Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Jerry said:
The blog wasn’t very impressive, difficult to read for me at least. It seems to appeal to immature minds, or whackos.

Yeah, that was my impression too. Who highlights AND underlines text that isn't a hyperlink? I guess she just expects people keep clicking until they hit a real link?
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Guardian said:
Jerry said:
The blog wasn’t very impressive, difficult to read for me at least. It seems to appeal to immature minds, or whackos.

Yeah, that was my impression too. Who highlights AND underlines text that isn't a hyperlink? I guess she just expects people keep clicking until they hit a real link?

Not to mention the overlapping text, excessive caps (shouting), black, red or blue text on gray background, flaming. . .

Seems it’s all more about the blog’s author than the work it proclaims.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Jerry said:
Seems it’s all more about the blog’s author than the work it proclaims.

It is, and "Exposing On-line Predators and Psychopaths" (EOPC -Barbara's blog) is just as bad.


...although it appears to be more about making money, begging donations, etc. There are a few legit stories, lifted from other sites, but the exclusive EOPC cases I've looked at so far appear to be Barbara blowing someone's personal problems WAYYYYYYYYYY out of proportion....for her own benefit of course.

There were some other people involved with EOPC years ago, when the org was first created, but it appears they ran like scalded cats once they figured out what Barbara was.

What's scary is that Barbara is all over the net counseling abused woman for $75.00 an hour...while telling these victims that there's "There's no free psychotherapy to treat your Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or 'deprogram' you."

which is an outright lie, as is "very few therapists know or want to know that what's left behind from a pathological requires some specialized care."

In other words, she's more qualified to help them than a Therapist who's actually got a degree in counseling. :rolleyes:

She's recently changed her spiel and is now calling herself a "Mentor" and "Life Coach" ..but I talked to an Assistant State Attorney in NY, and they're VERY familiar with that scam. What matters is that she's been charging for her services, and what's she's actually doing meets the NYS legal definition of "counseling"

I'm putting together a packet with which to file a formal criminal complaint with the NY State Attorney. Whether or not Federal charges can be filed is still in question since she is doing this across state line?

Then there is the fact that she claims to be on disability? The terms of disability settlements are usually confidential, but most are contingent on the recipient not being able to work....and she's got at least two paying blogs, her "practice" etc. I'm going to send copies of the complaint packet to her former employer, the disability insurance company, and SSI.

In the case like this, you just gotta keep running your complaint up the flagpole until someone salutes.... squeaky wheel and all that.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

I’m not surprised by what you’re uncovering, but it’s still a shame to see such nasty goings-on in “work” supposedly against pathology in cyberspace.

Sheesh. :mad:
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Guardian said:
I've decided to post a very limited amount of what I believe to be proof that Barbara Camwell Ness is Purplehaze aka EOPC (Exposing On-line Predators and Psychopaths)[...]

Looks like a slam dunk to me Guardian!
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Jerry said:
I’m not surprised by what you’re uncovering, but it’s still a shame to see such nasty goings-on in “work” supposedly against pathology in cyberspace.

Sheesh. :mad:

Yeah, it ticks me off too. I watched psychopaths do the same exact thing in the New Age community in the very beginning...infiltrate and corrupt, it's classic.
This time it's going to be a little different though, because now we can communicate with different groups at the speed of light...ok, some of us at the speed of copper, but it's still a HUGE advantage. We didn't have this tool in the 60's,70's and 80's so 'paths could just bounce from group to group, wreaking havoc. By the time we could put together who was doing what, it was too late to stop the damage.

What I'm hoping will come out of all this ...eventually, is a topic specific list or forum made up of all the women in charge of these various Abuse Support Sites, professional counselors, etc. ....ie: the people actually doing the work. I think they need a way to quickly communicate with each other, share resources and information, warnings, stuff like that ...there is safety in numbers.

The main problem is that the majority of the women I've met who are actively involved in abuse counseling know slightly less than nothing about computers, and people like Barbara prey on that. She offers to "help" and it takes time before they learn she's only "helping" herself.

