Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Heh , as I am going through this topic and I see how MUCH aware of your bodies you are I must admit I am sorta stunned ....
I am used to life where everything hurts all the time :D and its quite normal :D
Like all time back pain and stuff connected to 2 autoimmune problems that i have + candida :D
Within this chaos i am seriously unable to spot a difference unless its a big change.
One of you wrote that detox effects was so hard that he felt like he needs 3 more hours to sleep .... well I feel like that for past 20 years and there was only slight bit better when I started ketogenic diet and proper supplementation.
I literally cannot imagine how is it to be healthy :D I think i got used to this crappy daily life.
Anyways , reason I am writing is because I don't know how hard detox symptoms might be. I will start on monday , treatment protocol with Lugol that I did myself - yes i did have super pure KI and I in my garage and I actually forgot about that :/
I suspect that it might hit me veeeery hard.
I wonder what are your suggestions on topic "how to deal with bad heavy detox symptoms" - what do you usually do when it hits ??
drygol said:
I wonder what are your suggestions on topic "how to deal with bad heavy detox symptoms" - what do you usually do when it hits ??

If you have a host of aches and pains already, drygol, it would be advisable to start slow. The lectures I've watched on this topic, suggest a daily requirement of 12.5 mg Lugol's solution daily. What is the percentage of solution you made?

I'm currently using a 2% solution, and started with 5 drops a day. I didn't divide the dose, but have since upped it to 15mg and divided it to 3 drops twice a day. I have only noticed some minor detox reactions - itchy skin, some transient knee/hip pain, but nothing that impaired my day. An occasional dizzy feeling that is also fleeting and something that can only be described as a movement in the lymph node under my arm. I'm assuming that to be a detox reaction from my breast which has some issues.

I also experienced a great surge of energy, clear thinking and a much calmer demeanor. So I would start slow and see how it goes.

As for detox symptoms, salt water, 200mcg selenium, vitamins B2 100mg twice/day, B3 500mg twice/day (these cofactors support the Sodium Iodine Symporter system). Away from the Lugol's dose, vitamin C and chelated Magnesium. To support the liver, milk thistle and/or n-acetyl-cysteine (NAC). And plenty of water in general. If you experience a bad detox reaction, vitamin C is an antidote.

Good luck! Keep us posted.
Hi, may I suggest hot baths and/or sauna (the latter - if available), with a magnesium salt if possible (e.g., Epsom salt), for detox? Just watch your heart rate and blood pressure. Also, pure water, as Lilou wrote above, and ideally fresh-squeezed vegetable juices (leafy greens, carrot, celery; optional cucumber, apple, lemon, ginger, garlic, beetroot). The latter are also a good source of magnesium and other elements, and vitamins. Fresh vegetables need to be cleanly washed and scrubbed. Try to use organic, at least for the leafy stuff. I think that iodine tincture should taste great with vegetable juices. Has anybody tried it like that?
lainey said:
RedFox said:
Diuretics - be careful with tea, coffee and chocolate etc. They can dehydrate you, and make the symptoms worse.
It was also mentioned earlier in the thread:

Don’t take iodine at the same time as Vitamin C - which will negate disinfectant effect of iodine; Take vitamin C at least 2 hours before or after taking Lugol’ solution.

Antidotes for iodine overdose
Chocolate or cocoa - high in bromine which displaces iodine;
Vitamin C – take ¼ tsp. (~2.5g) in juice or water

So eating chocolate looks like it would also negate the benefits of iodine.
I do not...advise intaking both. Today I downed a lot of dark chocolate [to mellow out a bit] because we had a ton of work (warehouse sort center the day after Black Friday), and the day before probably overdosed on [the Lugol's 5% from Amazon] iodine—migraine, badly.

Other, prior effects have been the unanticipated and very unwelcome reawakening of an ancient left jaw hook injury or pain where the socket was seemingly misaligned decades ago, where it would feel popped out, badly hurt to move, let alone chew, etc. and the associated muscles like jello, strained or sore. Very weird.

A few inches down, a visible itchy rash on neck.

Lots and lots of urination.

Various feeling of ill popping up otherwise.

