Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

Hi all,

I work as a security guard for a company that provides services to community health clinics. They have a few locations. At one of the locations something interesting occurred yesterday. A patient came into the clinic and yelled at everyone: "Donald Trump was shot so I'm going to shoot all of you!" Something along those lines. No one was hurt. I don't think she even had a gun. She's in a mental hospital right now. Interestingly enough, her name is Karen.

Maybe HAARP is activated or the STS faction is doing what they do to peoples thinking. I'm wondering if the Deep State/STS peeps are going to stage a false flag and blame MAGA?

I'm reminded of C's comments on Greenbaum victims "malfunctioning" and "going off" earlier than planned. I wonder if this failed assassination attempt on Trump could trigger something in other Greenbaum victims.

Q: (T) Are you aware of the Greenbaum effect? Dr. Greenbaum and his mind control experiments, that we’ve been looking at lately?

A: Yes.

Q: Is what's said there factual? I won't say true, but is it factual? Most of it?

A: Close.

Q: (T) OK, the question is, is the fellow that just shot three professors in San Diego, I think it was, the University, before they read his thesis, because he was afraid they would throw his thesis away, and make it look bad, and flunk him. Was he a Greenbaum subject?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Why did they turn him 'on' at that point?

A: Not correct concept. What if: those programmed in the so called "Greenbaum" projects are preprogrammed to "go off" all at once, and some "malfunction," and go off early?

Q: (L) Oh!!! Can you tell us at approximately what time they're programmed to go off? Because it is a program...

A: Nope.

Q: (T) No, they can't. Free will!!! (L) OK, can you tell us how many of them there are?

A: No.

Q: (T) Do you know how many there are?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Are you 'tuned in' for...

A: Tuned in!?!
How about a drone sniper?

Duh! That would fit the bill. It could have hovered next to the water tower, or even 30m high somewhere between Crooks and the water tower. Or even higher and closer to Trump. Bet there are even stealthier versions around in the Black tech world, although that would probably limit their shooting range. Would be interesting to look at angles consistent with the videos in that light.
Thanks Keytone. My apologies, I didn't mean to trigger an avalanche. Thanks for being so candid.

I asked because I am curious about the inner mental workings of those individuals who are still clinging ... to what? There are a number of people I know but don't associate with - just see their comments online. (All the Democrats, I mean) They have mostly gone stone cold silent. But I don't know what they are actually seeing, or thinking, if anything. The inner mental delusion - what are they saying to themselves inside their minds? (the ones who I know can "think")

Everyone here is going through a deep sobering process, but the Dems...? Obviously there are those who have shown their true colors - I mean the appalling "Dammit - next time don't miss" group. I guess it is the inner process of conversion that is interesting to me. The slow dawning realization of... something. What are they seeing? Or ARE they seeing? Trump Derangement syndrome runs rampant. Does this (what should be obvious) assassination attempt change anything? I guess I am going to have to actually ask the Democrats I know at the great risk of kicking an unpleasant hornets nest.

But thanks again.

It depends: First on the F-stop of the lens, then the ISO that he used, then the lens itself (wide angle, tele-lens). It was broad daylight, summer. Then he is also using a Sony camera (A1 the flagship of mirrorless cameras from Sony, as far as I know), which is famous for taking many pictures in a row with an excellent autofocus. Considering from the pictures he shot and the data he provided, he used a 24mm, f1,4 Sony lens. He used it almost wide open (f1,6) and that's one reason why he needed a fast shutter speed to compensate for the correct exposure for the entire image. And he wanted imo to freeze these moments too, since he is also moving and not holding the camera steadily.

And from an interview, he seems to go that way/is his routine, to take as many pictures as possible. He got a feeling that something was happening, and he followed many presidents (even Reagan after he got attacked, or talked to him later) in the past and his attitude is to go forward, not backwards and is one reason he wasn't going down at that moment. And it is his job as a photographer to capture these moments, though he goes on the secure side and takes pictures with rapid fire :-).

