I would like to add something to the discussion, and I hope not to digress too much doing so.
Michael Yeadon said:
"People do get ill, people are ill... [fast forward]...it's just we don't know what causes them, and they're not respiratory viruses."
I do not take his words for granted, but let's try to assume that he might be,
possibly, right -or half right-,
in some way... [See "Short teaser about the flu" below, to get why I write this.]
Maybe we could look elsewhere, or at least open a door that could shed light on some aspects that have not yet been
really discussed in this thread, not to mention they are not really understood or studied at this point.
I recall I shared in this thread a comment back in August 2020 about
Kruse's POV on electricity, plasma, Birkeland filaments, bacteria, cells and mitochondria. An idea of electric components to this thread, on which I come back today, wondering a lot.
From the last session:
Q: (Chu) There's a discussion on the "No Virus" thread and Mandatory Intellectomy wanted to ask questions about it.
(Joe) How correct are scientists' ideas about viruses?
A: Close enough though there is a lot they do not know including the fact that a virus is a transdensity structure.
Q: (Joe) Do viruses come from outside of the human body or from inside?
A: Both.
Q: (Joe) So the body can also make them?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Are they infectious?
A: Depending on the specific virus. Mostly, yes.
There is a lot they do not know... including... the transdensity structure". I would have welcome further questions about what's in this "
a lot".
Speculation ahead: Viruses exist (well, I do not think existence of viruses is speculation, it is what comes next that is), they are transdensity structures, and maybe there is a context where they can express (both outside and inside living bodies...) in an
unknown to us specific way (devolution, evolution... maybe). What if this context requires a huge amount of electro-magnetism added by the
cosmic cycle of comets (including their viruses which are a priori information) with quantities and effects (of pure inform-ation) unknown to us, a natural quantity that would be nowadays further aggravated (for most) by the huge impregnation on Earth (at large, aka terrestrial, atmospheric and oceanic) of the anthropogenic electro-magnetism? Could this "inform-ation" be twisted by this anthropogenic electro-magnetism, kind of mal-informed so to speak?
In the
Speculation on Laura's new book- Horns of Moses thread,
@benkostka wrote a comment about the Arthur Firstenberg’s book
The Invisible Rainbow - A History of Electricity and Life [anthropogenic electricity]
. Other comments have been made about in the
EMF Exposure thread. I had this book in my list to read, so I bought it on July.
I now have finished it, and I repeat what I've already wrote:
It is fascinating. Since some of you may not have read it (it has been published in
German and
Italian (at least, I've found those four), and since there is an informative summary (
available in French HERE), I copied the whole in Deepl to translate it in English and I've made a Pdf available for anyone who want to read it (uploaded at the end of the post). At first, I thought I could copy the whole here, but this post is long enough (sorry about that). I have copy-paste the two extracts I've already
shared in another thread, and added another short one (below the "Short teaser about the flu").
But first, let's go to the presentation benkostka made about his reading of the book:
It’s worth reading for the dangers associated with electricity and gives the history of experimentation in our time starting with the telegraph up to our current experiments with 5G.
A couple things that were interesting and perhaps the biggest take away is that all the electricity and EMF on the globe is slowly killing all life, birds, bees, insects, trees and of course humans are all negatively impacted by the excessive EMF in our atmosphere.
He’s got lots of historical documentation where forests started dying after radars were placed near them during the Cold War and then returned to life after they were turned off. Other information like all the bees dying on the Isle of Wight after Marconi set up some of his first experiments also really bring home the negative cascades of our collective decisions to the 1D and 2D species. How can forests cycle nutrients without insects?
There’s also many insights to be made about the nature of certain chronic health problems where too much EMF can exacerbate things. So another thing to think about along with diet. It’s a relatively fast read, about 250 pages with another hundred or so pages of citations for anyone who wants to dig deeper.
Note that the 5G is just the umpteenth layer on top of all the others already active (and soon maybe the 6G and many other things). Also, I don't believe that 5G matters in particular in Covid assumptions read here and there. Rather, I believe that the whole anthropogenic electro-magnetism since its beginning tells a story that we should maybe
not dismiss.