All I have to report so far... (I also take Vitamin C 1-3 grams per day, depending, and (not 1-3g) magnesium, and NAC.)
Gawan said:
AD said:
I have bought two bottles of Heiltropfen Lab 5% Iodine and the Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It book. I hope this is the key because I am losing hope in the low carb paleo diet because I am continuing to experience symptoms like mild diarrhea and have had only mild improvements, if any at all. Am already going astray from the diet by increasing my carb and sugar intake, also started drinking alcohol to numb my mind down every couple days out of the week. :rolleyes:

Have been taking 1-2 mg of Nascent a day and have noticed some pretty strong detox/herx reactions so I think that is a hopeful sign. Because right now, I just simply cant do things or don't care, or feel like I a losing my ground, like tomorrow I have decided to quit my job. Not seeking pity, just telling you how it is.

Going to try and get back on track! Especially with having a lot more free time! Only down side with quitting my job is that I will have to continue living with my parents.

How long are you on the paleo diet? Because graving can be caused due to candida for example and most likely diminish first with some time and other supplements. And why do you need alcohol to numb down your mind?

Hey Gawan,

I have been on the low carb paleo diet for about 3 months now I believe and you might be right. So I will give the diet some more time with the Iodine treatment and adding some other supplements like glycine. But I am thinking that if things do not improve, I will probably go back to eating high carb. The craving have been really strong of late for sugar, I just want eat a big bowl of white rice or have a couple bars of milk chocolate lol! Use to eat like 400-500+ grams of carbs a day(a lot of it sugar too) so candida is highly likely!

I drink alcohol because of my OCD and anxiety but I am going to stop because knowing how I am, I'll probably start drinking too much. :rolleyes:
Need to get back on track! :headbash: The Iodine and co factors will be here Monday and so I will work by way up to the maintenance dose and then go from there. Have a bottle of J Crow but am kind of wary of it because of no certifications.
I think it is possible that the iodine will kill off the mycoplasmas/Lymes/co-infections but will probably need to be pulsed so they have time to "wake up" and get zapped on each round. Maybe four days on, three off for detox kinda like Horowitz's protocol with antibiotics?

Keep digging and see what you can find about the use of iodine on syphilis. I'm curious about that. I know they used to use mercury on it, but that poisoned the victim too!

Yeah I had wondered about letting them wake up from the encysted phase but I get a little apprehensive about stopping meds as it usually means digestion shuts down and sleep goes from bad to worse, among other things. I might maintain what I'm doing for a fortnight or so and then give it a go, not eager to experience the poor mental function again. I'm also still unsure if I've hit the right dosage for me to stop feeding energy to the critters, I feel way too good at the moment.

I had no idea how widespread mercury use as medicine was going back to the 1300's, what a bunch of weirdo's!

The following paper is the best I've found so far, I'm not sure if I'm reading this right but if i am calling it extreme would be an understatement you would have to drink litres of lugols.

Potassium Iodide in the Treatment of Syphilis :

It was decided to give the patient a preliminary course of potassium iodide. In view of her age, 7.5 gr. three times a day were prescribed, and she was given a sufficient quantity to last a week, with instructions to return at weekly intervals. The patient returned 5 weeks later and asked for another bottle of medicine. When asked why she had not returned after a week the reply was: "The medicine made the pains go away and I thought I was cured." During the next 6 weeks the dosage was gradually increased, and during the last 2 weeks the patient was receiving 45 gr. daily. At this stage she was symptom free and the radiological pictures showed some improvement

tolerance for iodides is very good, and in-patients are given 90 gr. daily in three equally divided doses without any preliminary testing. Outpatients, however, are given 30 gr. daily for one week, and if tolerance is good, the dosage is rapidly stepped up so that at the beginning of the third week the patient is taking 90 gr. daily. No case of intolerance has been noted with 30 gr. daily. A few, usually women, show signs of intolerance with a daily dose of 90 gr., but most adult females can reach 135 gr. daily, and most adult males 180 gr. daily, without discomfort. The earlier toxic signs are increased salivation, metallic taste in the mouth, and coryza. The aim should be to reach the maximum dose in 3 weeks, and to maintain it for 3 weeks. Symptomatic relief occurs early and is often noted during the first week with a dosage of only 30 gr. daily.

Snodgrass (1935) after extensive experiments in Scotland maintained that 45 gr. daily was sufficient for his cases, but he preferred to give 90 gr. Burke (1935) in England maintained that 90 gr. daily was the minimum effective dose. Our opinion, based entirely on impressions, is that 90 gr. daily for females and 135 gr. daily for males should be the minimum aimed at and that the shortest period of treatment should be 6 weeks.

Came across the name Greenbaum in the paper and thought I'd point it out I'm sure its just a coincidence.

