Remember the guy on the roof in the suit from the body cam video who was encouraging the locals to let the detainees go?
What is being said starting at 2:22 in the above video? It is quite hard to suss out because bits and peaces can't be heard and seen clearly. But if you watch it over and over again from that point, the following seems to happen:
The guy who is filming is saying that he doesn't know how many victims. Then the woman in the background says "three". Then she holds up her hand, showing three fingers. Then the guy filming ask her "three are deceased?". Then the woman says something you can't hear clearly, which ends with "at least two". Then the guy filming ask her "any LE?". She says "no". And then she says "Ahh no, incorrect, there is one" and something that you can't hear clearly. Then the guy filming ask her "in the van?" and she says "in the, yeah" and something that can't be heard clearly in between which end with "in there". Then the guy filming asks her "did he survive?" and she says "unclear" and something that can't be understood clearly, and he says "copy".
What does "LE" mean? In think, it probably "Law Enforcement"? So a Law enforcement person was either wounded or killed? And something about "in the van"? Could anybody hear, try to filter out what that woman is saying in the whole exchange? To hear it more clearly?
I have to think about it more (it could be wrong!), but that woman might be a prime suspect as part of the conspirator team as well. Her name is "Michelle":
As for the man in black, not sure. Michelle seems to know what's going on, even in the background, and notice she remained somewhat in the background in this video. She may just be a Medic and not, er, in on it.
Anyway, you have most all of it better than my hearing, and will add a bit to the beginning and as an overall to go along with what you wrote:
The preamble: then the guy who points out and says, the rifle is right there, obviously, and the man in black says, got that.
They then talk about the bike and who took the photo. Assume this is the bicycle.
Second guy then asks about the sniper in the window, and asks Michelle (who is standing by the backpack) if 'Greg' is there, and she point to window as do others who seem to confirm that he (Greg) had sent the original pictures, and had seen the bike (and the suspicious character). They seem to stand around and confirm - the man in black may also have said of Greg, he is the one with glasses on… and trails off. Is this guy with the glasses Greg?
They go on as a small group to discuss the owner of the bike and the man in black points down at Crooks and says, that’s the owner of the bike (inaudible after).
The man in black then discusses the guys filming ‘us’ (Davis etc.?) and adds in filming the roof, and further said these are the guys filming that ran away, and then the man in black says, isn’t that what everyone would do? (good point), then said find out what they know, who they are, whatever. It was almost dismissive.
Then it was said, so we have:
1 shooter deceased
3 victims in the crowd (not confirmed by them at this time)
Something said about the water tower, then comments as said above, and if there was an LE as Cosmos said, where the Medic says no, followed by inaudible, which Cosmos gets adding about the Van, and did he survive – response inaudible to me.