Iodine and Potassium Iodide

I 'd like some advice about the dosage of Lugol's. I have a lump in my breast which I'm pretty sure is cancer. I had a biopsy and the results are due next Thursday. I've started taking 50mg Lugols with the co-factors, and I'm wondering if I should increase the dose or leave it at this level. I don't have any other health issues that I'm aware of. Also, is it ok to take the iodine with food, or is it better on an empty stomach?

Hi Viv, I wanted to just add that maybe using topical iodine occasionally could be useful, but you have to mix it with coconut oil or another healthy oil because applying it directly to the skin can burn. Some people tolerate iodine better when it is absorbed through the skin and it can be a good way to saturate the breast tissue with it.

Here are some links you can read which give some more information:

Please take into consideration that those articles propose many different ways of using iodine and other treatments and I don't necessarily endorse all of them, but the more knowledge you have about different approaches, the more you can have an educated choice on what to do, with the guidance of your own research and medical practitioner.
Hi Viv, I wanted to just add that maybe using topical iodine occasionally could be useful, but you have to mix it with coconut oil or another healthy oil because applying it directly to the skin can burn. Some people tolerate iodine better when it is absorbed through the skin and it can be a good way to saturate the breast tissue with it.

I have non-malignant thyroid cysts, so I have been applying topical iodine on my thyroid for a while now, and it seems to be helping. I use a 5% Lugol's iodine dilution and I apply it on my skin without any burn sensation, and then I add a bit of DMSO cream on top so that it is better absorbed. I did try applying a 25% Lugol's on my skin one time, and that burned!

I also use 5% Lugol's and DMSO on my breasts once in a while, to prevent the creation of lumps.

Viv, let us know about your results when you get them. I will keep my fingers crossed for you and I think iodine can only help. See here for example:

Iodine Alters Gene Expression in the MCF7 Breast Cancer Cell Line: Evidence for an Anti-Estrogen Effect of Iodine

The protective effects of iodine on breast cancer have been postulated from epidemiologic evidence and described in animal models. The molecular mechanisms responsible have not been identified but laboratory evidence suggests that iodine may inhibit cancer promotion through modulation of the estrogen pathway. To elucidate the role of iodine in breast cancer, the effect of Lugol's iodine solution (5% I2, 10% KI) on gene expression was analyzed in the estrogen responsive MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. Microarray analysis identified 29 genes that were up-regulated and 14 genes that were down-regulated in response to iodine/iodide treatment. The altered genes included several involved in hormone metabolism as well as genes involved in the regulation of cell cycle progression, growth and differentiation. Quantitative RT-PCR confirmed the array data demonstrating that iodine/iodide treatment increased the mRNA levels of several genes involved in estrogen metabolism (CYP1A1, CYP1B1, and AKR1C1) while decreasing the levels of the estrogen responsive genes TFF1 and WISP2. This report presents the results of the first gene array profiling of the response of a breast cancer cell line to iodine treatment. In addition to elucidating our understanding of the effects of iodine/iodide on breast cancer, this work suggests that iodine/iodide may be useful as an adjuvant therapy in the pharmacologic manipulation of the estrogen pathway in women with breast cancer.

You can read the entire study and its graphs through the link above.
Debra, thank you for your lovely post. I agree that my emotions have much to do with it. I have a mostly happy married life, but have foolishly harboured resentment and depression for a long time. I shall check out the German New Medicine link.
Yas and Alana, I'll try applying it topically. I'm concerned though that when I see the doctors on Thursday they might want to do a mastectomy.
Hii all. I've been using iodine moderately (2 daily drops of lugol 5%). Periodcally I used to suffer from inflammation in my joints (shoulder, knees), and those are gone since taking the iodine. But I do notice that since using it, my hands are pretty much always cold during the day. Could this be a side effect of the iodine intake?
But I do notice that since using it, my hands are pretty much always cold during the day. Could this be a side effect of the iodine intake?
I am not aware of others having had this experience but that doesn't mean that it couldn't be due to iodine, though other causes might be there. How long have you been using iodine? Did you have cold hands before or could it be that you just have become aware of it now?
Heyy! Started using it 6 months ago. And noticed the cold hands during winter. But because of the lockdown I was not outside thay much, and the house is pretty well isolated. I never experienced cold hands before, but it could be unrelated to the iodine intake. But this was the only significant change I could think of.
Я изучал все страницы несколько недель, большое спасибо за ваши рассказы, я принимаю люголь уже три месяца и чувствую себя лучше с каждым днем.
Не совсем. Я говорю, что они МОГУТ быть проблемными примерно для 30% людей. И я говорю, что 100 мг в целом безопасны для начала и для длительного использования. Дозы от 300 до 700 очищают от ртути, дозы от 100 до 2000 мг излечивают большинство болезней, устраняют большинство проблем со здоровьем, хотя дозы до 8000 мг в день возможны и безопасны.

