Iodine and Potassium Iodide

I noticed that many of you are finding a need to back off on the dosage a little I'm actually the opposite. I was stuck at 37.5mg for awhile and was experiencing stinging eyes, excessive sweating, irritability, shakiness, funny taste and increased fatigue.

After reading the latest session I decided to try the nuking option given I've had a severe illness(Lymes) for a very long time. I went straight to 100mg and some of the aforementioned detox symptoms reduced slightly but I began to have a symptom that's specific only to Lymes disease when your not treating it with enough of whatever particular medicine your using. Its a bizarre feeling of small bits of broken glass or wire moving under the skin, its not overly painful just weird. So I jumped up to 500mg but still had that same unmistakable sensation from Lymes, although some of the detox symptoms did reduce further.

I was a little disheartened but there was mention that some will need 1 gram so I jumped straight up today and so far the bizarre feeling has vanished, the only detoxing symptoms I'm having is the occasional funny taste that salt water quickly takes care of. But best of all i have more energy, stamina and mental focus than I've had in years.

Perhaps those that have significant health issues that haven't already done the antibiotic regimen may want to consider this. There are some on the curezone forums familiar with the iodine protocol who encourage people to increase when bad detox symptoms flare up.

If I hadn't had so much experience in the last 5 years detoxing and trying to kill various pathogens I wouldn't have recognized that I actually needed to push further. However please remember if you haven't been in a severe state you wont need this much, everyone's different and research is a must.
The sensation of 'glass under the skin' can be a sign of bromide detox.

Lycurgus said:
I was a little disheartened but there was mention that some will need 1 gram so I jumped straight up today and so far the bizarre feeling has vanished, the only detoxing symptoms I'm having is the occasional funny taste that salt water quickly takes care of. But best of all i have more energy, stamina and mental focus than I've had in years.

I assume you are just taking potassium iodide and not lugols? 1g of lugols would cause severe problems!

Bromide is neurotoxic (among other things), and if your body can't get rid of it fast enough you'll do neurological damage.
Lycurgus said:
I noticed that many of you are finding a need to back off on the dosage a little I'm actually the opposite. I was stuck at 37.5mg for awhile and was experiencing stinging eyes, excessive sweating, irritability, shakiness, funny taste and increased fatigue.

After reading the latest session I decided to try the nuking option given I've had a severe illness(Lymes) for a very long time. I went straight to 100mg and some of the aforementioned detox symptoms reduced slightly but I began to have a symptom that's specific only to Lymes disease when your not treating it with enough of whatever particular medicine your using. Its a bizarre feeling of small bits of broken glass or wire moving under the skin, its not overly painful just weird. So I jumped up to 500mg but still had that same unmistakable sensation from Lymes, although some of the detox symptoms did reduce further.

I was a little disheartened but there was mention that some will need 1 gram so I jumped straight up today and so far the bizarre feeling has vanished, the only detoxing symptoms I'm having is the occasional funny taste that salt water quickly takes care of. But best of all i have more energy, stamina and mental focus than I've had in years.

Perhaps those that have significant health issues that haven't already done the antibiotic regimen may want to consider this. There are some on the curezone forums familiar with the iodine protocol who encourage people to increase when bad detox symptoms flare up.

If I hadn't had so much experience in the last 5 years detoxing and trying to kill various pathogens I wouldn't have recognized that I actually needed to push further. However please remember if you haven't been in a severe state you wont need this much, everyone's different and research is a must.

Hello Lycurgus, that symptom you mentioned (of Lyme disease and the wire under the skin thing) seems to be common on people who report that they have Morgellon's. Makes me wonder if there is a link between Morgellon's and the tick bites that produce Lyme disease.
Gaby said:
Christine said:
I have the fibromyalgia for more than 16 years, I read practically all the articles and the comments on the iodine and the complements in vitamins but I begin to get lost there. I need help, I do not want to make of error in the protocol.
Is this correct for me?:

Christine, you need vitamin C (ascorbic acid), riboflavin, niacinamide, magnesium, selenium and N-acetylcysteine or milk thistle to protect the liver. Alpha lipoic acid also protects the liver. In addition, you'll need unrefined salt to make your salted water.

