French presidential elections.

The xenophobic far-right candidate got hit with an egg during his visit to Moissac today
12 Mar 15:02 Prepared By: Al Mayadeen Executed By: Al Mayadeen
Eric Zemmour, a Jewish Algerian candidate for the French presidency in 2022

Riots in #Bastia
The big demonstration degenerates at #Bastia into #Corse with jets of molot*v cocktails in the direction of the Prefecture. (@Jake_Hanrahan @FTViaStella) #YvanColonna #Colonna
Curiously the cops are much less hot in Corsica than in Paris. There is a pretty amazing laissez-faire

VIDEO – Before Emmanuel Macron's arrival in Pau, where he is to talk to a dozen readers from Sud Ouest, the president-candidate's order service evacuates a woman who, installed among the public, was taking notes and photos, and filmed with his phone ( @Le_Figaro)
The woman evacuated from the Beaumont Palace before Macron's arrival is named Sonia Benhamada. She received an invitation via the party. She wanted to ask a question about Justice. She claims that the security service forcibly deleted her last photos & videos on her phone

Clarification: there is indeed a journalistic video pool currently provided by BFMTV (exterior) and TV7 (interior), but it is fixed and no other mobile camera has been authorized to circulate among the public.

Snail operation and blocking of farmers in Vannes in Morbihan against the rise in the price of #carburants . Actions are taking place in several departments of Brittany today. #ManifsCarburants
A paper about the fraud on the first round of the election (don't know the validity, I didn't try to check) :

Preliminary report on France’s first
presidential election round 2022
The strange blindness of the French Constitutional Council
faced with INSTITUTIONAL election fraud
INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economical Studies) verifiable data and
official results offered by Internal Affairs Ministry (as such):
1 630 municipalities with more registered voters than inhabitants
1 744 with at least as many registered voters as inhabitants
11 898 municipalities offer an abnormal display of votes’ distribution. i. e. :
8 434 municipalities without a single invalid ballot
4 053 municipalities without a single blank ballot
2 105 municipalities without both a blank and a single invalid ballot
3 768 municipalities display that are shown replicated elsewhere for all of the first
three candidates, including:
1 747 municipalities without a single invalid ballot
1 326 municipalities without a single blank ballot
821 municipalities without both a blank and a single invalid ballot
An important variation of registered voter number does appear during election day,
with an increase of 1 639 300 registered voters being displayed between the first
hours of April 10 evening and the end of the vote count on April 11.
Fluctuations detail:
Decrease of registered voters by 817 570 until 11:40 pm (23h40) , including 457 570
less registered voters in under a minute.
Increase in registered voters by 1 227 400 at 11:47 pm (23h47) on April 10.
Between 3:35 am and 3:36 am on April 11th, we are also observing another increase
in the registered voters number by 1 396 300.
Note: According to INSEE’s statistics of February 14th 2017, there were 45 678 000
registered voters on the lists and 1.3 millions registered voters outside of France, i. e. an
increase of 3.58 % for France and 10.5 % outside of France’s territory between 2017 and
Noticed discrepancies at 3:36 am :
Candidates displaying gains outside of standard statistics’ range:
Emmanuel MACRON
Yannick JADOT
Candidates displaying losses outside of standard statistics’ range:
Marine LE PEN
Nathalie ARTHAUD
Candidates displaying no statistical abnormalities, despite noticeable variations:
Philippe POUTOU
What objectively casts doubts on vote sincerity and authenticity:
Ballot boxes and counting documents do not remain in the municipality’s hand, but
are all left to one of the little over 100 Prefectural authorities for “control” at the end
of election day, without any possibility left for an ulterior citizen’s control. Making
copies of any document is specifically forbidden.
Interior’s Ministry does not proceed to any publication of results before a 45% of the
expected total registered voters have been considered by reported ballot counts. It
is thus impossible to verify if all candidates are even starting with zero counted
votes in the beginning. *
Quantity and dispersion of voting offices.*
1 509 municipalities display changes in their results during the course of the
reporting of votes. This concerns 267 537 ballots.
87 municipalities of the Sea Dominions and Territories of France (DOM-TOM) did not
get provided with any public population count since at least 2014.
These territories display an increase in registered voters numbers of more than 10%
between 2017 and 2022, concerning these 87 municipalities.
Lately, voting has been rendered possible without an identity document, if the
« Carte Vitale » (Social Security Card) is presented**
Excessive statistical abnormalities have been displayed in larges cities, especially
those with over a hundred (100) voting offices. These are places where voter fraud
may have an important impact on the overall result.
Conclusive word:
Voter fraud could be regarding millions of votes. Not only is it rendered possible by
State’s obstination of preventing any possible form of verification, but it is also
demonstrated by facts, if we legitimately consider there cannot exist more
registered voters than inhabitants for any given place.
Anyone can check a few graphical items in the end of this document, before a more
complete analysis is eventually published later on, with the release of the complete
version of this report.
The final version of this report will also offer a method in order to approach first
French Presidential Election’s first round’s final results, although any final say is
virtually impossible, for proof has either been destroyed and the “Prefectures” will
never make it available for control.
Fraud’s amplitude cannot be precisely determined, but a combined estimation could
suggest many millions votes are fraudulent in the benefit of President Macron,
candidate Mélenchon, and crippling candidates Le Pen et Lassalle.
*Insufficient chain of custody - Circumstances render chain of custody practically impossible
**Decision of November 16th 2018, as published in the Official Letter (Journal Officiel)
According an article of February 12th 2020 of “Le Figaro” , there are at least 2.6 millions of
“Cartes Vitales” in excess, although 5.2 millions had first been announced in a Commission’s
Anonymous Group for Fraud Watch, April 20th 2022




