High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C (and other vitamin infusions)

Some info about NAD+ IV from Dr Craig Koniver (PDF - BR-Summary-PDF-1-1: 169 pages).

Dear friend,
I first compiled this information in early January 2017. I am now updating it in March 2018. At this
time, I have overseen the treatment of approximately 1800 patients including professional athletes, Navy SEALs and other military veterans, Fortune 100 Executives and myself. NAD+ IV Therapy is a unique therapy and something that offers wonderful benefits to patients for a variety of reasons.
Briefly, we started learning about NAD+ therapy in the 1950’s when it was studied for helping with mental disorders such as Schizophrenia. NAD+ is a B-vitamin derivative and therefore a natural therapy.

As such, much of the study and learning about NAD+ was pushed aside since there was no money to be made in a vitamin therapy.

Along with the schizophrenia work, it was soon discovered that many patients with chemical
addictions (alcohol, drugs, etc) also greatly benefited from NAD+ IV Therapy.

As such, a handful of clinics in the US opened for that purpose and have done very well in
treating patients for a variety of chemical addictions. In fact, these clinics have a tremendously higher success rate than traditional detox/ chemical rehab centers.

Out of this body of work, came the findings that NAD+ IV Therapy also benefited individuals with
anxiety, PTSD, depression and a variety of neurological disorders.

In addition, it is now recognized that NAD+ is THE:
—Anti-Aging Molecule
—Anti-Cancer Molecule
—Anti-Diabetes Molecule

—and this is just the tip of the iceberg

In the last 24 months, we are finding that the combination of the NAD+ IV Therapy along with the
FastVitaminIV® push
are leading to tremendous gains in performance, mental efficiency, recall, cognition and much more.

In fact, many patients now comment that they feel this therapy leads to “brain rejuvenation”.
I speculate that the NAD+ provides the energy for the mitochondria and the FastVitaminIV®
provide the amino acids and critical B-vitamins
. The combination of the two is what is leading to such amazing results.

I call this therapy: Brain Refuel Therapy™ because that is how many patients have described
this therapy: as filling up their brain with fuel.

NAD+ IV Therapy is unique because it allows the NAD+ to get into the system and across the
blood-brain barrier. Nearly all other forms of NAD+ therapy (mostly oral) cannot achieve this goal. The same applies to all forms of nutrients.

The vast majority of patients who undergo the Brain Refuel Therapy™ (NAD IV Therapy +
FastVitaminIV®) Therapy make comments such as:
“I feel as if my brain is being rewired”
“I feel so much more creative and alive now”
“My depression that I have had for years is now gone”
“My daughter is back to herself again. She is talkative and happy in ways she wasn’t
for a long time”
“I am able to do things I was not able to do just a few days ago.”
I can go on and on.

This PDF is a collection of scientific articles and a previously written NAD+ PDF that I have
compiled so you will have a better understanding of how NAD+ IV Therapy works.
I think we will find that the Brain Refuel Therapy™ is a wonderful way to help our neurons and
cells communicate and operate much more efficiently therefore helping so many of us handle the daily
stressors of life in a more balanced way.
To your health!
Craig Koniver, MD

Papers in the PDF:

The NAD Deficiency Diseases by John P. Cleary, M.D.

NAD Used Parenterally to Treat Alcohol and Drug Addictions.
Paul O'Holleran (1961) published to an
unreceptive medical audience his results of a
study supported by Abbot Laboratories at the
Shadel Hospital Research Department, in
Seattle, Washington. He reported that he was
able to treat both alcohol addiction and all types
of drug addiction with the coenzyme
Diphosphopyri-dine Nucleotide, which is the old
name for NAD, a coenzyme which the body
makes out of the vitamin nicotinic acid (niacin).
His study was on 100 patients addicted to heroin,
pantopone, morphine, dihydro-morphine,
meperidine, codeine, cocaine, amphetamines,
barbiturates, and tranquillizers. He used NAD, or Diphosphopyridine
Nucleotide, which he called DPN,
intramuscularly or intravenously in a slow drip in
quantities of up to 1000 mg per day for a period
of four days. He stated that the addict
experienced no symptoms of withdrawal on this
treatment and had no desire for addicting
substances following treatment while in the

NAD+ metabolism in health and disease by Peter Belenky, Katrina L. Bogan and Charles Brenner