I'm going to create a nice, simple, list, invite all of them, then give it to them once we've discussed how all the little buttons work. If they have a problem, the can call me and I'll update whatever. They don't need anything fancy, just a way to warn each other about the "Barbara" like people they've had problems with...an "alert list" This woman has gone through four groups that I know of (and there could be more) ....and she will NOT be the last such person to target them. This I can say with absolute certainty. :mad:
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

OMG - this is bordering on surreal.
You know when someone speaks for victims of pathologicals like purple haze seemed to be doing I immediately put my guards down and it would be almost sacrilegious to doubt them or question their motives. Good we identified this subspecies.
What a disgusting form of parasitism!

Guardian are you sure you were not a bloodhound in your previous life :P Nobody can hide from you. Glad to have you amongst our ranks.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Herr Eisenheim said:
OMG - this is bordering on surreal.
You know when someone speaks for victims of pathologicals like purple haze seemed to be doing I immediately put my guards down and it would be almost sacrilegious to doubt them or question their motives.

Another reason why networking is SOOO crucial when it comes to protecting oneself from pathologicals. These people will use every trick in the book to hide their doings; they want to see us isolated and cornered and unable to respond to their attacks. I'm sure there will be others like Barbara that come along in the future.

Herr Eisenheim said:
Guardian are you sure you were not a bloodhound in your previous life :P Nobody can hide from you. Glad to have you amongst our ranks.

Indeed! :) Great job, Guardian. I think you nailed it!
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Herr Eisenheim said:
Guardian are you sure you were not a bloodhound in your previous life :P

:lol2: That's entirely possible....you'd have to see my whopper of a nose to realize how hilarious the visual is.

Nobody can hide from you.

What they can't hide from is the truth. I'm just as susceptible to a good sob story as everyone else...more so in some ways. I'm really not any better at spotting a skilled liar than anyone else. That's why it's got to be FACTS that tell the story, IP records, server logs, etc. do not lie. When I start digging into something like this, it's always the machines who give me the absolute truth...not the people. The people give me their various perspectives on what happened, but getting FACTS from them is often like pulling teeth from an alligator ...except on the Cass forum.

Glad to have you amongst our ranks.
Thank you! You have NO idea how wonderful it was to find a group of people who are as intolerant of predatory behavior as I am AND who would call me on it if they thought I was off my nut too.
I have lots of loving friends and family who are very supportive, but they don't understand the true nature of psychopaths as this group does...especially on the Internet.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

RyanX said:
Another reason why networking is SOOO crucial when it comes to protecting oneself from pathologicals. These people will use every trick in the book to hide their doings; they want to see us isolated and cornered and unable to respond to their attacks. I'm sure there will be others like Barbara that come along in the future.

EXACTLY!! I have seen this pattern before, TWICE, in both the New Age and Environmental Protection communities. Now we have a growing on-line population of abuse survivors, and groups created to support them. Of course they're going to be targeted by psychopaths too, because that's what 'paths they do. :mad:
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

I hate to rain on your parade, but it is both very premature and misinformed. :lol: Kester's lawsuit is going nowhere. Despite a huge outlay of money on her civil lawsuit, every motion that Kester's attorney has filed has been denied :headbash:,
including the motion to subpeona Camwell's computer. McGrannahan is representing herself in the action, but it is well known in certain circles that she is being coached and advised by a very savvy criminal defense attorney. McGrannahan is making Kester
more of a laughing stock than she already was. And now McGrannahan is applying the same techniques she has used so successfully on Kester on Sandra Brown, Ma; hanging her with her own words. :whistle: McGrannahan and others have some very damning emails from Brown, in which Brown repeatedly breaches the code of ethical conduct for a Psychologist, per the State of North Carolina. :oops: I hear that several complaints against Sandra are in the works, and are being ammended to include Sandra giving access to private information to a nut job like Betsy/Guardian. :nuts: Additionally, I have it on very good authority that word is quickly spreading through Brown's potential client base concerning Brown handing over privileged emails to Kester with only a demand letter. I know for a fact that several well known and reputable blogs and websites for victims of pathologicals have removed Brown's advertising for Women Who Love Psychopaths, and are no longer endorsing Brown, her books, or her retreats. No doubt others will soon follow suit. Brown is no longer trusted by victims. And victims are Brown's bread and butter. Such is the high cost of doing business with a well documented pathological like Betsy/Guardian. :bye:
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

