Iodine and Potassium Iodide

REDFOX : Make sure to take the vitamin C at least 2 hours after the Lugols...
Assurez-vous pour prendre la vitamine C au moins 2 heures après le Lugols.

Merci à tous pour vos partages toujours aussi intéressants...
Merci pour votre attention REDFOX, je prends mon eau salée à 6h du matin puis vers 7h20 ma Vit. C, puis mon thé avec Glycinne 2 cuillerées à café rases, B complex 1 comprimé et sélénium 1 comprimé que j'ai reçu hier donc commencé ce matin, le Lugol 12% 5 gouttes dans eau avec vinaigre de cidre bio n'est pris que vers 10h30/11h soit 3h environ après le petit déjeuner...
Je ne ressens pas d'effet de désintoxication...

Thank you all for your interesting still shares ...
REDFOX thank you for your attention, I take my salt water at 6am and then to my 7:20 Vit. C, and then with my tea Glycinne 2 cuillerées à shave coffee, B complex 1 tablet and selenium 1 tablet I received yesterday begun this morning, the 12% Lugol 5 drops in water with apple cider vinegar bio is taken only around 10:30 / 11h is approximately 3 hours after breakfast ...
I do not feel detox effect ...
Laura said:
Lilou said:
[quote author= Woodsman]
I've been salt loading, then 5 drops Lugol's 5% for approximately 12.5 mg every day.

If you are using 5% Lugol's, each drop has 6.25mg, so 5 drops is 31.25mg. If you are using 2%, 2.5mg/drop, then it'd be 12.5mg.

I don't know if it is a problem mixing the salt and Lugol's in one drink or not. My gut says to take them separately, but I didn't find anything that says the two mixed changes the chemistry. Maybe others will know more about it.

I think it was concluded somewhere back in the thread that mixing the salt with the iodine deactivates it.

Ugh. My eyes are burning from searching. I cannot seem to find anything about this. The best I stumbled on was a youtube video showing iodine mixing with sodium chloride with zero commentary and no obvious result. (

The reason I want to know is a little embarrassing.., I wake up impatient; I want to take everything at once with breakfast and get on with my day, which often involves getting the heck out of my apartment. (Also.., it tastes better.)

But all of that is silly if there's a chemically relevant reason for waiting a couple of hours between doses. I just can't seem to locate one.
Hi there,

I've started to drink a warm glass of salted water two weeks ago, and since a week I started to take lugol 5%. 2 drops to begin with, now 5 drops, no adverse effects, no outstanding positives effects I can notice either, just that my brain seems a little less foggy. I was waiting to receive the other co-factors by mail before going nuclear against the candidas I was diagnosed with this summer. I've read the two recommended books regarding iodine, so I think I'm going to be ok.

Just a quick question : what's the current consensus regarding the time one should wait between the glass of warm salted water and the intake of lugol + co-factors ?
Tomek said:
Just a quick question : what's the current consensus regarding the time one should wait between the glass of warm salted water and the intake of lugol + co-factors ?

As soon as you wake up, have the salted water, then about an hour later, breakfast plus iodine and cofactors. Vit C needs to be taken an hour at least away from Lugol's also.
I found some lugols solution with ethanol inside.only problem is that the iodine concentration is unknown. So I write an email to the manufacturer and I hope they will answer me. Iam still in doubt how good is this solution, but as soon as I get the concentration I'll try it until my ordered lugols arrive.
davey72 said:
davey72 said:
I was in the pharmacy of my small town recently and they only sell topical iodine but the ingredients list only iodine and potassium iodide. Would this be safe to injest and if no then why not?

EDIT: Also would topical iodine be absorbed into the body? Is this an efficient way of using iodine?

Was this just a dumb question? Its just that the bottles say for topical use o. why would that be?

I think that's called "covering your backside". Lugol is nothing else than iodine and potassium iodide. Of course iodine is partially absorbed through the skin, but the amount is nowhere near as when ingested - and probavly depends on a lot of skin-related factors.

