – May 1998 (3 years)
Just announced by 'officials':

-The following have been 'ruled out' as the cause of the explosion.

-meth lab or bomb

-plane crash

-and the biggie, no gas leaks

Well. Leaves much to be considered I think. Just what will they 'come up with'?
Guardian said:
Laura said:
She and her husband, John Dion Longworth,
Longworth has an interesting bio on LinkedIn

Dion Longworth

Innovative Product Manager, System and Electrical Engineer with Significant Start-Up Experience

Indianapolis, Indiana Area
Consumer Electronics


Director of Product Development and Technology at Indy Audio Labs, LLC


Director of Product Development / Senior Design Engineer / Project Manager at Stray Light Optical Technologies
Engineering Project Manager at Stray Light Optical Technologies
Advanced Development Project Manager / Lead System Engineer at Klipsch

That he's an audio-electronics engineer??
anart said:
That he's an audio-electronics engineer??

I just searched for his name, and there is a youtube about him and his "background." There's a rumor that he was a "target." :huh:

Indianapolis Explosion Update - Shocking info on John Dion Longworth
Guardian said:
Laura said:
She and her husband, John Dion Longworth,
Longworth has an interesting bio on LinkedIn

Dion Longworth

Innovative Product Manager, System and Electrical Engineer with Significant Start-Up Experience

Indianapolis, Indiana Area
Consumer Electronics


Director of Product Development and Technology at Indy Audio Labs, LLC


Director of Product Development / Senior Design Engineer / Project Manager at Stray Light Optical Technologies
Engineering Project Manager at Stray Light Optical Technologies
Advanced Development Project Manager / Lead System Engineer at Klipsch

see all

Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis


2 people have recommended Dion

236 connections

Dion Longworth's Summary

Strong combination of engineering, product management, project management, marketing, and sales experience that gives me valuable insight into the entire process of product development. Exceptional analytical skills that allow me to learn and put together disparate pieces of information together quickly to provide insight in numerous disciplines. Analytical force behind many decisions both in product management and engineering that have delivered more than $80M in incremental revenue. Proven ability to communicate quickly and effectively to a wide variety of groups on abstract topics. Subject matter expert on topics studied, quickly learn topics previously unknown, with strong leadership and mentoring skills combined with deep technical knowledge and integrity.

Competitive analysis, internet research, technology analysis, technology prediction, disruptive innovation prediction, business plans, P&L statements, Roadmaps, Process analysis and improvement, SWOT analysis, Conjoint analysis, SEI CMMI, Six Sigma, Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM), Design of Experiments (DOE), NPD Powerview analysis, Nerac research analysis, System Requirements, Product Definition, Product Specification, Block Diagrams
Dion Longworth's Experience
Director of Product Development and Technology
Indy Audio Labs, LLC

Privately Held; 1-10 employees; Consumer Electronics industry

March 2011 – Present (1 year 9 months) Indianapolis, Indiana Area

Interesting. MSM reported he had been employed in his current position for 10 years.
Zadius Sky said:
anart said:
That he's an audio-electronics engineer??

I just searched for his name, and there is a youtube about him and his "background." There's a rumor that he was a "target." :huh:

Indianapolis Explosion Update - Shocking info on John Dion Longworth
For me this video looks like conspiracy mongering. Numericals are fine, he put up message that "I got my photo with tom green! and I can now die a happy man". this is message sounds to me his excitement in meeting Tom green rather than a foreknowledge of his being target.

They say they have seen black helicopter day before. that needs more data to validate.

I don't see any thing special in his resume as a audio engineer or business man in that field. Most of linked in resumes will be on the same lines. There are high sounding words in technology which is difficult to understand for the people who are not in the field, which any body can cry conspiracy.

Thinking that he is doing some explosive thing( with no proof), so some body has targeted him or some thing went wrong in his experiment is stretching too far. At least my understanding.

In all this noise, if it is some meteor related issue, they will succeed in hiding. Or the entire episode is staged to wards that end ?.
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