Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Menrva said:
During the DMSA cycles, I started with 200mg of DMSA at night for the 1st cycle. I added 200mg in the AM for the 2nd cycle. Then 200mg 3 times per day for the 3rd and 4th cycle. I also took 5g of vitamin C two times per day, ALA 100mg 2 times per day, vitamin E 400IU 2 times per day, taurine 500mg once per day. 600mg of NAC 3 times per day, sunflower lecithin (for the phosphatidylcholine) and milk thistle. Probiotics, chlorella and melatonin before bed. For remineralization I've been taking minerals without iron or copper and trace minerals with breakfast and 5 magnesium malates before bed.
Thank you for sharing your details on how you did the DMSA cycle as I am gettting ready to begin with DMSA too.

An update from my side. Been on the iodine protocol since Dec. 1. For the last 5+weeks, I have been on about 6 drops of Lugol (4.4%, which due to drop size amount to about 7,4mg per drop makes it a total of roughly 45mg elemental iodine/iodide). Have added all the co-factors which includes:
1 tsp of salt (divided into morning & late afternoon)
1tsp of chlorella (before breakfast)
200mcg Selenium
1 pill of B complex 100
100mg B2
500mg B3
3mg boron
1 zinc
1 D3 pill
1 milk thistle pill
1 Krill pill
1 pill of wild garlic

After breakfast I have the Lugol and SSKI and 20 Cilantro drops, followed a few hour later by 3-6gr of Vit C. In the evening before bed, about 500mg Magnesium Citrate, 250mg of Potassium Gluconate (not the best way for potassium but it is what I have at the moment) 3mg Boron, and have added for the last couple of weeks a probiotic and melatonin.

In the last 4 weeks I have added SSKI (supersaturated potassium iodide). Though the bottle says that 1 drop contains 50mg of KI based on 15 drops per ml, there is in my estimate only about half or a third in a drop as the droplets are tiny compared to the Lugol dropper, which the company have tested and found to contain 15 drops per ml. I take between 5-10 drops along with the Lugol.

Before starting the protocol I did FIR saunas 2-3 times a week since September due to back problems and I have continued to do the FIR sauna about twice a week to aid the detoxification.

The physical detox symptoms have been minor as mentioned earlier such as minor fleeting headaches, a rash that cleared up within a few days using betadine (Povidone-iodine). I have in the past also used betadine with success for fungal growth between toes, small fungal attacks, cuts etc. Very useful to have at home!

One evening a couple of weeks ago, a sore throat developed and before going to bed I gargled with a couple of drops of Lugol in water and next morning it was gone.

Emotions: There were after about 3 weeks of Lugol some confusion, a lot of irritation and emotional instability that stirred with periods of despair and gloom, which showed itself as a lot of self-destructive anger, lack of patience mainly with myself etc. Since now 5 weeks this appears to have disappeared. There is a lot more internal emotional calmness, patience and ability to take a step back when stress situations appear to arise. A number of situations have arisen that would in the past have fed the negative cycle of negative emotions, but there is no interest in going there. It is as having been lifted out of the groove of the old record player and a new record is being played or ideally created.

There has been an immense change in dream activity from day one on Lugol. Instead of just being aware that dreaming happened, I have now much more access to them and the content.

I also find myself singing more :cool:

The other day I weighted myself for the first time in half a year and I had put on 6kg, which for me is an achievement, as it has been difficult for me to put weight on. This has also been one of the reasons why I have been more on the paleodiet than keto diet, meaning that I found that some carbs seemed to be good for me and keeping my weight from dropping. Whether the putting on of weight is due to iodine, detox or what I hesitate to say, but it could well be a combination of factors.

The night before last, I had a dream where Joe in a gentle way suggested that I shared more emotional content on the forum. It was my intent anyway to post yesterday, but it was a nice reminder. As it is, I got sick an hour after having taken the usual supplements, Lugol and SSKI, vomited and had to lie down for a couple of hours (luckily I was not working yesterday). No appetite the rest of that day and a little bit off center. My right knee that had started having a bit of arthritis, which had then gone away with boron, suddenly played up again and was quite wonky going up stairs (today it is better again). Instead of going swimming, I took a FIR sauna and sweated more than usual. By 7:30pm, I was back to normal again with some appetite. Today I lowered the SSKI to just 3 drops (~75mg) but kept the Lugol at 6 drops.