So I'd say it's safe to ingest, as long as it is reasonably pure - which it should be given that it's "for topical use" as it should normally be of a similar purity as for ingestion.
Woodsman said:
Laura said:
Lilou said:
[quote author= Woodsman]
I've been salt loading, then 5 drops Lugol's 5% for approximately 12.5 mg every day.

If you are using 5% Lugol's, each drop has 6.25mg, so 5 drops is 31.25mg. If you are using 2%, 2.5mg/drop, then it'd be 12.5mg.

I don't know if it is a problem mixing the salt and Lugol's in one drink or not. My gut says to take them separately, but I didn't find anything that says the two mixed changes the chemistry. Maybe others will know more about it.

I think it was concluded somewhere back in the thread that mixing the salt with the iodine deactivates it.

Ugh. My eyes are burning from searching. I cannot seem to find anything about this. The best I stumbled on was a youtube video showing iodine mixing with sodium chloride with zero commentary and no obvious result. (

The reason I want to know is a little embarrassing.., I wake up impatient; I want to take everything at once with breakfast and get on with my day, which often involves getting the heck out of my apartment. (Also.., it tastes better.)

But all of that is silly if there's a chemically relevant reason for waiting a couple of hours between doses. I just can't seem to locate one.

Well, the point is that the salt binds with halogens and thus, it might bind with the iodine - a halogen - and just take it right out.

Being in a hurry with things like this can cause serious problems. So, I'm going to repeat:

Read the thread and understand every part of the protocol and what it does before you utilize it. Consult your health care practitioner.
Z said:
I think even taking salt in the morning will trigger some detox.
I still haven't started taking Iodine since there were funny circumstances with my order and shipment ( long story) but I started taking about a half of teaspoon of Himalayan salt every morning upon waking together with about a gram of ascorbic acid about 10 days ago. In addition to very frequent urination I have mild headaches for last few days and this is for me very unusual.

This has been my finding as well. My salt intake was increased after reading of others doing so in the Keto thread some time ago. I added a half teaspoon to each of 2 fat bombs a day. Combined with salted meat, this would give an estimated 6 - 7 grams per day. Doing this resulted in mild (bearable) headaches lasting for a couple of hours. These headaches stopped within a few days of first using iodine.

Iodine use is going well so far. Using lugols 5%, started at 1 drop twice a day. Only side effects were very slight acne that cleared in a few days. Runny nose for a while as well. Stayed at this dose for 8 days or so.

Increased to current dose of 2 drops twice a day. Added half teaspoon salt in warm water in the morning and half teaspoon of vit C to each fatbomb, eaten at least 2 hours after iodine. Magnesium chloride and 20 minutes sun exposure, daily when possible. FIR sauna 1 hour, twice a week. No side effects and great energy through the day, 10 days in so far. Body feels warmer as well. Better mental clarity, but a long way to go I feel.

Only other thing changed at this dose was timing of iodine intake. Instead of the second dose before bed, changed it to 3 or 4pm. I've never had trouble sleeping (even with this late dose), staying awake is my problem. But it makes more sense to be energized by the iodine when you are active, rather than when going to sleep, so will stay with this.

Looking back to when I first used iodine, despite higher doses (up to 12 drops a day of 5%), side effects were minimal. FIR sauna use could have made the difference then, as there was a period when I used it every other day. Highly recommended.

Have also been sharing info on this far and wide, recommending Brownsteins book, as well as this great sott article

One relative in particular has advanced cancer and I can only hope they take advantage of this valuable knowledge and it helps them. The chemo side effects are dreadful.
nicklebleu said:
davey72 said:
davey72 said:
I was in the pharmacy of my small town recently and they only sell topical iodine but the ingredients list only iodine and potassium iodide. Would this be safe to injest and if no then why not?

EDIT: Also would topical iodine be absorbed into the body? Is this an efficient way of using iodine?