The B complex contains some of the vitamins (B2,B3) you need, but not in the correct dose.

Moderating your sugar intake and eliminating gluten are first steps to recover your health. Too much sugar and gluten are very inflammatory for your body.

It is important to have the other supplements at hand. You don't know what you will get in terms of detox reactions and if you are eating inflammatory food, it could be much more significant. Here is a good review as to why eliminating gluten is important:


Merci de m’avoir répondu et merci pour vos conseils, j’en prends bien note. :)

Vous ne croyez pas que si je décide d’arrêter ces aliments…c’est que je suis au courant de ces méfaits? Mais quand vous êtes accro c’est difficile d’arrêter du jour au lendemain. J’ai déjà diminué les doses de sucre et de gluten et aujourd’hui je voudrais arrêter complètement, ce n’est pas encore gagné mais je sais que je réussirais.
Je pense être plus intoxiquée par les métaux lourds et aussi bactéries et le virus de l’herpès alors je pense que l’iode est bien pour moi, je voulais juste connaitre les doses pour mon cas.
Je ne prends aucun traitement médicamenteux pour la fibromyalgie depuis un peu plus de 8 ans je pense. Je gère mes douleurs et je sais écouter mon corps, le seul médicament que je prends, quand je n’arrive pas à calmer de moi-même les maux de tête, c’est du paracétamol.
J’ai une vie sereine, ce qui n’était pas le cas quand mon mari était présent, la preuve, c’est que je n’ai plus besoin de cachets pour le cœur, je faisais des extrasystoles continuellement, depuis qu’il n’est plus là j’en fais que deux ou trois dans la semaine tout en sachant pourquoi.
PS : J'utilise du gros sel gris marin. Et pour le fruits?

Thank you to have answered me and thank you for your advices, I take note well of it
You do not believe that if I decide to stop (arrest) this food it is that I know about these misdeeds? But when you are addict it is difficult to stop(arrest) All at once(of a sudden), I have already decreased the doses of sugar and gluten and today I would want to stop(arrest) completely, it is not gained(won) yet but I know that I would make a success.
I think of being more poisoned by heavy metals and also bacteria and the virus of the herpes then I thinks that the iodine is good for me, I wanted just to know doses for my case.
I take no medicinal treatment(processing) for the fibromyalgia for a little more than 8 years I think, I manage my pains and I know how to listen to my body, the only medicine which I take, when I do not manage to calm of myself headaches, it is of the paracétamol.
I have a serene life, what was not the case when my husband was present, the proof, it is that I need no more tablets for the heart.
I made extrasystoles constantly. Since he is gone more there I make that two or three in the week while knowing why.
PS: I use marine gray coarse salt. And for fruit?
Lycurgus said:
After reading the latest session I decided to try the nuking option given I've had a severe illness(Lymes) for a very long time. I went straight to 100mg and some of the aforementioned detox symptoms reduced slightly but I began to have a symptom that's specific only to Lymes disease when your not treating it with enough of whatever particular medicine your using. Its a bizarre feeling of small bits of broken glass or wire moving under the skin, its not overly painful just weird. So I jumped up to 500mg but still had that same unmistakable sensation from Lymes, although some of the detox symptoms did reduce further.

500 milligrams is to much. Read this thread and the recommended books. Be careful. :)
Bought some 5% Lugol's Iodine yesterday at a my local Priceline pharmacy for $22 x 100ml, and a dropper for the measurements.

Today I started on 1 drop after breakfast and 1 drop after my late lunch (3-4pm), I prefer to start slowly and build up. I already have most of the cofactors on a daily basis, so I'm slotting those in after the breakfast (vit c ascorbic acid powder 2 hours after breakfast). The salt water I have first thing in the morning and before lunch. Magnesium powder in water at night before bed as usual.
Redfox and Konstantin thank you both for your concern.

