Iodine and Potassium Iodide

[quote author= Carl]
My 2 days off start tomorrow and I may extend them or lower the dose after that (instead of nuking), since the symptoms line up fairly well with halide/heavy metal detox and not an infection, OSIT. [/quote]

Wow, you have really experienced some tough symptoms, Carl. Did you take 2 days off last week as well?

My thoughts on the halide/metal detox is, it didn't build up in a day, so we won't detox it in a short period of time either. When you resume, you may want to reduce the dose. Maybe even as low as the 12-20mg and see how it goes. Also, upping your Vitamin C should help the detox symptoms to abate a bit quicker. Thanks for sharing and hope you get to feeling better soon. :flowers:
I just watched a Dr. Flechas video. It's the same on you posted Lilou. He says the body can hold 1,500 mg of iodine. Women with large breasts (moi!) can hold 50 mg, thyroid 50 mg. I'm 60 years old and know am I extremely deficient because for quite some time I can spend an hour in the IF sauna blanket and do NOT sweat, a sure sign of skin deficiency. If I'm out in the garden in summer and it's really hot, I sweat but otherwise no. So it seems to me that I don't need to worry about taking too much for the 3-6 month window of saturating my cells.

Aleana, I'm sorry as well that you're having such a difficult time. I'm finding that when dark thoughts come up I feel much stronger to counteract them than before, I think because of the "strengthening of will" the Cs talked about in the last session. I'm working on that on many levels and I'm finally seeing some really positive turnarounds. What a blessed relief!
Just saw your post about the 1,500 mg Lilou. Pretty amazing. What a nefarious plan to deprive us of such an essential element in our diet and replace it with bromine.
Bluefyre said:
If I'm out in the garden in summer and it's really hot, I sweat but otherwise no. So it seems to me that I don't need to worry about taking too much for the 3-6 month window of saturating my cells.

I have that problem too. I don't really sweat that much, but have done so more since starting the 12.5mg of Lugols. I have sweated even doing the housework, which really didn't happen much in the past. And the energy burst from the iodine has had me much more active, with more opportunities to sweat. :P

Contrasting your experience with Aleana's, and we can really see that people's reaction is really individual. I hope you start to feel better soon Aleana. :flowers:

One other note on the testing for iodine, if they do the loading test and you excrete more than you put in, then that is a clear sign that Sodium Iodine Symporter mechanism needs repaired (which the B2, B3, and Vit C address).
Lilou said:
[quote author= Carl]
My 2 days off start tomorrow and I may extend them or lower the dose after that (instead of nuking), since the symptoms line up fairly well with halide/heavy metal detox and not an infection, OSIT.

Wow, you have really experienced some tough symptoms, Carl. Did you take 2 days off last week as well?

My thoughts on the halide/metal detox is, it didn't build up in a day, so we won't detox it in a short period of time either. When you resume, you may want to reduce the dose. Maybe even as low as the 12-20mg and see how it goes. Also, upping your Vitamin C should help the detox symptoms to abate a bit quicker. Thanks for sharing and hope you get to feeling better soon. :flowers:

Agreed. And don't forget you can take 1000 mg of niacinamide and 200 mg of riboflavin twice a day to help out. You might want to lower your dose and take your time detoxing from whatever it is in your system and do pulse dosing as well. You have read the Brownstein book haven't you?
I have bought two bottles of Heiltropfen Lab 5% Iodine and the Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It book. I hope this is the key because I am losing hope in the low carb paleo diet because I am continuing to experience symptoms like mild diarrhea and have had only mild improvements, if any at all. Am already going astray from the diet by increasing my carb and sugar intake, also started drinking alcohol to numb my mind down every couple days out of the week. :rolleyes:

Have been taking 1-2 mg of Nascent a day and have noticed some pretty strong detox/herx reactions so I think that is a hopeful sign. Because right now, I just simply cant do things or don't care, or feel like I a losing my ground, like tomorrow I have decided to quit my job. Not seeking pity, just telling you how it is.

Going to try and get back on track! Especially with having a lot more free time! Only down side with quitting my job is that I will have to continue living with my parents.
AD said:
I have bought two bottles of Heiltropfen Lab 5% Iodine and the Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It book. I hope this is the key because I am losing hope in the low carb paleo diet because I am continuing to experience symptoms like mild diarrhea and have had only mild improvements, if any at all. Am already going astray from the diet by increasing my carb and sugar intake, also started drinking alcohol to numb my mind down every couple days out of the week. :rolleyes:

Have been taking 1-2 mg of Nascent a day and have noticed some pretty strong detox/herx reactions so I think that is a hopeful sign. Because right now, I just simply cant do things or don't care, or feel like I a losing my ground, like tomorrow I have decided to quit my job. Not seeking pity, just telling you how it is.

Going to try and get back on track! Especially with having a lot more free time! Only down side with quitting my job is that I will have to continue living with my parents.

