Hello, I've ordered the brownstein book and finished reading it yesterday, and so I have ordered those from ebay
Selenium 200mcg Antioxidant Tablets Pills ONE a Day Years Supply 365 Per Bottle
Life Extension No Flush Niacin 800 mg 100 Caps
Natures Way, Vitamin B-2 Riboflavin, 100mg, x100caps
Fine Himalayan Pink Salt - Unrefined - Pure - Naturally Organic - Food Grade
But considering I've not finished reading the thread :/ (i'm only at page 29 and i've skiped the first few page until the date of C's session) and it may take a pretty while to finish it, i would like to know if I may have missed some things and bying all the stop already ?
So far, my understanding is doing pulse dosing of I², minimum 12.5mg per day 2h after Salted big drink of water with B2, B3 and Selenium, then 3h after I should take Vit C and then repeat a second time until 4pm and magnesium before sleep. Correct me If there are some update. I don't really know what effect it will have on me, considering I've been in and out of keto from some time, not able to maintain it long enough, also due to me still iiving with my relatives who don't see all my regimes in a good light, so i may have a lot of bromine in there.
Also I didn't buy magnesium because I still have Night Rest with Melatonin http://www.amazon.com/Source-Naturals-NightRest-Melatonin-Tablets/dp/B000GFHPCK,
containing Magnesium chelated 300mg per serving but also 5mg of melatonin, gaba, taurine, glycine and others stuffs. I read that you need approximately 700mg/d of magnesium so i guess it's not enough, but to be sure what do you think ? Also It mean I would have to take the 5mg melatonin every day,,...
Anyway thanks for this thread, :) it's really fascinating reading the brownstein book, the epicness is huge ;D in this with all those testaments of miraculously cured people. Right know i'm writing a synthesis to memorise it and will try to tell people I know have symptom of I² deficiency.