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I went to vote this morning, not because I think it will make a difference but just to send a signal. There were a lot of people queuing up, which was the reason for getting there early before the doors opened.

It seemed clear after the last election 5 years ago, that Macron was selected and not elected as has been mentioned in this thread as well as by the C's. The election this time around is again too important for the rulers to just let the people decide so manipulations will undoubtedly occur.
I went to vote this morning, not because I think it will make a difference but just to send a signal. There were a lot of people queuing up, which was the reason for getting there early before the doors opened.

It seemed clear after the last election 5 years ago, that Macron was selected and not elected as has been mentioned in this thread as well as by the C's. The election this time around is again too important for the rulers to just let the people decide so manipulations will undoubtedly occur.
I will do the same a bit later today. I wondered if it was worthwhile to go, knowing that the game was rigged. It seems we are approaching the "end game", so the PTB will not allow another mistake like Trump in 2016. I would be pleasantly surprised if the country is still standing in 2027 for the next presidential elections.
Like you Aenas, I want to send a signal to the universe, that I don't approve of the way we are being treated and what they are doing abroad in our name. That our values are not being respected. We'll see.
It seemed clear after the last election 5 years ago, that Macron was selected and not elected as has been mentioned in this thread as well as by the C's. The election this time around is again too important for the rulers to just let the people decide so manipulations will undoubtedly occur.
I wonder if it was so clear last time, how will France react this time? The yellow-vest protests and those following show that the French people are certainly in the mood to not put up with it much longer.
The main interrogation i have in regard to french elections is about Marine : how much is she controlled, blackmailed, or is accountable to some ... bad/dark guys or forces ?
Of course that if i was french i would vote for her, that's not the point, what i just wonder is what room for manoeuvre will she have if she's elected ? Is it really the wish for the PTB to have the other psychopath elected ? Sure that it seems to be, but the top ones of the PTB, is it what they really want ? I would suppose that they have a plan for both cases of figure, this is not possible, at least this is what i think, that they would not have considered at all this output (election of Marine).

What i dislike in this actual election is that we do not have a clear response to the question which could be summarized by :
To which extend did the PTB managed to get one or the other candidate elected ?
To which extend does the PTB do not wish Marine to be elected ? I mean : would this really pose them a big problem ?
Did the PTB really did all it can to oppose Marine ?

I'm strongly wondering how is it going to unfold. I read on telegram channels that in the dom-tom they mostly voted for Marine, almost 2/3 of the votes for her. It's the first time i so much follow an election in France, it's really a key moment of our history.
Me Diane Protat (lawyer) talks about some action to invalidate the current elections on some unconstitutionnality in the process.
Her actions didn't hold in front of the Constitutional Council but now it is in the hand of some European court or something.

So, what is it all about ?

To be declared candidate for the French presidential election you need to have 500 mayors and/or other officials that give you a sponsorship. This time several candidates where strungling to get enough sponsorships, including some so called "big candidates", Marine LePen and Jean-Luc Melenchon.

And, for the first time in history a politicians named François Bayrou, not a candidate, decided that he would collect sponsorship from mayors. Their where blank sponsorships, and Mr Bayrou was the one to decide to which candidates he will give the sponsorships.

The elections could be invalidated by this European process in a year or so.

Interview in French:

Me Diane Protat: "Certains candidats ont-ils été exclus par l'intervention de François Bayrou?"​


Présidentielle 2022 : les Français à Shanghaï ne pourront pas voter pour le premier tour​

Présidentielle 2022 : les Français de Shanghai ne pourront pas voter au premier tour

Ni pour le deuxième tour...

Neither for the second round...

Présidentielle 2022 : les Français à Shanghaï ne pourront pas voter pour le premier tour​

Présidentielle 2022 : les Français de Shanghai ne pourront pas voter au premier tour

Ni pour le deuxième tour...

Neither for the second round...
Voilà! Modern version of French égalité. :rolleyes:
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