Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Day 10 (2 week) of ~55mg per day + cofactors and lots of salt water/ vitamin C, update:

My 2nd stretch of 5 days on this protocol has been very tough. No longer am I having flu-like symptoms from a possibly re-activated, latent virus, like in the first week. However now I think the bromide detox symptoms are hitting me hard.

This week, basically every day I have had progressively less energy. I have thoughts and feelings coming up, like I just wanna hide away in a dark room, that I am a total loser, that I only think about myself (this one is true at the moment, I'm finding it very difficult to have the time and energy for anybody else). No matter how much I sleep, I curse my alarm clock every morning and feel like I need 3 more hours. Muscles are stiff and weak, no sex drive or ambition. Basically it feels like my testosterone levels have totally flat-lined.
Also I have a few different kinds of facial rashes/spots coming out and dry flakey skin.

My 2 days off start tomorrow and I may extend them or lower the dose after that (instead of nuking), since the symptoms line up fairly well with halide/heavy metal detox and not an infection, OSIT.

I read all about the detox symptoms, but to experience them for real is still quite shocking!
Correction to reply 437.

At local pharmacies only have Tiodine/Isodine, it is for thyroid patients The right question is: can be taken iodine to prevent disease, without necessarily being sick, just to increase health?
I apologize if this has already been answered.
caballero reyes said:
Correction to reply 437.

At local pharmacies only have Tiodine/Isodine, it is for thyroid patients The right question is: can be taken iodine to prevent disease, without necessarily being sick, just to increase health?
I apologize if this has already been answered.

I just did a quick Google search on these. Couldn't find any reference to Tiodine, but Isodine appears to be betadine, which has been discussed earlier in the thread (the gist was, DON'T do it internally).

I'd say you're going to have to find a better source somewhere, but without knowing what Tiodine is, it's hard to say. Can you get more information on Tiodine?
no-man's-land said:
o, to make it easy, lets say I have 10 gr of iodine and 20 gr of iodide. I want to have a 10% solution measured only with iodine. What's the right formula? Given that the numbers here and on our bottle differ almost in a factor of 10, different methods must be in use.

I tried to figure out how to calculate a solution % with atomic weight, but this kind of math is nothing I can wrap my head around.

I agree that there is something off with the calculation you posted. But using your example:

You would need 70 grams of water.

[list type=decimal]
[*]Use 70 grams of water
[*]add the 20 grams of potassium iodide
[*]Then add the 10 grams of iodine

That is your 10% solution ( again solution concentration is from iodine ). 10g / ( 10g + 20g + 70g) = 0.1 => 0.1 * 100 (convert to percentage) = 10%

Calculating mg of iodine/iodide per drop.
We will use your values for weight of liquid per drop (0.07g - 0.1g). I will use a middle of the road value for that range and go with 0.085 g or 85 mg of solution per drop. The quantity of iodine/iodide per a drop in this solution would be 21.5 mg per drop.

If there is 85mg per a drop, 10% of that value is 8.5 mg which represents the amount of elemental iodine only ( 85 x 0.1 = 8.5). Now we need to figure out how much iodide we are getting from the KI. We know that 8.5mg of elemental iodine represents 1/3 of our the total amount of iodine and iodide that was added. Remember 10g of iodine with 20g of postassium iodide?

So far we know that we have 8.5 mg of iodine within that drop. Now we will figure out how much Iodide is contributed from the addition of KI. We added 20g of KI along with 10g of Iodine. So KI addition represents 2/3 of the total amount of minerals (10g + 20g = 30g) that were added.

If 8.5 mg represents 1/3 then 17 mg represents the 2/3 of KI that should be in one drop of solution. The 17 mg represents the KI but all we need now is the Iodide that it is contributing. Iodide from KI makes up 76.4% of the total mass of KI. So 17mg of KI will give 12.988mg of Iodide or practically 13mg of Iodide.

So now just add that to the 8.5mg of Iodine. 8.5 + 13 = 21.5mg of Iodine/Iodide per a drop.

The solution will have 21.5mg of Iodine/Iodide per drop. I will try to implement the above calculations into a small desktop program or site later when I get back home from travelling. Or if anyone notices a mistake or want's further clarification let me know.
I found online book that contain interesting report from ' Iodine Remedies: Secrets from the Sea' by Dr. Chris Robin. This book is on the page 8, reply #106.

Organs of the body prefer different forms of iodine.

Stomach tissue prefers iodine.
Thyroid tissue prefers iodide.
Breast tissue needs both iodine and iodide.
Brain tissue prefers iodide.

Avoid when taking iodine.