100% правильно

Несмотря на то, что вы недостаточно изучили литературу по йоду, вы натолкнулись на многие, а не на одно анекдотическое доказательство. Тогда это не анектика, а повторение. Так что стоит задуматься.

Действительно? Я не знал. И я их не понимаю. Поскольку у меня была проблема, отравляющая мою жизнь, попробовать 500 мг йода после решения 100 мг, это не было бы достижением. Особенно, когда C рекомендуется превышать 100 мг ...

Думаю, вам просто нужно прочитать эту ветку с учетом моих соображений. Все это здесь и многое другое.
Где я могу прочитать о вашем опыте приема больших доз?
Я изучал все страницы несколько недель, большое спасибо за ваши рассказы, я принимаю люголь уже три месяца и чувствую себя лучше с каждым днем.

Hi Yulia, welcome among us! This is an English speaking forum and speakers of foreign languages normally translate their posts into English so others can understand them. Although there are a few Russian speakers here, not many members understand Russian.

And since it is your first post it would be great if you could tell us a bit more about yourself in the Newbies section. If you're not sure what to say you can read other members' introductions to get an idea.

For other's benefit, here's your post translated into English using an online translator:

Привет, Юлия, добро пожаловать среди нас! Это англоязычный форум, и носители иностранных языков обычно переводят свои сообщения на английский, чтобы другие могли их понять. Хотя здесь есть несколько русскоговорящих, немногие из них понимают русский язык.

Поскольку это ваш первый пост, было бы здорово, если бы вы могли рассказать нам немного о себе в разделе для новичков. Если вы не знаете, что сказать, вы можете прочитать вступительные заявления других участников, чтобы получить представление.

Для других, вот ваш пост, переведенный на английский язык с помощью онлайн-переводчика:

I have been studying all the pages for several weeks, thank you very much for your stories, I have been taking Lugol for three months now and I feel better every day.
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I'm sorry, I got confused, I was translating into English, but apparently I accidentally inserted the Russian text. I once again want to say thank you to all the participants, I started taking lbgol after reading this thread in my mind. With a very small dose, at first it was very difficult, there were edemas, but I took all the cofactors. So de I vvlechmla my son, if I can show you a photo, he had udasnve sores on the head, everything went on a dose of 50 mg


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I'm sorry, I got confused, I was translating into English, but apparently I accidentally inserted the Russian text. I once again want to say thank you to all the participants, I started taking lbgol after reading this thread in my mind. With a very small dose, at first it was very difficult, there were edemas, but I took all the cofactors. So de I vvlechmla my son, if I can show you a photo, he had udasnve sores on the head, everything went on a dose of 50 mg

Thank you for the English text Юлия :thup: When it comes to dosage everyone is different and it's important to work out what works for each person. I'm glad to see your son managed to get such good results with iodine. If 50mg works for him and he doesn't get any negative symptoms the it may be a good idea to stick to that dose.

I played around with doses and I started on a very high one, much higher than 50mg. I felt awful, my heart was racing all the time, I felt dizzy, tired and nauseous and I couldn't sleep at night. When I lowered the dose to around 40mg (8 drops 12% Lugol) I started to feel very well so stayed on it for a few years. At some point I started experiencing the same symptoms high doses gave me before so I lowered the dose to 20mg and I continued to feel very well for another couple of years.