Was this just a dumb question? Its just that the bottles say for topical use o. why would that be?

I think that's called "covering your backside". Lugol is nothing else than iodine and potassium iodide. Of course iodine is partially absorbed through the skin, but the amount is nowhere near as when ingested - and probavly depends on a lot of skin-related factors.

So I'd say it's safe to ingest, as long as it is reasonably pure - which it should be given that it's "for topical use" as it should normally be of a similar purity as for ingestion.

Thank you. Its a tincture so there is alcohol as well but what you say makes sense to me. Not something i can do right now as i havent read the whole thread and i dont have any supplements or real salt atm.
Laura said:
Esprit said:
Suggested daily values from the Canadian Governement:

Fat 65 g
Saturated and trans fats 20 g
Cholesterol 300 mg
Sodium 2400 mg
Carbohydrate 300 g
Fibre 25 g
Sugars no DV
Protein no DV
Vitamin A 1000 RE
Vitamin C 60 mg
Calcium 1100 mg
Iron 14 mg

So vitamin C 1gram ! My 250ml orange juice says I have 100% of my Vit C needs ! (60mg). I understand with Iodine we need extra but what are the usual real needs for Vit C ?

And you believe that nonsense? What are you doing here?

I especially asked what are the REAL need of Vit C. I wanted to compare with what the Governement was saying about it. Thank you for the links Gaby. If the Governement says: run in one direction I run the other. I never drink orange juice usually I thought it would make up for Vit C turns out it's pretty weak and of course sugar not welcome.
I have been anxious to receive my 5% Crows Lugols and 200mcg selenium from Amazon and it just came today. I had already started the vitamin B2, B3 and 1 tsp of salt for about a week.

I will continue to follow the thread and do more reading. I just started with 4 drops (25mg) to see if I notice any difference.

Thanks for all the inputs.
goyacobol said:
I have been anxious to receive my 5% Crows Lugols and 200mcg selenium from Amazon and it just came today. I had already started the vitamin B2, B3 and 1 tsp of salt for about a week.

I will continue to follow the thread and do more reading. I just started with 4 drops (25mg) to see if I notice any difference.

Thanks for all the inputs.

Vitamin B3? No flush? :D
SunEterna said:
goyacobol said:
I have been anxious to receive my 5% Crows Lugols and 200mcg selenium from Amazon and it just came today. I had already started the vitamin B2, B3 and 1 tsp of salt for about a week.

I will continue to follow the thread and do more reading. I just started with 4 drops (25mg) to see if I notice any difference.

Thanks for all the inputs.

Vitamin B3? No flush? :D

I haven't had any with just using the vitamins and seasalt about a week before getting the Lugols. It is the 500mg B3. Did you have a problem?
I have been taking "trophic" iodine until my Lugols arrives. It has 640mcg in a drop. I started with 1 drop and increased up to 20 drops today (~13mg). I had also been taking vit C, selenium and Vit B complex (w/ low doses of B2 and B3). Today I bought vit B2(100mg) and B3 (200mg) and took them once I had supper. About 5 mins later my whole body turned red and began having a burning sensation.
I read this could be due to high doses of B2?

Anyone have any ideas why I might be having this reaction? Could it be the iodine?
_B_ said:
I have been taking "trophic" iodine until my Lugols arrives. It has 640mcg in a drop. I started with 1 drop and increased up to 20 drops today (~13mg). I had also been taking vit C, selenium and Vit B complex (w/ low doses of B2 and B3). Today I bought vit B2(100mg) and B3 (200mg) and took them once I had supper. About 5 mins later my whole body turned red and began having a burning sensation.
I read this could be due to high doses of B2?

Anyone have any ideas why I might be having this reaction? Could it be the iodine?

That would be the B3 niacin flush. It has been recommended somewhere in this thread to take the Niacinamide no flush instead. I know that flush can be a little uncomfortable. Been there. :shock:
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