artfuldodger said:
I hate to rain on your parade, but it is both very premature and misinformed. :lol: Kester's lawsuit is going nowhere. Despite a huge outlay of money on her civil lawsuit, every motion that Kester's attorney has filed has been denied :headbash:,
including the motion to subpeona Camwell's computer. McGrannahan is representing herself in the action, but it is well known in certain circles that she is being coached and advised by a very savvy criminal defense attorney. McGrannahan is making Kester
more of a laughing stock than she already was. And now McGrannahan is applying the same techniques she has used so successfully on Kester on Sandra Brown, Ma; hanging her with her own words. :whistle: McGrannahan and others have some very damning emails from Brown, in which Brown repeatedly breaches the code of ethical conduct for a Psychologist, per the State of North Carolina. :oops: I hear that several complaints against Sandra are in the works, and are being ammended to include Sandra giving access to private information to a nut job like Betsy/Guardian. :nuts: Additionally, I have it on very good authority that word is quickly spreading through Brown's potential client base concerning Brown handing over privileged emails to Kester with only a demand letter. I know for a fact that several well known and reputable blogs and websites for victims of pathologicals have removed Brown's advertising for Women Who Love Psychopaths, and are no longer endorsing Brown, her books, or her retreats. No doubt others will soon follow suit. Brown is no longer trusted by victims. And victims are Brown's bread and butter. Such is the high cost of doing business with a well documented pathological like Betsy/Guardian. :bye:

That's all really funny coming from a person who is openly falsely impersonating someone else! :lol: Figure that one out! You openly engage in an illegal act by signing up for this forum masquerading as someone else and then, (surprise surprise!) proceed to write defamatory statements about the person you are illegally impersonating. So let me guess... are you, by any chance, a creepy nut job defamer?? :nuts:

The fact is, all of the available evidence i.e. hard facts, give us no reason to believe that any of your claims are true. In fact, all of the evidence points very definitely towards you and your ilk being the liar, fraud, and con artist. By the way, would the "very good authority" that you "have 'it' on" by any chance be another creepy nut-job defamer like you? :nuts:

So, thanks for the creepy, weirded-out laugh. :nuts: By their fruits you shall know them.

You may now go merrily on your pathologically deluded way. :nuts:

Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Perceval said:
The fact is, all of the available evidence i.e. hard facts, give us no reason to believe that any of your claims are true. In fact, all of the evidence points very definitely towards you and your ilk being the liar, fraud, and con artist. By the way, would the "very good authority" that you "have 'it' on" by any chance be another creepy nut-job defamer like you? :nuts:

So, thanks for the creepy, weirded-out laugh. :nuts: By their fruits you shall know them.

You may now go merrily on your pathologically deluded way. :nuts:


:rotfl: :rotfl:

It's soooo funny 'cause it's sooooo true, you CAN tell them by the fact that they never produce any facts. Their victims on the other hand, usually send you REAMS of data, pay pal records, IP addresses, etc.

Email routing headers being "confidential" is HILARIOUS....I don't think she has any concept of how email gets from point A to point B. Little fairies fly from person to person, waving a magic wand over their computers, and "poof" the email just appears.
Re: Exposing Online Predators & Cyberpaths

Guardian said:
Perceval said:
The fact is, all of the available evidence i.e. hard facts, give us no reason to believe that any of your claims are true. In fact, all of the evidence points very definitely towards you and your ilk being the liar, fraud, and con artist. By the way, would the "very good authority" that you "have 'it' on" by any chance be another creepy nut-job defamer like you? :nuts:

So, thanks for the creepy, weirded-out laugh. :nuts: By their fruits you shall know them.

You may now go merrily on your pathologically deluded way. :nuts:


:rotfl: :rotfl:

It's soooo funny 'cause it's sooooo true, you CAN tell them by the fact that they never produce any facts. Their victims on the other hand, usually send you REAMS of data, pay pal records, IP addresses, etc.

Email routing headers being "confidential" is HILARIOUS....I don't think she has any concept of how email gets from point A to point B. Little fairies fly from person to person, waving a magic wand over their computers, and "poof" the email just appears.


I was going to say something similar (although in a slightly less humorous way). There was nothing in artfuldodger's post to even hint at factual information. Just a bunch of suggestive, slanderous comments. Seems to be the MO of the creepos...
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