Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Laura said:
Εἰρήvη said:
What would be the best daily dosage of Iodine for the stage IV cancer?

If it were me, I'd start with 1 drop a day for a few days, then increase to one drop twice a day for a couple of days, then two drops in the morning, one in the afternoon, and stay there for a little while. See how things go, and then slowly start increasing in the same way. I think the co-factors would be very important. Vit B1, B2, B3, B6, Niacinamide, selenium.

Indeed, I would do the same! :thup:

Also, I've been reading this Sott article about garlic lately: by GreenMedInfo, and decided to explore their website a bit. They have a series of interesting articles on anti-cancer diets, for example:

1) Preventing and Reversing Cancer Naturally: The Anticancer Diet Shopping List


2) 25 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Foods Smarter Than Chemo & Radiation


Hope this helps!
Laura said:
Εἰρήvη said:
What would be the best daily dosage of Iodine for the stage IV cancer?

If it were me, I'd start with 1 drop a day for a few days, then increase to one drop twice a day for a couple of days, then two drops in the morning, one in the afternoon, and stay there for a little while. See how things go, and then slowly start increasing in the same way. I think the co-factors would be very important. Vit B1, B2, B3, B6, Niacinamide, selenium.

And don't forget the salt water! At least 1/4 tsp in warm water before the iodine in the morning and a 2nd cup later in the day.
Carl said:
I feel you on all that, since Christmas myself. Wishing you luck on the journey!

Same to you :)

Yesterday I had the morning salt water (1/2 tsp, _, four drops of Lugol’s a bit later, and about 4-5g of vitamin C a while later. I didn’t notice too much difference, though I did feel a bit lighter, mentally, and more able to get things done, though I did stay up quite late, around 11:30. Today, I had the salt water and 8 drops with breakfast, though I skipped the vitamin C. The difference was much more apparent, I haven’t felt nearly as tired or lethargic as I have been at certain times of the day, and best of all, the “weight” of the cravings and feelings of temptation for sugar has virtually disappeared. I still want some, but I don’t feel the addictive compulsion nor have I had the "just give in" frustration that I had before. I've also noticed that I'm less irritable and felt a bit a sharper at work today. At the moment I'm on a database project, and it just felt like the problem-solving part of my mind, the part that translates that into queries, and my fingers for typing the code were syncing at a pace that I don't usually see in myself unless I'm riding on an "Ah-ha!" moment.

I don't think you should expect to see stuff right away but it's cool that it gave you some more energy. Best to take it away from the salt water also. The salt water is for helping to mop up the bad stuff that the iodine displaces, particularly halogens, but it might also mop up the iodine and totally negate the effect.

Indeed, though my body does seem to react to diet input changes quite quickly. When I switched to a keto diet around April 2012, I was recovering from the "flu" after the first week, and dropped from ~56kg to ~51kg by the end of the second, and have stayed in that range since.

Two questions I have:
1. Is there any reason not have part of the daily intake of Lugol’s incorporated into fat bomb? For nuking, I suspect you wouldn't want to dilute it quite so much, but I can't think of any reason not to buffer (butter? :P ) up meals for maintenance levels.
2. After reading the post about splitting up the vitamin C being more effective, I was wondering what the limit is? Would it be better, or at least close enough, to mix my 4-5g in 500ml water and drink it throughout the day between meals.

1) It kind of complicates things unnecessarily. Just drop it in a glass of water and get it down you. Then you know what time you took it, all at once.
2) Yeah as long as it is away from the iodine, and you don't mind the taste of vitamin C in water. (Again, I just take a teaspoon and get it over with).

Konstantin said:
- When you put a drop of iodine in a glass of water and drink it you know how much iodine you have taken. If you mix for example one drop in a fat bomb , then you can be really sure how much you will get with that because some of it will evaporate and some of it will remain on the dishes. Dr Brownstein and all other sources that i have read recommends to take iodine in a small glass of water ( also people on this forum that are on iodine )

- I dont think that there is a limit , but keep your Vit C separate from iodine. For ezample, if you take iodine in the morning, them take your vitamin C in the afternoon, or at least 2 hours apart.