Now, about the author and his book from the French informative summary mentioned above:
About the Author:
Arthur Firstenberg is a scientist and journalist at the forefront of the demolition of the taboo concerning the harmlessness of electromagnetic fields on living beings. He graduated from Cornell University with a degree in mathematics and attended the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, from 1978 to 1982, which he had to interrupt due to the after-effects of excessive x-ray exposure. Since then, he has been active as a researcher, consultant, author and speaker in the field of environmental effects of electromagnetic radiation.
About the book:
This remarkably well researched and referenced book is a cornerstone in the sense that it traces the deployment of electricity in our civilisation, in terms of its interaction with living material, from the very beginnings of its discovery in the 1750s, to the present day, including projections into the future. Note that the title refers to the entire electromagnetic spectrum, including the colours of the rainbow, but also all the invisible frequencies, such as radio frequency or the fields generated around conducting wires.
Short teaser about the flu (partly included in the Pdf):
The way he approachs the history of the Influenza (which means, "under the influence of stars"), first in last centuries (connected with Sun activity already back then), and second when electricity started to be used all around us, could shake up the deepest beliefs about what flu could be, including the possible reason why flu has become "seasonal/annual" while - according to the author - it was not before the introduction of electricity into our living environments.
And one (more) extract from the book itself about the influenza (p. 87 of the French version):
Since ancient times, influenza has been known as a capricious and unpredictable disease, a wild animal that came from nowhere, terrorised whole populations at once, without warning or agenda, and disappeared as suddenly and mysteriously as it arrived, not to be seen again for years or decades. It behaved like no other disease, was thought not to be contagious, and got its name because its comings and goings were said to be governed by the 'influenza' of the stars.
But in 1889, influenza was tamed. From that year on, it would be present every year, all over the world. It will mysteriously disappear as before, but we can count on its return, at about the same time, the following year. And it has never disappeared since.
I recall Didier Raoult (a French microbiologist who, on the basis of his practical work, defended the use of hydroxychloroquine to fight Covid-19, against the winds and tides of scientific doxa.) saying during CovidPandemic that
nobody knows the mechanisms that makes seasonal a disease like influenza. "We do not know"... he said. This is a rare humility among scientists today.
While I was sharing what is above, I have re-read some parts of Thomas Forster's books I have at home, as he has a lot to say about his observations regarding cosmic/atmospheric electricity due to comets, and plagues. It happens that I've wrote two articles (in French) back in 2013 about the Forster's works:
In one of his books, he included what he called the "Comet Catalogue", a chronicle of all cosmic[comets]/atmospheric/disease events from 15 AD to 1843 AD. This catalogue is reproduced in the 2nd article above.
@Pierre does mention Thomas Forster too in
Cometary Encounters (p. 166) from one of his book
Illustrations of the atmospherical origin of epidemic disorders of health, regarding what Forster has to say about the correlation between cometary activity and volcanic activity (which is too correlated to electric activity).
In another of his books,
Observations sur l'influence des comètes sur les phénomènes de l'atmosphère ("Observations on the influence of comets on atmospheric phenomena", this one have been published in French in 1836), Forster is keen "
not to exclude the great influence of atmospheric electricity on all earthly bodies". Aka today, an atmospheric AND terrestrial/oceanic anthropogenic electricity/electromagnetism in which all living creatures are today immersed. He also said (in this book), and that is very interesting, conceptually speaking: "
The meteors I saw coming down from the sky [...] had the appearance of electrical communications". He also links the approach of a comet to civil unrest in society. Pretty intriguing, related to the other Pierre's book
Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic connection.
Now, if we add the natural electro-magnetism to the anthopogenic one, to which we add the one which is induced cyclically in a cosmic way (and we may be due to be in several of these cycles, starting by the 3,600 years cometary one), we may well reach a combination of potentially devastating effects (for most) on all living creatures. Does that make sense?