Screenshots from an interview with him and some provided raw data of the image:

Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 09.46.25.jpg

Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 09.46.54.jpg

Video from interview:

Just now I hear german mainstream radio interviewing a descendant of a guy that did the famous failed assassination attempt on Hitler. That woman explains things like how people believed hitler at the time and how the Nazis did things an so on. If that is a coincidence I eat my shoes. Seems they want to paint what happened in that ridiculous angle for brainwashed people. No surprise though.
This poster noticed something peculiar about the stock price of DJT's Truth Social Network in the weeks prior to the failed assassination attempt. Following the money with shades of 9/11...

So, it has been confirmed that one of the biggest equity firms that shorted DJT's stock with put options in the days prior to the assassination attempt was called the Austin Private Wealth Company. Some of their largest stockholders include Vanguard and Blackrock, and this fund supposedly has connections to the Bush family (George Sr and Jr) and donates to many Israeli-affilated NGOs and other entities.

And I also read on X somewhere (can't find the post right now) that, after the plan to kill Trump failed, the Austin Private Wealth Company reported a "clerical error" to the SSC, saying that it was supposed to 12 thousand shares shorted - NOT 12 million!

Senator Marsha Blackburn has made a statement claiming that SS knew about the threat before Trump took the stage.
It would not be a lonely shooter if anybody knew something about any potential threat. Then it means it has some inside logistics.
How could anyone know about a potential threat if it was just an average intelligent, good shooter guy?

I don't think he would tell anyone before the shooting.
If SS knew about the threat, then they probably knew from intelligence info.
I know we have seen a lot of potential hits over the last years in regards to what the C‘s said in 2003 and 2016 about a “big miscalculation that will reveal the man behind the curtain“ but could what we see now with this attempted Trump assassination be exactly what they were referring to? Also notice “will reveal man behind the curtain“ could partly refer to the possibly otherworldly elements here such as Trump turning his head just in time. Also notice the very interesting context in which both answers by the C‘s are embedded:


A: The situation looks bleak indeed. But remember the Achilles heel of STS: Wishful Thinking.

Q: In this case, how is wishful thinking going to help?

A: There will be a big miscalculation made. It will reveal the "Man behind the curtain."


Q: (Joe) Is one of the main reasons that Trump and every other president who comes into power immediately goes and makes nice with Israel, has that got a lot to do with this Epstein guy and others like him who blackmail everybody? Essentially, does Israel control by blackmailing? It's not so much that Israel's our best friend, but...

A: Close. Watch closely for events that will reveal the "man behind the curtain."

Q: (L) And that is in the context of Jeffrey Epstein and Israel blackmailing people in power - literally everybody.

(Joe) Do they have anything on Trump?

A: Not much.
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And from an interview, he seems to go that way/is his routine, to take as many pictures as possible. He got a feeling that something was happening, and he followed many presidents (even Reagan after he got attacked, or talked to him later) in the past and his attitude is to go forward, not backwards and is one reason he wasn't going down at that moment. And it is his job as a photographer to capture these moments, though he goes on the secure side and takes pictures with rapid fire :-).

According to this post in X, the photographer's name is Doug Mills who just happens to be the same photographer who snapped that famous picture of George W Bush in a classroom being informed of the events on the morning of Sept 11.

BTW sorry for the tone of my last post. It's probably something I should have posted in the Swamp. But I do wonder how many here who read that have experienced any of the same things with their own friends and family? And if anyone has some input that might help heal things, I'm open. I'm doing all I can for myself currently so that isn't so much of an issue, though it is hard in its own way. Thanks for listening, always appreciated. On with the assassination discussion.

I don't think you have to apologise, you were asked for your input here. However it could also be helpful to copy that post to the swamp to continue the discussion there? Up to you :flowers:
I don't think you have to apologise, you were asked for your input here. However it could also be helpful to copy that post to the swamp to continue the discussion there? Up to you :flowers:
I agree. Your answer was very interesting from someone who believes like religion what the tv is saying (your mother) and also I am sorry for her, evidently.
George Webb has suggested that crooks may have been working for the Butler Township Police as they have confirmed that volunteers were part of the security coverage team.