There are a couple more body related things, that appears to have cleared up, but I will wait a little to observe if that is really true before posting about it.

I intend to start with DMSA in a couple of weeks time, when I have the time and will be at home as the next week is looking a bit hectic. Like Dugdeep, I also had flouride given at school as an experiment that the dentists were doing :scared: , and additionally had 15+ amalgam fillings which I got removed 18 years ago. One last amalgam filling which the other dentists said was too hard to get to, was removed by a dentist a couple of years ago. So I do think there will be HM to chelate, even if I at the time had homeopathic drops for the mercury.
A few years ago I took a DMSA challenge 12 hour urine test for heavy metals. Looking back to find where I did the testing, I think I did it through

Checking their website I saw 2 tests they offer that might be suitable for getting mercury levels through urine collection.

The one I would suggest costs $119 and is a home urine collection kit you mail back to them. It doesn't look like a DMSA or chelator challenge test so you'd need to tweak it a bit to make it work as a challenge test. They call it the
Toxic Metals, Urine-DD KIT - it's listed in their miscellaneous category of tests.

the other suitable test might be the Heavy Metals Profile II, urine - but it costs $299 and it looks like the sample collection might be done in a lab rather than at home.

When I took mine, it was specifically a challenge test and DMSA came with the kit, I don't think that one is still offered. The DMSA dose was somewhere in the range of 10mg/kg I think. 10mg/kg was a more tolerable dose than 30mg/kg and it did produce real results. If I did it again, I would probably stick with no more than 10 to 15mg/kg DMSA - I'm not sure I could tolerate 30mg/kg in a single dose, It was a bit iffy for me to take the full 10mg/kg when I was doing my mercury detox back then. Besides making me feel lousy, I'd sometimes get woozy headed, dizzy, and really feeble feeling. Once I came close to a faint.

To make this cut-rate test a full DMSA challenge, you'd want to take the DMSA dose at least an hour before the first urine sample. A couple of hours might be about right. Then collect all urine for about 6 hours after taking the DMSA dose. Drink plenty of water to encourage the metals to be released in the urine.

This test also covers a lot of other heavy metals, so you can check out if there may be problem areas other then mercury.

I don't know how the price on this test compares to the microtraceminerals test, but it will give something to compare pricing against.

Also - directlabs says they don't need doctor orders for the tests, anyone can order the test for themselves.
Odyssey said:
I muscle tested for 6 drops of 10% iodine with (co-factors and salt water and vitamin C)and worked my way up to it after days of taking only 2-3 drops with no side effects. On the second day of six drops I developed a head cold, fatigue, water retention and a pounding headache. Betrayed by my meatsack once again!! :lol: I'm taking some days off until I feel better and will return to no more than 4 drops daily 5days a week.

I hear ya. I tested for 7 drops but I ain't got what it takes to have the nerve to do that now! What I do is alternate between potassium iodide pills 37 mg, and lugols. I'll do the pills a couple of days, then do two drops of lugols one day, three the next, then jump to five and do that two days, then back to the pills. I figure I can detox GRADUALLY!!!! Plus, we all went through that awful cold with oceans of phlegm coming up. So I just add guaifenesin to my daily co-factors to keep stuff moving out.
[quote author= dj]
A few years ago I took a DMSA challenge 12 hour urine test for heavy metals. Looking back to find where I did the testing, I think I did it through [/quote]

This lab excludes Maryland, New York, New Jersey & Rhode Island (must be because of state laws?) and it is pretty pricey!!! The heavy metal urine profile only tests for mercury, lead and arsenic. For a whopping $299!!! :umm:

Doctor's Data out of Illinois offers a much better deal for those interested. They test for 20 metals, the test kit they send is postage paid and includes the needed DMSA. All for $129.95. There is a thread here on HM testing. They also give you the doctor's Rx needed to order the test. A sweet deal by comparison. :thup:
Yeah, the doctors data test is set up much better for what we're doing. That's probably where I originally got my test through since they include the DMSA.