Greenbaum and Cobane (1934) state not only that iodine and the iodides may be dispensed with in the treatment of syphilis but that the fibrolytic effects ascribed to these agents are obtained more rapidly and more certainly by the arsenical and bismuth preparations

Thanks Chu for finding that paper you quoted earlier in the thread and Windmill Knight for sharing your story glad to hear you had such great success with it. Its good to know its proven effective against mycoplasmas.
Laura said:
MK Scarlett said:
I do not have finish to read the whole yet, but I wanted to answer to PERLOU... Sorry if this has already been done later.

PERLOU said:
Qui connaitrait le nom du produit en France pour l'acheter ?... Merci d'avance...

Who connaitrait the name of the product in France to buy it?... Thank you in advance...

I bought mine here, mostly because it is less expensive than the one on Amazon despite the fact it is also made from Dr Clarck:
Lugol's solution 5%
This Website is specific to the Dr Clarck's work in French.

Or here also in French:
For more or less the same price as Amazon one, but we do not know the size of the product: that's why I did not buy it there. But for the record, they have some others stuffs there, that could be helpul.
Plus, it is from this very Website that was find out a Dr Guy Abraham's article in French recently edited on Sott.

I hope this helps. :)

As noted, Hulda Clark's version of Lugol's, is not Lugol's as the potassium iodide is replaced with sodium iodide and the effectiveness may be lessened. I'm not sure on this so someone needs to check it out.

For the few euros difference, I'd rather get the one on

Merci LAURA...
D'après ce que je comprends, mon produit commandé sur amazone
Solution iodo-ioduree selon Lugol 30ml/15% (iodine/iode)de Health Leads UK n'est pas potassium (qui n'existe pas) mais ioduree :
Dois-je continuer ou augmenter les doses car je n'ai toujours aucun symptôme, juste quelques gargouillis dans mon ventre se font entendre aujourd'hui ?...
Merci pour vos réponses...

LAURA thank you ...
From what I understand, my product ordered on Amazon
Iodine solution Lugol according 30ml / 15% (iodine / iodine) from Health Leads UK is not potassium (which does not exist), but potassium iodide: redirect = true ref_ = oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s01
Should I continue or increase the dose because I still have no Symptoms just some gurgling in my stomach are heard today? ...
Thank you for your answers...
Thanks for great advises !
Lilou, I did 10g KI + 5g I in 100ml of distilled water , looks quite concentrated.
I think I shouldn't have to much of sugary stuff such as dark chocolate or apple/orange juices thou, because of my severe candida that I am battling for past few years.
I am taking pretty much all of supplements that You mentioned. I didn't only do salt water yet but I`ll start with it right away. Also, as You suggested, I will start slowly 2-3 drops of my Lugols and I`ll see what will happen.
Again , thank you for help , also BIG thanks and hugs to rest of you.
PERLOU said:
Laura said:
MK Scarlett said:
I do not have finish to read the whole yet, but I wanted to answer to PERLOU... Sorry if this has already been done later.

PERLOU said:
Qui connaitrait le nom du produit en France pour l'acheter ?... Merci d'avance...

Who connaitrait the name of the product in France to buy it?... Thank you in advance...

I bought mine here, mostly because it is less expensive than the one on Amazon despite the fact it is also made from Dr Clarck:
Lugol's solution 5%
This Website is specific to the Dr Clarck's work in French.

Or here also in French:
For more or less the same price as Amazon one, but we do not know the size of the product: that's why I did not buy it there. But for the record, they have some others stuffs there, that could be helpul.
Plus, it is from this very Website that was find out a Dr Guy Abraham's article in French recently edited on Sott.

I hope this helps. :)

As noted, Hulda Clark's version of Lugol's, is not Lugol's as the potassium iodide is replaced with sodium iodide and the effectiveness may be lessened. I'm not sure on this so someone needs to check it out.

For the few euros difference, I'd rather get the one on

Merci LAURA...
D'après ce que je comprends, mon produit commandé sur amazone
Solution iodo-ioduree selon Lugol 30ml/15% (iodine/iode)de Health Leads UK n'est pas potassium (qui n'existe pas) mais ioduree :

Dois-je continuer ou augmenter les doses car je n'ai toujours aucun symptôme, juste quelques gargouillis dans mon ventre se font entendre aujourd'hui ?...
Merci pour vos réponses...

LAURA thank you ...
From what I understand, my product ordered on Amazon
Iodine solution Lugol according 30ml / 15% (iodine / iodine) from Health Leads UK is not potassium (which does not exist), but potassium iodide: redirect = true ref_ = oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s01
Should I continue or increase the dose because I still have no Symptoms just some gurgling in my stomach are heard today? ...
Thank you for your answers...