Thanks! :thup: The 4g of ascorbic acid in a small glass was horrible, I had refill it half way a few times to get down, and another 2 after that wash away the acid taste and texture from my mouth. I made a mix of about 4g in 500ml water, and it's not too bad.
Εἰρήvη said:
What would be the best daily dosage of Iodine for the stage IV cancer?

In addition to the suggestions, I would take ALA (alpha lipoic acid) from 300mg up to 600mg twice per day with meals.

A few years ago, a forum member reported that his wife was sent home to die from lung cancer stage IV. After using ALA for a few months, the cancer shrank. I don't recall any other updates from that member, but the results were remarkable!
Saieden said:
I made a mix of about 4g in 500ml water, and it's not too bad.

I always add a bit of stevia or glycine, then it tastes just like a lemonade :)
Gaby said:
Saieden said:
I made a mix of about 4g in 500ml water, and it's not too bad.

I always add a bit of stevia or glycine, then it tastes just like a lemonade :)

Good idea, thanks :)

edit: Is xylitol OK too? Just wanna make sure that there's no strange interaction I'm not aware of.
Εἰρήvη said:
Thank you very much! Doctors give him a few months to live, I hope this can stop the spreading of cancer, and hopefully eventually clear his body of cancer. Should I also recommend him Spirulina and Chlorella?

Yes. Spirulina and chlorella would be excellent. Like a teaspoon in the morning and one in the evening.

It is very important to cut out sweets of any kind since sugar is known to feed cancer. Stick to meat and vegetables if possible.
Laura said:
Εἰρήvη said:
Thank you very much! Doctors give him a few months to live, I hope this can stop the spreading of cancer, and hopefully eventually clear his body of cancer. Should I also recommend him Spirulina and Chlorella?

Yes. Spirulina and chlorella would be excellent. Like a teaspoon in the morning and one in the evening.

It is very important to cut out sweets of any kind since sugar is known to feed cancer. Stick to meat and vegetables if possible.

Thank you, Laura! This is exactly what I told him.

Gaby, Lilou, Siberia thank you very much for your help!
I hope he will follow the directions. I will report on the progress.
Networking can do miracles!
Saieden said:
Gaby said:
I always add a bit of stevia or glycine, then it tastes just like a lemonade :)

Good idea, thanks :)

edit: Is xylitol OK too? Just wanna make sure that there's no strange interaction I'm not aware of.

You can use xylitol instead of stevia too ;)

I have the impression that adding these sweeteners cuts down the acidity of ascorbic acid. I'm not sure why, I haven't done any research about it, except from personal experience.
I have another testimonial about the antimicrobial effects of iodine.

Two weeks ago, our son caught a very nasty respiratory virus that is making its rounds in our town. Soon, our daughter and my wife caught it too. Now it seems, like half of the population in our town are sick with this. Now, I've seen flus come and go, but this one seems particularly persistent. And the amount and intensity of coughing is nothing I've heard or seen before! As our son was getting better, his condition suddenly got worse, and the doctor said he had also caught a bacterial respiratory infection. So, he had to go on antibiotics. The three of them are still battling this thing, and it seems like the coughing never stops!

Anyway, at the first feelings of soreness in my throat, I increased my iodine intake by 3 drops (I usually take 3-5 drops/day). The soreness in my throat was gone already the same evening. In my understanding, I should have caught this disease days ago, but I feel perfectly fine. I can't be sure, of course, but I'm pretty sure the iodine kept me healthy (as it did a few months ago when we had a nasty stomach bug in the family).

The kids are now joking about how "Dad never gets sick!" and it has made me think of ways to add iodine to their diet, too. My wife, seeing how I've "escaped" two times, is also warming up to the idea of taking extra iodine during illness, but she's not yet convinced of the benefits of taking it as maintenance. I've read on the internet how some people sneak in drops of Lugol's in the food they prepare for their family, but this feels a bit like going behind their backs. On the other hand, knowing its benefits, I do add e.g. curcumin in almost every meal I prepare. So, would adding a drop of Lugol's in a stew be "cheating"? There are also organic mixtures of salt and sea weed that one could use, but knowing the issue of toxicity (sea weed) and how little iodine you get from that, it doesn't feel like an option.
Aragorn said:
I have another testimonial about the antimicrobial effects of iodine.

