Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

By the looks of the video the secret service sniper "saw" and moved his head right about the same time the gunshots are audible.
That's what it looks like to me. The counter-sniper was scoping around and saw the guy right before the shooting started. He looked up from his scope to confirm what he was seeing (don't know if this is SOP or a mistake in such a situation) right as the first shots rang out. Probably these guys who shot the guy seconds later.
Yep, it's an inside job. Pray for Trump
Summary (footage below):
  • Trump has responded, saying on Truth Social "I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear."
  • Secret Service says one spectator was killed and two were critically injured.
  • Former President Donald Trump was shot in the ear by a would-be assassin at a Butler, Pennsylvania rally on Saturday.
  • Trump could be seen grabbing his ear and falling to the ground, before standing up and walking off stage.
  • Approximately nine shots rang out.
  • A member of the crowd, as well as the shooter, are dead following the assassination attempt.
  • One Trump supporter says he alerted Secret Service before the shooting and was ignored.
  • Trump's team reportedly asked for 'beefed up protection' and was rebuffed over and over by Biden DHS.
Update (2126ET): President Trump has responded on Truth Social, writing: "I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening."


The Secret Service, which reportedly ignored a warning about the shooter climbing a building (see below), has issued the following statement:

During Former President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on the evening of July 13 at approximately 6:15 p.m., a suspected shooter fired multiple shots toward the stage from an elevated position outside of the rally venue. U.S. Secret Service personnel neutralized the shooter, who is now deceased. U.S. Secret Service quickly responded with protective measures and Former President Trump is safe. One spectator was killed, and two spectators were critically injured. This incident is currently under investigation. and the Secret Service has notified the FBI.
Update (1918ET): Trump was grazed by a bullet and two people are dead, including the shooter, according to the Butler Country District Attorney.

According to The Federalist's Sean Davis,
"A source familiar with Trump’s security detail tells @FDRLST that the former and future president’s detail has been asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks, but has been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS.
DHS, which oversees Secret Service protective detail “wasn’t responsive to those requests” for more resources, the source said."
Longer clip with closer vantage (shooting at 21 seconds):
Nine shots were heard, including three before Trump grabbed his ear.

Some reported seeing the military chase someone on the left hand side of the bleachers. The Times is also reporting that secret service is kicking out the press and has declared the venue a crime scene.
Screenshot 2024-07-14 at 04-31-05 I Was Shot Trump Responds After Assassination Attempt Shoote...png
According to Secret Service spoksman, Anthony Guglielmi, Trump "is safe" after "an incident occurred" at the Pennsylvania rally.

Trump spokesman Steven Cheung said that Trump is "fine and is being checked out at a local medical facility," adding that Trump "thanks law enforcement and first responders for their quick action during this heinous act."

"Everyone join me in praying for our President Trump and everyone at that rally. I hope everyone is ok," GOP Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) posted on X.

One Trump supporter told the BBC that he and others saw the shooter before the assassination attempt, alerted police and the secret service, and was ignored...
The incident comes days after Joe Biden and top Democrat donor Reid Hoffman make assassination comments.
And of course, the Washington Post goes with "Trump Rushed Offstage From Rally After Loud Pops."

Yes, 'loud pops' ... 'loud noises,' really just an annoying sound is what we think they're trying to convey.
Screenshot 2024-07-14 at 04-33-59 I Was Shot Trump Responds After Assassination Attempt Shoote...png
At 0:49 you can hear the security members declare that "The shooter is down. The shooter is down."

A close-up from the above photo. My interpretation is that the the two lines on his face are bullet grazes. If this is the case, the longer line might also be the bullet that hit his ear since, from this angle, the path looks direct: starting at his upper lip, travelling across his cheek and slicing his ear. It could also be three separate shots. If this is what this is, you can't get much closer!

View attachment 98078

Edit: Was this the 'something big in the middle of July' that was being foreseen by the psychics?
I'm thinking those two lines are probably just blood that dripped down from his ear onto his face when he was huddled on the floor.

2024-07-13 22.38.30.jpg
I’m shocked they were able to (apparently) find the identity of the shooter so quickly. That’s a red flag for me, plus the photos of the body on the rooftop don’t look similar to the image still from the supposed shooter.

The fellow on the left looks like a portly man, the right looks lean and skinny.

It’s too early to make any conclusions, but is it a ‘book depository’ moment gone bad? Have the PTB really become this sloppy or something else at play?

Sure does look sloppy. More than one rally goer has been interviewed by the media saying they saw the assailant climb on top of the building with a rifle, told the cops and were seemingly ignored. BTW, aren't the Secret Service or local law enforcement supposed to be on those roofs or at the very least be looking out for suspicious persons climbing onto a vacant rooftop? More than likely a few officers are in on this assassination attempt and are being paid or blackmailed just like the school shootings.

And, yeah, Chubby Pantifa Guy doesn't look like he could climb buildings like a Ninja. So weird. The whole situation is suspicious.
In this video which is a close up, my impression is that the secret service engages first and then the shooter. He seems to have seen something and shoots and then the shooter shot right afterwards. But that's my very uneducated impression.

