Interviews with Arkadiusz Jadczyk

especially that our own consciousness can't be what "collapses" the wave function and the question whether consciousness can instead somehow influence the probability distributions.

to solve the problem of "the moon is still there even when we are not looking".

Perhaps no one has ever wondered if the moon has a conscience?

Even inanimate matter learns it is all an "Illusion." Each individual possesses all of creation within their minds.

That is to say, although we ignore the existence of the moon, it has a concept of itself.

Perhaps it is the concept it has of itself that defines THEIR wave function. And in the terms of what is understood by "illusion" is a partial reading of the original wave function, because of our projection/interpretation. (again illusion)

I wonder, if one can objectively see the essence, the real and original concept, then one can see the entire wave function and therefore determine its (all) position and momentum in space. As the Cs have said from their 6th density point of view.
Perhaps no one has ever wondered if the moon has a conscience?

That is to say, although we ignore the existence of the moon, it has a concept of itself.

Perhaps it is the concept it has of itself that defines THEIR wave function. And in the terms of what is understood by "illusion" is a partial reading of the original wave function, because of our projection/interpretation. (again illusion)

I wonder, if one can objectively see the essence, the real and original concept, then one can see the entire wave function and therefore determine its (all) position and momentum in space. As the Cs have said from their 6th density point of view.
Something like that, as for me, what you write more or less accurate.

"Each individual possesses all of creation within their minds." - I would just add that if this is true as Cass says, then at some level of ourselves we are connected to everything that exists, literally everything, and we are able to understand and perceive it.

But why are we not aware of our all of it at this point, just like you or me, now? It is because of this illusion that was created to convince us that it does not exist, that such a relationship does not exist. Parts of this illusion for us are the limitations imposed on us by 3rd Density (as reality) and the second part are our own 3 Density bodies (we can even add third: as the programming we have).

This suggests that art is such a work on one's own mind to strain the illusion (lies) from the truth and jump back into that state where we have full contact with the whole creation and see it as it is from every perspective aka "Union with the One", as the ultimate goal.

The illusion is all that exists until it is recognized so and a new perception is adopted. We are moving up this illusion. For example, we can say that our dog cannot cope with some obstacle because it is in the illusion of 2 Density and does not have this three-dimensional perspective. And the dog gets lost to avoid some obstacle on its way and get over some difficult terrain, or a maze (puzzle) that we could have built for him.

We can say the same, for example about us, noting, for example, that a few years ago at some activity (for example: driving a car) we were terribly stressed, and now nothing, absolutely nothing, we have a lot of fun because we learned it (key word: learned) - we can say that the stress that accompanied us then was an illusion.

And this is one of the goals of life, to come out of one illusion, to enter the other, still not exactly what God / Universe / Cosmic Mind sees, but to be closer and closer, being in the illusion that is weaker, allowing us to see more... leaving behind what is already obvious to us and we see that there is no point in returning to it. :-)
"Perhaps no one has ever wondered if the moon has a conscience? "

Either this is a little humorous or conscience is not all what we think it is. If the moon has a conscience? Then in another way of saying the moon has a right to exist. This being said I think that conscience would be in this case that which gives creation or life. If conscience then is measured by creation then the creator has conscience therefore the moon has a very finite conscience at micro level. This micro conscience has a potential to either be more than what it is or to be at the reduction of entropy. Overall the Universe is ordered therefore having or containing an invaluable level or measured conscience. Conscience is a automatic nature of creation and yes things do deteriorate. Human or creatures conscience may be more complex dealing with complex social or community existing. Many programs may spring out of "existing system" not many will suffice creation quantum jump or requirement for future upgrade living system. That is to say Creation equal Conscience and Conscience equals Creation? Freewill is all that exist?
In another thought:
In potential all existing, in mind all existing.? Try wrap ones head around this concept. Is daunting. Anyway if any of this is amazing it's information permutations. Thanks participating participant. Not ending hopefully🙄
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By the way, " the reduction of entropy." Doesn't necessarily mean complete non-existence. So maybe rudimentary material or nonmaterial is possibilities, still contains some amount of conscience potential then again potential is potentially infinite. The possibility of rudimentary "stuff" or energy is only separated from information or thought not manifested in time however may exist in a nonmaterial universe or existing in some dimensions of its own laws? Not permissible outside its incubating potential not yet ready to accumulate in a creative synching universe or?
Well if this info is too difficult then it is your problem. The information is just fine to read. And if that is the case then don't read it. I already know you want more information. Perhaps if you take the time to read it again and not be so idiotic with demanding a pleasurable read according to your standards of grammar. There are many languages and none need to be perfect to read them. Sounds like life is easy for you so you demand a cherry on top. And of course as typical be ready to obsolete me from the forum.
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By the way, " the reduction of entropy." Doesn't necessarily mean complete non-existence. So maybe rudimentary material or nonmaterial is possibilities, still contains some amount of conscience potential then again potential is potentially infinite. The possibility of rudimentary "stuff" or energy is only separated from information or thought not manifested in time however may exist in a nonmaterial universe or existing in some dimensions of its own laws? Not permissible outside its incubating potential not yet ready to accumulate in a creatively synching universe or some type of life participating role within the macro development?
Second interview! This one was about Time.

