Iodine and Potassium Iodide

The hemogram is incomplete. There are other parameters other than hemobloglobin and hematocrit which could reveal if this is an iron deficiency mild anemia or not. If the rest of the hemogram was normal, then iron deficiency anemia is unlikely. Also, testing for ferritin and iron saturation could give more information about your iron deposits. Without dose, I wouldn't take iron as it could "oxidize" your body.
@Cordillera I was about to say the same thing --- the bloods you have had done are not sufficient to identify whether anemia is an issue or not. The hemoglobin marker can change for a wide variety of reasons other than iron status.

Furthermore, genuine iron-deficient anemia is not common in males unless there is an underlying root cause. Iron is one of the few nutrients which has the capacity to cause a lot of damage if supplemented in the wrong context. Please hold off on taking supplemental iron.

Hello, thank you very much for your answers. Today I went back to the endocrinologist and he agrees with you that there is no diagnosis of anemia and the results of my tests are normal.

He only indicated high doses of vitamin D. Now I don't have the exact name because I left the note at the pharmacy. It is one pill a week, for 12 weeks.

I asked him if it would be good to take iodine to improve thyroid function. But the doctor said no.

So I want to ask you again if it would be advisable to start taking lugol (2%), along with vitamin D. Or I hope to finish the treatment with vitamin D.

Another question: Is it important to take lugol with vitamin B2 and B3? I have looked in several places and they only sell B complex, with very low doses of those vitamins.
Another question: Is it important to take lugol with vitamin B2 and B3? I have looked in several places and they only sell B complex, with very low doses of those vitamins.

You can do a trial with lugol to see if it makes you feel better. In the beginning, there might be detox reactions. Many people shared their experience in this thread, so it will give you an idea if you go back and read the beginning of the thread.

In, which ships worldwide, you'll find B2 and B3 at suggested doses. It's cost-effective.
You can do a trial with lugol to see if it makes you feel better. In the beginning, there might be detox reactions. Many people shared their experience in this thread, so it will give you an idea if you go back and read the beginning of the thread.

In, which ships worldwide, you'll find B2 and B3 at suggested doses. It's cost-effective.

Thank you very much Gaby. So I understand that lugol and vitamin D have no contraindications to be taken at the same time. Nor do they diminish or increase its effects.

I must take vitamin D once a week and I will take the lugol following the suggested protocol (salt - lugol - b2 - B3 - selenium - vitamin C - magnesium): At what time do you recommend taking vitamin D? Along with vitamin C?

First of all, I'll do the lugol test. I understand you mean the heel dosing technique (?). I prefer to ask, before making a mistake.

Thank you very much for the suggestion of the page. On Wednesday I am going to go around pharmacies again to see if I can find the B vitamins. If I can't find it, I go for the online purchase option. With customs duties and authorization procedures for medicines, it is sometimes more expensive to buy online.
I must take vitamin D once a week and I will take the lugol following the suggested protocol (salt - lugol - b2 - B3 - selenium - vitamin C - magnesium): At what time do you recommend taking vitamin D? Along with vitamin C?
Don't take lugol & vitamin C simultaneoursly, they interacts & "cancels" each other. You can do the test with a glass of water, put one drop of lugol in it, then add some vitamin C, see the result. It's a safe chemical reaction in a glass of water, and a waste of money in your stomach :)
I usually take all my vitamin supplements with my breakfast, and my mineral supplements with my lunch.
Don't take lugol & vitamin C simultaneoursly, they interacts & "cancels" each other. You can do the test with a glass of water, put one drop of lugol in it, then add some vitamin C, see the result. It's a safe chemical reaction in a glass of water, and a waste of money in your stomach :)
I usually take all my vitamin supplements with my breakfast, and my mineral supplements with my lunch.

