Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Oxajil said:
As for the good news, as some might know, I've been struggling with a viral infection (herpes zoster ophthalmicus/herpes simplex) in my right eye that would occasionally flare up. I've been dealing with it for about five to six years now with ups and downs. When I went to the eye doctor with Chu last week, we were surprised to learn that the eyedoctor said that he is seeing improvement in my eye; blood vessels have decreased, and there is a lot less inflammation. He was quite surprised and said it was a miracle! Before, he seemed hopeless, and mentioned surgery as a possibility when things get worse. I was really relieved when I heard that things are taking a turn for the better. I think that the low doxy protocol, the antibiotics protocol, and now the iodine protocol have all been contributing to this improvement. I think that in some cases (like mine) it can take a couple of years before there are some visible changes! But it is definitely worth it.

:wow: :thup: This is a great testimonial, and I am so very glad for you, Oxajil!
Alana said:
Oxajil said:
As for the good news, as some might know, I've been struggling with a viral infection (herpes zoster ophthalmicus/herpes simplex) in my right eye that would occasionally flare up. I've been dealing with it for about five to six years now with ups and downs. When I went to the eye doctor with Chu last week, we were surprised to learn that the eyedoctor said that he is seeing improvement in my eye; blood vessels have decreased, and there is a lot less inflammation. He was quite surprised and said it was a miracle! Before, he seemed hopeless, and mentioned surgery as a possibility when things get worse. I was really relieved when I heard that things are taking a turn for the better. I think that the low doxy protocol, the antibiotics protocol, and now the iodine protocol have all been contributing to this improvement. I think that in some cases (like mine) it can take a couple of years before there are some visible changes! But it is definitely worth it.

:wow: :thup: This is a great testimonial, and I am so very glad for you, Oxajil!

That's really great news! :clap:

sitting said:
RedFox said:
LQB said:
I do have a very sore right shoulder - but I think that has more to do with too much mouse/computer work. I've had this before.

fwiw a sore right shoulder can be an indication your liver is struggling - so perhaps try some milk thistle/NAC.

Hi RedFox,

Can you give some references or links on that? Thanks.
Liver pain

Liver pain is felt in the upper right area of the abdomen, just below the ribs. Usually, it is a dull, vague pain though it can sometimes be quite severe and may cause a backache. Sometimes people perceive it as pain in the right shoulder.
It is often confused with general abdominal pain, back pain or kidney pain, according to New Health Guide. It can be hard to pinpoint the exact location or cause of such pains, so it is important to see a doctor. Doctors may do blood tests, ultrasounds or biopsies to determine the cause of pain.

Liver pain can be the result of a variety of causes. According to HealthGrades, some common causes are: ascites (fluid in the abdomen), cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver failure, enlarged liver, liver abscess, and liver tumors.

On support Nutritional support that helps optimize liver function and remove toxins
RedFox said:
LQB said:
I do have a very sore right shoulder - but I think that has more to do with too much mouse/computer work. I've had this before.

fwiw a sore right shoulder can be an indication your liver is struggling - so perhaps try some milk thistle/NAC.

I'll give it a shot - thanks RF!
Hello to all, I thought I'd share a little update and some pretty good news.
I followed two months Iodine therapy protocol by David Brownstein for women with PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) and fibrocystic breast disease, with 2X5 drops (per day) of Lugol with 5% Iodine, together with salt water (2X glass of water with 1/2 tbs of salt, per day), vitamin B2&B3 and C, Mg, milk thistle, ALA and Omega 3, and followed advices on our forum. I commenced with 1X2 drops of Lugol and gradually set it to the 5 drops.
It was really tough experience, with Herxheimer reaction on 3 drops and felling like hell. But the only thing that keep me going was the fact that I didn't have any kind of PCOS pain since end of the first week of the protocol. It still feel like miracle, PCOS is life with almost constant pain and no help from regular medicine (unless the hormonal poisoning is "therapy"), actually, according to the docs there is no cure for PCOS.
Well there is and it is Iodine.
You know when you have something like this and after 25 years of all kind of therapies and tests and ups and downs it is almost unbelievable to actually live without pain. No back pain, no ovary pain, no stomach cramps, no swelling, no muscle spasms, no Dysmenorrhea, no crying in agony, no PMS, etc.
Herx abated on day 47.
During the protocol I had a vivid dreams, they were full of details sometimes it almost looked like dream itself is normal everyday reality, but after that kind of dreams it was really hard to wake up, it was physically painful to open eyes and woke up, when Herx abated so did this kind of dreams. At the same time I felt discomfort when taking melatonin before sleeping. For years I could sleep normally only with help of EE or melatonin. I don't use melatonin any more because I feel no need for it.