Great find on this, Lilou

Did you see the instructions for the test? It may need slight modification to best suit what we're doing. Perhaps a larger dose DMSA, fewer hours needed for sample collection, or other tweaks.
I started 1 drop of iodine on Jan 18 and increased to 2 drops on Jan 27. Some unusual things have happened.

I was in town with my mother and we had gotten back into the car to leave. I had a feeling of suspense, like I was waiting for something to happen. I started to worry that my mother would put the car into drive rather than reverse in order to pull out of the parking lot. Instead of saying anything, I just explored the feeling and payed attention. I watched as she shifted into drive and began preparing to move. I told her about her mistake and she replied "Oh. Well that's why I always back out slowly...".

At some point I was reading some things and I realized I was starting to drift into a speed reading technique. Before when I had learned about speed reading and tried it but it didn't click, I didn't see how I could process the information fast enough even if I could read fast. This time, something was different, and I had the feeling that as I was doing this I was developing the skill. I can only describe it as a feeling of learning. Unlike before, I could feel there was "room to grow" so to speak, and that my boundaries were stretchable.

I've also found that it is easier to memorize strings of numbers and letters, and I don't have to worry so much about forgetting what I'm trying to remember. Again there was the feeling that there was room to grow, that I was developing a skill. Working memory seems to be improved in general.

I also less affected by negative emotions. The emotions feel the same, but my capacity/tolerance for them has increased. I also wake up in the mornings better.
I started the iodine protocol back in Nov. I started with 4 drops plus co factors and I felt the effects instantly headaches, stiff neck and emotionally up and down. After a couple weeks I toned it down to 2 drops and then 1 drop and felt normal again, I was sleeping very soundly with vivid dreams.

About a week ago I started the DMSA and it's felt like all hell has broken loose, immediately after taking the DMSA I got head aches, upset stomach and generally feeling crappy, that was day one. Day two was even worse I had such an intense nights sleep it felt like every cell in my body was coming unglued, the next day was rough, that night I broke into such extreme cold sweats that the bed was soaking wet. The next day my nose was running nonstop with lots of sneezing and coughing. Now it feels like I've come down with a nasty head cold with aches in my lower back and joints, I didn't want to get out of bed all day yesterday which is unusual for me I rarely ever get sick if I do it's very mild, I haven't felt this bad in years.

Today I'm feeling much better I've been taking lots of Vit C,NAC,minerals and beneficial microbes, hopefully the worst is over. I decided to take a break on the DMSA for now.
kawika said:
I started the iodine protocol back in Nov. I started with 4 drops plus co factors and I felt the effects instantly headaches, stiff neck and emotionally up and down. After a couple weeks I toned it down to 2 drops and then 1 drop and felt normal again, I was sleeping very soundly with vivid dreams.

About a week ago I started the DMSA and it's felt like all hell has broken loose, immediately after taking the DMSA I got head aches, upset stomach and generally feeling crappy, that was day one. Day two was even worse I had such an intense nights sleep it felt like every cell in my body was coming unglued, the next day was rough, that night I broke into such extreme cold sweats that the bed was soaking wet. The next day my nose was running nonstop with lots of sneezing and coughing. Now it feels like I've come down with a nasty head cold with aches in my lower back and joints, I didn't want to get out of bed all day yesterday which is unusual for me I rarely ever get sick if I do it's very mild, I haven't felt this bad in years.

Today I'm feeling much better I've been taking lots of Vit C,NAC,minerals and beneficial microbes, hopefully the worst is over. I decided to take a break on the DMSA for now.

