Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Also, footage from James Cophenhaver, who was shot, has been released. He caught footage of the roof, including what appears to be Crooks walking across the roof (possibly of one of the buildings behind the one he ended up on):
Maybe it's just the perspective playing tricks, but if it's building 6 in the background it looks suprisingly close. Given that there's the whole field with the two lines of fences between that building and Trump's podium, how does it appear to be so close in that video? As said, maybe it's just the perspective and low angle. I'm not saying the video is doctored, just trying to understand why the building appears unnaturally close.
Has anyone found the full interview from the above tweets? There might be some info to make the situation clearer in those statements that are cut off. From the pics of the sniper location, it looks like this one is on the second floor, but the window is the one facing west, not south towards Trump. That would match up with one of the three positions from the docs provided to Grassley (yellow):
View attachment 99391

Here's what I believe is the location, with lines to the tree and the building visible in the sniper pics. The tree wouldn't have been visible from the blue location.
View attachment 99392
As for the pics Nicol took of Crooks, those were apparently taken from the middle, blue position. Do those photos look like they were taken from the ground floor, or second floor? (This video tries to recreate the vantage point in 3D from the second floor.)

Also, footage from James Cophenhaver, who was shot, has been released. He caught footage of the roof, including what appears to be Crooks walking across the roof (possibly of one of the buildings behind the one he ended up on):

It looks like the new video from Cophenhaver above is the closest we have seen so far in terms of line of sight on that day. I guess it is unlikely that we will get a better picture/idea of the line of sight. It should be pretty close I think. I would say it looks like the proposed windows on Crooks building are all not in line of sight (blocked by people, for example). Hard to tell for sure though. What we see there is probably close to the line of sight of the bullet that hit Trumps ear. What is going on, on that higher roof behind Crooks building to the right? It‘s the roof Niall proposed at some point. Are there several people up there or is it something else that can be seen there? Notice that that roof looks like it would have good line of sight. The window/-s in the left higher building behind Trump don’t seem to match up with the injured and dead people at all. The window on Crooks building and that higher roof behind Crooks building to the right seem both to match up quite nicely with Trumps ear and the dead and injured people.
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It looks like the new video from Cophenhaver above is the closest we have seen so far in terms of line of sight on that day. I guess it is unlikely that we will get a better picture/idea of the line of sight. It should be pretty close I think. I would say it looks like the proposed windows on Crooks building are all not in line of sight (blocked by people, for example). Hard to tell for sure though. What we see there is probably close to the line of sight of the bullet that hit Trumps ear. What is going on, on that higher roof behind Crooks building to the right? It‘s the roof Niall proposed at some point. Are there several people up there or is it something else that can be seen there? Notice that that roof looks like it would have good line of sight. The window/-s in the left higher building behind Trump don’t seem to match up with the injured and dead people at all. The window on Crooks building and that higher roof behind Crooks building to the right seem both to match up quite nicely with Trumps ear and the dead and injured people.
Probably this a power pole:
Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 2.35.28 PM.png
Maybe it's just the perspective playing tricks, but if it's building 6 in the background it looks suprisingly close. Given that there's the whole field with the two lines of fences between that building and Trump's podium, how does it appear to be so close in that video? As said, maybe it's just the perspective and low angle. I'm not saying the video is doctored, just trying to understand why the building appears unnaturally close.
Here's Copenhaver's line of sight for perspective. Red line passes second vent from the left and the corner of the far building:
EDIT: I added blue lines to show his camera's field of view (not 100% accurate but close enough).


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If so, that means he was shot from his front and left, which would sort of line up with the snipers behind Trump, or if from the rear, it would mean to his back right, which would line up with that last window on the right in the 2nd story building behind him. I seem to remember that window was seen open at one point.
These two windows behind Crooks were open when a helicopter flew over some time after the shooting:

open window_behind Crooks.png

I think the last window on the front face of that two-storey building might be too far to Crooks' right to have a bullet fired from there cause an exit wound at the front of his face. You'd think it would come in more like from the right side of his head to his left.