I noticed that my taste in food changed and that I prefer less spices in food. Before protocol I was using really lot of local spices like bay, parsley, local sort of garlic etc, or oriental spices like turmeric and curry, now I need much less in my food and I feel happy. Before protocol I liked coffee more than anything now I like the most pure water and green or black tea with lot of butter. Before protocol I needed more Xylitol in my hot drinks, now I need just a bit of it in my coffee (when I drink it).

The biggest surprise is my need for tobacco, actually lack of need for it. Before protocol I was chain smoker, I enjoyed in smoking in at least 15-18 hand made organic tobacco cigarettes without filter, with (sometimes) couple of pipes a day. I like to smoke it especially when reading or even when eating and working in the garden, or driving boat or car. If I didn't smoke enough I felt a bit nervous it was almost like having real pain (that I could not pinpoint nowhere in my body but it was real). Sometimes during second week of the protocol I was on 8 cigarettes a day and no pipe. Now I smoke maximum 2-4 cigarettes a day. Don't take me wrong, I like cigarettes I like tobacco, just that I'm satisfied with that amount, I don't have constant need for smoking tobacco like before. I'm not sure what happened, perhaps Iodine did assisted detox of my endocrine system, perhaps even brain, maybe Iodine somehow adjusted acetylcholine level in my brain, or perhaps, regulated natural occurrences of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) in my brain, I really don't know.

The second suprise is that I can calm myself when angry. Before most of the time I didn't have control over my negative emotions, now is more like I could see myself feeling angry, or nervous or feeling like boiling up, and as fast I notice what is going on in my mind, I can easily compose myself and calm down without any trouble. I don't know, has anyone experienced something like this? Perhaps this kind of change is part of minimization of negative effect of the PCOS on my behaviour. (PCOS, has been linked to various emotional and mental disorders, including anxiety, panic attacks, depression, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, mood swings, and chronic stress.) But I would gladly have your opinion on it, because I fell different than before and more in control of myself, most important I feel calmer and happier. To tell you the truth I was pretty much depressed most of the time in last 10 years and I now I'm not.
I muscle tested Iodine couple days ago and it showed 4 drops of 5% Lugol, so I continued with taking it.
I'm planing to buy Wild Garlic (Allium Ursinum) Tincture in order to get the best assitance in detox with alicin, but as well looking forward to buy Chlorella, and plant my own Cilantro.
Many thanks for all the info about Iodine efficiency and detox protocol.
Eärwen said:
The second suprise is that I can calm myself when angry. Before most of the time I didn't have control over my negative emotions, now is more like I could see myself feeling angry, or nervous or feeling like boiling up, and as fast I notice what is going on in my mind, I can easily compose myself and calm down without any trouble.

I've experienced variations on this and lack thereof at various points in my life. One certain thing is that nothing lasts forever, but if iodine allows us to do this more often, it will be a great help.

My experience is that iodine seems to clear some mental blockages. Of course it doesn't do any work for you, but if you find yourself in an emotional state with the blockage cleared, and you push back, the results will be different than when the blockage is present. You will feel like you have won a battle, that there is room there for you to grow into and that you will be stronger next time.
Great to hear the amazing results, Eärwen (and yes, I've mentioned before about better anger control and overall mood), Oxajil, and LQB!
RedFox said:
sitting said:
RedFox said:
LQB said:
I do have a very sore right shoulder - but I think that has more to do with too much mouse/computer work. I've had this before.

fwiw a sore right shoulder can be an indication your liver is struggling - so perhaps try some milk thistle/NAC.

Hi RedFox,

Can you give some references or links on that? Thanks.

