I'm not sure if this has been posted yet:
Multiple cops said they have been sent messages urging them to call out sick on Independence Day because New Yorkers do not 'honor us'.
With all these fireworks going off, the police will be on strike during the highest risk period in NYC. Doesn't seem like a coincidence to me. I've been hearing a lot more of them here too, especially just north of me close to downtown. I'm going to go to Home Depot in the next couple of days and get a couple fire extinguishers and something to block my door with. I will also get rid of all the dead grass around this area and I will hose down my roof before heading inside next Saturday. Beyond that I'm not sure what more I can do, other than to lay low and pray our area will be safe. If anyone else here is also hearing these random explosions, now might be a good time to prepare.
I'm starting to get sort of concerned in other areas, too. I just discovered that I am not getting e-mails from friends, and everything I send out is getting blocked as well. I had to contact a friend through the "contact" portal on her blog to discover this. I subscribe to Startmail, which offers encryption services, so it's not linked with the MSM. My Yahoo account, however, works just fine. This same crap happened to me when I was trying to share information from my work place with Dane Wiggington some years ago.
In other news, I tried to get some cash yesterday and I discovered that the two main ATM's I normally use no longer exist. I have to go directly to my bank to get money now. I guess we are going cashless come hell or high water. Anyone else noticing this too?
I also went to Chipotle for lunch yesterday during my lunch break. What a mistake. The guy who served me, who couldn't have been more than twenty, sharply rebuked me for stepping off of my designated "six-foot marker" even though noone was within six feet of me. I didn't say anything, but my face turned beet red and I started shaking with anger. He noticed it too, and HIS face went red with anger. The Nazis are already here, and they surround us. Anyway, that's the last time I ever go there.
This is just getting worse. Our management echoes every single thing that our dear governor declares. We now have mandates to always wear our masks when going into common areas, hallways, and even the bathroom - while *in the bathroom*. Do they have cameras in there now? Do I have to wear gloves when I handle the TP? And we have to use the stupid sanitizing gel before we handle any common equipment, or even the car steering wheels.
I don't know how much more of this I can take. I can physically feel my anger rising to the point where I have a very hard time keeping it under control now. And I do my best to clear with breathing exercises and taking walks. It soon won't be enough.
I think WIN52 is right. There is no reconciliation possible between some people any more. You can't deal with people who won't do their own due diligence, who are just programmed to believe what they are told. I am really starting to wonder if the OP's around me are nothing more than fleshy mobile cell phone towers, and their purpose is to amplify the signal. There has to be a separation soon on some level, but I don't think just being around similar minded people and staying away from the rest is enough any more. Those who believe all these lies won't stop until we ALL believe the same things.