Iodine and Potassium Iodide

kalibex said:
I'm wondering suddenly about the proper use of Lugols for candida overgrowth. It is used by some for that - but I'm wondering why I'm having an obvious fungal upsurge right now, considering my current high Lugol dose. If the candida is simply 'energized' right now, I'd hate to see what it would take to 'nuke' it......... :/

It could also be related to heavy metal detox, specially mercury. A lot of candida could be released. If the problem gets out of control, it would be reasonable to do some sort of candida protocol.
kalibex said:
I'm wondering suddenly about the proper use of Lugols for candida overgrowth. It is used by some for that - but I'm wondering why I'm having an obvious fungal upsurge right now, considering my current high Lugol dose. If the candida is simply 'energized' right now, I'd hate to see what it would take to 'nuke' it......... :/

You're taking about 100mg right now, right? It could just take 200mg, which I think was originally a dosage specified somewhere (earlier on this thread or the candida thread maybe) for fungal overgrowths.

Neem's also a potent anti-fungal alternative; oil for topical issues and capsules/caplets for internal.
I've been taking the 12% lugol solution since November. I started with 3 drops daily, usually about an hour after breakfast, along with supplements of selenium, zinc and boron. 2 times a day I do 1/2 teaspoon of salt in water before breakfast and after dinner. Usually around late afternoon I'll do a liquid mineral solution in some water. And then before bed vitamin C, NAC, milk thistle and magnesium.

Initially I didn't have much reaction to the 3 drops of (12%) lugols, aside from a headache now and again and some noticeable muscles aches, usually in my neck and low back/hip area. About a month after I started the protocol I did have some emotions come up that were overwhelming. The best way to describe the 'sensation' was like a wound that had healed over and scabbed. Situations in my life would brush against this scabbed wound and I would emotionally break down, feeling a deep sense of sadness and a need to cry. After a good cry I would feel better, this went on for about a week.

Shortly after I upped the dose of (12%) lugols to 5 drops a day along with the supplements, salt water, and glycine in my tea during the afternoon. No major noticeable symptoms other than I started sleeping more about 9 hours a night.

The second week of January I took a 2 1/2 week break. I started back on the 5 drops + the supplement regime and have since been having much more noticeable symptoms. Nothing physically really aside from feeling extremely exhausted by 7:00 each evening, even with 9 hours of sleep.

The symptoms I have been having are now more mental. :huh: I am having a hard time concentrating and even comprehending, especially when reading and trying to formulate cohesive thoughts. My attention seems to be all over the place and strange insignificant worries seem to cloud my thinking. It feels like there are gaps in my understanding. It's as if I have a thought and cannot seem to get it out of my brain, like it gets lost somewhere in the process. I have been spending time just writing, documenting what I can about this whole process.

The clarity of thought seems to be coming back a bit and the weird worry sensations are subsiding. I've dropped back down to the 3 drops and started taking more vitamin C in addition to some GABA and HTP5 in the evening with magnesium before bed. Usually about once a week I will take a day off from the iodine all together.

A few years ago I had a hair analysis done and it did show that I had a high amount of mercury and arsenic toxicity. I did the protocols discussed in Sherry Rogers book Detoxify or Die to deal with the mercury issue. I haven't had a follow up since so maybe the weird mental symptoms are more evil mercury :mad:
'Awapuhi said:
Shortly after I upped the dose of (12%) lugols to 5 drops a day along with the supplements, salt water, and glycine in my tea during the afternoon. No major noticeable symptoms other than I started sleeping more about 9 hours a night.

The second week of January I took a 2 1/2 week break. I started back on the 5 drops + the supplement regime and have since been having much more noticeable symptoms. Nothing physically really aside from feeling extremely exhausted by 7:00 each evening, even with 9 hours of sleep.

The symptoms I have been having are now more mental. :huh: I am having a hard time concentrating and even comprehending, especially when reading and trying to formulate cohesive thoughts. My attention seems to be all over the place and strange insignificant worries seem to cloud my thinking. It feels like there are gaps in my understanding. It's as if I have a thought and cannot seem to get it out of my brain, like it gets lost somewhere in the process. I have been spending time just writing, documenting what I can about this whole process.

The clarity of thought seems to be coming back a bit and the weird worry sensations are subsiding. I've dropped back down to the 3 drops and started taking more vitamin C in addition to some GABA and HTP5 in the evening with magnesium before bed. Usually about once a week I will take a day off from the iodine all together.

A few years ago I had a hair analysis done and it did show that I had a high amount of mercury and arsenic toxicity. I did the protocols discussed in Sherry Rogers book Detoxify or Die to deal with the mercury issue. I haven't had a follow up since so maybe the weird mental symptoms are more evil mercury :mad:

Could well be. Maybe a urine test is in order? Those symptoms you describe are very similar to my own. I suppose we just trust in the process and take it one step at a time. :hug2:
Joe said:
Could well be. Maybe a urine test is in order? Those symptoms you describe are very similar to my own. I suppose we just trust in the process and take it one step at a time. :hug2:

Yes excellent suggestion, I think the urine test would be a good indicator if it is a release of mercury :O

For a few days I felt like I was starting to experience some 'age related' memory loss! But it was more than that really. It was like learning how to read and comprehend all over again :/

I remember reading your experience on this thread and keeping what you shared in mind. Another aspect was the amount of energy it took just to make it through reading a SOTT article. Like I had to really will myself to even finish reading and then sit for a few moments to let the information connect...sometimes it just flittered away and I though geez what's happening. I can't even stayed focused on one coherent thought or topic.

I am drinking a lot of water and as you shared having faith in the process and taking it one step at a time ;)
Gandalf said:
I had a hair analysis done in last september and not that much toxic elements but missing some good ones.