How long are you on the paleo diet? Because graving can be caused due to candida for example and most likely diminish first with some time and other supplements. And why do you need alcohol to numb down your mind?
Hulda Clark warns that we should not buy Lugol's but should make it ourselves.
The Cure For All Diseases, page 559
Lugol’s Iodine Solution
It is too dangerous to buy a commercially prepared solution. It is certain to be polluted with propyl alcohol or wood alcohol. Make it yourself or ask your pharmacist to make it up for you.
The recipe to make 1 liter (quart) is:
44 gm (1½ ounces) iodine, granular
88 gm (3 ounces) potassium iodide, granular

Apparently, it is not too difficult to make iodine from potassium iodide.
1. Weigh out 2.0 g of potassium iodide and transfer it to a test tube.

2. Add about 1.5 mL of distilled water to the test tube and swirl to dissolve the potassium iodide.

3. Add 1.5 mL of concentrated hydrochloric acid (or about 1.8 mL of hardware store muriatic acid) to the test tube and swirl to mix the solutions.

4. Add about 10 mL of drugstore 3% hydrogen peroxide. The solution immediately turns dark brown as the iodide ions are oxidized to elemental iodine, which precipitates out.

5. Swirl the test tube to suspend the iodine and pour the liquid through a funnel with a folded piece of filter paper to capture the iodine crystals.

6. Rinse the iodine crystals on the filter paper several times with a few mL of distilled water. The rinse solution appears brown from dissolved iodine, but iodine is not very soluble in water, so you're not losing much of your yield.

7. Spread out the filter paper on a watch glass or saucer and allow the crystals to dry thoroughly. Iodine gradually sublimates (passes directly from solid to gaseous form) at room temperature, so don't leave the crystals exposed to air any longer than necessary to dry them.

8. Once the crystals are dry, transfer them to a sealed storage bottle or vial.
This author is also in a video showing how it's done.
Merci Christine pour la traduction en Français, beaucoup plus explicite que les traducteurs GOOGLE…
Merci Lindenlea pour la précision concernant Vitamine C/Acide Ascorbique, je prends mon Magnésium 24H le matin avec mon petit déjeuner…
Merci à tous pour vos commentaires passionnants
4ème jour : Je continue eau salée et 6 gouttes Iodine Lugol 15% - aucun signe de désintoxication...
J'attends la livraison du reste de ma commande : Glycine, Vitamine B3, Vitamine C Acide Ascorbique et sel Celtique...

Christine thank you for the translation into French, much more explicit than GOOGLE translators ...
Lindenlea thank you for the clarification concerning Vitamin C / Ascorbic Acid, Magnesium 24H I take my morning with my breakfast ...
Thank you all for your comments exciting
Day 4: I keep salt water and 6 drops Lugol Iodine 15% - no sign of detox ...
I await the delivery of the rest of my order: Glycine, Vitamin B3, Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid and Celtic salt ...
Thank you so much everyone for this fascinating thread! :flowers:

I've started the Lugols protocol 5 days ago in small doses plus the co-factors as advised in this thread and Dr. Brownstein's book. On day three, I had a rather strong detox reaction (muscle and bone pain all over my body) which felt as if I was hit by a train. I only had such reaction once in my life when I was having a flu. Today the pain almost completely subsided and I continue with my dose so far.

In addition to the protocol, I also make warm hand and feet baths with Lugols and sea salt, as I've read in Russian artices that it helps to improve skin and strengthen nails, so I'm experimenting with this too.

Also, I've read lately that Lugols is very efficient for keloid scar removal. One of my relatives is planning to try this method for his keloids now.

Wish everyone most successful therapy and looking forward to more updates on this miraculous protocol.
I'm preparing/wanting to start on the iodine treatment and so far, after reading this thread, I've bought the following on amazon:

Lugol's iodine solution from Heiltr Pfen,
- 5% iodine (12)
- 10% Potassium iodide (Kl)

Magnesium Citrate from Natural Factors
- 150mg

Sélénium from Holista
- 200 mcg

Himalayen sea salt.

Are the above listed products OK? Also, I'm a bit confused on the posology given by many here as to the fact that no one seem's to have the same one, seem's that people here are taking different products and also, are taking different approach as to the way to start it. I rather have a very safe approach due to my health problems:

- Brain fog. Sometime, I cannot even calculate or concentrate.
- Epilepsy
- Sleep, I cannot sleep more than 4 hours in a sequence and cannot go back to sleep after I wakeup of one period of sleep so, heavy tiredness.

Can someone be kind enough to help me by confirming that the above products are ok and to give me a slow step by step "recipe"?

Your help would be most welcome.
PERLOU said:
Merci Christine pour la traduction en Français, beaucoup plus explicite que les traducteurs GOOGLE…
Merci Lindenlea pour la précision concernant Vitamine C/Acide Ascorbique, je prends mon Magnésium 24H le matin avec mon petit déjeuner…
Merci à tous pour vos commentaires passionnants
4ème jour : Je continue eau salée et 6 gouttes Iodine Lugol 15% - aucun signe de désintoxication...
J'attends la livraison du reste de ma commande : Glycine, Vitamine B3, Vitamine C Acide Ascorbique et sel Celtique...