Thank you.
Oxajil said:
As for the good news, as some might know, I've been struggling with a viral infection (herpes zoster ophthalmicus/herpes simplex) in my right eye that would occasionally flare up. I've been dealing with it for about five to six years now with ups and downs. When I went to the eye doctor with Chu last week, we were surprised to learn that the eyedoctor said that he is seeing improvement in my eye; blood vessels have decreased, and there is a lot less inflammation. He was quite surprised and said it was a miracle! Before, he seemed hopeless, and mentioned surgery as a possibility when things get worse. I was really relieved when I heard that things are taking a turn for the better. I think that the low doxy protocol, the antibiotics protocol, and now the iodine protocol have all been contributing to this improvement. I think that in some cases (like mine) it can take a couple of years before there are some visible changes! But it is definitely worth it.

I was so hoping that this is where you were going when I started to read your post! I am soooo happy for you. :wow: :clap: :bacon: :cheer:
SeekinTruth said:
Great to hear the amazing results, Eärwen (and yes, I've mentioned before about better anger control and overall mood), Oxajil, and LQB!

Thanks for pointing me to the right direction SeekinTruth. :) I definitely need to read all the posts I missed in this thread in last month, and I really can't get the right picture without carefully reading everything. Once more many thanks.
Eärwen said:
Hello to all, I thought I'd share a little update and some pretty good news.
I followed two months Iodine therapy protocol by David Brownstein for women with PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) and fibrocystic breast disease, with 2X5 drops (per day) of Lugol with 5% Iodine, together with salt water (2X glass of water with 1/2 tbs of salt, per day), vitamin B2&B3 and C, Mg, milk thistle, ALA and Omega 3, and followed advices on our forum. I commenced with 1X2 drops of Lugol and gradually set it to the 5 drops.
Because we went on this protocol together I must add that I have solve my problem with candida and also cramps in PMS.
LQB said:
Quick update from here:

Since the beginning of this thread I was doing about 100-150 mg combined Lugol's and Iodoral. In about the last 2 months, daily dose has been 150-200 mg. As I mentioned earlier, effects (early on) have been only mild versions of what others have described.

My purpose (beyond general experimentation) has been to clear all glandulars for optimal operation and detox the interferences. But I was surprised to find that a marble-sized cyst in my testes has disappeared.

I do have a very sore right shoulder - but I think that has more to do with too much mouse/computer work. I've had this before.

I am glad to hear that your cyst disappeared, LQB. :-)

A couple of years ago I had shoulder problems and after a while I realized the possible reason for it. I used to place my mouse pad quite in front of the desk and let my hand more or less hover the whole day over it. My shoulder had to hold the whole weight of the arm the whole working day and seemingly protested. Then I pushed my mouse pad farther backwards and let my arm lie on the desk when I am not moving my mouse. Since then no shoulder problems any more. Back then I also did a bit of yo-yo when I was waiting for the bus or so. This yo-yo playing did sort of massage my sore shoulder. I hope your shoulder gets better soon.
Dirgni said:
LQB said:
Quick update from here:

Since the beginning of this thread I was doing about 100-150 mg combined Lugol's and Iodoral. In about the last 2 months, daily dose has been 150-200 mg. As I mentioned earlier, effects (early on) have been only mild versions of what others have described.

My purpose (beyond general experimentation) has been to clear all glandulars for optimal operation and detox the interferences. But I was surprised to find that a marble-sized cyst in my testes has disappeared.

I do have a very sore right shoulder - but I think that has more to do with too much mouse/computer work. I've had this before.

I am glad to hear that your cyst disappeared, LQB. :-)

A couple of years ago I had shoulder problems and after a while I realized the possible reason for it. I used to place my mouse pad quite in front of the desk and let my hand more or less hover the whole day over it. My shoulder had to hold the whole weight of the arm the whole working day and seemingly protested. Then I pushed my mouse pad farther backwards and let my arm lie on the desk when I am not moving my mouse. Since then no shoulder problems any more. Back then I also did a bit of yo-yo when I was waiting for the bus or so. This yo-yo playing did sort of massage my sore shoulder. I hope your shoulder gets better soon.

