According to Dr. Brownstein, unrefined salt is an excellent detoxification aid, as well as provider of mineral nutrients in a naturally bio-available balance.
Unrefined Salt Benefits
. Remove toxins and metabolic wastes from the cells.
. Maintain and help regulate blood pressure.
. Maintain acid- base balance.
. Increasing the Glial Cells in brain.
. Supporting the function of adrenal glands.
. Balance sugar levels in the blood.
. Helps treat emotional disorders.
. Clear the lungs of mucus and sticky phlegm.
. Prevent muscle cramps.
. Make bones firm.
. Vital for maintaining sexuality and libido.
. Carrying nutrients into and out of cells.
. Prevent varicose veins and spider veins.
. Stabilizes irregular heartbeat.
. Essential to nerve cell communication.
. Prevent excess saliva production, saliva flowing out of the mouth during sleep may indicate salt deficiency.
Unrefined salt contain a broad spectrum of trace elements, often in the same balance as are found in human blood.
Maintaining adequate hydration is the single most important health factor in any detoxication program.
If you're not drinking enough water, the body finds the extra water it needs by robbing its own cells.
Too high a concentration of salt in the body can lead to irritability, muscle twitching, seizures, brain damage and coma.
Use it in moderation.
Some Types Salt are Dangerous
All salt is sea salt in some form or another. However common table salt is, through the refinement process valuable minerals are removed, so virtually no benefits for the body and it cause numerous health problems, including gallstones.
Iodized salt was add over 70 years ago to combat goiter and cretinism, and has been some successful. However, woefully inadequate in preventing many other thyroid disorders.
Kosher salt is obtained by compressing table salt crystals under high pressure in order to create larger crystals, that is particularly efficient at extracting the blood. That is why it is used during Koshering meat to draw out the blood, because Jewish Law required blood to be extracted from meat before eat.
Unrefined Salt Benefits
. Remove toxins and metabolic wastes from the cells.
. Maintain and help regulate blood pressure.
. Maintain acid- base balance.
. Increasing the Glial Cells in brain.
. Supporting the function of adrenal glands.
. Balance sugar levels in the blood.
. Helps treat emotional disorders.
. Clear the lungs of mucus and sticky phlegm.
. Prevent muscle cramps.
. Make bones firm.
. Vital for maintaining sexuality and libido.
. Carrying nutrients into and out of cells.
. Prevent varicose veins and spider veins.
. Stabilizes irregular heartbeat.
. Essential to nerve cell communication.
. Prevent excess saliva production, saliva flowing out of the mouth during sleep may indicate salt deficiency.
Unrefined salt contain a broad spectrum of trace elements, often in the same balance as are found in human blood.
Maintaining adequate hydration is the single most important health factor in any detoxication program.
If you're not drinking enough water, the body finds the extra water it needs by robbing its own cells.
Too high a concentration of salt in the body can lead to irritability, muscle twitching, seizures, brain damage and coma.
Use it in moderation.
Some Types Salt are Dangerous
All salt is sea salt in some form or another. However common table salt is, through the refinement process valuable minerals are removed, so virtually no benefits for the body and it cause numerous health problems, including gallstones.
Iodized salt was add over 70 years ago to combat goiter and cretinism, and has been some successful. However, woefully inadequate in preventing many other thyroid disorders.
Kosher salt is obtained by compressing table salt crystals under high pressure in order to create larger crystals, that is particularly efficient at extracting the blood. That is why it is used during Koshering meat to draw out the blood, because Jewish Law required blood to be extracted from meat before eat.