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is both a
coenzyme for hydride-transfer enzymes and a substrate
for NAD+-consuming enzymes, which include ADPribose
transferases, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases,
cADP-ribose synthases and sirtuins. Recent results
establish protective roles for NAD+ that might be applicable
therapeutically to prevent neurodegenerative conditions
and to fight Candida glabrata infection
. In
addition, the contribution that NAD+ metabolism makes
to lifespan extension in model systems indicates that
therapies to boost NAD+ might promote some of the
beneficial effects of calorie restriction. Nicotinamide
riboside, the recently discovered nucleoside precursor
of NAD+ in eukaryotic systems, might have advantages
as a therapy to elevate NAD+ without inhibiting sirtuins,
which is associated with high-dose nicotinamide, or
incurring the unpleasant side-effects of high-dose
nicotinic acid.

NAD Therapy! Too Good to be True?
Copyright ©Verwey, 1989 – 2009

p. 1 Index
p. 2-4 Foreword by Dr Abram Hoffer
p. 5-9 Introduction
p. 10-26 Energy Requirements for The Journey of Life from the Womb to the Tomb
p. 27-32 The Goal of NAD Therapy: Normal Energy Metabolic Processes for Optimal
p. 33-42 NAD Energy Deficiency(NED): The Focus of NAD Therapy
p. 43-55 NAD Therapy: The Biochemical Basis
p. 56-62 Biomarkers in NAD Therapy
p. 63-73 Clinical Roots of NAD Therapy: Alkogen Treatment Centre
p. 74-84 NAD Therapy Outcome: Renewed Life?
p. 85-91 Applications for NAD Therapy: NAD Energy Deficiency Related Syndromes
p. 92-94 Applied NAD Therapy: Diabetes as Case Study
p. 95-98 NAD Therapy: The Nutriceutical Supplements
p. 99-100 A Bird's Eye view of NAD Therapy
p. 101 International Application of NAD Therapy
p. 102-104 A Letter from the Father of NAD Deficiency Diseases
p. 105 Closing Notes
p. 106-108 Acknowledgements
p. 109 Copyright and Reader's Responsibility
p. 110-150 Bibliograpy

From page 52 of this last item:

NAD Therapy has been used intravenously in South Africa since 1974 and, according to
the manufacturer, no side-effects have yet been reported by clinicians. More than 15 000
NAD supplements (500 mg per drip) have been administered intravenously at
Nutrimalaika since 1989, to more than 6 000 patients, who ranged in age from as young
as 9 - 90.
Furthermore, no race-, gender- or age-related contra-indications were
Since 1995 many patients have used 50mg of NAD orally dissolved in
340ml of carbonated sodawater. This has now become the norm because almost all of
the 6 000 patients at Nutrimalaika and those of the 120+ participating private
practitioners have changed to the 50mg NutriNAD capsules specifically formulated for
such use.

The following information is based on results from research, that was provided by the
manufacturer of the intravenous form of NAD. The same quality of NAD is also used in
the MultiNAD capsules. The lethality dosage (LD50) of NAD is as follows:
• 1 360mg/kg IV - mouse
• 3 500mg/kg IM - mouse
• 2 610-3 050mg/kg IM - rat
• 1 780mg/kg IM rabbit
• 2 900mg/kg IM dog
• 2 900mg/kg IV dog
Results of acute toxicity do not indicate any pathological changes in mice, rabbits, rats or
dogs. Results of chronic toxicity after 52 weeks, during which NAD of up to 300 mg/kg
was administered intramuscularly to rats every day, indicate no toxicity that can be
attributed to NAD. Haematological evaluations, blood-chemical measurements and
histopathological examinations of the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, gonad, adrenal
glands, thyroid and pituitary gland did not yield any significant changes. The same
research indicates no significant changes during reproduction and gestation in rats. The
NAD infusion is terminated on all patients during pregnancy, irrespective of these
findings. During pregnancy only the capsules are continued with.

5.6.5 Stability of NAD Therapy
The NAD in the NutriNAD, MalaikaNAD and in the MultiNAD capsules consists of the
same form of NAD. NAD is a powder, that ranges in colour from white to pale yellow.
The NAD vials have an expiry date of two years after manufacturing, when stored in a
refrigerator. If the NAD is in any solution, it will remain stable in a refrigerator for at least
a week. All NAD preparations must therefore preferably be in powder form and must be
stored in a refrigerator or cool place.
A Canadian company recently changed their bottles
to read NAD instead of NADH. NAD, known as Coenzyme 1, plays an important role in
energy production. The company, felt that NADH was less stable as a supplement than