Hello PERLOU, the composition of your Lugol is here :
Ingrédients : iode, iodure de potassium, eau distillée..
You can find it at the bottom of the presentation page of the product.
In reference to my previous post i slipped up and said "have to drink litres of lugols" What I should have said is "drink a bottle of SSKI", just a slight difference ;D
Laura said:
MK Scarlett said:
I do not have finish to read the whole yet, but I wanted to answer to PERLOU... Sorry if this has already been done later.

PERLOU said:
Qui connaitrait le nom du produit en France pour l'acheter ?... Merci d'avance...

Who connaitrait the name of the product in France to buy it?... Thank you in advance...

I bought mine here, mostly because it is less expensive than the one on Amazon despite the fact it is also made from Dr Clarck:
Lugol's solution 5%
This Website is specific to the Dr Clarck's work in French.

Or here also in French:
For more or less the same price as Amazon one, but we do not know the size of the product: that's why I did not buy it there. But for the record, they have some others stuffs there, that could be helpul.
Plus, it is from this very Website that was find out a Dr Guy Abraham's article in French recently edited on Sott.

I hope this helps. :)

As noted, Hulda Clark's version of Lugol's, is not Lugol's as the potassium iodide is replaced with sodium iodide and the effectiveness may be lessened. I'm not sure on this so someone needs to check it out.

For the few euros difference, I'd rather get the one on

Well, the Lugol 5% I've got there [sante-detox] is made of: Iodine, Potassium iodide, water and contains 5 mg iodine per drop.
So I guess it is the right formula. As I did not finished to read the thread after Reply #169, I do not know what was said about Dr Clarck's Lugol.
I have order this on on ebay : _
Much cheaper than the one on

They say Cetified Lugol, so that must be the original formula. I just send them a message about the composition.

There is one cheaper on ebay from Germany but they don't provide much info.
I've just started taking it. Started quite low

- Selenium
- 3 drops of Lugol's 12%
- B Complex
- Celtic Salt
- Mag Citrate

I'll take Vit C in a couple of hours.

Immediately after taking the iodine, I felt pins & needles all over my head, only for a couple of seconds. Then uhmm, very slight and very mild headache.

I'm not really doing any calculations, just taking things on an approximate basis.

I'll up to 4 drops tomorrow, then see what happens, then go to 5 and stay there for awhile to see if anything comes up. I'll do it for a couple of weeks I guess then probably taper off. Fingers crossed to nothing coming up!
lainey said:
RedFox said:
Diuretics - be careful with tea, coffee and chocolate etc. They can dehydrate you, and make the symptoms worse.
It was also mentioned earlier in the thread:

Don’t take iodine at the same time as Vitamin C - which will negate disinfectant effect of iodine; Take vitamin C at least 2 hours before or after taking Lugol’ solution.

Antidotes for iodine overdose
Chocolate or cocoa - high in bromine which displaces iodine;
Vitamin C – take ¼ tsp. (~2.5g) in juice or water

So eating chocolate looks like it would also negate the benefits of iodine.

I looked more into the chocolate-contains-bromine issue and have come to the conclusion that this isn't the case. There is some confusion around the term "Theobromine", which is an alkaloid found in chocolate. It's what gives that happy, satisfied feeling from eating a good quality chocolate and is also, incidentally, what makes chocolate dangerous for dogs and cats, as they can't detoxify it as readily as humans.

However, despite the name, theobromine is not related to bromine. From Wikipedia "Despite its name, the compound contains no bromine—theobromine is derived from Theobroma, the name of the genus of the cacao tree, (which itself is made up of the Greek roots theo ("god") and broma ("food"), meaning "food of the gods")[3] with the suffix -ine given to alkaloids and other basic nitrogen-containing compounds.[4]" So it seems it's just confusion around the naming conventions.

Where things get complicated, however, is that apparently conventional cocoa crops are often sprayed with methyl bromide as a fumigant and pesticide. It seems likely that chocolate produced from conventional cocoa crops is going to contain residue of this nasty pesticide (see here), so in this case, it would no doubt be a good idea to avoid non-organic chocolate. But with the knowledge we have here on the forum, we should have been doing this anyway. So I'd say if you're eating a good quality organic, fair-trade chocolate or cocoa powder, you should be OK, keeping in mind the sugar content still needs to be kept in check.