As has been mentioned its all about the terrain and my body has been a warzone for 6 years. I was prior to starting iodine suffering from pretty significant mental decline that was approaching something similar to dementia which can happen with chronic lymes. Today I can read and articulate myself far better than I have been in the last year or even at the start of the week.

Definitely not taking 1g Lugols :D I'm using iodoral, until Lugols arrive, so I'm taking 20 pills a day currently. Thank you for mentioning bromide detox causing glass under the skin feeling I will keep it in mind, as I mentioned though I'm having virtually no detox symptoms now.

I have read the thread and many of the articles available. I'm reading the book now it unfortunately doesn't go into severe cases like mine. I think you may want to go back and re-read some of the material. Its mentioned that in the early 1900's they used up to 6 grams without negative effect to successfully treat syphilis, which is also a spirochete type infection much like Lymes disease is.

Also in case you missed this part of the latest session with the C's:
(L) So, Instead of backing off like this other book says you should do, she just went full bore whole hog and nuked 'em. Is that advisable?

A: Indeed. The battle is difficult to win if you keep supplying the "critters" with food and energy.

Q: (Chu) And before, they said people who get symptoms, it's activation of microbes drawing on the enhanced energy...

(L) So if you get energized by taking the iodine, that energizes your critters too, and they start getting more active. But you're not taking enough of a dose to kill them. You're just taking enough to energize yourself, which then feeds them because you're not taking a microbicidal dose.

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) Timótheos did the same thing and so did the rest of us. When we started getting symptoms, we just took it up to the doses that Brownstein talks about: 50 to 100 mg per day or more. Okay. One of the things that Brownstein says in the book is that many people's problems are not so much critters as it is heavy metals. The iodine removes cadmium, mercury, lead, all kinds of metals from the body. It even cleans them out of the endocrine systems, which they preferentially occupy – it even removes the fluoride out of the pineal gland which is where it likes to live. Is that true? Does it do that?

A: Yes yes yes

Q: (Galatea) One more...

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Cool. [laughter]

(L) In short, going by what Brownstein says, iodine is something that is antimicrobial and gets the heavy metals out of your body as long as your detox system is working, and it basically sounds like it's too good to be true? What's the downside?

A: Not many. But it can take months to years to get clean depending on how toxic the individual is.

Q: (L) I guess if you're having microbe die-off, you should just go ahead and nuke 'em. I guess what takes the longest is getting the metals out. If you kill microbes, you've gotta clean their bodies out of your system too which is what causes a herxheimer reaction.

(Andromeda) What about cofactors? Are there any other cofactors we should be taking?

A: What you are doing is good but you might want to increase the salted water and assist the liver.

Q: (Galatea) Oh dang! I was gonna ask if I could quit taking the salt water.

(L) I think the salt water is one of the most important things based on how it made me feel.

(Chu) Is it possible to overdose?

A: Very difficult.

Q: (L) Some websites are saying it's safe up to 6 grams or something like that per day. That's a whole helluva lot! I don't even know how you'd manage to take that much. Probably a gram a day is about the most you can take without being sick to your stomach. Is that...?

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) That would be twice what I'm taking.

(L) And I don't even think that high a dose is necessary.

A: Not usually.

Q: (L) So, in some cases it might be. This Brownstein book says that iodine is an excellent antibiotic for all kinds of organisms including bacteria, tuberculosis, fungi, yeasts, molds, and viruses; that it has no side effects like pharmaceutical antibiotics, and there is no development of resistance against it. Apparently the only reason this is not being talked about is because they can’t patent it and make money. Well, of course, they want human beings weak and suffering: transmarginal inhibition and all that. People are more easily broken psychologically if they are sick or infected with something. So, let me ask you: Could iodine combat AIDS?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Ebola?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Plague?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galatea) Chicken Pox?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Measles?

A: Yes.

