Alana said:
Ok, so you get rid of the current government. But with who/what do you replace it?
After this, the plan for Greece would be to have a major constitutional reform. Actually Greece
needs a brand new Constitution. It needs a legal and moral Rebirth. This would first facilitate to refute any further payments for the odious public debt, but I won't elaborate more on that now. But also it would be an opportunity for a new start, a major reset of all the tweaks and legal provisions inserted and imposed during all these past decades to serve the agenda of corrupt governments. Much like what Iceland tried to do, in the so called "crowd-sourced" constitutional draft. The new constitution of Iceland was written and edited by the people, approved through a referendum, but was ultimately stopped by the Parliament (no wonder). One can check out the Icelandic experience here
Greeks should go one step further by re-instating real Democracy in it's true and original form, called also
Direct Democracy, by abolishing current form of
Representative Democracy that most Westerns countries use up to now and actually is but a farce. That would put an end to the political parties and the false choices and dichotomies they represent. In the original Athenian democracy,
random citizens were elected for a short term service to hold government positions. These randomly elected citizens had no power to make policies on their own. They would just follow and execute the decision of the Assembly of Citizens. The only other modern version of direct democracy in today's terms, we can find in Switzerland, where citizens are called about 4 times a year through direct vote and referendums to decide for the government policies. (
check: Voting in Switzerland in Wikipedia). Greece, being the birthplace of Democracy has all the background and know-how do this, more than any other nation potentially. And the country is about the right size too. And actually, there has been a lot of groundwork already done in Greece in that direction by various groups and individuals.
So people don't really need professional politicians to represent them, Leftist or Right wing parties, and the lot. They only need a framework of real and Direct Democracy, a constitution that is made to serve them and not the elites. This is the only way to go for Greece, for both practical and historical reasons. And on the smoking ruins of the current political system and our almost destroyed country, we have the perfect opportunity for a
true rebirth of Democracy. Because only
Direct Democracy equals real People Power. This is the goal.