Hello @Tomek, I was referring to following the protocol proposed by Gabi. So my question is when do I take vitamin D:

I had an unfortunate mishap recently while doing some yoga in my room and I got two scratches on my back. I promptly used some plasters medicated with Lugol's iodine and used another set of plasters after the first ones started to get old. Unfortunately the wounds were getting worse and they'd actually gotten bigger after removing the last set of plasters as the absorbent pad did not fully cover the wound area, and the adhesive had torn off quite a bit of the covering skin. So in the quest to "do it myself" I got a set of large dressings and proceeded to medicate them with iodine, before applying them on the wound (with a lot of difficulty as the wounds were on my back). The iodine really stung, but I thought it would be temporary and it would be alright. It wasn't the case and I found out today at a clinic that the wound is now infected. They applied a dressing and provided me some antibiotics (Zinnat) for the infection. I'm to go there again tomorrow for another dressing. My father had mentioned that Lugol's is not suitable for wounds and Povidone Iodine (trademark Betadine) is what is normally used, which I knew about as well, but I had thought that Lugol's was also okay to use. I may have just used too much of it due to the large bandage and very absorbent pad. In any case, I'm being more careful about the wounds from now on and also monitoring the amount of pressure being applied on them when seated.
I was referring to following the protocol proposed by Gabi. So my question is when do I take vitamin D:
As far as I know the only thing you have to take at least 2 hours (better more) away from iodine is Vit.C.
Usually I take the Vit.D together with lugol's and the companions. Did our doctor remind you that it's better to take Vit. D combined with Vit.K2?

My father had mentioned that Lugol's is not suitable for wounds and Povidone Iodine (trademark Betadine) is what is normally used, which I knew about as well, but I had thought that Lugol's was also okay to use.
I used lugol's on smaller wounds without problem except that it 'bites' for about 2 min. And when I use lugol's I never use a band aid but just let it dry. It might have been the band aid and the pulling off that caused the infection, I suppose. For bigger wounds I take povidone.
Hopefully not too personal but I would like to share something that must be caused by iodine since I made no other changes:

Today I had an appointment with my gynecologist whom I see for 25 years.
It was just a usual screening and a medical ultrasound of cervix and uterus was made.
He looked a bit puzzled, then said,"If I wouldn't know it's you I'd say this is the uterus and cervix of a 35 years old. What have you done?" (I'm in menopause.)
He then compared it with the picture from last year. Even I could see a difference. He was almost cute in his excitement.
Only a gynecologist might guess the age of a woman by looking at her cervix and uterus. :lol:
I told him about iodine and he asked for some links for information.
I thought I share this here as it speaks for the benefits of iodine for the female organs.
I had an unfortunate mishap recently while doing some yoga in my room and I got two scratches on my back. I promptly used some plasters medicated with Lugol's iodine and used another set of plasters after the first ones started to get old. Unfortunately the wounds were getting worse and they'd actually gotten bigger after removing the last set of plasters as the absorbent pad did not fully cover the wound area, and the adhesive had torn off quite a bit of the covering skin. So in the quest to "do it myself" I got a set of large dressings and proceeded to medicate them with iodine, before applying them on the wound (with a lot of difficulty as the wounds were on my back). The iodine really stung, but I thought it would be temporary and it would be alright. It wasn't the case and I found out today at a clinic that the wound is now infected. They applied a dressing and provided me some antibiotics (Zinnat) for the infection. I'm to go there again tomorrow for another dressing. My father had mentioned that Lugol's is not suitable for wounds and Povidone Iodine (trademark Betadine) is what is normally used, which I knew about as well, but I had thought that Lugol's was also okay to use. I may have just used too much of it due to the large bandage and very absorbent pad. In any case, I'm being more careful about the wounds from now on and also monitoring the amount of pressure being applied on them when seated.
In my experiance, Logol is not the best solution for wounds but it does the job very good. Me and my family use it for wounds of every size and had zero bad results. We used it on my 3 years old son when he got his finger, under fingernail, infected (he even had elevated body temperature). We rubbed a lot of Logols on and around the wound, on wrists and heels. Doctor gave us an antibiotic (which we kept just in case) and an antibiotic cream (which we used). Fingernail fell off naturally and the wound healed up nicely. As I can tell, you can only make a mistake of using a too small dose.
I just started taking in daily Lugol 5%. I want to increase the dose incrementaly in small steps without serious physical discomfort. Started with 2 drops a day for a week, no physical reaction. Upted it to 4 drops per day, had a slight sense of dizzyness. Went back to 3 drops, all fine. Now I'm up to 4 drops, and feel fine, not dizzyness.

