Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Hola ! Soy hipotiroica debido al tratamiento con yodo radioactivo. Busco experiencias con yodo lugol

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It's already too big, but measures against estrogen dominance and insulin resistance, i.e. low carb diet and progesterone cream, usually helps. Get the second opinion and search the forum for fibroids or information about the diet and estrogen dominance.
Thanks, Gaby. I really appreciate your suggestions.
I am doing the research, but the biggest thing I am struggling with is to have surgery or not?
I have done the progesterone cream before. I’ll give it another go and see if there are any changes by my next appointment. I’m already doing low carb diet, so that’s a good thing. What about iodine? Is it ok to start it back up at a lower dose or maybe not take it everyday?
I am doing the research, but the biggest thing I am struggling with is to have surgery or not?
I have done the progesterone cream before. I’ll give it another go and see if there are any changes by my next appointment. I’m already doing low carb diet, so that’s a good thing. What about iodine? Is it ok to start it back up at a lower dose or maybe not take it everyday?
It depends on your experience with iodine. If it's that big despite measures taken, it might be the case that surgery is needed. You can ask for a second opinion or specify for the least invasive or mutilating surgery.
I was going to schedule somewhere else for a second opinion. It’s a lot to take in and think about. Has anyone experienced anything similar. What helped?

I just repost one of older posts, maybe it helps although the size you talking about is way bigger that what is discussed below:

FWIW, my ex-girlfriend had 3 of them [fibroids], one about 2cms, and the gynecologist suggested hormonal treatment which would effectively make her infertile (she's 36 now and pregnant) but she found a good TCM practitioner who recommended 2 herbal solutions (40 & 54, can't remember the names). The gynecologist was surprisingly open-minded and agreed to this alternative treatment - only asked her to come back in 3 months to check if it works. And it did! The fibroids were basically dried and dead, nearly on the way out. I was astonished and needless to say that so was the doctor. So in case you need to do something about it you might want to check out this avenue.

Wish you find the right treatment taylored to your needs! :hug2:
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It depends on your experience with iodine. If it's that big despite measures taken, it might be the case that surgery is needed. You can ask for a second opinion or specify for the least invasive or mutilating surgery.
Thanks again for the suggestions. I ordered the book “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause”. I made a appointment with a hormone specialist that tests blood, urine, and saliva, and I’m getting a second opinion from another gynecologist.
I just repost one of older posts, maybe it helps although the size you talking about is way bigger that what is discussed below:

Wish you find the right treatment taylored to your needs! :hug2:
Yes, thank you. Very Helpful. I very much appreciate it☺️.
Hello fellow members.

During my most recent check up at the Doctor back in November, my Doctor said my thyroid looked enlarged . I thought so too. I had been taking one 12.5 mg tablet of iodine/potassium iodide daily since 2016. I had labs done. My levels were all within normal range.
I haven’t taken any iodine since November. My thyroid has returned to normal size.

I last reported in 2016 that the iodine had cleared up the ovarian cysts, but the fibroid tumor that was found has grown from 2.3 cm to 12cm😦, and I have a second one that is 4cm. My doctor wants to remove the fibroids, along with all of my female parts, but leave my ovaries. I just turned 40, and I consider my self in good general health. I’m unsure what the safest option is.
My doctor wants to do this major surgery and take my female parts, but in the same appointment she said I could leave the fibroid in there if it’s not bothering me. My symptoms are that I’m two pants sizes bigger, full and very bloated all the time, frequent urination, back pain, and constipation.
I was going to schedule somewhere else for a second opinion. It’s a lot to take in and think about. Has anyone experienced anything similar. What helped?
Hi, my fibroids also grew from 49 to 52 mm. Do not remove the uterus, we must fight to the end.❤️❤️❤️
Is color and taste an indication of Lugol's solution strength? I seem to think so. I had a bottle I had bought that I got around to opening, and although the cap was tightly screwed on, there seemed to be some missing.

It was more of a pale orange color than rich red, and it didn't have much of a taste. So I think some had evaporated out of the bottle. I guess I can double or triple the dose. I had stocked a few bottles, but it may be better to buy only one bottle at a time.
For those who get acne or rash with iodine:


Bromide Detox Symptoms

Iodine supplementation, if it is done too quickly, and/or in the presence of bromide in the body, can cause detox symptoms (constipation, acne or rash) that occur mostly from bromide (Note: For a list of 29 possible symptoms, see: Dr. William Shevin has developed a salt protocol to clear these detox symptoms if they occur (See: Shevin’s Remedy for Clearing Bromide Symptoms on page 93)


Shevin’s Remedy For Clearing Bromide Symptoms

Dr. William Shevin has developed a salt loading protocol to clear bromide detox symptoms that may occur while
taking iodine:

Take 1/4 teaspoon of salt in 1/2 cup of warm water and follow immediately with 12-16 ounces of water. Repeat
this twice in 30 to 45 minute intervals until urination begins.
Thanks for this @Gaby. Even though I've been taking Iodine for so long and have take massive loads of it it wasn't until half a year or so ago that I started getting full body rashes whenever I took any amount of Iodine. I'll try this remedy and see how it goes.
Is color and taste an indication of Lugol's solution strength? I seem to think so. I had a bottle I had bought that I got around to opening, and although the cap was tightly screwed on, there seemed to be some missing.

It was more of a pale orange color than rich red, and it didn't have much of a taste. So I think some had evaporated out of the bottle. I guess I can double or triple the dose. I had stocked a few bottles, but it may be better to buy only one bottle at a time.
Lugol's should be labeled, like 2% or 5%, from what I've seen. I've mostly seen it the darker red color whether 2% or 5%, but have also seen it diminish to a paler orange over time.

