Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Gaby said:
- 30mg/Kg challenge of DMSA (a weight-dependent dose)

I think that's the recommended daily dose by Baker for doing the standard protocol: 200mgs 3 times a day for a 40lb/18kg child i.e. about 30mgs per Kg.

Gaby said:
Evil heavy metals!

Eeeevil! If anyone is interested in doing the test you can check out the website here

and contact them here for a test kit

They'll send the sheet you have to fill in the language based on your address, so if you'd like it in a language other than the country in which you reside, let them know. They send the kit straight away and once you've collected your sample you send it back to them and then at some point pay the fee (paypal, CC, bank transfer).

Just had an idea. How many here are likely to use these guys for the test soon? Maybe I can email my contact person there and ask for a reduction for referrals.
Joe said:
Just had an idea. How many here are likely to use these guys for the test soon? Maybe I can email my contact person there and ask for a reduction for referrals.

I'd like to try the test.
Beau said:
Joe said:
Just had an idea. How many here are likely to use these guys for the test soon? Maybe I can email my contact person there and ask for a reduction for referrals.

I'd like to try the test.

I would be interested in taking the test. I had mercury fillings removed about two months ago but the test was just too expensive. Now that I have more money I'd like to take it.
Joe said:
Just had an idea. How many here are likely to use these guys for the test soon? Maybe I can email my contact person there and ask for a reduction for referrals.

Raising my hand.
Hello, I've ordered the brownstein book and finished reading it yesterday, and so I have ordered those from ebay :-[

Selenium 200mcg Antioxidant Tablets Pills ONE a Day Years Supply 365 Per Bottle
Life Extension No Flush Niacin 800 mg 100 Caps
Natures Way, Vitamin B-2 Riboflavin, 100mg, x100caps
Fine Himalayan Pink Salt - Unrefined - Pure - Naturally Organic - Food Grade

But considering I've not finished reading the thread :/ (i'm only at page 29 and i've skiped the first few page until the date of C's session) and it may take a pretty while to finish it, i would like to know if I may have missed some things and bying all the stop already ?

So far, my understanding is doing pulse dosing of I², minimum 12.5mg per day 2h after Salted big drink of water with B2, B3 and Selenium, then 3h after I should take Vit C and then repeat a second time until 4pm and magnesium before sleep. Correct me If there are some update. I don't really know what effect it will have on me, considering I've been in and out of keto from some time, not able to maintain it long enough, also due to me still iiving with my relatives who don't see all my regimes in a good light, so i may have a lot of bromine in there.

Also I didn't buy magnesium because I still have Night Rest with Melatonin,
containing Magnesium chelated 300mg per serving but also 5mg of melatonin, gaba, taurine, glycine and others stuffs. I read that you need approximately 700mg/d of magnesium so i guess it's not enough, but to be sure what do you think ? Also It mean I would have to take the 5mg melatonin every day,,... :rolleyes:

Anyway thanks for this thread, :) it's really fascinating reading the brownstein book, the epicness is huge ;D in this with all those testaments of miraculously cured people. Right know i'm writing a synthesis to memorise it and will try to tell people I know have symptom of I² deficiency. :cool2:
Hi everyone. I just wanted to give an update on my progress. I've been taking the 10% lugol's solution, 3 drops, 2x daily with co-factors since last November, pulsing with lugol's 4 days on, 3 days off. I start out the day with warm salt water then after breakfast 3 drops 10% lugol's along with co-factors. After eating lunch I take 3000 mg vit C and salted water. After dinner, 3 drops lugol's, and co-factors, before bed I take 1275 mg of Magnesium Malate, fish oil, vit K, and Potassium. I've been sleeping well, mental clarity much better along with increase of energy. A few weeks ago I had an old shoulder injury flare up and lower back felt like it was on fire but both have subsided. Once in a while I'll wake during the night with leg cramps, take some Magnesium and go back to sleep. Maybe time to increase the amount of lugol's I take to see if I get a reaction? :/
[quote author= N2F]
Maybe time to increase the amount of lugol's I take to see if I get a reaction? :/ [/quote]

I wouldn't think it would be necessary to increase the dose unless you were trying to 'nuke' a critter. I lean more towards the slow and gentle approach.
Joe said:
Just had an idea. How many here are likely to use these guys for the test soon? Maybe I can email my contact person there and ask for a reduction for referrals.

I'd be interested in taking the test in a few weeks time. Will start on DMSA in two weeks time. Sounds like a good idea to ask for a reduction.
onemen said:
But considering I've not finished reading the thread :/ (i'm only at page 29 and i've skiped the first few page until the date of C's session) and it may take a pretty while to finish it, i would like to know if I may have missed some things and bying all the stop already ?

So far, my understanding is doing pulse dosing of I², minimum 12.5mg per day 2h after Salted big drink of water with B2, B3 and Selenium, then 3h after I should take Vit C and then repeat a second time until 4pm and magnesium before sleep. Correct me If there are some update. I don't really know what effect it will have on me, considering I've been in and out of keto from some time, not able to maintain it long enough, also due to me still iiving with my relatives who don't see all my regimes in a good light, so i may have a lot of bromine in there.

You will find the protocol in a nutshell in this Sott article "Iodine - Suppressed knowledge that can change your life" (Also available in other languages / translations on Sott).

