Greece: debt, creditors, austerity measures, Syriza, Varoufakis, Troika

Perceval said:
solarmind said:
craziness ... few days ago was one analytic on TV, who compared Croatian and Greek economy and analysis showed that actually we are in very similar conditions, and quite similar society and economy, the only major difference is that our retirement system is already cutted how EU want it now to be in Greece, and yes it is difficult for our people to live with 300 EUR, but at the other side it is not that catastrophic at all, as those titles are promoting. Will try to look for that analysis and will try to transcribe it. Was quite interesting, telling actually from economic POV that there is no any major turbulence in EU economy, if they accept Greek proposals how to deal with debt.

Exactly, I think about 50% of EU countries are in a similar situation to Greece, i.e. they've been fleeced by the bankers. Greece has now shown that you don't have to "suck it up". How many others will not get the strange idea of standing up for their rights and dignity. I think this could be the start of the end game for the global economy. Great work Greek people! OXI!

Wow, i woke up today to the great news on the referendum :) OXI! - after the excitement settled a bit; i guess it is now the most crucial period for Greece, and for the global financial system. Fully agree to Perceval's comment - knowing how the psycho's behave they will not let this result go smoothly, we might see the unravelling of the global economy, and i think they are going to shift into "nasty" mode with regards further plans to punish Greece, Syriza and and Greek people for this result. False flags, colour revolutions etc could all be on the cards. Feeling a bit nervous now, as this is going to be a crucial week/month. I only hope that Putin, and the BRICS (especially China) - are working behind the scenes to help Greece. Just saw on the BBC this morning, that shares in the Chinese stock markets have gained despite the result of the referendum, maybe a sign ?

I think that hyperdimensionally, this result means that the battles lines have already been clearly drawn - and we could now be in the final stages of the "Great war" energetically speaking - the gloves are now off. Maybe im being a bit dramatic, but this has been an emotional morning...
I think this will increase the tension in Europe, I can almost feel how the EU will not let this just go.
their decisions are governed by their egos and seems the US will loose control even against their wishes and will act as a sore looser would.

I keep on thinking this will put Turkey in "place". And i guess the fact that China stepped in for Greece gave a message to the West. Even if it seems Tsipras gambled the entire country, Europe was slow suicide Russia gives it hope.

And may the Universe protect Tsipras.
I do think also, it shows the world how democracy should serve the people.

and how the PTB despises it. their mask is falling off. some people will see how real democratic processes upsets the PTB and pretty much anything that serves the general population.
I am very proud of the Greeks, they teach us that people have a voice. But two things: where are the other Tsipras? And the rest of the countries, are they in the same mentally, spiritually and economical situation as the Greeks? Greeks are very strong, are we as strong as them? I doubt.

The second thing that comes in my mind is that Papa Noel does not exist. Democracy is a word, very beautiful, like liberty, peace, universal love... Reality is very different. Since when people decide for them in this Europe? The answer to heal this economical mess maybe is to give to each country their power but we know that the PTB have put everything to impeach it. The billionaire Lagarde and her friends are still there. And they control everything. And I think they even control the joy that we are feeling now seeing the Greeks saying NO.
Just in from RT:

Varoufakis resigns as Greek finance minister 'to aid deal'

I guess the psycho's in Brussels just couldn't stand his guts, and Tsipras had to make a concession....the "war of attrition" has begun....
There is no more news about it but I hear it in RFI and some news papers tell this:

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis Announces Resignation After 'No' Vote Against Bailout


And this from his blog:

Minister No More!
Posted on July 6, 2015 by yanisv
The referendum of 5th July will stay in history as a unique moment when a small European nation rose up against debt-bondage.

Like all struggles for democratic rights, so too this historic rejection of the Eurogroup’s 25th June ultimatum comes with a large price tag attached. It is, therefore, essential that the great capital bestowed upon our government by the splendid NO vote be invested immediately into a YES to a proper resolution – to an agreement that involves debt restructuring, less austerity, redistribution in favour of the needy, and real reforms.

Soon after the announcement of the referendum results, I was made aware of a certain preference by some Eurogroup participants, and assorted ‘partners’, for my… ‘absence’ from its meetings; an idea that the Prime Minister judged to be potentially helpful to him in reaching an agreement. For this reason I am leaving the Ministry of Finance today.

I consider it my duty to help Alexis Tsipras exploit, as he sees fit, the capital that the Greek people granted us through yesterday’s referendum.

And I shall wear the creditors’ loathing with pride.

We of the Left know how to act collectively with no care for the privileges of office. I shall support fully Prime Minister Tsipras, the new Minister of Finance, and our government.

The superhuman effort to honour the brave people of Greece, and the famous OXI (NO) that they granted to democrats the world over, is just beginning.
I agree that there will be many things to watch coming up soon. There's also the BRICS and SCO summits coming up in Russia this month.