Color with Iodine/Iodide solutions can indicate changes. Saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) is near colorless at first, but I think oxidizes over time and turns a light yellow.

It kind of sounds like some may have precipitated out, diminishing the strength and color of the Lugol's. I say that because I think in that solution the dark color is from the Iodine. And you'll often seen precipitated salt around on the bottles. I do think you could double or triple it, but also your story sounds odd.

Thanks for this @Gaby. Even though I've been taking Iodine for so long and have take massive loads of it it wasn't until half a year or so ago that I started getting full body rashes whenever I took any amount of Iodine. I'll try this remedy and see how it goes.
I think this works well and is good advice. I've had acne that recurs and responds to SSKI/Lugol's treatment.
I would recommend up to 3,000mg Na+ or 1.5tsp of salt for every 2L (64oz.) of water.
GABY, je viens vers vous car je viens d'avoir les résultats de ma dernière prise de sang (11/10/2021)
et je souhaiterai vivement avoir votre avis et vos directives, MERCI d'avance.
Mon médecin vient de me téléphoner car il s'inquiète encore pour ma tyroïde, il me demande de cesser la vitamine B complexe et la vitamine D et de refaire une prise de sang dans un mois...
Je ne lui ai pas dit que je continuais le LUGOL 12%, 1 fois par semaine, 3 goutes seulement...
Je vous aurais bien envoyé mes résultats mais je ne peux plus communiquer en message privé
Je vous indique ce qui perturbe mon médecin :

GABY, I am coming to you because I just got the results of my last blood test (11/10/2021)
and I would very much like to have your opinion and your guidelines, THANK YOU in advance.
My doctor just called me because he is still worried about my tyroid, he asked me to stop the vitamin B complex and the vitamin D and to take a blood test again in a month...
I didn't tell him that I was still taking LUGOL 12%, once a week, only 3 drops...
I would have sent you my results but I can't communicate in private message anymore because of a moderators restriction...
I indicate you what disturbs my doctor:

Translated with (free version)

Charge globulaire TCMH 32.1 pg j'avais 32.5 LE 23/05/19

CRP 6.1 mg/l j'avais 10.6 le 23/05/19

CREATININE 4.7 mg/l j'avais 7.1

Profil lipidique
Cholesterol total 3.27 g/l j'avais 3.06
Méthode CHOP-PAP 8.47 mmol/l j'avais 7.93
HDL Cholesterol 0.92 g/l j'avais 1.25
LDL Cholesterol 2.01 g/l j'avais 1.65

Vitamine D2/D3 294.00 nmol/l j'avais 328
TSH US 0.045 mui/l j'avais 9.83

Covid 19 - positif Taux 606 bau/ml N <33.8
GABY, je viens vers vous car je viens d'avoir les résultats de ma dernière prise de sang (11/10/2021)
et je souhaiterai vivement avoir votre avis et vos directives, MERCI d'avance.
Mon médecin vient de me téléphoner car il s'inquiète encore pour ma tyroïde, il me demande de cesser la vitamine B complexe et la vitamine D et de refaire une prise de sang dans un mois...
Je ne lui ai pas dit que je continuais le LUGOL 12%, 1 fois par semaine, 3 goutes seulement...
Je vous aurais bien envoyé mes résultats mais je ne peux plus communiquer en message privé
Je vous indique ce qui perturbe mon médecin :

How much vitamin D were you taking?

Here's my advice:

STOP the lugol and the vitamin D3.

Re-test in 1 month like your doctor suggested and see if he or she included anti-TRAb (Thyroid Receptor antibodies) and anti-TPO (thyroid peroxidase antibodies).

You need to stop the lugol to make sure the test will not be altered, otherwise there's no way to know if you have hyperthyroidism or not.
Un grand MERCI GABY pour vos précieux conseils.
Je prends 1 fois par semaine 1 gélule vitamine D3 (10.000 UI) avec 1 comprimé Vitamine K2
Concernant mon dernier COVID (avril 2021) je me suis soignée toute seule avec du doliprane, je vois sur internet qu'il vaut mieux de l'aspirine, quel est votre avis ?...

A big THANK YOU GABY for your precious advice which I will follow to the letter.
I take once a week 1 vitamin D3 capsule (10,000 IU) with 1 vitamin K2 tablet
Concerning my last COVID (April 2021) I treated myself with doliprane, I see on the internet that it is better to take aspirin, what is your opinion?

Pour ma thyroïde
Anti thyroglobuline < 0.9 UI/ml
Anti tpo (microsome) < 0.25 UI/ml
Est-ce que cela correspond à anti TRAB et anti TPO ?

A big THANK YOU GABY for your precious advice.
I take once a week 1 vitamin D3 capsule (10,000 IU) with 1 vitamin K2 tablet
Concerning my last COVID (April 2021) I treated myself with doliprane, I see on the internet that it is better to take aspirin, what is your opinion?

A big THANK YOU GABY for your precious advice which I will follow to the letter.
I take once a week 1 vitamin D3 capsule (10,000 IU) with 1 vitamin K2 tablet
Concerning my last COVID (April 2021) I treated myself with doliprane, I see on the internet that it is better to take aspirin, what is your opinion?

For my thyroid
Anti thyroglobulin < 0.9 IU/ml
Anti tpo (microsome) < 0.25 IU/ml
Does this correspond to anti TRAB and anti TPO?

Translated with (free version)
That is pretty good, Perlou. I would take a break from the lugol until your next thyroid test, and then you can re-start it if you feel that you need it, one or two drops per week. If you come down with something, you could take more if it has helped you in the past.

For the vitamin D3, you can take a break for a month and then re-start 10000 every 10 days or every two weeks. If you get sick with the flu or a cold, you can take more. One day at a time. As it is, take a break for a month from both.
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