As for why chocolate can act as an "antidote" to too much iodine (not sure this is actually the case, or whether one would actually need an "antidote" since it seems unlikely one would be able to actually overdose on iodine as opposed to just stirring up too many toxins or killing too many critters), I imagine this has more to do with the chelating effect of cocoa. I know cocoa can bind to iron and isn't recommended for anemics, so I wonder if it would also bind iodine. Or it may possibly bind mobilized toxins given off by the killed critters or the metals displaced by the iodine itself, providing some relief. All just speculation, of course.


I thought I'd share some of my experiences so far with the iodine protocol, as I've experienced some symptoms I haven't seen listed anywhere. I started off doing 12 -15mg of potassium iodide in a glycerine solution for about 2 weeks before my Lugol's solution arrived, just as a way to do a bit of a low front-loading dose before starting the protocol proper. What I noticed immediately was an increase in "phlegminess" in the throat and a constant and unsatisfyable need to clear the throat (similar to what Windmill Knight reported in his previous post). This has continued even after starting the Lugol's, although it's decreased in frequency and intensity. The first couple of days I also had a bit of a headache, but nothing major.

Once I started the Lugol's (5% J. Crow, 10 drops 1x/day), with the salt water and co-factors, I did notice the "giddy" energy increase on the first couple of days, but that seems to have ended. Minor transient issues also seemed to come up, like aches and pains, stiff neck, grumpy mood when tired, but these are minor and tend to come and go.

I also started getting little raised bumps on certain parts of my body that were EXTREMELY itchy, which weren't relieved by scratching. The itchiness seemed to be fine over the course of the day, but when sitting still at night, and particularly before falling asleep, they were intense. The bumps seemed to last a day or two in one location, and then they'd pop up somewhere else. They were always only a single bump in any one place and I'll have two or three of them at a time. This seems to have lessened a bit now.

One thing that I've experienced that no one else seems to have mentioned is aching teeth. I can't remember if this started with the KI or once I started the Lugol's, since I didn't make the connection to the iodine at first, but my teeth have had this somewhat intense painful aching feeling. I thought I was done with this symptom, as it didn't seem to be present over the last couple of days, but I woke up this morning with it present again, although much milder than before. I was speculating that maybe this is all those fluoride treatments I underwent at my dentist in my youth being detoxed by the iodine. At least I hope this is what it is, and not some actual dental issue that I'm making an excuse for :D
Lycurgus said:
Snodgrass (1935) after extensive experiments in Scotland maintained that 45 gr. daily was sufficient for his cases, but he preferred to give 90 gr. Burke (1935) in England maintained that 90 gr. daily was the minimum effective dose. Our opinion, based entirely on impressions, is that 90 gr. daily for females and 135 gr. daily for males should be the minimum aimed at and that the shortest period of treatment should be 6 weeks.

:shock: I guess that when you're sick with systemic syphilis, you are ready to take anything.

Biofilms made up with atypical bacteria and tick-borne transmitted pathogens could be the most difficult to eradicate. For example, co-infections in Lyme's disease and mycoplasma fermentans. Some interesting speculations here, which are also a good review of the autoimmune thread:


Ever since I started the iodine-boron supplementation I have wondered why it works so well together. I always thought there was a missing link somewhere. A few threads ago I had this feeling I needed to dig, and I somehow I came closer to an understanding of why. No rocket sience of course, just my thoughts drifting;

The sentence that got me going was " Mycoplasmas are frequently found in the oral and genito-urinary tracts" I connected to the fact that kids and adults I have treated with this combination, usually has been well within a week; UTI or similar, burning, frequent urination, enuresis etc. – And I never understood why it could work so fast.

(I havent been near an UTI after iodine / boron. Earlier it was at least a yearly happening)

"The advances in gene research during this same time peroid has provided new evidence in the identification and pathogenesis of specific species of mycoplasmas which might have the ability to cause a dysregulation of the neuroendocrine system."

Mycoplasmas connection to the endocrine system, fibromyalgia etc. bring us straight into the fluoride issues as fluoride poisoning has symptoms similar to fibromyalgia; but why??

- Could it be that the deficiency of iodine and boron is widespread, and the excess fluoride make it possible for the mycoplasma to host our cells? -as it "paralyze" the thyroid, or at least make the body temp lower than optimal.

