Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

I would argue that Trump’s assassination attempt could be foreseen already in 2016 after he was elected and when we saw the incredible smearing campaign that was put in motion against him. I mean, ‘they’ surely had killing him on the table as a last option in case their other tactics would fail (which we now see did fail) already back then. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t see these future castings and readings from a couple of months back as anything spectacular.
Yes I agree. For instance, Tucker Carlson has been reporting that Trump's life is in danger for some time now, and I don't think anyone would claim he is psychic. Prescient, perhaps, but not psychic.
Yes I agree. For instance, Tucker Carlson has been reporting that Trump's life is in danger for some time now, and I don't think anyone would claim he is psychic. Prescient, perhaps, but not psychic.
Yeah but Tucker Carlson didn’t report someone will try to shoot Trump at a rally and the bullet will graze past his ear. That’s a pretty accurate prediction.
Yeah but Tucker Carlson didn’t report someone will try to shoot Trump at a rally and the bullet will graze past his ear. That’s a pretty accurate prediction.
I sometimes correctly predict the score of football matches, armed with enough information about the teams, recent form, current players available etc. I'm not psychic, just making an informed assessment of the likely outcome. I don't see this as much different - Trump has been under intense attack for years now and an attempt on his life was likely - then you select one of the handful of possible outcomes of such an attempt. Doesn't mean this guy doesn't have some ability to assess the possible outcomes, I just wouldn't automatically describe it as psychic (although I can't rule that out entirely).
Q:(L) Is this something we're seeing right now with these massivedemonstrations going on in American universities, which basicallygive Israel a very bad image?
(Joe)Because of what they're doing in Palestine.
(L)So they have something to do about it?
A:Very warmly.
Q:(L) So it has to do with Israel, maybe with Trump and the Americanpolitical scene and the mass protests against genocide and Palestine?
Q:(L) So they're going to try to do something because...
(Joe)To divert attention from all that.
(L)To divert attention from it all, or to mitigate it?

Forme, I see Thomas Crooks as a scapegoat, there was a professional whoshot first, and did a good job of it, and it was also the soundsignal given to Crooks to shoot into the crowd (he wasn't chosen tokill Trump, not an amateur)and also to be able to compare the bulletswith the murder weapon, it has to be that for the investigators andto confirm that it was indeed him who shot
Aprofessional doesn't get noticed by the crowd, so Crooks had to getnoticed so that people only saw him and not the pro, and of course, aradical, as is often the case.
Peoplewill be busy speculating
Idon't think this is the time to kill Trump, that'll happen on anotheroccasion.
Justmy vision after reading and watching everything.

Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass | Substack

"I can’t help wondering if yesterday’s assassination attempt is the first act in a play, where the next act will involve a Trump supporter successfully assassinating Biden, having been serenely plotted by strategists like those in this Network scene:… It’s a win-win-win for the cruelites: 1) They get rid of Biden without the political cost of losing face. 2) Biden becomes a martyr who can no longer be criticized and can be used serve the greater cause. 3) The DNC can replace him with their preferred puppet. 4) They can still rig the election without it looking suspicious. 5) The Trump supporter (and by association, Trump) are vilified as far-right–wing fascist extremists, justifying a ramp-up in the War on Domestic Terrorism. 6) The media make out like bandits on the entertainment value of the unfolding play. Perhaps we can foil the plot if so many people see this prediction, they know they won’t be able to get away with it."
There was a message by our assignments at work today that said not to engage in political discourse in the workplace. That policy was first created some years ago. Still, what is interesting is not even the casino players are talking about the assassination attempt. It's like a left over reminent of the Covid shutdowns to not talk about the elephant in the room.
More images of the place from different angles:
although there are a couple of trees near the place where the shooter fired, none of them obstruct the view of the roof, perhaps they did not see him crawl since the roof has an inverted "v" shape or they had their attention in a more distant place( he could also have climbed the stairs on the right side where a tree does give him some cover), if they took 16 seconds to respond; Even if it was fast, that clearly doesn't helpand it does not prevent a murder in a real situation, which is what it seeks to prevent!... I can't imagine that a protocol of this type would be so flexible over time, so I'm inclined to believe that there was a lack of personnel and security was not enough or there was a certain climate of relaxation, which is inconceivable anyway, as are the other possible failures.
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I think Trump is in danger. It was just a misrepresentation, a warning to Trump. We're making it look like a crazy loony when the ear shot would have been made by a sniper. The second chapter, if Trump continues, will be something other than an ear wound.
You're saying that whoever the shooter was, purposely avoided his head and grazed his ear with a bullet? That's some mighty good shootin there. You can't be serious. Are you?
I think Trump is in danger. It was just a misrepresentation, a warning to Trump. We're making it look like a crazy loony when the ear shot would have been made by a sniper. The second chapter, if Trump continues, will be something other than an ear wound.