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    open window_behind Crooks.png
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To wrap up, my interpretation: Trump was knowledgable of the “event”, he was an active participant, and he was the leading character in making the event of his being winged in the ear look “natural”. In order for the "event" to be taken seriously by the public there had to be casualties and other evidence (tractor hydraulic line being hit, etc.).

Could I be mistaken ?
For sure; this is just my interpretation - I can’t see the entire elephant, I’m outside the box, I can only reach inside the box and feel some part; maybe I'm nuts, but that'd be due to what part of the elephant I grabbed, LOL.

thanks, life
The event was staged, but not that staged. The mission was to eliminate Trump. For real, not 'pretend'.
Here's Copenhaver's line of sight for perspective. Red line passes second vent from the left and the corner of the far building:
View attachment 99394

In the above, we have a bit of an issue because of the angle the image is shot: In engineering, that problem is called Parallax Error. Here is what the true image without Parallax Error looks like. I added a second red line representing the injured man named Dutch also going through Trumps head. What you see here should be pretty accurate:


Notice that the middle of both red lines pretty much exactly fits where Crooks was. The areas in between the red lines [+ maybe slightly farther left and right of that (considering errors and such)] might be where the shooter was that hit Trumps ear, if we assume that the bullet that hit Trumps ear hit Dutch and/or Copenhaver. If we assume that, I think the shooter couldn't have been much farther to the left or right of that area.


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This seems like a good position.

View attachment 99399

IMO pretty unlikely because that area/building doesn't seem much higher than Crooks building and the two buildings behind Crooks on that red line. IMO here we have the same issue as with the idea of the second shooter on the roof on the building behind Crooks, but, MUCH more pronounced, because it is much farther back. I'm pretty sure you probably couldn't even see the top of Trumps screen from there when standing upright. Having said that, it is so far back in the crime scene, that it might have been possible for someone to use some form of ladder there to get high enough to shoot at Trumps head and then escape more or less unnoticed because it is so far away from the "hot stuff". Also, the red lines in my previous post seem to make this area unlikely IMO.
In the above, we have a bit of an issue because of the angle the image is shot: In engineering, that problem is called Parallax Error. Here is what the true image without Parallax Error looks like. I added a second red line representing the injured man named Dutch also going through Trumps head. What you see here should be pretty accurate:

View attachment 99401

Notice that the middle of both red lines pretty much exactly fits where Crooks was. The areas in between the red lines [+ maybe slightly farther left and right of that (considering errors and such)] might be where the shooter was that hit Trumps ear, if we assume that the bullet that hit Trumps ear hit Dutch and/or Copenhaver. If we assume that, I think the shooter couldn't have been much farther to the left or right of that area.

Notice that besides Crooks we have other areas that look pretty much in line: 1: that window that was lighted, 2; the proposed area of the building behind crooks that is at the same height, and, 3; the higher building at the far end that Niall previously proposed.
Also, footage from James Cophenhaver, who was shot, has been released. He caught footage of the roof, including what appears to be Crooks walking across the roof (possibly of one of the buildings behind the one he ended up on):

Notice how Crooks is running from left to right and then disappears until we see his head pop up? That left/right direction does not appear consistent with him climbing that 5' extend-a-ladder at the front of building #2. We would see him running towards the camera if he did with minimal left/right movement. I think he's running along the roof of building #3 to get to the passage between building #3 and #6. Did he come out of the side window of the two story building? Did he come out of that little enclosed courtyard behind building #2 and #3 somehow?

I also think this video has been cropped. It makes no sense that Copenhaver would start filming Trump's speech at the moment when Crooks is in mid-stride.
New footage - to me anyway! - taken from the grassy (west) side of AGR #6 appears to show that Crooks was still alive after shot#9, and that shot#10 (the final shot that comes about 10 seconds later) indeed killed him:

From that, it pretty much looks like Crooks was shot by the very last bullet that can be heard?
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