If that's the case, could it be the reason why the shooter 'missed'?

Yeah, I could be wrong. I don't know what the firing protocol is. It may take even a professional sniper a long time to spot someone at 150 yards, identify them as a target, aim, get authorization to fire (if needed), then fire.
After watching and reading, I come to the conclusion that this is a circus with horses, a production. (No one shot in the ear because it was too dangerous, but they tore it with some kind of device, if they tore it at all. It is possible that during the subsequent "medical examination" this ear was carefully, safely scratched.)
As a result, we have an "indomitable Che", whom let someone try to remove from the elections.
It's sad that someone got hurt as a result.

The response from the russian artillery. It says: "For the Trumps ear!"
This is ridiculous.
I would sign the next shell like this: In Trump's ear!

Посмотрев и почитав, я прихожу к выводу, что это цирк с конями, постановка. (В ухо никто не стрелял ибо через чур опасно, а порвали его каким то устройством, если вообще порвали. Возможно, что в ходе последующего "медосмотра" это ухо аккуратно, безопасно поцарапали.)
В результате мы имеем "несгибаемого Че", которого пусть кто-нибудь попробует убрать с выборов.
Печально, что в результате все же кто то пострадал.
Это смешно.
Я бы подписал следующий снаряд так: Трампу в ухо!
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I don't think this is over by any means personally. There may be a lot more "ops" rolled out on top of this one soon to bury it and create a "new abnormal". Time to keep your head on a swivel (in the US especially), top off your preps, and be prepared to watch from afar and analyze every single thing that follows from this event from as objective a space as you can possibly maintain. OSIT.
Yes, this seems like it could be a 'trigger' for other things. That's what Alex Jones is implying in a video he just released. He said they will probably try to get Trump again, they are super desperate, and they will probably try to get Biden as well and blame it on Trump supporters. Martial law may be in the cards. He said those people yelling 'Now Trump will be elected!' need to cool their jets because that is probably not the simple path the future will take.

After watching and reading, I come to the conclusion that this is a circus with horses, a production. (No one shot in the ear because it was too dangerous, but they tore it with some kind of device, if they tore it at all. It is possible that during the subsequent "medical examination" this ear was carefully, safely scratched.)
As a result, we have an "indomitable Che", whom let someone try to remove from the elections.
It's sad that someone got hurt as a result.

Посмотрев и почитав, я прихожу к выводу, что это цирк с конями, постановка. (В ухо никто не стрелял ибо через чур опасно, а порвали его каким то устройством, если вообще порвали. Возможно, что в ходе последующего "медосмотра" это ухо аккуратно, безопасно поцарапали.)
В результате мы имеем "несгибаемого Че", которого пусть кто-нибудь попробует убрать с выборов.
Печально, что в результате все же кто то пострадал.
Nah, he really got shot.
It's quite incredible, so their goal was to assassinate Donald Trump, imagine that.. their hope was that by this evening we would all be talking about a dead Donald Trump, and now that hasn't transpired.

The amount of popularity that this will garner for him makes it impossible to even think that he's not going to take the elections, the insult on everyone when and if they steal them or cancel them, will be so momentous that it could lead to an incredible amount of chaos and violence in the US.. which will only lead to more control and oppression, which brings me squarely to, the quorum meeting:
This was my first thought… it’s just like peaceful protest that are highjacked with violent operatives; PTB want violence so then they can justify harsher action. In this case, a failure like this is a boon but also a delay to the chaos.

If Trump would have died right there on live tv, the country would have rioted before sunset, and now the miss just guarantees the riots will certainly take place in November. Trump supporters here are mostly benign, still believe in the good ol’ USA, and are more likely to attend a rally rather than a protest, but this will radicalize millions. IMO this is just setting the atmosphere for an ‘unexpected’ Biden win in October, and all that follows.
1.- I think unlikely that it was a mistake and shooter missed out.
2.- Maybe Trump got smart and make all out to play same game as "Bidens team" (Fake News With Fake Shooting) and win Simphaty votes.
3.- If whoever wanted to send Trump a message it would be something else in the middle of anywhere or with his son or family in other situation, this is not a mistake I think. (Ebrahim Raisi President of Israel just died and we assume why and who, everything can be done)

I think Trump pretend to be a victim, smart move.
The dead guy and guy with glasses doesn't look like the Antifa Guy or that Commie Walmart Guy's photo that is making the rounds as the assassin. This is getting weirder by the hour. How much will be scrubbed before the narrative gets reset by the MSM Whores?

Don't think any heads will roll at the Secret Service. I have little faith that the FBI and DHS will conduct a thorough investigation of the SS and local law enforcement agencies response to the assassination attempt. The Alphabet Soup Guys are most likely there for coverup purposes. What a mess. Glad Trump survived this one.
Nah, he really got shot.
Yeah, that's how it should look, otherwise the circus loses all meaning. It's funny that the shooter was slammed even faster than Lee Oswald.

Ага, это и должно так выглядеть иначе цирк теряет весь смысл.
Прикольно, что стрелка хлопнули еще быстрее, чем Ли Освальда.
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