Thanks for your experience Dirgni - I think you are right about the arm position. I use a Zero Gravity chair/recliner with an optional cup holder that I use for a mouse pad. I rest my arm on the arm rest but I have to keep moving it to get range of mouse movement - so I think this is the problem during long sessions on the computer. The ZG chair is great for the back, but not so kind on the mouse arm.

I have moved the computer to a desk so that I can rest my arm like you say and am trying to limit my computer time - hopefully this will bring some relief. :)
Thank you all. And thanks for the tip Z, I'll check it out. I hope the iodine and heavy metal detox protocol will bring you all relief :flowers:
Good to hear about your progress LQB, Eärwen, and Dakota!
Greetings everyone :D

I would like to share my iodine/iodide and detox story:

Protocol started on 3rd January 2016(1 month and 6 days on protocol, still ongoing).
Important note: Bodybuilding and heavy exercises(lasting 1h to 1,5h) 4-5-6 times a week for year and a half constantly PRIOR to this protocol(important because that's why I had very mild detox/herex reactions to iodine/iodide...will explain...)

I'm using:
- Lugol's solution(5% - 6.25mg iodine per drop)
- SSKI(50mg per drop)
- Himalayan salt (in place where I live, there is no way to find NOT REFINED sea salt...literally nowhere :huh:)
- Magnesium chloride 'oily' solution for transdermal application once a day(or before sleep...anyway shower is needed after haha :P)
- CoFactors: Vit C, ALA, Melatonin, B2, (Probiotic sometimes...)

Week one and two:
- 4 drops of Lugol and 4 drops of SSKI after breakfast(8-9am) and 3 drops of Lugol at around 2pm(5% Lugols - 6,25mg one drop; total: 40-45mg/day + 200mg KI(4 drops))
- All cofactors(Vit C 2.5-3g, ALA 2x300mg separatly, 100mg B2) and salt two times per day(morning 1/3 - 1/2 tsp and same at evening)
- I couldn't find any appropriate oral magnesium so I bought mag-chloride and started transdermal application (honestly...much better way...relaxation, no cramps, no pain, improved sleep...)
Think it's around 400-800mg a day...

* Tiredness for first two weeks, like I'm fighting with something...sleepy whole day(with few ups and downs) which is really unusual for me
* Very mild headaches lasting minute-two, happened rarely. (I was never prone to headaches must say...)
* Acne rash covering 80% of chest(but not so itchy) - It's probably Bromide detox reaction because few muscle twitching and tremors happened when rash started...
Interesting enough I didn't backed off with iodine...and after one week 40% rash subsided...and right now there is 5% rash left
* Felt my thyroid working, literally - feels like itchy throat and thyroid enlargement (just FEELS that way)
* Much better body temperature regulation - "Oooh, It's not so cold :D" (people around me shivering)
Also, cold showers much easier to take ;)
* Very vivid dreams(combination of iodine getting the fluoride out of the pineal gland(I used fluorinated toothpaste :mad:, but NOT ANYMORE :cool:) and melatonin)
Can remember my dreams more easily now. I'm was one of those people who rarely remember his/her dreams

Week three and four:
- 4 drops of Lugol and 4 drops of SSKI after breakfast(8-9am) and 4 drops of Lugol and 2-3 drops of SSKI at around 2pm or later(5% Lugols - 6,25mg one drop; total: 50mg/day + 300-350mg KI(6-7 drops))
- All cofactors(Vit C 2.5-3g, ALA 2x300mg separatly, 100mg B2) and salt two times per day(morning 1/3 - 1/2 tsp and same at evening)
- Magnesium chloride transdermaly same...

