French presidential elections.

Hollande had rain, hail, and even thunder on his plane on his first days are president. Maybe something symbolic there.
mkrnhr said:
Hollande had rain, hail, and even thunder on his plane on his first days are president. Maybe something symbolic there.

And a lightning hit the plane so he dad to return and change it to get to Berlin with his meeting with chancellor Merkel.
So with the latest news about this politician we know now how he is. This is disgusting.

There is this this planet no one good politician. No one.
loreta said:
So with the latest news about this politician we know now how he is. This is disgusting.

There is this this planet no one good politician. No one.

Unfortunately it is "meet the new boss, same as the old boss". And as we have seen more recently in Libya and now Syria, those who don't fit in will be replaced. There are endless Hollande's who will ensure this happens on behalf of those who insist, imo.
voyageur said:
loreta said:
So with the latest news about this politician we know now how he is. This is disgusting.

There is this this planet no one good politician. No one.

Unfortunately it is "meet the new boss, same as the old boss". And as we have seen more recently in Libya and now Syria, those who don't fit in will be replaced. There are endless Hollande's who will ensure this happens on behalf of those who insist, imo.

Indeed. It was just a matter of time before this happened. He's the French Obama, IMO.
Are there any politicians, who are also decent human beings?

Is anyone really trying to change things in the geopolitical sphere?

I really thought Ron Paul had potential. How gullable we prove to be.

societe humaine said:
Are there any politicians, who are also decent human beings?

Is anyone really trying to change things in the geopolitical sphere?

I really thought Ron Paul had potential. How gullable we prove to be.


I think that some politicians are decent human beings. And I do think some really want to change things. But the thing is we can't really know for sure what's going on behind their minds to begin with.

The real problem though, imo, is that the powers behind politicians (the psychopaths who rule the world) won't let it happen on a global scale. They might let some things happen (perhaps to give us the 'impression' we have won) but in the end, they are always there and no matter how many of them we 'defeat', there will always be others that will keep going with the agenda.

My 2 cents.

Ailén said:
voyageur said:
loreta said:
So with the latest news about this politician we know now how he is. This is disgusting.

There is this this planet no one good politician. No one.

Unfortunately it is "meet the new boss, same as the old boss". And as we have seen more recently in Libya and now Syria, those who don't fit in will be replaced. There are endless Hollande's who will ensure this happens on behalf of those who insist, imo.

Indeed. It was just a matter of time before this happened. He's the French Obama, IMO.

It looks like it, also as he spoke out a similar threat as Obama did: "In case Syria uses chemical bombs, we declare war" or something a long that line.
As soon as he was elected, the tv screen was separated in two, showing on the left the jewel's sacrament of Hollande, the one of Sarko on the right... (Maltus's cross)
A so tell-tale transfer of power, shown for three seconds. Who saw this?

People that arrived at that place, may not be good people. Let's remember how many good people got killed or poisoned by the elite for they never come to the throne?
I am not positive regarding this new chief.

By the way, We have the exact measure of Nature's law in ourself. Why would we need chiefs? To create more psychopaths?
Manille said:
By the way, We have the exact measure of Nature's law in ourself. Why would we need chiefs? To create more psychopaths?

I don't think we can 'create' psychopaths. They are born like so. They have no soul. They all share a common essence which have nothing to do with human conscience so to speak.

They are primarly the ones who impose themselves as world leaders (cheifs). And those who are really at the 'top of the pyramid' are most likely unknown to the public.

I think some politicians may very well be psychopaths but I also think they most likely serve other more powerful psychopaths which serve even more powerful entities.

My thoughts.

JayMark said:
Manille said:
By the way, We have the exact measure of Nature's law in ourself. Why would we need chiefs? To create more psychopaths?

I don't think we can 'create' psychopaths. They are born like so. They have no soul. They all share a common essence which have nothing to do with human conscience so to speak.

Do I have the right to think that one can become a psychopath? How many persons became psychopaths after having electro-chocks or passing time in the corridors of the psychiatrists? After crossing a big disease or degenerating through any other factors? I won't be so categorical.
I found it moreover funny that the persons that established the rules to how to recognize a psychopath could be seen as psychopaths themselves... which is quite twisted. So what kind of credit do we have to give to those studies?

The acceptance of that theory that psychopaths are people we couldn't heal is really appropriate! That way we have our new enemy well found. Like before the WW2, when all the deranged persons were sadly deported. But of course, not the persons from the pyramids you are talking about. Not the persons that were pointing those nuts people and created the way people are seeing them.