Christine thank you for the translation into French, much more explicit than GOOGLE translators ...
Lindenlea thank you for the clarification concerning Vitamin C / Ascorbic Acid, Magnesium 24H I take my morning with my breakfast ...
Thank you all for your comments exciting
Day 4: I keep salt water and 6 drops Lugol Iodine 15% - no sign of detox ...
I await the delivery of the rest of my order: Glycine, Vitamin B3, Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid and Celtic salt ...

Tu sais…ton remerciement m’a fait un peu de bien ce matin, je te remercie à mon tour. :flowers:
Well, based on my experience, I advice you to pay close attention to any symptoms you may have in the next few days. I was totally fine for 8-9 days. Then, all I noticed was tiredness, and then, the detox symptoms hit me overnight. So, it might take a while, and perhaps the "nuking"option is not necessary for longer than 5 or 7 days in a row at the most. You can stay on the same dosage for a while, and only then see that your body isn't eliminating toxins fast enough. FWIW, and glad to know you're feeling better after so many years of misery!

Thanks Chu its a nice change i had forgotten what life was like without endless illness so I'm grateful for even one day. I appreciate the heads up on what happened to you and how long until it hit you I will pay close attention going forward.

I don't expect it will be all smooth sailing, if it is an effective antibiotic against mycoplasmas/Lymes I should have significant die-off. I'm not entirely sure that its possible to kill the Lymes organism with just iodine though, especially its encysted form. I have found some other Chronic Lymes patients, on curezone, who sustain 3 grams a day.
All the material available on the net that makes mention of the 6g to cure Syphilis makes no mention of how long those dosages were sustained for so I'll just tread carefully and see what happens.
I hope your feeling much better now and past the worst of those detox symptoms.
I finished reading this thread and Dr.Brownstein book ( have anybody notice his last nanme Brownstein , Brown - stein( stain ) Iodine is making brown stains ) :)

I searched many sources from where i can buy Lugols and the best choice is maybe to make it myself. If i definetly decide to make it myself i can buy 50 grams od Iodine and 100 grams KI and make a 1 Liter of 5% solution from that.

I`m not sure what is the Expiration date of Lugols. Some sources claim that it can be stored up to 30 years if stored in a dark well closed bottle. Other says it can last up to 1-2 years.

_ said:
Based on my research, Lugol's solution will last indefinitely when stored at room temperature. But in case you're skeptical, go to Potassium Iodide Anti-Radiation Pill FAQ & iodine sources (PART II) and search for the question about "long term stability of stocked potassium iodide." (Also see entry below entitled "Antique chemistry text sheds light on Lugol's solution shelf-life issue.") Dr. Abraham's article, quoted above, also states that "the addition of potassium iodide to an aqueous solution of iodine STABILIZES the iodine by forming a complex triodide I3...." Furthermore, a Material Safety Data Sheet on Lugol's solution refers to it as "stable," and Les Shannon, VP of Clarkson Labs stated in an e-mail to me that Lugol's solution is "very stable and should still be good 30 years from now."

And then i guess that real Lugol solution with destiled water is far more stable then an alcoholic solution

"Iodine is slightly soluble in water, one part of the element requiring about 3700 parts of water to dissolve it, forming a yellowish solution, which, on exposure to light, decolorizes with formation of hydriodic acid. The solubility of iodine in water is much increased by the presence of potassium iodide or hydriodic acid. The official Liquor lodi Compositus, U.S.P. (Lugol's Solution), is a preparation based on this property. In strong alcohol iodine is soluble to the extent of one part in ten of the solvent, forming a dark-brown liquid, which is stronger than the Tincture lodi, U.S.P., which contains 7 parts of iodine and 5 parts of potassium iodide in 100 of alcohol. ALCOHOLIC SOLUTION OF IODINE READILY UNDERGOES DECOMPOSITION UPON STANDING, THE LOSS IN FREE IODINE VARYING FROM 15 TO 25 PER CENT, IN ONE YEAR'S TIME OR EVEN LESS. THE IODINE IS CONVERTED INTO HYDRIODIC ACID AND ETHYL IODIDE. THIS DECOMPOSITION MAY BE PREVENTED BY THE PRESENCE OF POTASSIUM IODIDE AS DIRECTED IN THE U.S.P." [emphasis added]

So if i make a bigger quantity , i`m worried that it will expire over time. If its a stable for a long time i can make a bigger quantity if not, then i must order some small bottle of it.

While searching for a good source to buy from, i found that some sellers claim that their sollution have no expiration date and can last forever, others have some expiration date.

So i`m little confused now about expiration date.
I can barely afford to order components to make my own solution, so i don't want to throw all that after some time if it have an expiration date.
Expiration was talked about earlier (in this thread?). The J.Crow Lugol's does not have an expiration date on the bottle. As long as it is stored in an amber bottle, away from high heat and direct sunlight, I think it lasts for years and years. Nothing can grow in the solution. It kills everything!

Some countries regulations require an expiration date on all 'drugs' for certification, so a Lugol's solution purchased in Europe does contain an expiration date. Not the case in the US though.
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