Saker's take and celebration on the Greek national victory:
Mr.Cyan said:
Just in from RT:

Varoufakis resigns as Greek finance minister 'to aid deal'

I guess the psycho's in Brussels just couldn't stand his guts, and Tsipras had to make a concession....the "war of attrition" has begun....
Very strange resignation of Varoufakis! What is the Tspras leeway? Varoufakis had said Thursday that Greece would not return to the drachma, as the presses were destroyed during the creation of the currency of the Euro. We talk about China and Russia, but I do not know how they can help Greece? At several sites, we talk about mines GOLD Greece and its offshore oil deposits. Tsipras will it negotiate its GOLD deposits and its fossil fuels with the EU or with Russia and China?
I picked up a message on facebook, but I do not have the actual source, I can not confirm this statement ..

Athens, Sunday, July 5, 2015, at 22:30. We are moving towards a HUGE SCANDAL in Greece, which the European authorities could splash ...


1 - It is right-and-already certain for most television channels that were not at all respected equality of air time between NO and YES (ratio of 1 to 5, or more!). Sanctions could affect up the license and the right to issue temporarily.

2 - It is probable for Youtube that aired heavily advertise the YES during the election day, before the videos in Greece.

3 - It is possible for the mobile network WIND who openly practiced corruption voting by offering benefits to all its users sending SMS YES.

4 - Support will be provided to employees by their employers violently threatened and forced to go to rallies YES. Some were dismissed and are preparing to strike back against.

5 - The case of the Chief of Staff of the Armed be considered because he broke his duty of confidentiality and neutrality by publicly calling for vote YES.

6 - An investigation is almost certain to polling agencies that have almost all enormously cheated:
6a - announcing a net YES victory at the weekend;
6b - and a possible victory of the YES to the announcement of the first estimates (to slow the momentum of spontaneous gatherings and weaken the impact of the information in the world) with almost all ranges between 47% and 51% for YES I DO;
6c - the end result, in reality, seems close to 60% or higher, which means a difference of 20% or more. This is therefore a huge manipulation massively organized during the week and until evening on which all light will be made.

Tonight, the government gives priority to the victory party and the debate on the outlook.

But in the coming days, the scandal burst most likely in Greece and could hit the European authorities.
F. William Engdahl suspicious about the role of Varoufakis - Is Varoufakis Eurozone's Trojan Horse in Greece's Government? -

could it be the reason why he resigns now?

There is something fishy about Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis' economic course, F. William Engdahl deems, dubbing the politician a "Trojan Horse" inside the Syriza party.

The Troika of the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB), and the International Monetary Fund together with the Greek oligarchs are playing dirty in Greece, American-German economic researcher and historian F. William Engdahl pointed out.

"And it is looking more and more as though the 'leftist' economist, Varoufakis's role is that of a Trojan Horse for the destruction of the entire Eurozone by the bankers and those Greek oligarchs," the researcher suggested.

Citing former US Assistant Treasury Paul Craig Roberts, Mr. Engdahl inferred that the ultimate goal of the Troika is "to terminate the fiscal independence of EU member states by turning tax and budget policy over to the EU itself."

The EU and the ECB are trying to work out the mechanism that would allow them to "over-lend" a country and then force it to repay its debts by selling public assets, minimizing pensions and curtailing social programs.

According to the economic researcher, the Greek "sovereign debt crisis" will be most likely used "to create a precedent that will apply to every EU member government." As a result the EU national governments will eventually lose their sovereignty, while Brussels would officially take over the reins.

There is a possibility that Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis is a protégé of the EU financial elite, the historian suggested. He pointed to the fact that Varoufakis had long been a proponent of the "draconian austerity" and an antagonist of Greece's exit from the Eurozone.

"Varoufakis was the adviser to Prime Minister George Papandreou and PASOK when Papandreou made the disastrous draconian austerity deal with the EU on behalf of Greece so that French and German banks could be bailed out," Mr. Engdahl emphasized.

"Varoufakis also has at various times heaped praise on Mario Draghi and the ECB, suggesting solutions for how to keep Greece in the EU, a track that pre-programs Greece for self-destruction under the current Troika regime of austerity," he added.

On the other hand Mr. Varoufakis, an Australian citizen, is a close friend and co-author of American economist James K. Galbraith, a guest scholar at the influential Washington-based Brookings Institution, the researcher underscored.

Mr. Engdahl deems that there is something very fishy about Varoufakis' current economic course and the whole mess surrounding the ongoing Greek crisis.

"Were Varoufakis the man he pretends to be before his Greek countrymen, he would have set forth a strategy of Greek exit from the Euro and a strategy akin to that of Iceland to declare a debt moratorium, freeze all debt repayments to the Troika-IMF, ECB and EU. Then he would put Greece on a national currency, impose capital controls and seek strong economic ties with Russia, China and the BRICS countries," the researcher highlighted.

