Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Well, just to throw it out there, another possibility is that they used some sort of advanced BlackTech, or even 4d tech, to take Trump out and blame the patsy. Not that there's any evidence for it, except that the whole thing doesn't make a lot of sense.

How about a drone sniper?

List of victims:

James 'Jim' Copenhaver- "wounded by gunfire" (Crooks?)
David 'Jake' Dutch- shot twice
Corey Comperatore- deceased; shot

I've been trying to find the locations of these men at the rally but have so far been unsuccessful. However, there is another victim who's location is generally known. Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson’s nephew was also injured at the rally which was posted on X on Sunday.

After doing a bit more digging, I'll update this info a bit.

David Dutch was in the bleachers. He was shot twice.
David "Jake" Dutch, one of the two victims critically wounded by gunshots at the Trump rally Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania, walked down the bleachers with a T-shirt bunched up against his wounds before getting help, friends told Fox News Digital.

In this article, the wounds are revealed on David Dutch.
Jennifer Veri-Grazier told the New York Times that the 57-year-old suffered damage to his liver and broken ribs in the shooting and has had to have more than one operation.

In the same article, it suggests Corey Comperatore was not in the stands. (Echoed in this report as well with a possible photo of Comperatore being attended to.)
Mr Comperatore's daughter Allyson later wrote on social media [FB] about how her father had thrown her and her mother to the ground and "shielded my body from the bullet that came at us".

Now, the guy wearing the red hat, pointing down and yelling is the same guy in this video posted earlier. Notice his shirt is clean.


You can see the same guy is standing sideways on the right. You can just make out that his shirt is now bloody.


In the video, this emergency dept. physician mentions doing what he could for a guy who was shot in the head and had "spun around and was jammed between the benches". He also replied, when asked, that only one person was shot. Besides Crooks, Corey Comperatore was the only one who died from his injuries. He was shot after he had "thrown her and her mother to the ground" and was covering them. I think he was in the bleachers and 'ground' was just a figure-of-speach.

A modified map with my ideas (in yellow) as to where the victims were located.
Modified Trump Rally Maps.jpg

About the bomb supplies:
Law enforcement officials told The Associated Press that bomb-making materials were found inside the vehicle of the man suspected in the Trump rally shooting. There were also bomb-making materials found at his home. The two officials were not authorized to publicly discuss details of the investigation and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.

Bomb-making, but no actual bombs? Why bring the detonator with you on the roof then?
So far this is the only decent evidence of a second shooter, but it's pretty worthless unless they release their actual data and analysis. So far I haven't been able to find anything but the CNN article. Anyone else have any better luck?
A significantly less worthless analysis from yesterday by "459 Crimes":

He shows some of his work, which helps, but not all of it. This analysis contradicts the Colorado study cited by CNN, claiming that all initial 8 shots come from the same gun. (This is what it sounded like to me, but I'm no expert.) He says:
The rate of fire has nothing to do with the type of gun it was fired from. The time of delay of the echoes, as well as the acoustic signature of the echoes, places the first 8 shots from the same location.
In replies, he clarifies that this analysis can't determine relative locations, just signatures, but that it does suggest three guns fired from three different locations. He presumes that shots 9 to 11 are from counter-snipers.

Interestingly, the final shot, which everyone has been assuming was the counter-sniper shot that killed Crooks, apparently matches the signature of a shot fired very soon after the initial 8 shots. So if that's the case, the counter-sniper actually shot twice: once right after the initial volley, and one several seconds later. That leaves one shot right after the first counter sniper shot. Either this was a second shooter, or a second counter-sniper from the second team located on the building to the right of the team we've seen on video and in photographs. If it was a second, professional assassin, he was totally inept, firing off a single shot after Trump was already on the ground covered by SS agents. Seems more likely to me that it was the second counter-sniper team.

He also recommends this article by the guy that debunked the water-tower theory:

Which includes this picture:

With the trees obscuring the view from both sniper teams, it makes sense that they would have to take more than one shot.
You just can't make this stuff up. There were no SS men on the roof because of the danger of the slope of the roof.


Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle said in an interview that aired Tuesday morning that a sloped roof used by the gunman who attempted an assassination of former President Trump last weekend at a rally had “safety factor” considerations.

“That building in particular has a sloped roof, at its highest point,” Cheatle said in an interview that aired on ABC’s “Good Morning America” Tuesday morning to the outlet’s Pierre Thomas. “And so, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.”
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