What this theory is conducing us to, is having absolute no compassion for them. Anyway, compassion is a bad word nowadays, more and more. It is no good to have compassion, it reminds so badly the new-age movements.
Such thoughts would direct us promptly to kill and maybe torture a lot of people, for a scientist to avow us in one century that those people could have been healed. It is so a common sense that they can't be cured, that it produces as an NLP in people's brain. I am not so categorical. I always let a window opened, even more since I know how the pyramidal cells are always perpetrating a democide.
Because we are led now so obviously to this democide. I say beware and let's look twice to the situation.
The settled visions that those people have to disappear because they are incapable of being healed, is always leading to depraved and disgraceful human behaviours. It is dangerous anyway to close a door without letting us the chance to see things differently. Rather since all this is orchestrated by the psychopaths of the pyramid, that won't die from such deviances. They would go on pushing flags on maps, quietly.

The enemy has always something that couldn't be cure. Now it is a fatal degeneration. And none is guilty for that, of course. They are the bad and we are the good. It can't be so categorical. Science can't be so categorical anyway. Past proved that science is always changing the way it's analysing the situation. Past showed us how science is not foolproof. Science is changing as the weather.
It is always imposing a way of seeing, even if it has to change a century after. As for me, I have no proof those people can't be healed. And by the way, there are therapists that can work on the brain to regulate the problems occasioned in many manner, for a person couldn't develop psychopathy. it exists.
I know the subject a bit and the damage on the birth brain for example. I just notice that the persons that praise this theory of birth are giving too much importance to it as though.

I remember more than 20 years ago when this psychologist study came from the US, talking about co-dependance. It was then question of the perverse narcissic, or perverse manipulative... What's the difference with the psychopaths? None. Read the points that denounce the characteristics of a perverse person, they are the same.

All is just about a way of spelling. Now the words in vogue are psychopaths and predators. Often those people are taking drugs or drink a lot. There are many factors than a fatality to understand why those people are turning the way they do. (Sorry, this is my point of view. I don't impose it to you. I share. If I have to think under rules all the time, so why shouldn't I consider all the world is not psycho itself?)

So let me be clear here: I accept psychopaths are existing. I just don't that they were especially born as though and there is no issue for them but death or camps. Just because I think as Rousseau that the society perverts people...
Of course, I don't pretend you said that. I just want to show you where such a certainty could lead to.

Peace too.
I will never, ever have compassion for a psychopath. And when I wanted to be very angry I think about those who are in the power, in Spain particularly. They are very present! Like vermin. In the palaces and big houses. It is good to hate a psychopath, I ask? Because I hate psychopaths that are responsible for the sufferance of so many people. Maybe my question is not correct. But, it is normal tho hate psychopaths? And if so, what G is telling about this hate? Is there something I can read about it?

Today I went to Portugal. Now you have to pay if you take the express-way. And very soon we will have to pay also in Spain. But the situation is that express-ways are already paid, long years ago with European subventions. Sorry if I change a little the subject but I really think that our politicians, Spanish, British, Portuguese and also French are a mob of mafiosi. And yes, I am angry. :mad:
Manille said:
Do I have the right to think that one can become a psychopath? How many persons became psychopaths after having electro-chocks or passing time in the corridors of the psychiatrists? After crossing a big disease or degenerating through any other factors? I won't be so categorical.

Hi Manille,

I think you should get up to speed on the subject and read Political ponerology and the recommended books on psychopathy.
I don't like them myself, at all. But I refuse to consider that they are just here from a mishap birth. Could lead to horrible idiosyncracy.
They may come to life like that but not inevitably. And I guess the ones that become psychopaths because of the real ones by birth are those that the pyramid is preparing to decimate. With our agreement.
Manille said:
I don't like them myself, at all. But I refuse to consider that they are just here from a mishap birth. Could lead to horrible idiosyncracy. They may come to life like that but not inevitably. And I guess the ones that become psychopaths because of the real ones by birth are those that the pyramid is preparing to decimate. With our agreement.

Refusing to consider a possibility is refusing to be objective (and gawd knows we all have been there as a matter of fact).

Also, it would be considerate to read the proposed material before saying we/they are wrong. Otherwise, you are just assuming to know what we know to be wrong (is this even grammatical?).

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