He also claims that four motorcycle police left Joe Biden motorcade and joined Trumps motorcade before the event and that two of them were wounded during the shooting.

New Evidence Points To Multiple Shooters In Trump Assassination

New Forensics Delineate Eleven Shots From Three Weapons​

JUL 17, 2024

Stunning new forensic analysis if the Trump Assassination attempt indicates a total of eleven shots fired from three separate weapons, obliterating the “lone gunman” theory of the Trump Assassination.

The forensics speak for themselves, and the probability that the Crooks young sniper fired all three weapons after being shot is extremely unlikely. The geometry doesn’t align with at least two sources for the shots fired.
The race here in Butler, PA, seems like a race between citizen journalism now to uncover evidence and the FBI destroying it.

Even published pictures make it look like Crooks was spotting for a sniper, not the actual shooter. His dead body lies a significant distance away from the gun he hauled up to the roof. Was he bringing a gun to a SWAT member? Why was he killed so far away from the weapon?

Are we seeing the movie “Spotter Patsy” played out before our eyes?

I have confirmed with the Butler Township Police that volunteers were part of the security coverage for “outside the perimeter” of the Secret Service, meaning the “Sniper Crooks” could actually just be the “Spotter Crooks.” That would explain Crooks's three intercepts by law enforcement and then being allowed to proceed to the roof with range-finding equipment.
Why is there a SWAT ladder if there is no SWAT member?

How did they know Yearick wasn’t the sniper he was supporting before opening his phone? How did they know he was a “lone gunman”.

Wouldn’t a spotter for Yearick go to the site to scope it out as a part of his job? Wouldn’t that explain how he was not stopped with a RangeFinder after being intercepted three times?

George Webb’s Task Force Orange Journal is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.


Neighborhood News citizen journalist Tyrone Sargent shows the two angles of fire from the forensic evidence.

We also have new evidence of four different motorcycle police leaving the Joe Biden motorcade to join the Trump motorcade in a very suspicious last-minute change of security assignments.

I am actually staying at a hotel with Police snipers and sharpshooters from all over the United States and Canada at my hotel, and to a man and woman, they are all shocked at the lack of security at the Trump Assassination attempt.

Here is a split screen video which highlights the long wait to engage the shooters.

I confirmed this morning at Butler Township Police Headquarters that an officer did engage with the suspected shooter on the roof of the American Glass Research building.

The Butler Township Police Department would not answer follow-up questions about the officer who intercepted Crooks, and the Township told me the FBI is handling all public information releases now.

“Inside the perimeter” and “outside the perimeter” were the key phrases slung around Butler Township Police Department this morning. I had a feeling there were active discussions on assigning blame where these were the operative phrases. Clearly a ladder was used by the Crooks shooter to ascend to the roof. Elon Musk has tweeted out the location, which is very close to a SWAT ladder in the same building.

Fox Commentator Dan Bongino says an “unimpeachable source” says someone was assigned to the roof and did not show up for the job. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle says the pitch of the roof was the deciding factor not to put a Secret Service sniper on the roof (what about the water tower just beside the buildings?).

The pitch of the roof the snipers used to take out Crooks is actually much steeper, making Director Cheatle’s excuses almost appear comical.

Fox commentator Dan Bongino says he has an unimpeachable source that can identify who was assigned to the roof and that the assignee did not show up for the assignment (so don’t name a replacement?). I have publicly asked Dan Bongino to share the name so I can do a follow-up interview here in Butler.

In another troubling story about the Secret Service’s judgment, Jonathan Willis, reputedly a Secret Service sniper, had the Crooks roof shooter in his sights for three minutes and was not permitted to fire. Video evidence appears to bear this out.

I have reached out to Willis here in Butler, PA, but he appears to be in fear for his life.

We are also working on the “ladder story” here in Butler, PA.

I am also following the fake lamp story, which appears to have been taken in a staged photo before the assassination.

We will continue reporting on this Trump Assassination attempt from here in Butler, Pennsylvania. I visited Butler Township Police this morning, and the Police have informed me the FBI will run all future press conferences. More daily updates here.
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