Ascorbic acid( vitamin C )
Sodium Ascorbate.
Sugar( glucose, dextrose and lactose )
Aldehydes and ketones.
Sodium metababisulfite( a preservative )
Ferrous sulfate( used to fortify snacks and in water purification )
Cysteine ( an amino acid found in high- protein foods such as cheese, yogurt, chicken, turkey, duck, luncheon meat, wheat germ, granola, and oat flakes.

Blood Type O Benefits from Iodine.

Blood type O tends to have low thyroid and sluggish metabolisms, thus benefit from iodine that stimulates the thyroid gland. Blood type O is the oldest blood type in the world and can be traced back to CroMagnon man.
And this is my blood type!
I learn so many new things from this Forum everyday. I am so lucky to be here!!!
Carl said:
Day 10 (2 week) of ~55mg per day + cofactors and lots of salt water/ vitamin C, update:

My 2nd stretch of 5 days on this protocol has been very tough. No longer am I having flu-like symptoms from a possibly re-activated, latent virus, like in the first week. However now I think the bromide detox symptoms are hitting me hard.

This week, basically every day I have had progressively less energy. I have thoughts and feelings coming up, like I just wanna hide away in a dark room, that I am a total loser, that I only think about myself (this one is true at the moment, I'm finding it very difficult to have the time and energy for anybody else). No matter how much I sleep, I curse my alarm clock every morning and feel like I need 3 more hours. [...]

I read all about the detox symptoms, but to experience them for real is still quite shocking!

Thanks for posting the update, Carl. I have been having similar issues and wondered whether it was detox or just 'critter activation'. I started on a small dose about 2 weeks ago ~ of 12.5 mg lugols and had worked up to around 30 mg per day along with the cofactors and salt water. About four days ago I came down with a nasty case of bronchitis and the beginnings of a cold. No matter how much sleep or rest, I could not get my energy back. It hasn't helped that I have of necessity been taking care of niece and nephews along with my mom, and consequently have been forced to keep active, even when exhausted. On top of that, I feel like the lowest form of pond scum ever to have surfaced on the earth. Moral bankruptcy is one thing, and I no doubt have needed to face some things, but right now I don't even feel as though there is enough good in me that I deserve hope. Dark thoughts, indeed. But, I have to say just knowing where some of this is coming from, does help.

I pulled out my FIR blanket and upped the Vitamin C, and the drainage is finally beginning to subside. I backed down to just a few drops the past couple of days, but at this point, I am not sure whether to go the nuke option, or just stay off the iodine for a few days until I begin to feel better, and then slowly begin to increase. Just really don't have time right now to be incapacitated.
I'm reading Farrow's book at the moment and looking forward to ordering Dr. Brownstein's book next week. Thank you for the link to 5% Lugol's in Canada. I'll be ordering some of that as well.

I started on Iodoral 12.5 10 days ago with one tablet. No reaction, so I went to 2 on third day. No reaction so went to 4 yesterday (50 mg). Still no reactions. I've been drinking salt water every since I've been in ketosis to help with leg cramping. I have also been taking cofactors for months, so maybe that has been helping as well. I notice that I am peeing and peeing and peeing, which is good. The roll of fat around my middle that has never gone away even with ketosis is starting to shrink. Today I added an extra tablet (62.5 mg) and mixed 10 drops of 2% Lugols with coconut oil and rubbed it on my abdomen. It felt warm for a few minutes but nothing else.

I haven't tried the Lugols drops yet. My digestions has steadily improved over the last couple of years and haven't had any problems. The only change is that I now "go" first thing in the morning while cutting back a bit on magnesium at night.

The biggest thing I notice is that I have constant, good energy throughout the day and week. Last night walking home from the bus after work I used to be so exhausted it was all I could do to put one foot in front of the other to get home. Last night, I just sauntered up the street like it was 10 in the morning! I've had pain in my big toe from chronic gout for 20+ years. I didn't know what it was when it first struck me. It has almost completely resolved, which is a miracle to me. Just occasional twinges. Like someone else mentioned, I have more body heat. I used to feel cold in winter, even when well dressed for the weather. It doesn't bother me now. My mind is MUCH clearer and I am absorbing much more in my reading these days.

I don't know if I should keep increasing to 100 mg and see what happens or maintain where I am and let it do its work. My body feels like it's not struggling anymore to fight everything off. The flu virus is rampant in the office, and my body is having no trouble resisting.

One interesting thing, the first few days taking Iodoral, I had a lot of phlegm and coughing stuff up in the morning. That resolved after a few days. I also notice a decreased interest in tobacco. Other various aches and pains are diminishing. I think I carried a residue of the flu virus last February in my right hip ear and face. I had two root canal teeth pulled last month which resolved most of the pain in my face and eye, and now they feel completely clear.

I also notice when I meditate, I feel a bit dizzy in the centre of my head, like my pineal is adjusting to having the fluoride/heavy metals removed.