MusicMan I've wondered the same thing morgellans is a very scary infection.
I've been taking the Lugol's, with the salt loading and all the cofactors for 9 days. First few days I felt great, then I had some minor symptoms of headache, but nothing major until I had worked my way up to 8 drops of the 5% solution. At that point I got a major headache, aches, and very stiff neck and also started getting the urethral spasms mentioned as one of the detox symptoms in the Farrow book.

urethral spasm, urination frequency (mistaken for urinary infection)

I backed off the next day and dropped down to 1 drop. Spent most of that day near the bathroom but by the end of the day all the detox symptoms were gone except the urethral spasms, which really does feel like a urinary infection, but without the burning. I am going to take a few days off the protocol now to see if that can calm down, as it is not exactly painful, but pretty uncomfortable.
Lycurgus said:
I have read the thread and many of the articles available. I'm reading the book now it unfortunately doesn't go into severe cases like mine. I think you may want to go back and re-read some of the material. Its mentioned that in the early 1900's they used up to 6 grams without negative effect to successfully treat syphilis, which is also a spirochete type infection much like Lymes disease is.

Also in case you missed this part of the latest session with the C's:

Thanks. I had read that as the dose of salt in water, not iodine.
I just came across this thread posted by Gaby from 2009. It has some interesting information about iodine as well.,12149.msg87013.html#msg87013

I have been taking iodine now for two weeks. I started the first day with Lugols 2% one drop in water. Day two I did two drops, day three I started the Iodoral tablets and took 12.5 mg, day four I started taking 50 mg tablets .I have been taking 50 mg everyday since. I'm also doing 1/2 tsp of salted water first thing in the morning or more if I feel I need it, as well as selenium, zinc, magnesium, super B complex, and vitamin c. I also take borage oil, ala, neem, CoQ 10, and oregano oil.

My first few days I had some slight dizziness, a few pimples on my face, and some on my leg that looked like ingrown hairs, a swollen gland behind my ear, twitching muscles in my back and below my eye, and a mild sore throat. On a positive note, my energy levels have been amazing since starting the Iodoral tablets. I had trouble sleeping in the beginning, even taking my dose at 6am.

October was utterly awful for me. I had the worst case of depression to date, for two solid weeks I had debilitating fatigue and brain fog, I could barely function. I finally went to the doctor and had every test done that I could. All of my blood work turned out normal. However, I had a pelvic ultrasound done the showed a uterine fibroid, and several cysts on my ovaries. My doctor said " this is essentially normal for a woman my age"... I'm 34, almost 35. Anyhow, I started doing research on how to cure cysts, and came across lots of info on iodine.

In January I will have another ultrasound done to see if there are any changes.
It seems that there are some confusions about how to prepare a Lugols solution and how to calculate the percentages of iodine. For example here:

Laura said:

To prepare a 10%
, the ratios of the elements change, since elemental iodine is not very soluble in water, thus, a slightly higher percentage of KI is needed.

1. Put 118 ml (4 fl. oz.) of distilled water in a dark glass container. 2. Mix 33.7 grams (1.18 oz.) of potassium iodide into the solution prepared in step one. Use a wooden or plastic spoon / spatula to stir until completely dissolved --do not use metal! Stir

Add 16.9 grams of iodine crystals to the mix, being very careful not to touch the iodine crystals--they can burn the skin. If you come into contact with the iodine crystals, wash your hands immediately with plenty of water. Stir with the wooden or plastic spoon, and cover with a non-metal cover. Let it sit for 10 hours

In the morning, stir once more or shake the solution. You now have a 10% Lugol's solution, which can be taken internally or externally. If you choose to take the solution internally, note that the concentration is approximately 25.5 mg/drop! (Assuming the drop size is such that 70 drops make up 1 teaspoon).

Note: The standard Lugols iodine concentrations don't include the potassium iodide in the percent calculation. The standard Lugol's solution of 5% means that there is 5% elemental iodine in the solution and the potassium iodide KI is not considered.

