Padawan Learner
In the video clip at .25 speed, Trump doesn't even flinch at the time he was supposedly hit. The sound of the bullet and the startle of the graze should have caused a sympathetic response of some kind. He should have jerked his head away from the bullet at least. All he does is move his hand to his ear and then proceed to duck down. Also, notice his hand in the video...there is NO blood on it as he pulls it away from his ear. There can be a slight delay in an injury before blood will appear, but not as long as it took for him to move his hand to his ear, hold it for a second, and then withdraw it. Ears bleed a LOT too. I don't know, but this is highly suspicious as being planned. I also think it's strange that they would allow him to pose for the cameras. He should have been huddled around so that he was not visible at all for the duration of him exiting the area. Just a couple of thoughts on it.
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