Chu said:I described the symptoms and what I did (which then Timotheos did as well) here:,13371.msg615328.html#msg615328
If any of that compares to what you had, then maybe you can try doing something similar? And yes, fasting, and sadly, zero fat! Your pancreas can't handle that when you're in that state. And notice how much vitamin C I needed to relieve the symptoms after a few days, but never managing to cure it completely. So, you're probably not taking enough for the pain to go away. But if you do the iodine protocol, you may not need much at all.
Notice, however, that I made the mistake of prolonging it too much, and had serious detox symptoms afterward (looked like bromine detox). So, 4-5 days should be enough, not 10, if you decide to go this route.
Yeah, after I heard what happened to Chu after 10 days on the iodine nuking strength, I decided to stop after 1 week, and managed to avoid any of the bad detox reactions.
For a few weeks now, I've been experimenting with a switched-around regimen, where I take 3-5 drops of Lugol's at breakfast with minerals and other supplements, Vit C in the late afternoon, then take the chelators at bedtime (switching between EDTA, Apple Pectin and Chlorella, depending). Then, first thing next morning, wash it all away with the sea salt water drink.
I figure, if the iodine is acting as a mobilizer during the day, taking heavy metals out of the tissues and into the blood stream, then the chelators can work picking up those metals while I sleep, ready to be washed away the next morning.
It's not the standard protocol, but I haven't experienced any negative issues with this regimen so far.