Science is Art. Quantum Fractals is the Way. Window to the Future. This second video concentrates on questions related to time. What is time? Is time really measurable? What are time operators? Does the observer influence time? Does time really “flow”? Is time an illusion? How did time come to be studied in Quantum Mechanics, and how is it studied today? These are only some of the questions I answered in this video.
References: Arkadiusz Jadczyk (2014), “What is Time In Quantum Mechanics?”, Quantum Future Group, Inc.
Philippe Blanchard, Arkadiusz Jadczyk (1996), “Time of events in quantum theory”, Helvetica Physica Acta.
Music: Jim Croce, “Time in A Bottle”, 1973

Even if Physics is not your favorite subject, I still recommend the second half, where Ark talks about time in "Work" terms a bit more. Super interesting!
I would like to comment on the second part. Overall, I really enjoyed this part, as well as the previous one. I have no objections, I would just like to add my comment, referring to the lack of time in the philosophical context, and how it is that we observe and measure anyway in daily life. Maybe someone will find my comment interesting. If something is unclear then of course I will extend what I wrote.

To the point. Thinking about time, one should turn, I think, to the fact of the existence of Consciousness and the points of reference between the states in which consciousness is at the moment, taking into account the informational nature of our reality. The existence of a pen and every moment in its life is a "frame" (as in a movie) and a set of information that characterizes the pen in a given situation. And so we have, the creation of a pen, a pen lying on a shelf, a pen in hand, the death of the pen, and the moment the pen falls, each of these events is mapped somewhere on the information level.

In turn, these individual events are also mapped into even shorter and more detailed "frames". A pen falling off is one "big frame". But the falling process itself can also be divided into consecutive "frames", for example, the falling of a pen from the height of the millimeter on the millimeter, somewhere on the information level it is exactly mapped, and each such difference in the millimeter is a different frame. For the observer who exists beyond matter, there is no sense of time for him as there is for us. He can say that it took "forever" to drop the pen. Why? Because a given observer focused his awareness on every possible arrangement of the pen while it falls and it turns out that after dividing it into all possible "frames" there are millions of them.

Another observer chose to focus on the result of the fall, he saw only two "frames" of the pen above the desk and the pen lying still, oh how fast that pen flew, somebody can tell, just at "speed of light", he didn't even notice how it flew. Let's add the life of the pen. Some observer (outside the material world) may say that this is an incredibly long life and so much is happening in the life of the pen, and another will choose to see the pen in one general frame and if he has to determine the lifetime of the pen, he will say that it was one glow that "lasted a second".

The whole universe is one big already created structure, on which we move, choosing where to focus our consciousness, changing the focus, is also a journey through this structure and the same through "time". "Time" is the relative references resulting from the relationships in which the consciousness that is at different points on this Structure is currently located.

Also, returning to the question, let me paraphrase it first: How to relate the philosophical point of view that time does not exist to the practical observation of the falling of the pen, where we see that now we let it go from above, and in a second it falls on the table.

When we refer to the idea of the lack of time given to us by philosophers, we kind of adopt an immaterial and information-based view of reality, where every moment the pen falls off is something that is reflected at the information level and you can break it "bit by bit" by walking on the beginning of the situation of the pen falling, and then jumping to the end, or shift your attention to the point when it is in the air and keep this situation indefinitely (as long as you don't get bored of it) to get everything you can observe.