* Tiredness - occasionally(rare)
* Headaches - stronger intensity but lasts just few minutes and disappears quickly
* No more feeling of 'itchy' and 'enlarged' thyroid (Thyroid saturated with iodine)
* Occasional white fluid from the nose(perhaps heavy metals, especially when combined with ALA)
* Focus approved even more
* Will power much stronger now...Must say I was somehow skeptical about C's comment that people WILL powers will become much stronger...I once thought that will is just on mental know, like all these modern psychological bestsellers say: "You just need will, it's all in your head" stuff...OK, but that's just partly true. Where is the other half which is also important?
It's on physical level.
Can you have will power to change something if your body is loaded with toxins and neurotoxins, GMO, processed food full of simple sugars, viruses and pathogenic microorganisms and if you are surrounded with negative influence EM waves(WiFi, radio towers and cell phones, microwave, other electronical devices etc.)?
In most cases answer is simply NO!
Balance is needed on all fields of existence
* Feeling of overall improved mental and physical state

Fifth week:
Stopped for two days(not because of a any reactions or something, I was just unable to take it in those two days), then continued with nuking doses because i felt some critters are around me.
My brother became ill and majority of my friends and people i know's a virus infection probably because where we live weather started changing constantly(which leads us to Earth Changes), like 15 C shifts in just few days...and it happened NOT once during January, THREE times during one month and 5 days...SO? Perfect ground for critters expansion...
Interesting enough, it 'bypassed me'...considering that I'm VERY VERY prone to viruses and common cold.

After that i started nuking doses for few days to flush dose critters out of the system...
- 7 drops of Lugol and 5 drops of SSKI after breakfast(8-9am) and
7 drops of Lugol and 5 drops of SSKI at around 1pm and
3 drops of Lugol and 5 drops of SSKI again at 6am
(5% Lugols - 6,25mg one drop; total: 105-110mg/day + 750mg KI(15 drops))
- Salt three times per day(3x 1/3-1/2 teaspoon between iodine intake - all separated)
- All cofactors(Vit C 2.5-3g, ALA 2x300mg separatly, B2 100mg) and
- Magnesium chloride - same
- ! More intense cold showers !

And first day of nuking:
* I felt pain(not strong but still) in my glands and lymph nodes under the chin and upper neck part,
* Hard/medium headache half of the day,
* Pain just beneath the eyeballs,
* Had that feeling of dizziness when moving my head(like when you have high temperature...btw. didn't measure)
* Really smelly green/yellow florescent urine (I know intensive yellow florescent urine can be from B vitamins(I took B2) but 'really smelly yellow to bright green' urine...hmmm...)

Next day:
Nothing.........whoa? What? I thought i will be ill like always...bye bye!

So i continued with nuking doses for few more days until yesterday and i feel like I flushed major part.
I will continue with normal for me normal dosages from now one, like 4 drops etc...

Emotions and energy:
Energy levels are much higher now. More focus and concentration and faster learning...
Few times I expirienced real energy bombs.
Iodine + Transdermal Magnesium chloride +Cold shower after + "I really wanted to feel energized and happy" (without the last ingredient, nothing ;) )
(Also listening to music you really love can ENORMOUSLY AID you in that last one...hmmmm...various frequencies that influence your body(cell functions, metabolism, CNS, production of neurotransmitters/neuropeptides etc...) and mind...interesting for much deeper research)

Like Eärwen said:
Eärwen said:
The second suprise is that I can calm myself when angry. Before most of the time I didn't have control over my negative emotions, now is more like I could see myself feeling angry, or nervous or feeling like boiling up, and as fast I notice what is going on in my mind, I can easily compose myself and calm down without any trouble. I don't know, has anyone experienced something like this? Perhaps this kind of change is part of minimization of negative effect of the PCOS on my behaviour. (PCOS, has been linked to various emotional and mental disorders, including anxiety, panic attacks, depression, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, mood swings, and chronic stress.) But I would gladly have your opinion on it, because I fell different than before and more in control of myself, most important I feel calmer and happier. To tell you the truth I was pretty much depressed most of the time in last 10 years and I now I'm not.
I muscle tested Iodine couple days ago and it showed 4 drops of 5% Lugol, so I continued with taking it.

Though, before I started reading Gurdjieff/Uspenski and doing The Work I had little to no control over my negative emotions and expressions of the same(they were not usual in my life but when they happen...not so good).
On the other hand, right now, with all the knowledge I have and with all these physical and mental is not just easier. It's more joyful and fun. You are in control of you emotions. Not some 'RANDOM' CASEout there.
When you are cleansed (both mentally and physically) and when you can see it's much easier to distinguish which emotions are limiting one, based on assumption and which are those that can aid you in your working and learning process.

Instead of P.S. I will use C's ;)

"When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density."
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