Mr.Cyan said:
Alana said:
I too believe that Grexit is the best course, and who am I to judge Tsipras and his government, I don't think I'd be able to do half of what they did since they came to power, which is just 6 months. Putin took 15 years to be to the place where he is today, surrounded by people he trusts and turning Russia back to its superpower status.
But people out there in the streets of Greece, in their homes, they are angry, they are afraid, they feel betrayed, and something stupid might happen. Remember that the Golden Dawn people also voted OXI for their own reasons. So I am scared because of what I am witnessing. I wish the Greek people would give their PM a bit more time to see what he does before they start being angry at him. And I wish the international community who backed Tsipras on this referendum, give him some time too. He and his people have only just started. I am angry with the proposal too. I just read it. It's all against the OXI. But I am giving him my trust still waiting to see what will happen next.
Thanks Alana, I too have similar feelings this morning after reading that the Greek parliament had approved the bailout deal. The path ahead is definitely difficult - and we can only imagine what kind of "warnings" the Empire had already given to Tsipras beforehand; hence yes we should not judge Tsipras just yet one way or the other. There is still Sunday to come, and more days ahead in the "battle". To me, based on the evidence so far - i still think he is trying he's best for the Greek people under the present circumstances - hope I'm not wrong.
It's very likely that we are both wrong though ;) Tsipras failed the people by backing this proposal (which we don't know if it will be accepted by the EU hawks yet) but going against him right now it's such a bad idea!
In the wee hours of the morning the proposal was approved, though a lot of the Syriza people did not vote for it. Even the chair of the parliament didn't. So there's already a split within Tsipras government, the yessers are all "see, we told you he was a liar", the Naysayers are very angry at him because he betrayed them (though he never promised them that their No vote meant a Grexit, on the contrary, he made it clear that the referendum was not about staying in the euro or not) so all in all, I see the makings of very bad times ahead in Greece, and I am pretty sure the current government won't last long. Golden Dawn now has its chance, and the winners of all these are those who implemented the life-crushing measures to begin with! Or that's my Cassandra-like take this
lovely summer day...