List of NED Related Syndromes (NEDRS)
NED Related Syndromes - A Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Academic Stress 74
Acute Renal Failure 50
ADHD (Attention-deficit-hyperactivitydisorder)
Ageing and Longevity 81
Alcoholism 66
Alcoholism in Remission 81
Allergy and Food Intolerance 66
Alopecia 62
Alzheimer’s Dementia 71
Arthritis 77
Asthma 47
Autism 70
NED Related Syndromes - B Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Bipolar Disorder 92
Breast Cancer 56
Brucellosis 77
Bulimia Nervosa 78
NED Related Syndromes - C Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Cancer 55
Cannabis Dependency 72
Cardiac Disorders 78
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) 74
Chronic Sinusitis 66
Cocaine Dependency 72
Co-dependant Child 78
Co-dependant Husband 71
Co-dependant Mother 70
Co-dependant Wife 78
Copyright ©89 Verwey, 1989 – 2009
Concentration Problems 72
NED Related Syndromes - D Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Depression 70
Diabetes 64
Down’s Syndrome 59
Dyslexia 53
Dystonia 56
NED Related Syndromes - E Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Enuresis (bed wetting) 88
Epilepsy 64
NED Related Syndromes - F Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Fanconi Syndrome 80
Female Incontinence 78
Fibromyalgia 62
NED Related Syndromes - H Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Hallucinogen Dependency 77
Hypercholesterolemia 63
Hypertension 77
Hypoglocemia 71
NED Related Syndromes - I Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Impotence 48
Infertility 62
Insomnia 83
Irritable Bowel Syndrome 80
NED Related Syndromes - L Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Lupus Erythematosis 98
NED Related Syndromes - M Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Marfan’s Syndrome 34
Copyright ©90 Verwey, 1989 – 2009
Migraine and Headaches 78
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome 77
Muscular Dystrophy 63
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis 80
NED Related Syndromes - N Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Nicotine Dependency 67
NED Related Syndromes - O Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Obesity 63
Opioid Dependency 73
Over-training 77
NED Related Syndromes - P Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Parasuicide 59
Parkinson’s Disease 60
Pathological Gambling 79
Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease 73
Porphyria 69
Prescription Medication Abuse 73
Psoriasis 89
Pulmonary Emphysema 74
NED Related Syndromes - R Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Religious Dependency 62
NED Related Syndromes - S Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Seasonal Affective Disorder 53
Sedative Dependency 69
Self-mutilation 53
Sex Dependency 60
Stress and Burnout 74
Stroke 88
Stuttering 88
Suicide 56
Copyright ©91 Verwey, 1989 – 2009
NED Related Syndromes - T Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Thyroid Disorders 66
Tourette’s syndrome 75
Trichotillomania 41
Turner’s Syndrome 48
NED Related Syndromes - V Average NAD Energy Value
(normal 100+)
Violence Dependency 69


I thought I'd share a little vitamin C success story we recently had. Though it was with a hedgehog, I thought it was pretty miraculous!

A couple of weeks ago, Scottie found a little hedgehog while outside mowing. It was laying out in the grass during the day and, although still alive, was almost completely unresponsive. The only sign of physical trauma I could detect was a very small wound on his cheek. I had no idea if he was sick, shocked from an attack, coming out of hibernation, or what. We decided to move him to a safe spot in the yard where he wouldn't be bothered, to see if he would come to himself, and when I picked him up he hardly had the strength to curl into a ball. After the day had passed and he still hadn't moved, I decided to bring him inside for the night because it was very cold and I didn't want him to be harassed by predators or waste energy on keeping warm in his condition. I put him in a box with grass clippings, a dish of food, and a dish of water with a little iodine and colloidal silver (the standard procedure for birdies when I don't know what's wrong). I also washed his wound with iodine and colloidal silver.

The next morning, he was still alive, but hadn't eaten anything and had moved little. I tried to give him some of the water mixture with a syringe but he wouldn't take anything by mouth. At that point, I thought he probably wouldn't last another night but at least he could die in relative peace. I left him alone with a few last words, thinking that that would be it, but the next day it appeared he had taken some of his water during the night. Feeling a little hopeful, I shared that with Gaby who was visiting, and since we've been doing all this research on vitamin C, she wondered if it could help. I didn't think there was much to lose, so we made a mixture of 1 ml. of stock solution (1/2 gr. vit. C) and 1 ml. of physiological solution, and used an insulin needle to inject it in what our best guess of a muscle was on his lower back. We did this twice in the day for 1 full gram of intramuscular vit. C in a less than 1 kilo hedgehog.

