Seekintruth, yes, i've read about the possible toxicity with sodium selenate, i've researched all the suplement i have, also it seems to have reacted to something (i have it since last year), because originaly the pill was all white, now it's covered with lots of brown dot.
Thanks for the suggestion on the other form, i'll look into that.
With regards to the fish oil pill, i've taken one this morning with breakfast and habitual protocol and yes i feel a mild headache, not as strong as yesterday but still feltable and same as yesterday localised in right side of my head starting from my right eyes. I should mention also that i had uveitis when i was fourteen and my right eye is weakest in vision and red nerves, so i wonder if something related. ALso i'm left-handed.
I've ordered the fish oil and l-tryptophan mostly as a mood cure for correcting chemical imbalances, as i've relapsed on smooking "a certain plant" for 4months straight. I've been strugling with it since I know this community, (4 years ago, can't be help, because part of the reason i found this community was thanks to this), mostly also because of my inability to resist my brother influence, he is a heavy stoner and he came back 4months ago, ... yeah I relapsed pretty badly (after going 3months without it, my longest streak), goes to show that fleeing your addiction or going away from bad influences are just temporary solution.
But This past month, it was really bad and distressful to the point that i didn't felt any effect anymore on doing it (high tolerance), so i've seek out solution and in the moodcure thread, it has been said to correct the one my addiction is boosting, so it has to be low-serotonin (obession, negative thinking, low-self esteem, anger, rage,...).
Though for the past weeks, reflecting on my life those past years knowing this community, felt like such a waste still doing it
, while my fortunate and so priviledged of getting acquainted to you guys and discovering true knowledge
So i've gotten back to the basics, re-reading gurdjieff and stuffs about octaves and doing the EE breathing program rather religious everyday, learning the importance of feeling and living emotion instead of suppressing it (which my addiction numbs), correcting the diet and re-starting the iodine protocol, cold shower, 2, 3 times a day slowly lowering the temperature, and also a little bit everyday of streching and hands down/feets up lifting exercices, seems to have done the trick and more and more strenghten me.
To the point i almost forgot that i ordered this fish oil and l-tryptophan as a
mood cure therapy (thread), which should come today or tomorrow.
Though, i feel good now, noticed niacinamide gives me a funny or euphoric feeling.
Now when my brother come here, he smoke his stuff and I am increasingly not giving up on the cravings... 2 weeks sober and counting not giving in with my brother nearby, seems like,... this is it. like, why is it so easy? Don't know how such miracle
Thanks for the supplements & nutrition advices and links Keyhole. I noticed the research is fluctuating fast those past months, with things in the past thoughs to be good not so certain now,.... i guess the devil is on the details...