You will see the results in the graph (below) and I also received a report of 4 pages explaining the results.

And fwiw, the cost of the hair analysis was 90$ Canadian.

There are some limitations to hair analysis, like it will only show what's been leeched out into hair over a fairly long period of time. But if you're happy with those results and have no reason to suspect any significant HM load, then no reason to worry about it.
Joe and anyone else who had huge effects from the iodine protocol:

Did you ever do the gene testing to see if you have the MTHFR mutation?

I don't think I have MTHFR, which might explain my relatively minor issues. I'm not interested in doing 23andMe since learning that in the USA they can mass mine the database for any crimes. SIGH, big brother!
Dirgni said:
It is recommended to take niacinamide and not niacin.

Hi again

Well I've read to fast then, I though inositol hexanicotinade no flush is the good one same as niacinamide, and also it's already arrive yesterday, I have 100pills of 800mg so what should I put it down and order the niacinamide or i can use it ?
Dirgni said:
It is recommended to take niacinamide and not niacin.

I still read contradicting information about this. Could someone with deep and empirical knowledge please resolve it once and for all ?
I read that rashes coming after taking b3 in form of nicotinic acid (niacin) are desired since it helps to remove toxins located away from main blood vessels.
Joe said:
Aeneas said:
Joe said:
Just had an idea. How many here are likely to use these guys for the test soon? Maybe I can email my contact person there and ask for a reduction for referrals.

I'd be interested in taking the test in a few weeks time. Will start on DMSA in two weeks time. Sounds like a good idea to ask for a reduction.

Just to make it clear, you don't have to start a DMSA protocol to take the test. In fact, taking the test first is a good way to know if you even need to do DMSA and for how long. The only suggestion is that you take one decent dose of DMSA (30mgs per KG of body weight) then wait a few hours and collect your urine sample.
Yes, it might be a good idea to have a test beforehand to see what the loading would be. In that way one can follow and quantify the progress over time.

So with the dose of DMSA of 30mg per KG body weight, it would mean for a person weighing 80 kg a dose of 2400mg or 24 x 100mg tablets in one go. Yes that sounds like a hefty dose :scared: Might need to order some extra supplies of DMSA before starting and reread with what to remineralise. Thanks for showing your results and the encouragement to detoxify the heavy metals.
drygol said:
I still read contradicting information about this. Could someone with deep and empirical knowledge please resolve it once and for all ?
I read that rashes coming after taking b3 in form of nicotinic acid (niacin) are desired since it helps to remove toxins located away from main blood vessels.

Well, after reading about the two substances carefully, my choice is the niacinamide. And that is what Brownstein recommends specifically.
Aeneas said:
So with the dose of DMSA of 30mg per KG body weight, it would mean for a person weighing 80 kg a dose of 2400mg or 24 x 100mg tablets in one go. Yes that sounds like a hefty dose :scared: Might need to order some extra supplies of DMSA before starting and reread with what to remineralise. Thanks for showing your results and the encouragement to detoxify the heavy metals.

I think you could probably still get a decent result with half of that.
I stopped the iodine at the beginning of January due to estrogen overload. It was likely caused by the fact that mercury acts like an estrogen in the body and not the iodine.

I've just finished my 4th round of DMSA and the estrogen overload has gotten much better. The first 3 rounds went well. I noticed some mental clarity and some of the brain fog clearing out. The 4th round was more difficult. I felt horrible and was really tired - some of the brain fog returned and I wasn't able to focus very well. I stopped 1/2 a day short of three full days and loaded up on the additional supplements to help with the detox process. MacDonald-Baker mentions that might happen in his "Detoxification and Healing" book. He compares it to the mercury chelation process to washing socks and how for some reason, all the dirt comes out on the 4th wash.

During the DMSA cycles, I started with 200mg of DMSA at night for the 1st cycle. I added 200mg in the AM for the 2nd cycle. Then 200mg 3 times per day for the 3rd and 4th cycle. I also took 5g of vitamin C two times per day, ALA 100mg 2 times per day, vitamin E 400IU 2 times per day, taurine 500mg once per day. 600mg of NAC 3 times per day, sunflower lecithin (for the phosphatidylcholine) and milk thistle. Probiotics, chlorella and melatonin before bed. For remineralization I've been taking minerals without iron or copper and trace minerals with breakfast and 5 magnesium malates before bed.

I've had some strange dreams on the DMSA. Similar to the weird iodine dreams.

I'll start the iodine again once I've done 6 rounds of DMSA and see what happens.
kalibex said:
I'm wondering suddenly about the proper use of Lugols for candida overgrowth. It is used by some for that - but I'm wondering why I'm having an obvious fungal upsurge right now, considering my current high Lugol dose. If the candida is simply 'energized' right now, I'd hate to see what it would take to 'nuke' it......... :/

I posted an article about Candida and Iodine here,13371.msg618576.html#msg618576

The article is by Dr. Truss. His Candida treatment is 6-8 drops of Lugol's solution four times a day.

Hope that helps!:)
So it seems I have hit the lowest point ( I hope it is the lowest because this feels pretty awful).

After I developed persistent sore throat as mentioned before I decided to increase the dose to 10 mg. The sore throat got a bit better although not completely but I got symptoms of nasal congestion, not fully blown cold but pretty annoying. I can live with that. What bothers me the most is that my energy level or 'joie de vivre' plummeted. I am waddling through the day on some sort of automatic pilot. To make it worse I am in the middle of important course and I find it extremely difficult to focus which creates extra pressure. Mentally I am experiencing something similar to what 'Awapuhi described although on much smaller scale.
The scariest part was when I wanted to say 'towel' and I said 'tail' :(

I stopped Iodine and focusing on detox. I found that Epsom salt bath really helps to calm the mind.
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