That evening, while leaving him fresh food, I also noticed a giant tick hidden inside his left ear. I removed the gross little thing and Scottie ceremoniously burned it. Pop! :phaser:

The next morning, I could hardly believe it, he had eaten nearly all of the burger on his plate, and moved around making nests in the box!
We decided to give him another day's dose of vitamin C like the day before (2 doses at 1/2 gram each), but didn't want to overdo it in case there could be any complications like an abscess or injury from injecting in the wrong spot. The next day again, he had eaten and moved even more!

Over the course of the following week, he just got better and better everyday. He ate mostly raw burger (refused everything else I offered him, including watermelon which they are supposed to love), and drank vitamin C water like a HORSE! We moved him outside, first to the peacock house and then to their small yard so he could have more room to move and find his feet. And, Arkie set up his motion activated night-vision camera in the evening (when hedgehogs are active) to see how he was doing, and caught this:


One evening, soon after, when going to check on him before bed, we saw him RUNNING for the first time, at full speed!, to dive under the stack of oak planks where he had been sleeping during the day. I knew he was fully recovered then, and so we took him out to the blackberry bush the next night, near where we had found him, and left him in a big pipe that he liked, wedged underneath the bush (with a little extra food and vit. C water).

We haven't seen him since, and I hope he's out feasting on fat snails now, but whatever he's doing...I'm pretty certain that he was suffering from a tick borne disease and that the vitamin C saved his little life.

Oh, and his name was Herbie: :love:

In honor of little Herbie's stay at the Château, I cut down Ark's nightvision motion cam footage and made a little video.
Don't miss the dramatic ending when he tries to escape... :whistle:

And as you can see in the video (taken over just one night), he was drinking a LOT of his vitamin C water. We don't see him eating very much, but that's because he had finished most of his dinner before the camera was set to come on. ☺
Also, actovegin (intramuscular) can be a helpful molecule.

Here's more information about actovegin.

"Actovegin is a deproteinized pyrogen- and antigen-free hemodialysate manufactured from calf blood by ultrafiltration. It contains >200 bioactive constituents (with molecular weight <5 kDa) and exhibits a range of pleiotropic effects.10 Actovegin improves oxygen utilization and uptake, as well as energy metabolism and glucose uptake in mitochondria, thereby enhancing oxidative metabolism in the brain.11 Actovegin has been shown to possess neuroprotective potential; it ameliorated Aβ25–35-induced neuronal apoptosis by reducing caspase-3 levels in a dose-dependent manner and decreasing reactive oxygen species content in hippocampal neurons.12 The effects of Actovegin on cerebral metabolism, mortality, and cognitive performance have also been assessed in animal models of cerebral ischemia.1315 Actovegin facilitated [14C] glucose uptake into the brain under hypoxic conditions and normalized metabolic parameters, measured as the concentrations of glucose, lactate, creatine phosphate, and adenosine triphosphate normalized in 2-year-old rats. Most recently, a study in a rat model of transient global cerebral ischemia found that Actovegin significantly decreased hippocampal CA1 cell death and improved spatial learning and memory.16

Actovegin received its market authorization in 1976 in Germany; in 1995, production was transferred from Germany to Linz, Austria. Actovegin is registered for clinical use in Austria, Russia, countries of The Commonwealth of Independent States, some Eastern European, and Asian countries. Actovegin was never introduced to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration; therefore, it is not marketed in North America. In the clinical setting, Actovegin has been used for around 40 years for the treatment of various neurological disorders, including cerebrovascular disease and cognitive decline of various origins. It is also prescribed for the treatment of peripheral arterial disease and diabetic polyneuropathy. In randomized, placebo-controlled trials, Actovegin has been shown to improve cognitive performance in patients with age-associated memory impairment.17,18 Two pilot studies in stroke patients have shown treatment benefits with Actovegin based on many cognitive and neurological deficit measures. It has provided some evidence on the effects of Actovegin in acute ischemic stroke, but these have never been tested in a multicenter randomized study.19,20 Apart from its clinical properties, it has been suggested that Actovegin also has ergogenic effects. This is, however, not based on scientific evidence; the speculation emerged because Actovegin has repeatedly been used as a performance-enhancing drug by professional cyclists and by Olympic athletes, possibly to accelerate muscle injury repair and improve endurance. Late in 2000, Actovegin was included on the World Anti-Doping Agency active list, but it was removed again after 2 months because of insufficient direct evidence demonstrating an ergogenic effect of Actovegin.21 The overall safety profile of Actovegin seems favorable, and its clinical use for >35 years has not identified any unacceptable safety concerns. Indeed, the Actovegin summary of product characteristics22 states that only in rare cases, patients prone to hypersensitivity may develop allergic reactions (medication fever and anaphylactic shock), urticaria, flush, and myalgia. In contrast, AChEIs and memantine have side effects which occur commonly in patients, including gastrointestinal effects (diarrhea or constipation), headache, and dizziness.23,24