However, when you calculate the mg/drop of iodine, the iodide is taken into account. To do this, note that iodide is 0.769 times the total KI present, the ratio of atomic weights of iodine to potassium. Then, [I + KI(0.769)]/ml = the concentration of iodine.

Proof that the 10% Lugols solution described above is truly 10%:

16.9 gr/(16.9 gr + 33.7 gr + 118 ml) = 0.10 or (10 %) A similar calculation can be performed for the strong iodine tincture.

Potassium iodide renders the elementary iodine soluble in water through the formation of the triiodide (I3−) ion.

There it's stated that one drop is about 25,5 mg iodine. One drop is round about 0,1 gr of liquid (0,07 to 0,1). So, the overall weight of the solution is 168,6 gr. Obviously, that does NOT mean that there is also 168,6 ml of liquid. If so, the iodine concentration would be 16,8 mg or less per drop. mg doesn't equal ml if it comes to solutions and the stuff that should be added.

I saw that Galaxia2002 posted a spreadsheet here:,13371.msg617022.html#msg617022

In the spreadsheet, you can choose the desired % and the volume you want to prepare. If I choose 10% and 118 ml, the calculation gives 23,6 gr of iodide and 11,8 gr of iodine and a concentration of 12,6 mg iodine per drop.

So, obviously, something here doesn't add up.

Another thing is, we have a 12% lugols solution here which states that the total amount of iodine per drop is 2,7 mg and iodide 5,3 mg. Calculating that with the dropsize of 0,1 gr, it also doesn't fit, since it would mean, this it is just a 7,5% solution overall and just a 2,5% solution of elemental iodine.

So, to make it easy, lets say I have 10 gr of iodine and 20 gr of iodide. I want to have a 10% solution measured only with iodine. What's the right formula? Given that the numbers here and on our bottle differ almost in a factor of 10, different methods must be in use.

I tried to figure out how to calculate a solution % with atomic weight, but this kind of math is nothing I can wrap my head around.
Lycurgus said:
Definitely not taking 1g Lugols :D I'm using iodoral, until Lugols arrive, so I'm taking 20 pills a day currently. Thank you for mentioning bromide detox causing glass under the skin feeling I will keep it in mind, as I mentioned though I'm having virtually no detox symptoms now.

Well, based on my experience, I advice you to pay close attention to any symptoms you may have in the next few days. I was totally fine for 8-9 days. Then, all I noticed was tiredness, and then, the detox symptoms hit me overnight. So, it might take a while, and perhaps the "nuking"option is not necessary for longer than 5 or 7 days in a row at the most. You can stay on the same dosage for a while, and only then see that your body isn't eliminating toxins fast enough. FWIW, and glad to know you're feeling better after so many years of misery!
nicklebleu said:
Mac said:
I trouble bringing it up after downloading also. I eventually rebooted my computer, after the book came up fine. Maybe try a reboot.

Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) is a pain in the butt.

You have to FIRST install the program, THEN download the file. You also have to authenticate the program with your Adobe ID or other credentials (depending on where you bought the book). Once you have downloaded the file, switch into the program and IMPORT the file from the download location into ADE (drag and drop didn't work for me).

If you get an error message, let us know what it says, we might be able to help you get started.

It took me about an hour to figure out how to be able to read the book once I purchased it!

Well I also bought the e-book and download the new version of the Adobe program.

Then I opened the e-book and closed it after that.

While doing that, the file was converted to another format epub.

I opened my Caliber (free software) and I converted the epub file to an AZW3 file to be able to read it on my kindle.

And now, I'm readibng it on my kindle.
Gandalf said:
Well I also bought the e-book and download the new version of the Adobe program.

Then I opened the e-book and closed it after that.

While doing that, the file was converted to another format epub.

I opened my Caliber (free software) and I converted the epub file to an AZW3 file to be able to read it on my kindle.

And now, I'm readibng it on my kindle.

Interesting - from what I understand, the conversion to AZW3 shouldn't work because of DRM (digital rights management). And it didn't in my case - Calibre said it can't do it because of DRM... Maybe this is also related to the country you're in?
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