When we refer to a practical observation made by ourselves in material reality. We see first of all that the process is analog, not like "digital" in a sense, in the non-material world, where we can parse "bit by bit". We don't have that option here. In the material world, our consciousness does not have such "freedom", in the material world our consciousness is "captured" and "let go".

Imagine that we have a pure sine wave that represents an analog process.

And now what is going to pass through this sinusoid is our consciousness. Such an observation of a falling pen, the moment of releasing the pen, on the sine wave it will be the moment when the sine wave goes up, at this time our consciousness is "snatched", then the pen flies (at this point the consciousness passes through the top of the sinusoid), then the pen drops down and stops (at this point our consciousness goes down from this sinusoid) and is "let go" freely.

Observation from the non-material perspective (the philosophical one where time does not exist), if we were to apply this to a sinusoid, it would involve quantizing the sinusoid. And consciousness would not be "hijacked", but it could freely wander between certain "samples" left and right. [If the concept of sine or quantization says nothing, let's look at the wiki: Quantization (signal processing) - Wikipedia .]

If I were to elaborate on it, I would write that in non-material reality the perception of reality is rather "digital", that is, not that there are literally computers or anything like that, but we see the world from an information perspective, where at the lowest level , we will most severely see the Truth and the Lie (which also reflects Being and Non-Being).

There is no material reality. In the material reality, the processes take place analogously, so that we move our consciousness through certain jumps that are like these sine waves, instead of observing something bit by bit, our consciousness is "carried away" and "thrown out" by such one pulsation, and what is going along this path is kind of blurry (we can't see bit by bit).

Is it good or not? Well, in a sense, this makes our consciousness a prisoner, but we perceive that the reality we observe is fluid and life in it is in a sense more effective, like going down a pipe in an aquapark, on the one hand, this downhill ride is forced by the pipe structure but it allows us to have fun and adventure driving and what a nice experience.

The question: why such a thing is happening in our material reality at all, I think it just comes naturally from the way it (3 Density) was designed (Intelligent Design).

And what about Time and measuring it (for example in seconds), first of all, measuring anything is something arbitrary and subjective, secondly, what is worth noting, adding time or subtracting it does not speed up the process, we always measure something that has already happened as a result. And time forecasts are only "more or less" and do not determine anything, which only emphasizes the subjective and contractual nature of measuring time, as we use it (which is also the result of how Nature / Intelligent Desing created us).
The existence of a pen and every moment in its life is a "frame" (as in a movie)...

The whole universe is one big already created structure, on which we move, choosing where to focus our consciousness, changing the focus, is also a journey through this structure and the same through "time". "Time" is the relative references resulting from the relationships in which the consciousness that is at different points on this Structure is currently located...

When we refer to the idea of the lack of time given to us by philosophers, we kind of adopt an immaterial and information-based view of reality, where every moment the pen falls off is something that is reflected at the information level and you can break it "bit by bit"...

Imagine that we have a pure sine wave that represents an analog process.

And now what is going to pass through this sinusoid is our consciousness. Such an observation of a falling pen, the moment of releasing the pen, on the sine wave it will be the moment when the sine wave goes up, at this time our consciousness is "snatched"...

You could probably do something with Ark's math structures for this framework. The pen could represent a worldline like the conscious channeling entangled ones of Ark's SOTT article on Daryl Bem or it could be an unconscious single particle that perhaps is still conscious in a Bernardo Kastrup-like way. Kastrup's idea of the universe being like having a multiple personality disorder was discussed on MindMatters and a single particle could be a sleeping personality of sorts. The frame of a movie would be like the Cs slide of a projector and math-wise it could be Ark's state of a state space. The state space could be a Hilbert space or perhaps better a brane (Ark asked about branes in a session). The already created structure would be all the branes connected by worldlines.

On a single brane you would have those operators that were mentioned in this new video. Those operators could certainly have an information bit structure. On the brane, you could have time and space in the Einstein sense and this would allow entanglement with a future for channeling in the Bem article sense. Changing to new brane states/slides however means your future isn't fixed and although you may probabilistically be headed to futures like what is on your current slide, your consciousness could certainly wiggle you through the structure in different ways.

The sine wave could be like a propagator phase/affine one-form operator that kind of handles time/interference for quantum physics. The snatching of consciousness (Ark's quantum jumps after a detector hit) could interestingly be due to some classical property (Planck energy, graviton travel time) since Ark has tended to see his EEQT as having classical and quantum aspects.
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