The historian pointed to the fact that Greece and Varoufakis "walked away" from a solution that could have brought the country from the brink of an economic collapse — Russian President Putin's proposal to join the BRICS development bank.

It is obvious that both Washington and Brussels would have been infuriated by Greece's further rapprochement with Russia and China. But at the same time such a move would have allowed Athens to borrow from BRICS to get out of the crisis without "more savage austerity," the researcher stressed.

"At this point it indeed looks as if Varoufakis' role has been to act as the Western bankers' Trojan Horse inside the Greek government," F. William Engdahl hinted.
Castorette said:
Your thoughts?

Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like if we are in twisted psychological cointelpro op.

That author is the reason why you "feel like I am in a twisted psychological cointelpro op."

His 'pattern-reading instrument' has run amok.
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
F. William Engdahl suspicious about the role of Varoufakis - Is Varoufakis Eurozone's Trojan Horse in Greece's Government? -

could it be the reason why he resigns now?

There is something fishy about Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis' economic course, F. William Engdahl deems, dubbing the politician a "Trojan Horse" inside the Syriza party.

I think it's safe to say that this theory is dead on arrival following Varoufakis' resignation.

I think Engdahl, like PCR, sees the obvious solutions for Greece (BRICS funding, EEU involvement, etc), but is neglecting to consider how difficult it is to 'entangle from the Tyrant'. Engdahl writes:

"It is obvious that both Washington and Brussels would have been infuriated by Greece's further rapprochement with Russia and China. But..."

THAT is the understatement of the century! 'Sure, the US controls everything in Greece via NATO and Brussels, but why don't they simply just do blah, blah?...'

The keyword there is 'simply'. There's nothing 'simple' about any of this. It took Putin 15 years to get Russia to this point.

As you may remember from our show with Rick Rizoff, where we discussed what NATO membership involves, the vassal state loses control of its armed forces, its security forces, and even its basic IT infrastructure.

Anyone who comes in and wants to do anything 'different' (ie, not approved by Washington/Brussels) will be surrounded by people who are loyal to the system.

A couple of days ago Merkel and Hollande secretly went to Moscow, again, and they again went alone because they cannot trust their 'closest colleagues', whose loyalty is to the Empire.
One level of this is the ECB, the Commission and the IMF. They play the money game, trying to lock countries down financially and keep them on a leash.

Another and more dangerous level is that of the "shadow government" or whatever you want to call it, the guys pulling the strings of war, death and conflict.

Hard economic times only go so far in terms of inflicting pain and suffering on people. Mass murder and terror is where the real influence on humanity lies.

The people to whom I am referring are those that live for the chance to inflict death and physical and emotional suffering on ordinary humans.

The thing that appears to absolutely incense these types is ordinary people feeling they have some power, some control, and exercising it. The Greeks did this, and they have given millions of others in Europe and elsewhere a sense of power.

That's why what concerns me most immediately about the No vote in Greece is the possibility for a response from these extremely negative/STS players. Not necessarily against the Greeks, because the "problem" here (for them) is one that extends worldwide.
Perceval said:
The thing that appears to absolutely incense these types is ordinary people feeling they have some power, some control, and exercising it. The Greeks did this, and they have given millions of others in Europe and elsewhere a sense of power.

That's why what concerns me most immediately about the No vote in Greece is the possibility for a response from these extremely negative/STS players. Not necessarily against the Greeks, because the "problem" here (for them) is one that extends worldwide.

That's what I've been thinking too - the response will need to be overwhelming/devastating in order to shut down everyone's sense of having even the tiniest bit of power. They can't have that spreading or growing in momentum.

They interviewed someone on RT today who was suggesting there will be a bail-in (all of Greece's bank accounts emptied). I wonder if they'll do that and follow it up with civil war, with perhaps enough of an EU 'collapse' to make everyone turn their backs on Greece at the same time.
Heck maybe ISIS will suddenly appear in Greece (just like Libya or Ukraine)? It'll take them a few days to ship the troops though....

Taking a larger step back, maybe the whole Greece thing is just for show? False hope and more distraction.
Yeah, well said, Perceval. I agree. Also, there may be "payback" to the Greeks specifically, but just as likely they will have to deal with those in Italy, Spain, France, heck even Austria, who will be inspired by the Greek NO outcome to go for more strident resistance against the Death and Destruction machine. The Greeks set an example for sure, that no matter how much pressure and media manipulation, the people CAN come together and make their voice heard - especially if, in the case of referendums, there's not much time between announcement and voting (like Crimea and Greece, as opposed to Scotland) so the usual suspects aren't able to unleash all their networks for the dirty tricks to work. FWIW.

ADDED: Just saw your post RedFox.
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