This stuff is amazing! Thank you for all the information and research everyone is doing in this thread and the reading recommendations.
I'm happy to hear you didn't have any bad detox reactions, Bluefrye. Thanks for sharing. I just finished listening to Dr. Mercola interview Dr. Brownstein.

Dr. Brownstein said most adults need 12.5mg as a matter of routine, but he didn't address if tissue saturation should be done slowly, at 12.5mg/day over time, or if one should load up then back down to a maintenance dose. (I'm still waiting on my Brownstein book too!) I'm currently on day 6 of 12.5mg and not having symptoms of detox.

I guess the only way to know if you have reached tissue saturation is to have the iodine loading test - you take a known amount of Lugol's/Ioderol - then collect urine for 24 hours and measure how much Iodine is excreted. From that, they can extrapolate how much tissue saturation there is based on the amount excreted. They also test how much Bromine is in the urine.

I don't think you should increase your intake beyond the 50mg/day, unless you are taking it for something specific. This site lists typical dosages that iodine doctors recommend for various conditions. You may even want to start backing down your dosage.
Thanks Lilou. I won't exceed the 50 mg and be patient while I reach saturation, check in 3 months and perhaps cut back before then. The other thing I forgot to mention is I have mild symptoms of candida die-off. I thought I had it beaten! Thanks for the link as well. I'm listening now.
Dr. Mercola did that interview in 2012. Then in 2013, he put out another article with a warning about too much iodine

He also presents a lecture by Jorge Flechas that I'm watching now. Flechas, like Brownstein, recommends 12.5 mg/day as a routine supplement, however, Mercola says the 'jury is still out' and has not endorsed this recommendation. Instead, he prefers to avoid toxins and get the iodine needed from food and only take high doses in case of nuclear fall out. Mercola sites a study that shows "sub-clinical hypothyroidism" in doses over 400 mcg for extended periods.

I think that the standard 12.5mg/day is a good idea - given the level of toxicity in our environment. And even that may not be quite enough as a daily detox agent. :read:
aleana said:
On top of that, I feel like the lowest form of pond scum ever to have surfaced on the earth. Moral bankruptcy is one thing, and I no doubt have needed to face some things, but right now I don't even feel as though there is enough good in me that I deserve hope. Dark thoughts, indeed.

FWIW your description sounds similar to how I felt when I was getting rid of the systemic mold overgrowth that I had--it was nasty and brutal! One of the worst depressions I ever had.

I'm sorry to hear you're going through that and I hope it passes soon :flowers:
Foxx said:
I'm sorry to hear you're going through that and I hope it passes soon :flowers:

Thanks, Foxx. It's hard to imagine what kind of psychological effects that critter die-offs can have - really had no idea. That mold die-off and ensuing depression must have been miserable, particularly if you weren't warned about the possible side effects. Even knowing that such things can cause these dark thoughts, really doesn't prepare you for the onslaught!! :(

I have read Farrow's book but still waiting on Dr. Brownstein's book, so I think I need to back off a little until I have read his book.
I finished watching the Jorge Flechas lecture. His studies show a strong correlation between modern day illnesses (fibromyalgia, ADHD, schizoid behaviors, and an increase in cancers, particularly breast, lung and prostrate) and iodine deficiency. Not to mention low IQ children with behavior problems.

Highlights of the lecture: the thyroid requires 6mg/day, the breasts ~1mg iodine/10Kg of body weight, with larger breasts requiring more (so a 60K woman with avg breast size needs about 6mg) and 2mg are required by the adrenals, thymus, ovaries, pituitary, and hypothalamus. So right out of the gate, 14 mg/day is required. I just don't understand the microgram recommendations of the FDA and the American Thyroid Association. It seems Dr. Mercola is sticking with the status quo on this issue for some reason. Maybe to limit liability?

Flechas also states that the entire body can hold 1500 mg of iodine, 50 mg of that alone in the thyroid and 32% of that in the muscles. So a daily dose of 14 mg or so is well below saturation. He also insists all pregnant women should supplement with 12.5mg/day to increase the brain function of the newborn and increase IQ substantially.

Like was said earlier, since Iodine cannot be patented, perhaps it would cure too many people and severely decrease the revenues of Big Pharma! Hence the push to scare people away from supplementing. Millions of people are consuming hypothyroid drugs. It is big business!

Add to that the 2007 FDA regulation limiting the sale of 5% Lugols to 1 oz sizes of single purchases, along with a DEA license being required to purchase the raw materials to make your own and having to keep paper records of where the iodine went if resold....and it is just ridiculous. Their reasoning "people make meth out of it". :rolleyes:

Just received an order of Lugols 5%, Selenium, and Dr. Brownstein's book. Still need B2/B3. Will start after digesting the info in book.

Quite excited though :)

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