-as we know, boron and iodine are fluoride busters (in addition to a few other)

And then the war veterans, vaccinated all right;

” Patients with FMS or CFS often have multiple mycoplasmal infections and probably other chronic infections as well


Then you have all these connections to our health challenges today;

"Mycoplasma fermentans; Arthritis, Gulf War Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lupus, AIDS/HIV, autoimmune diseases, ALS, psoriasis and Scleroderma, Crohn's and IBS, cancer, endocrine disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, diabetes"

-this is short for what my family`s health problems is all about, in addition to the asthma and allergy; and there we go;

” "Mycoplasma pneumonia

Pneumonia, asthma, upper and lower respiratory diseases, heart diseases, leukemia, Steven-Johnson syndrome, polyarthritis or septic arthritis, CNS disorders and diseases, urinary tract infections, Crohn's and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Guillain-Barr syndrome, polyradiculitis, encephalitis, and septic meningitis, autoimmune diseases."


"Formerly, boric acid was widely used as a preservative in foods, but is now banned for this purpose in most countries, and is also banned from public sale in Australia."

so that the mycoplasma (and others) from vaccines (antibiotics??) get an easy way in. In addition to limit our access to iodine, the fluoride pushing, a wicked plan..

-I always thought it was mycoplasma OR bacteria or virus etc. What I have learned today is that it is probably both or even all three; that the mycoplasma attatch to the virus / bacteria / fungus cell. Make them work well at the same time that an attack is difficult.

This would make sense; as the mycoplasma infections are hard to treat with medication. It would probably be hard to treat even with iodine / boron, as it already have taken control over the cells. A better option would to prevent this with these supplements, and of course avoid the vaccines.

"The four major combinations we have detected, so far, are mycoplasma attached to a virus, or to a fungus, or bacteria, or a spirochete."

Mycoplasma often presents as a chronic cough or lung infection that doesn’t respond to the usual remedies we have come to rely upon. It seems to create an acidic effect in the surrounding fluids, which encourages secondary acid-dependant illness to take place within the lung tissue, and creates a diminished uptake of oxygen.

”Since mycoplasma has a sterol deficiency within its protoplasm, to reproduce itself it needs to pull sterols out of the nearest cell wall of its host. Cell wall structures must contain cholesterol to maintain their flexibility and integrity, and are seriously damaged when a mycoplasmic invasion appropriates their protective cholesterol. Unless the wounded cell can repair itself, eventually the cell will open up and spill its contents into the surrounding tissues, leaving scraps of cellular structures behind.” _

Etc, etc

"Mycoplasmas are a specific and unique species of bacteria - the smallest free-living organism known on the planet. The primary differences between mycoplasmas and other bacteria is that bacteria have a solid cell-wall structure and they can grow in the simplest culture media. Mycoplasmas however, do not have a cell wall, and like a tiny jellyfish with a pliable membrane, can take on many different shapes which make them difficult to identify, even under a high powered electron microscope. Mycoplasmas can also be very hard to culture in the laboratory and are often missed as pathogenic causes of diseases for this reason.

The accepted name was chosen because Mycoplasmas were observed to have a fungi-like structure (Mycology is the study of fungi - hence "Myco") and it also had a flowing plasma-like structure without a cell wall - hence "plasma".

"Mycoplasmas, unlike viruses, can grow in tissue fluids (blood, joint, heart, chest and spinal fluids) and can grow inside any living tissue cell without killing the cells, as most normal bacteria and viruses will do. Mycoplasmas are frequently found in the oral and genito-urinary tracts of normal healthy people and are found to infect females four times more often than males, which just happens to be the same incidence rate in rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and other related disorders.(7) Mycoplasmas are parasitic in nature and can attach to specific cells without killing the cells and thus their infection process and progress can go undetected. In some people the attachment of mycoplasmas to the host cell acts like a living thorn; a persistent foreign substance, causing the host's immune defense mechanism to wage war. This allergic type of inflammation often results in heated, swollen, and painful inflamed tissues, like those found in rheumatoid diseases, fibromyalgia and many other autoimmune disorders like lupus and MS, Crohn's and others. In such cases the immune system begins attacking itself and/or seemingly healthy cells. Some species of mycoplasmas also have the unique ability to completely evade the immune system. Once they attach to a host cell in the body, their unique plasma and protein coating can then mimic the cell wall of the host cell and the immune system cannot differentiate the mycoplasma from the body's own host cell."


My main links;




-mainly because of its importance for the cell membrane, and its connection to bones and teeth, same tissues as fluoride are attached to. + the parathyroid glands.. and the fact that ”myco” / fungus have no utilization for boron. And..

” Health Effects of Boron

Some good info on the importance of boron on the link.
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