Pulse dosing is to allow to detox if you have symptoms. If you do not get detox symptoms pulsing the protocol may not needed for you. It is recommended to take niacinamide and not niacin. Please search for Laura's extensive explanations in this thread for more information e.g. about the 2 types of B3 and when you may want to take what.

I recommended to start with a very low dose of iodine for 2-3 weeks (one drop was enough for some). Around that time it seems that there are often some reactions / detox symptoms. For some of us these were quite severe. But many had some even if they first thought there is nothing. So you may be want to be careful with this. ;)
Here’s my regimen:
Iodine - 10% solution drops (in apple cider vinegar)
Started with one drop/day (also get providone iodine 10% in foot bath see below)
Bumped to two drops/day this week (I do about 4 days on 1 off)

Iodine makes me sleepy - dozing off at the computer. Discovered it was better if I took it after noontime instead of morning. Have had some short episodes of brain fog and feeling “dull” in the beginning of the protocol.

Iodine makes my tongue surface feel irritated, like it has been slightly burned or roughed up (ongoing)
The inside of my nose feels wet when on iodine days.

Last week I had a mild sore throat that, over the course of the day, meandered from my left tonsil area over to the right tonsil area of my throat and then disappeared by evening. Never had that before!

Had headaches first 2 weeks, infrequent subsequent weeks that would last most of the day.
Had one all-day headache day on non-iodine day this week. Cause unknown.

I have had internal vibration mostly in my legs for about 4 weeks now, starting to subside this week - short periods versus hours at a time and all day.

First 3 weeks on iodine, several hours of the day I felt crabby, out of sync, who was this person? It would then fade out after a few hours. I seem to be done with this symptom.

Have been able to get to sleep without melatonin or tryptophan before bed.

1 selenium 200 mg, 2 riboflavin (B2) 100 mg, glycine 1xday, 1 NAC 600 mg , 1 niacinamide 100mg
1 boron 3mg, 1 zinc 50 mg, 2 milk thistle, salt water, regular water, 1 Vit. C 1000

Muscle tested no: B3, B6, idoral, potassium iodide, trace minerals

Foot/leg/arm/body cramping:
2-3 Potassium citrate 99mg, 2-3 magnesium polyglycinate chilate 655mg , 1 L-Carnitine 400mg
2 probiotics: 1 Bacillis Coagulans 133mg / 1 Suprema dophilus 60 mg
The Probiotics have thankfully regulated my gut.

Foot baths for leg/foot/arm/body cramping: magnesium flakes, baking soda, providone Iodine solution 10%, Sublingual cramp tablets, topical magnesium oil and gel (makes my skin really dry)
Chi machine (great, I like it)

I was able to bump up the potassium and magnesium from 1 tab each to 3 tabs each with the assistance of the probiotic, so I didn’t do the foot baths every night. It took about a week of cramp tapering and miraculously almost nothing for about two weeks. Then it all came back and have just returned to the foot baths again this week. I have been doing better past couple nights - so will see what happens.

Just saw the boron post…I shall try a bigger dose of this as well.
Interested in the heavy metal test as well.

And…that’s all I know for now. Any suggestions appreciated.
Joe said:
Just had an idea. How many here are likely to use these guys for the test soon? Maybe I can email my contact person there and ask for a reduction for referrals.

I'm interested too!

BTW, Joe, I always had a hard time making out what you were saying on that craptastic blogtalkradio, but last Sunday you sounded much clearer. I don't think its just technical, as Niall sounds the same. But , as I am a picky SOB with speech, either I have been hearing better (doubt it- as I have a problem with the work radio's horrible quality, lol), or you have been speaking much clearer and deliberate. I think the mercury/what not made you mumble in the past, which most people were able to decipher, but it drove me nuts, sorry!
Initially I started the protocol by working up to a fairly high dose (10 drops 10% divided dose) but didn't notice much happening other then the occasional pressure headache. They were like having a pipe clamp around my temples. Not fun. I don't think I was drinking enough salt water to really move things out at the beginning. The most interesting thing that happened was taking a short trip in which I didn't take any iodine at all. During that time I got some mild bromine detox symptoms mostly a small, weepy rash on my chin.

Through December and most of January, I took only 3-5 drops (kineseology tested out to five) and not every day, because I would get muscle tension headaches and depressing thoughts. Now I've dropped the dose to three drops for five days and added the added doing DMSA for two days to see if moving some heavy metals out will help. Interestingly, the muscle tension mostly in the jaw. I had at least 7 amalgam fillings, which I had removed a long time ago, but some were done before all the precautions came into use.

I also think the protocol has kicked loose a bug in my lungs. For the last several years I've had a chest infection around this time of year, and it's back right on schedule. This time though, it's not so deeply embedded. I'm hoping it will clear faster than usual (a month :( ), but I'm not going for the iodine nuke option, as I have to be able to work. Extra salt water and Vit C seem to be helping it along.

Also raising my hand to do the heavy metal testing.
Beau said:
Joe said:
Just had an idea. How many here are likely to use these guys for the test soon? Maybe I can email my contact person there and ask for a reduction for referrals.

I'd like to try the test.

Me too. I've looking around for a place but haven't decided on where.
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