Dr Brownstein uses very high doses on his patients but they are mostly people with quite serious health problems. Cancer is one example of a health issue he treated with high doses of iodine. I guess I didn't have any such issues, just overall toxicity, hence my body preferred lower doses.

I would encourage you to read the entire thread. Some people did well on high doses, others could only tolerate low ones. We are all different so I'd encourage you to experiment - but be careful as you do that. And feel free to network with us here throughout the entire process :-)

Спасибо за английский текст Юлия: thup: Когда дело доходит до дозировки, все разные, и важно понять, что работает для каждого человека. Я рада, что вашему сыну удалось добиться таких хороших результатов с йодом. Если 50 мг ему подходят и у него нет никаких негативных симптомов, возможно, стоит придерживаться этой дозы.

Я поигрался с дозами и начал с очень высоких, намного выше 50 мг. Мне было ужасно, мое сердце все время колотилось, я чувствовал головокружение, усталость и тошноту, и я не мог спать по ночам. Когда я снизил дозу примерно до 40 мг (8 капель 12% люголя), я почувствовал себя очень хорошо, поэтому оставался на этом несколько лет. В какой-то момент я начал испытывать те же симптомы, которые давали мне высокие дозы, поэтому я снизил дозу до 20 мг и продолжал чувствовать себя очень хорошо еще пару лет.

Доктор Браунштейн применяет очень высокие дозы к своим пациентам, но в основном это люди с довольно серьезными проблемами со здоровьем. Рак - один из примеров проблемы со здоровьем, которую он лечил высокими дозами йода. Думаю, у меня не было таких проблем, только общая токсичность, поэтому мое тело предпочитало более низкие дозы.

Я бы посоветовал вам прочитать всю ветку. Некоторые люди хорошо переносили высокие дозы, другие терпели только низкие. Мы все разные, поэтому я рекомендую вам поэкспериментировать, но будьте осторожны при этом. И не стесняйтесь общаться с нами здесь на протяжении всего процесса. :-)

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I'm sorry, I got confused, I was translating into English, but apparently I accidentally inserted the Russian text. I once again want to say thank you to all the participants, I started taking lbgol after reading this thread in my mind. With a very small dose, at first it was very difficult, there were edemas, but I took all the cofactors. So de I vvlechmla my son, if I can show you a photo, he had udasnve sores on the head, everything went on a dose of 50 mg
Julia, there are a couple of articles in Russian about iodine: here and here. Just be very carefull about taking high doses. It can do more harm than good.

Юлия, есть пара статей на русском о йоде: здесь и здесь. Будь очень осторожна с приемом больших доз. Это может принести больше вреда, чем пользы.
Hello fellow members.

During my most recent check up at the Doctor back in November, my Doctor said my thyroid looked enlarged . I thought so too. I had been taking one 12.5 mg tablet of iodine/potassium iodide daily since 2016. I had labs done. My levels were all within normal range.
I haven’t taken any iodine since November. My thyroid has returned to normal size.

I last reported in 2016 that the iodine had cleared up the ovarian cysts, but the fibroid tumor that was found has grown from 2.3 cm to 12cm😦, and I have a second one that is 4cm. My doctor wants to remove the fibroids, along with all of my female parts, but leave my ovaries. I just turned 40, and I consider my self in good general health. I’m unsure what the safest option is.
My doctor wants to do this major surgery and take my female parts, but in the same appointment she said I could leave the fibroid in there if it’s not bothering me. My symptoms are that I’m two pants sizes bigger, full and very bloated all the time, frequent urination, back pain, and constipation.
I was going to schedule somewhere else for a second opinion. It’s a lot to take in and think about. Has anyone experienced anything similar. What helped?
I was going to schedule somewhere else for a second opinion. It’s a lot to take in and think about. Has anyone experienced anything similar. What helped?
It's already too big, but measures against estrogen dominance and insulin resistance, i.e. low carb diet and progesterone cream, usually helps. Get the second opinion and search the forum for fibroids or information about the diet and estrogen dominance.

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