Two weeks ago, our son caught a very nasty respiratory virus that is making its rounds in our town. Soon, our daughter and my wife caught it too. Now it seems, like half of the population in our town are sick with this. Now, I've seen flus come and go, but this one seems particularly persistent. And the amount and intensity of coughing is nothing I've heard or seen before! As our son was getting better, his condition suddenly got worse, and the doctor said he had also caught a bacterial respiratory infection. So, he had to go on antibiotics. The three of them are still battling this thing, and it seems like the coughing never stops!

Anyway, at the first feelings of soreness in my throat, I increased my iodine intake by 3 drops (I usually take 3-5 drops/day). The soreness in my throat was gone already the same evening. In my understanding, I should have caught this disease days ago, but I feel perfectly fine. I can't be sure, of course, but I'm pretty sure the iodine kept me healthy (as it did a few months ago when we had a nasty stomach bug in the family).

The kids are now joking about how "Dad never gets sick!" and it has made me think of ways to add iodine to their diet, too. My wife, seeing how I've "escaped" two times, is also warming up to the idea of taking extra iodine during illness, but she's not yet convinced of the benefits of taking it as maintenance. I've read on the internet how some people sneak in drops of Lugol's in the food they prepare for their family, but this feels a bit like going behind their backs. On the other hand, knowing its benefits, I do add e.g. curcumin in almost every meal I prepare. So, would adding a drop of Lugol's in a stew be "cheating"? There are also organic mixtures of salt and sea weed that one could use, but knowing the issue of toxicity (sea weed) and how little iodine you get from that, it doesn't feel like an option.

Have you suggested to your wife to read Dr. Brownstein's book?

Quick update from here:

Since the beginning of this thread I was doing about 100-150 mg combined Lugol's and Iodoral. In about the last 2 months, daily dose has been 150-200 mg. As I mentioned earlier, effects (early on) have been only mild versions of what others have described.

My purpose (beyond general experimentation) has been to clear all glandulars for optimal operation and detox the interferences. But I was surprised to find that a marble-sized cyst in my testes has disappeared.

I do have a very sore right shoulder - but I think that has more to do with too much mouse/computer work. I've had this before.
Great news, LQB! That is certainly a large dose you've been taking. Glad all effects have been positive. You did say earlier in the thread that you supplemented with nascent iodine for quite awhile before? Can I ask what dose of nascent you used and for how long?
I thought I'd share a little update and some good news! I've been taking iodine for about two months now with some breaks in between, I started out with six drops (plus one potassium iodide), but noticed that it gave me symptoms such as depression and anxiety several hours after intake, though it would go away the day after and on some days after three to four hours. Still, I decided to go for three drops for now and take a break from iodine for two or three days each week. I still get those symptoms but they're not as severe as when I took a higher dose. Something seems to be happening, so that's a good thing, and journaling a bit before going to bed seems to help with that.

As for the good news, as some might know, I've been struggling with a viral infection (herpes zoster ophthalmicus/herpes simplex) in my right eye that would occasionally flare up. I've been dealing with it for about five to six years now with ups and downs. When I went to the eye doctor with Chu last week, we were surprised to learn that the eyedoctor said that he is seeing improvement in my eye; blood vessels have decreased, and there is a lot less inflammation. He was quite surprised and said it was a miracle! Before, he seemed hopeless, and mentioned surgery as a possibility when things get worse. I was really relieved when I heard that things are taking a turn for the better. I think that the low doxy protocol, the antibiotics protocol, and now the iodine protocol have all been contributing to this improvement. I think that in some cases (like mine) it can take a couple of years before there are some visible changes! But it is definitely worth it.

When I was inflamed, I gained some weight, in total about 10kg. I gradually lost it all with the low doxy and the antibiotics protocol, and now with the iodine intake, it seems that my body continues to get rid of inflammation. All in all, I'm hopeful about my eye condition, and maybe continuing to take iodine will lead to an eyesight improvement. I wouldn't have been able to get a result like this without Laura, everyone at the Chateau, and this forum's great support and help! Maybe for those dealing with health issues, it can help to know that even if you don't see immediate results, keeping at it, and doing your best, sharing and asking for help here, will eventually lead to visible improvements. And I'm sure that 'below the surface' something is happening, even if you don't see it right away!

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