I do notice some stings/tingling/itchy sensation in my back and arms. A bit similar to the stings you feel excreting sweat. Anyone familiar with these side effects?
I just started taking in daily Lugol 5%. I want to increase the dose incrementaly in small steps without serious physical discomfort. Started with 2 drops a day for a week, no physical reaction. Upted it to 4 drops per day, had a slight sense of dizzyness. Went back to 3 drops, all fine. Now I'm up to 4 drops, and feel fine, not dizzyness.

I do notice some stings/tingling/itchy sensation in my back and arms. A bit similar to the stings you feel excreting sweat. Anyone familiar with these side effects?
Hi Onetrickponystar,

Generally, rashes will develop due to the detoxing of bromine and other halides from the body and this can appear as red bumps on the surface of the skin, at least this is what I have observed and has also been discussed by others as well in previous posts. Check out this post by Chu much earlier on in the thread for information about halide detox reactions:

As I wrote earlier in this thread, I used the "nuking" method to combat a virus. Today was going to be my 10th day, and I was going to start taking a much lower dose. But it seems that I've done one day too many. SO, WARNING!! Detox reactions can be strong!!

Yesterday evening I noticed a small lump behind my ears. They were itchy and gave me a bit of a burning sensation, but nothing else. Before going to bed, I noticed a tiny lump on both my eyelids. Well, this morning I woke up with very swollen eyelids, and they've gotten worse as the day goes by. I also got bumps in my legs, lower back and forearms. Nothing hurts, but it's itchy and "burning".

It seems to be a case of having a too strong detox reaction. I had no idea that I may have so much bromine in my body, but that's what it looks like. So, be careful, and go slowly.

Here is what I found. There are different kinds of "bumps" or skin symptoms you can get when your body is struggling to flush bromine/fluoride/chlorine/heavy metals out. If you get any of these, you want to skip the iodine, take some liver support supplements (milk thistle, NAC, vit C.), increase the salted water intake, and restart after the symptoms have subsided, with lower doses than before. BUT, hopefully, you don't need to get to this point if you take smaller doses every time.

And this tells me that for a virus, perhaps it's better to "nuke" it for just about a week only.

Then there is halogenoderma (ignore the references to iodine being the culprit, since it's the bromide, fluoride, etc. who are the culprits)

Here's an interesting forum discussion about people with detox symptoms.

Other people can get "cherry Angiomas":

Found a video too, but haven't watched much of it. It sounds like a good overview of the benefits of taking iodine:

I hope this helps, and be careful with your experimentation! As the first post of this thread states:

A Word of Caution to the Reader from the owners of Cassiopaea Forum
The information presented in this thread should not be undertaken without first consulting with a physician. Proper laboratory and clinical monitoring is essential to achieving the final goals of using safe and natural treatments. This discussion is for informational purposes only.

The above web site links to a chiropractor who offers his experience with iodine supplementation. He, himself is hyperthyroid and elected to have radioactive Iodine (eventually).

His article links to some scientific journals which present cases of high iodine intake causing hyperthyroid – this can be temporary, or permanent - in normal thyroid glands, with normal lab tests – in people with benign nodules that become hot with high dose iodine, who were previously asymptomatic. Each case is different.

It has most often became problematic in elderly people taking medications that contain high amounts of iodine (typically in amounts of 45 mg or greater per pill) or the use of radio Iodine lab imaging tests, or just copious amounts of topical Betadine in hospital.

While Dr. Brownstein says most people will escape from the initial increase in TSH that occurs with iodine supplementation and levels will then normalize, by an unknown mechanism, others don’t and an autoimmune response ensues. In all cases of autoimmune response and hyperthyroid, the treatment is to discontinue Iodine supplement and sometimes meds are given to inhibit the thyroid production. Once levels normalize, the med levels are reduced or perhaps, discontinued if possible.