The ARTEMIDA study (A Randomized Trial of Efficacy, 12 Months International Double-Blind Actovegin) was designed to test the hypothesis that Actovegin would confer cognitive benefits in patients with acute ischemic stroke.25 In addition, we wanted to explore whether the therapeutic effects are sustained after treatment cessation and provide evidence of efficacy and safety tolerability of Actovegin for the symptomatic effect on PSCI. [...]

In conclusion, Actovegin has been shown to be effective in improving cognitive outcomes in a prospective randomized controlled trial which, to some extent, had an exploratory design and several limitations. Further studies with robust designs may help to establish the optimal dosing regimen and treatment duration for Actovegin in PSCI, and whether or not Actovegin improves neurological deficits and has an effect on activities of daily living and QoL in parallel with its effects on cognitive outcomes and disease progression."

"Actovegin has large amounts of superoxide dismutase enzymes and magnesium"

"Nycomed, a Swiss drug company which manufactures Actovegin,[12] claims it can be used for circulation and nutrition disturbances, skin grafting, burns, and wound-healing impairment.[13] Actovegin has also been used as a performance enhancer.[14]

It has been investigated for use in treatment of polyneuropathy in diabetes,[15] and for stroke.[16][17] One study found that when tissues suffer from hypoxia caused circulation abnormalities, Actovegin helps capillaries improve circulation by enhancing the neogenic mechanism in blood vessels.[11]"

"The antioxidant activity of Actovegin can be explained by the presence of superoxide dismutase in its composition. Superoxide dismutase is an important endogenous antioxidant defense which prevents damage to tissues.

According to studies, the drug is able to inhibit caspase-induced apoptosis, increase the number of synaptic connections and reduce oxidative stress in neurons.

Indications for use are:
  • Cerebrovascular diseases, including ischemic stroke and traumatic brain injuries.
  • Peripheral vascular diseases.
  • Healing of ulcers, burns, decubitus ulcers and other injuries.
  • Prophylaxis of skin and mucous membrane lesions during radiation therapy."
"The oral dosage is 1-2 pills three times a day before a meal. The length of the treatment course if 4-6 weeks.

The dosage for parenteral administration depends on the severity of the symptoms. Because of the possible allergic reactions, it is recommended to test the tolerability to the drug before injection.
  • The dosage for injury recovery is 10ml intravenous or 5ml intramuscular 3-4 times a week.
  • The dosage for the treatment of ischemic stroke is 20-50ml of Actovegin in 200-300ml of solution intravenously daily for one week, and then 10-20ml daily for two weeks.
Contraindications for use of injectable version are hypersensitivity to the drug, decompensated heart failure, pulmonary edema, oliguria, anuresis, edema."
And as you can see in the video (taken over just one night), he was drinking a LOT of his vitamin C water. We don't see him eating very much, but that's because he had finished most of his dinner before the camera was set to come on. ☺

Omg, I am so impressed and excited! :wow:This is totally cool, and if many vets weren't stuck in the accepted "evidence based" rut, your case could make a very interesting paper! It's true that ascorbic acid is being given to small animals as part of their therapy in case of many diseases, but in much smaller doses. That's why anecdotal evidence so often far more superior than the "official" research. Besides, no one forced this cutie hedgehog to drink the water, yet that's what he did, instinctively!

It's awesome that you tried it and that it worked! :wizard::love:
In a shop that specializes in horse supplements in which I buy glycine, they sell a microcapsule form of vitamin C, according to information on the site this form of vitamin C is released only in the intestine, as the shell is ethylcellulose it is not digested in the stomach. The vitamin is osmotically released by diffusion from the capsule. The coating does not affect the absorption. The level of absorption is 99%. Thanks to the encapsulated form, it is possible to administer many times higher doses of vitamin C than in its traditional form, without causing digestive disorders. The price is also not high, around 30 euros per kilo

Could you let me have the site name?
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