That's pretty rough kawika! How much DMSA did you take?
Today I started with cilantro, chlorella heavy metal detox. I took 500mg of cilantro and 250mg chlorella in tincture form at noon and 1/2 hour later took 1 520mg chlorella tablet. It's recommended on the bottle to take 3x daily. It's 5pm EST, I feel no effects as of yet. Next dose after dinner. I stopped the iodine and co factors 1 day ago (having done 3 drops of iodine 2x a day, 4 days on, 3 days off with co factors). I haven't had much of a reaction to the iodine protocol. I'm continuing vit C, B's, fish oil, magnesium and potassium and salted water. I've done the sauna blanket in the past for detox and thinking of doing it again. I'll give updates as I go along. Any suggestions on the cilantro, chlorella heavy metal detox? :/
Nancy2feathers said:
Today I started with cilantro, chlorella heavy metal detox. I took 500mg of cilantro and 250mg chlorella in tincture form at noon and 1/2 hour later took 1 520mg chlorella tablet. It's recommended on the bottle to take 3x daily. It's 5pm EST, I feel no effects as of yet. Next dose after dinner. I stopped the iodine and co factors 1 day ago (having done 3 drops of iodine 2x a day, 4 days on, 3 days off with co factors). I haven't had much of a reaction to the iodine protocol. I'm continuing vit C, B's, fish oil, magnesium and potassium and salted water. I've done the sauna blanket in the past for detox and thinking of doing it again. I'll give updates as I go along. Any suggestions on the cilantro, chlorella heavy metal detox? :/

In what form are you taking the Cilantro?
Joe said:
That's pretty rough kawika! How much DMSA did you take?

I took 200mg for 3 days, wasn't expecting that kind of reaction! I did a heavy metal detox about 3 years ago and I thought I got a lot of the HM out, guess I was wrong.
kawika said:
I took 200mg for 3 days, wasn't expecting that kind of reaction! I did a heavy metal detox about 3 years ago and I thought I got a lot of the HM out, guess I was wrong.

That is a fairly low dose, but perhaps the iodine mobilized a lot of heavy metals. I would try DMSA 200mg every two days or twice per week. That way you could navigate the detox better.

It is a very well tolerated dose and heavy metals will still be chelated. Perhaps more slower, but sometimes it is better to do it slowly but surely.

Hope you feel better soon :flowers:
Nancy2feathers said:
In what form are you taking the Cilantro?

It's a Cilantro/Chlorella glycerin tincture.

Here are some suggestions from The Klinghardt Neurotoxin Elimination Protocol:

Cilantro (Chinese Parsley)

This kitchen herb is capable of mobilizing mercury, cadmium, lead and aluminum in both bones and the central nervous system. It is probably the only effective agent in mobilizing mercury stored in the intracellular space (attached to mitochondria, tubulin, liposomes etc) and in the nucleus of the cell (reversing DNA damage of mercury). Because cilantro mobilizes more toxins then it can carry out of the body, it may flood the connective tissue (where the nerves reside) with metals, that were previously stored in safer hiding places.

This process is called re-toxification. It can easily be avoided by simultaneously giving an intestinal toxin-absorbing agent. Our definite choice is the algal organism chlorella. A recent animal study demonstrated rapid removal of aluminum from the skeleton superior to any known other detox agent.

Dosage and application of cilantro tincture: give 2 drops 2 times per day in the beginning, taken just before a meal or 30 minutes after taking chlorella (cilantro causes the gallbladder to dump bile — containing the excreted neurotoxins — into the small intestine. The bile-release occurs naturally as we are eating and is much enhanced by cilantro. If no chlorella is taken, most neurotoxins are reabsorbed on the way down the small intestine by the abundant nerve endings of the enteric nervous system). Gradually increase dose to 10 drops 3 times/day for full benefit. During the initial phase of the detox cilantro should be given 1 week on, 2–3 weeks off.

Other ways of taking cilantro: rub 5 drops twice/day into ankles for mobilization of metals in all organs, joints and structures below the diaphragm, and into the wrists for organs, joints and structures above the diaphragm. The wrists have dense autonomic innervation (axonal uptake of cilantro) and are crossed by the main lymphatic channels (lymphatic uptake).

Lots of good info in the article above. It says that, "This lecture was presented by Dietrich Klinghardt M.D., Ph.D. at the Jean Piaget Department at the University of Geneva, Switzerland Oct. 2002 to physicians and dentists from Europe, Israel, several Arab countries and Asia." :)
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