Back to the Firstenberg’s book, here is what I've wrote on last Monday in the
Speculation on Laura's new book- Horns of Moses thread:
We are all electrical beings, all living things are electrical, in an electric Universe. The author asks questions and shares a large number of scientific studies applied to humans and some animals. Beyond the effect of anthropogenic electromagnetism (which has been superimposed in multiple layers for more than 150 years), I wonder what effect it might have on the parasites, bacteria and viruses that make up [compose] the entire animal and plant kingdoms... Im' not sure that studies of that kind have been made.
What is the real impact of this change on our health, on top of everything else (toxic environment other than electromagnetic, vaccines, junk food, etc.)?
Back to the influenza, I translated from the French informative summary what is following (from the part "Influenza is an electrical disease", Chapter VII of the book):
Acute electrical disease
In the 1880s, London was supplied with direct current, but some physicists had discovered that the distribution of alternating current generated fewer ohmic losses in the wires. A battle of the currents ensued, despite the fact that many scientists, including Edison, denounced the more dangerous effects of alternating current. Ironically, it is actually alternating current that is used in the electric chair, precisely because it is more harmful. Everyone knows that mains electricity is... alternating!
In 1889, large-scale electrification began in the United States and soon after in Europe. That same year, as if by chance, doctors were swamped with influenza patients, which until then had rarely appeared. The symptoms of the victims were much more neurological, like neurasthenia, excluding respiratory disorders. The pandemic lasted four years and killed at least one million people.
In 2001, Canadian astronomer Ken Tapping demonstrated that the last three centuries of influenza pandemics were correlated with peaks in solar magnetic activity on an eleven-year cycle. It has also been found that some flu epidemics spread over huge areas in just a few days, a fact that is difficult to explain by close-to-home contagion. Similarly, many experiments involving close-to-home contagion by contact, mucus spraying or other methods have proved unsuccessful.
In 1880s, there were several comets, including C/1882 R1, aka the
Great Comet, considered the largest comet of the 19th century. See here
Wikipédia for the 19th century (in French, sorry the
English Wikipedia does not show the list and mention only the Great Comet).
So, maybe anthropogenic electro-magnetism at the time was not the only culprit as supposed by the author. That's what is fascinating: link the both (electro-magnetism induced by comets/cosmic rays/Sun activity) added to the anthropogenic one) and the book becomes even more interesting! This opens up a whole field of research that unfortunately has little chance of being conducted by mainstream science.
Hereafter are the two extracts of the informative summary mentioned above that I've already shared on the Forum (bolded parts are mine):
You say you can hear the electricity?
In 1962, a woman contacted the University of Santa Barbara (CA, USA) for help in finding the source of the mysterious sound she heard everywhere in her home, in a quiet neighbourhood. It was keeping her awake at night and affecting her health. Measurements showed that particularly strong electromagnetic fields were emanating from all the electrical conductors, both from the mains and from radiators and other metal elements, but the stethoscope remained silent. The engineer conducted an experiment, recording the measured fields on tape and playing them back to the woman affected by the noise. She confirmed that this is what she was hearing. So the woman could hear the electromagnetic fields in her environment. Earthing facilities and electronic filters were installed to reduce the disturbance to an acceptable level.
But before that, among other researchers, Volta had already successfully experimented with the production of various sounds by applying a voltage to the ears. Much later, also in the 1960s, the biologist Allan Frey published papers on the ability of certain subjects to hear the emissions of a radar installation.
The mechanical model of the ear as taught in schools could not explain these observed phenomena. Noting this, the biochemist Lionel Naftalin developed a new model for the functioning of the human ear, taking into account the phenomenon of piezoelectricity, well known and used by electronics specialists, which he discovered in the gel covering the cilia of the inner ear. In this gel found nowhere else in the human body and having very particular electrical properties, a voltage of 100 to 120 millivolts was present, which is a lot in the field of bio-electronics. This piezoelectric gel transforms sound waves into an electrical signal that is transmitted to the cilia of the inner ear. This new revised model of the functioning of the human ear then makes it possible to explain that not only certain subjects under certain conditions manage to hear an electromagnetic signal, but also that so many contemporary citizens suffer from tinnitus, or that certain groups of citizens hear the Hum, almost everywhere around the planet at a rate of 2 to 11% of the population.
