Persej said:The question I have is can we put anything else in the salted water? Because the taste is really bad. :/
Hi Persej, I really enjoy drinking salted water some with tea and lemon, it tastes like a "tonic water", it could be even better if you put some xylitol or other good (and healthy) sweetener in it.
RedFox said:I wanted to add another piece of data. I've been struggling with symptoms of pain, lethargy, muscle pain/weakness, unable to get out of bed without a struggle, low moods and sensitivity to sound.
I'm only taking 6mg of lugols daily, and the symptoms where getting progressively worse, especially on days off from taking lugols.
I've been feeling pretty much the same, and I'm only taking ONE drop of 5% Lugol's a day now, which amounts to 6.25 grams.
As I said before, I started pretty high with 8 drops, and it was generally good for the first two days, but I lowered the dose to 4 drops. I had a LOT of energy and felt that my concentration had improved. But then I had some other detox symptoms including a cherry angioma, very small. So I stopped the Lugol's for 3 days. I felt extremely tired those days, but the other symptoms disappeared.
ATM, I've been taking one drop for 4 days and I have shoulder pain and fatigue, and the brain fog makes it really hard to read anything. Also, low mood, vivid dreams (which wake me up and I never had sleeping problems) I still haven't got the Selenium and B2 / B3, I just wanted to try with one drop for a few days. Again, I guess I'll pause it until I get the co-factors. I also ordered glycine and MCT oil, so I guess that will help too.
Now, I've just had an idea about why we are getting these symptoms at such a low dose, but maybe I'm totally off track (forgive my brain fog )... Could it be that some critters are being activated by the iodine (as the Cs said) and, besides the detox symptoms, this could be due to a mycoplasma infection that "wakes up" with the lower doses? In that case, what would be the best approach to not wake the infection and, at the same time, not overwhelm the body with a "nuke" dose?
I'm sorry if I'm totally off here, I just wanted to share what I thought. I still have plenty to read since I'm VERY slow at it right now.
Thank you all for the updates, it is very interesting to read your experiences. Hopefully, many will get so much better with this new protocol.