I read a number of forums discussing thyroid disorders. The one thing I concluded, is most of these people did not really improve or escape from their condition under the care of endocrinologists. Many times, a nodule, if left alone, could shrink on its own or not cause problems.... But the doctor wants to remove the entire thyroid gland!! Others who take the medications, just fluctuate all over the place with lab results and spend a lifetime switching drugs and treatment. A real roller coaster.

It seems more than a few chiropractors are running detox clinics to address the general toxicity causing havoc to everyone’s health, including thyroid and iodine protocol. Many offer remote consultations by phone after studying your case and lab results. Dr. Sladic's Functional Medicine Health Blog This one is in Novi, Michigan. I read a person will likely fare better with remote consult, rather than face to face with a surgeon, happy to use his scalpel.

In Europe, mostly, some hot nodules can be “nuked” with an injection of alcohol. That would most likely be preferable to radioactive iodine or a knife. Yet many complain of neck pain and inflammation – maybe die off symptoms? Still seems better option.

My own spat of tachycardia has subsided. I had an episode of rapid heart beat after 12.5mg/day on day 20. I discontinued all iodine supplementation. On day 6, I took 2.5mg of Lugol’s, and my pulse stayed at 68. Not knowing if I have a nodule, I discontinued all Iodine. I’m now taking Magnesium, a bit of Potassium and trace minerals that include 3mg of Boron. I read that Iodine supplementation will deplete Calcium. While I’ve always avoided taking extra Calcium, it may be needed.

I have had some transient swelling in left side of my neck, but no nodule is palpable. I applied ice, then drank Vit C until my stomach gurgled (4-5 grams). Next morning, it had returned to normal. I have not had a thyroid scan or lab work yet. If as the chiropractors contend, the autoimmune response is from toxins, and you cannot take iodine, then a salt protocol along with Vitamin C is another option. By time, perhaps some Iodine can be resumed to further chelate the crap out of the glandular system. And perhaps pulse dosing is the way to go for some people. Still :lkj: This is definitely not a protocol to do without some lab testing and proper guidance.

A dear friend of mine is hyperthyroid. She is just beginning to become aware of the PTB, and I have introduced her to the C's material. She is very excited to order and read The Wave. The doctors want to take out her thyroid and put her on hormones for the rest of her life, which she refuses to do, bless her.

I was sifting this thread for information about iodine and hyperthyroid, and found your post. I have recommended looking at iodine supplementation to a number of friends and family, sharing the forum, my own experience, and the protocol on SOTT. It has changed my life. But with her, I am unsure if it would be beneficial. Hence - research! So thank you for this information, @Lilou.
hello guys i m wondering if there is anyone here who has been hypothyroid before experimenting with lugols iodone and who can tell me their journey with tsh levels .i had some problems during my journey because i abruptly stoped taking iodone ...after few months of not takin it i got severe muscle stiffness and back pain and all the doctors found was high tsh level and low thyroif hormones .they put me on sintetic hormone which i took foe year and a half and my situation is terrible ...because i feel i never needed this hormone in the first place i m now lookin for some fello hashimoto sufferers who managed to control their disease w iodone only .i think i was not supposed to go on sintetic hormone in the first placw and just go w the iodone especially since ididnt have any sideefects for a year or more ...i just freaked out when at night i couldnt feel my leg like having some cramp in the midle of sleep so i panicked and decided to maybe try to go without..i knew nothin about iodone when starting i followed my moms advice and her research on the topic was sufficient for me to give it a goo.but i now i want to go bk on it and drop syntetic hormone as its not workin for me if you know someone hypo or hashimoto who was also on therapy w radioactive iodone that would be great because i m one of those .thankss it would be beneficial to change experiences .
the best would be if i can get in touch w someone who can tell me their journey too hopefully to full normalized hormone ranges .i must say i m not functionin w levothyroxine not this is another reason why i m now highly susspicius i never needed to even go on this syntetic hormone.or maybe just i m not responding but still its bad and i dont want to take it at all
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