Today, about 44% of American adults have tinnitus at various levels of intensity, while in Sweden the number of young people affected was 12% in 1997 and 42% in 2006! These noises are largely the result of an environment heavily polluted with artificial electromagnetic fields of all kinds.
The transformation of diabetes
Thomas Edison, who was involved in discoveries related to electrical technology and was therefore exposed to electromagnetic fields more than the rest of his fellow citizens at the time, was diagnosed with a very rare disease in 1882, diabetes. Another researcher, Graham Bell, who was active in the field of telegraphy and invented the telephone, was known to complain incessantly about his symptoms of neurasthenia, now called EHS. In 1915 he was also diagnosed with diabetes.
In 1876, the book Disease of Modern Times by Ward Richardson described diabetes as a rare modern disease, caused by exhaustion from mental work or shock to the nervous system.
Naturally, the excessive intake of toxic and addictive sugar in our modern diet has a lot to do with why diabetes, including pre-diabetes, affects more than half of all Americans today. But the explanation is simplistic.
Even Joslin showed that between 1900 and 1917, sugar intake increased by 17% while diabetes mortality doubled. Later, in 1987, a study of American Indians was conducted, showing radically different proportions of death by diabetes in different territories, ranging from 7 per thousand in the northwest to 380 per thousand in Arizona! During these years, neither lifestyle nor diet could justify such a difference. On the other hand, an environmental factor can explain such a difference. Indeed, the electrification of the Indian reservations was unevenly carried out and those of the northwest were electrified only much later. On the other hand, the Arizona reservation is located in the immediate vicinity of Phoenix. Moreover, this Indian community had its own electrical installation and telecommunication company.
Another example is the population of Brazil, a large sugar producer for centuries, which did not know about diabetes in 1870, although it was already emerging as a disease of civilisation in North America. Even today, Brazilians consume 70 kg of refined sugar per year per person, more than North Americans, and yet they have passed two and a half times fewer cases of diabetes than in the USA.
In Bhutan, diabetes was virtually non-existent until 2002, after electrification of the country began. In 2004, 634 new cases of diabetes were reported, in 2005 - 944, in - 2006 1,470, in 2007 - 2,540 with 15 deaths. In 2012 there were 91 deaths and diabetes was the eighth leading cause of death in the country, despite the fact that the diet had not changed!
The electronic smog acting on the mitochondria, as we saw in the previous chapter, prevents the proper use of the sugar absorbed, i.e. the combustion of sugar. Since it cannot be converted into mechanical energy, the body stores it as fat.
The diagrams of the statistics on the number of deaths from diabetes according to the degree of electrification of the American states in 1931 and 1940 are also very explicit, leaving no doubt as to the involvement of electromagnetic fields in the appearance of diabetes on a large scale, exonerating the consumption of sugar, to a certain extent.
In 1997, there was a 31% increase in diabetes cases in the USA over one year. This corresponds exactly to the massive introduction of mobile phones in the USA.
I'll add what I wrote in the EMF Exposure thread:
"when the author began to
talk about the Electric Universe, I just get even more excited."
"it opens [...] perspectives of understanding about electricity and electromagnetism on the very Life itself."
Now, I'm not an electrician, I'm not a doctor, I'm not a biologist (I'm curious and quite eager to understand all that is within my reach of understanding), but all three of these professions are represented by people who contribute to this thread.
I'd be very curious to know what you think of all the data compiled in this book, and how it is possible to possibly integrate it into a larger whole; Something that allows us -perhaps- to better understand a small part of the vast domain of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites that live or lie dormant inside and/or outside of us. Something that could led to answer -maybe- one of the "
There is a lot they do not know" from the C's.
Attached is the Pdf of the informative summary translated in English.
PS: If your read this all along, you are very courageaous!
PS2: Sorry
@Chu, I work on this comment since early this morning, and I think that I ask questions more than I get
derailed by this extra layer of "conspiracy" and "no-virus"; And I understand why you are writing this. Anyway, I've read half of the Damasio's book and stopped to read Marcel Proust at the very moment Damasio mentions his work on multidimensional feelings. So, since you encourage us to read it, again, I'm going to pursue the reading.