Sure, but then as the saying goes, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me...

Could mean reducing or even terminating all open-air rallies, but if those are still to be held, then to increase security ten fold. Also, people attending will augment their vigilance and will not hesitate to get into action if they deem it appropriate.

The Secret Service took a reputation hit, I don't think will be in their best interest to lose a presidential candidate after yesterday's events.
Yes I agree. For instance, Tucker Carlson has been reporting that Trump's life is in danger for some time now, and I don't think anyone would claim he is psychic. Prescient, perhaps, but not psychic.

Agree! I don’t think he needs to be psychic for that, neither Alex Jones, it’s just part of being rational and logical. In PTB’s mind, Trump can’t be president, if anything they have done didn’t work, what do you think would be the next step?

Now, if this is also part of what the Cs said that “help is on the way”, we can be thinking on cosmic and climate events, but this also could be part of it! We have received a “breather” so to say, a little help!
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Sure, but then how the saying goes, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me...

Could mean reducing or even terminating all open-air rallies, but if those are still to be held, then to increase security ten fold. Also, people attending will augment their vigilance and will not hesitate to get into action if they deem it appropriate.

The Secret Service took a reputation hit, I don't think will be in their best interest to lose a presidential candidate after yesterday's events.
I think the SS do not care at all. They were not vigilant when the assassination of the Kennedys. Nor when some lunatic tried to kill Reagan. I do not believe in the “lone wolf”.
Russian analyst Pyakin was saying on Monday that Biden was set up on purpose by sending him to the debate and letting the liberal media show that he's an old man with dementia and then saying he's not going to drop out of the presidential race. That the purpose of this was to shock and scare the Democrat electorate into believing that the courts couldn't imprison Trump and his rival is a walking wreck was to "provoke" the radical nutjobs into carrying out an assassination attempt to save democracy from the arrival of Trump, the embodiment of all earthly evil. Since the deep state is too risky to lose to Trump even by fielding a more presentable candidate. And so after Trump is assassinated by the new Lee Harvey Oswald, then Biden could be safely replaced by Gavin Newsom or some other talking head.

So they would relied on a random plan, hoping for someone became mad enough to carry the assassination by himself??? It's not serious.
For your first post, you appear to be somewhat literate with the C's material, but if you had better knowledge of the sessions, you would know that the C's discussed an assassination attempt on Trump as recently as a few months ago:

You are assuming that the Quorum is acting "for the sake of universal balance". Personally, I don't place much faith in the good nature of people who conduct secret meetings with aliens with the future of humanity on the agenda.

This statement is nonsensical. I suggest you don't try to think in paradoxes; it will destroy your brain.

By the way, could you please introduce yourself in the Newbies & Important Notices to All Members forum, so other Forum members can get to know who they are speaking with? Thanks!

Why are you talking about some other situations? What relevance does that have to the current situation?

I never claimed you said there was no shooting. That's a straw man argument.

Logic is a useful tool, but can lead to wrong conclusions. And there are many possibilities, even an infinity of them, but not all of them are worth mentioning.

Except you haven't provided any evidence for the possibilities you mention. That's sloppy thinking. Taking the position of "it must be fake, because it's happening in the USA" is not one that befits a person of your intelligence, osit.
I am not a fan of any material and I don't have any guru as a reference but your statements about Cs hits don't convince me it seems very far fetched it is good to be informed and keep in mind many things of the Cs material but even Laura who declares that Jesus did not exist as such for me is very wrong the support she may have is just one more theory of the pile in the end time never lies we will see. things are because so far no fallen of dimensional window is seen in these places but ...possible ..mmm
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