Outrageous but true!
You are probably, totally iodine/iodide deficient
Our story starts with an outrageous fact about modern agricultural practices, "scientific research," and health care. When it comes to natural hormonal health, the average person in modern cultures usually and always is almost totally iodine/iodide depleted, while heavy metal saturated. One of the world's leading endocrinologist, an expert on thyroid, admits that 80% of the world's population is thyroid deficient.
Why? Because of the industrial dietary, limited to only a handful of vegetative foodstuffs obtained from wheat, corn, dairy, cane and beet sugars, rice, and potatoes is devoid of essential iodine and iodides.
Lugol's :
An underground legend
If you're especially health-savvy, you may have heard of Lugol's, but probably know little about it, let alone its nearly one hundred clinical uses.
But did you know that its astonishing powers have been...
Praised by leading MD's treating epidemic hypothyroidism, a root cause of obesity and diabetes...
...and shown safe and effective in over 1,000 scientific publications. Yes! So do let me fill you in on its fascinating history, and explain why it's such an important part of our health formula. It is something to take daily, travel with to prevent infection and food/water borne illness, prevent heavy metal intoxication, safeguard your body from radioactive fallout, and most importantly, keep your thyroid gland running at maximum efficiency, while your tissues are pickled to prevent infections.
Lugol's iodine, also known as Lugol's solution, first made in 1829, is a blended solution of elemental iodine and potassium iodide in water, named after the French physician J.G.A. Lugol. Lugol's iodine solution was often used as an antiseptic and disinfectant, for emergency disinfection of drinking water (superior to chlorine), and as a reagent for starch detection in routine laboratory and medical tests. It has been used more rarely to replenish iodine deficiency. However, pure potassium iodide, without the more essential elemental iodine, has been preferred for this purpose, as the body uses both.
First, physicians found it's absorbed with incredible ease. Potassium iodide that is not used by the body's cells exits the body in about four hours. Since it is a bacterial stain, it is an excellent urinary tract disinfectant. I have used it for UTI's for years and have never recorded a side effect. Do not believe all the scare statements about iodine, iodine allergies and reactions, etc. In over one thousand patients, I have never seen it! Pure internet bunk.
When you put a bit on the back of your hand, it either stains your skin for a while or it just plain disappears. Why? This is an important diagnostic clue.
Potassium iodide is an inorganic compound with formula KI. This colorless salt is the most commercially significant iodide compound, approximately 37,000 tons/year were produced in 1985. Following the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster in April, 1986, a saturated solution of potassium iodide was administered to 10.5 million children and 7 million adults in Poland as a prophylactic measure against accumulation of radioactive iodine-131 in the thyroid gland. Potassium iodide was also approved in 1982 by the US FDA to protect the thyroid glands from radioactive iodine. In the event of an accident or attack at a nuclear power plant, or fallout from a nuclear bomb, several volatile fission product radionuclides may be released. Grab your Lugol's, put drops in your water throughout the day and drink it!
Iodine and its compounds are primarily used in medicine, photography, and dyes. Although it is rare in the solar system and Earth's crust, the iodides are very soluble in water, and the element is concentrated in seawater. This mechanism helps to explain how the element came to be required in trace amounts by all animals and some plants, being by far the heaviest element known to be necessary to living organisms. The startling truth is, without iodine, the ocean would not have plankton to produce oxygen, and life on earth would have never happened! This is more than a therapeutic hint. Thyroxine is one of the most ancient hormones and was necessary for development of animals to leave the sea and generate heat internally to survive. Go Figure!
Lugol's all but disappeared from
the halls of health care...
It went 'underground.' A few enlightened doctors continued to champion Lugol's, and it became a word-of-mouth legend among well-informed insiders. According to Hungarian Nobel Laureate Szent-Gy˚rgyi, KI was the universal medicine in Europe during the late 1800's and early 1900's. Szent-Gy˚rgyi himself ingested 1 full gram of KI [postassium iodide] daily to keep himself fit. He once stated: "When I was a medical student, iodine in the form of KI was the universal medicine. Nobody knew what it did, but it did something and did something good. We students used to sum up the situation in this little rhyme:
If ye don't know where, what, and why
prescribe ye then K and I."
At one point, Iodine and its salts were so pervasive in use, it was suggested to develop a new species of healers!
Outside this inner circle, however, everyone else gradually forgot about Lugol's... I once talked to an old time surgeon, he told me in the 1950's they regularly used to wash the colon with Lugol's enema, prior to any surgery and never saw problems nor post-surgical infections. Then the F D A came around and ordered it stopped, with problems developing ever since. Go Figure!
I've gone through the archives and scoured the web and pulled out all of the information on uses and dosing that you will find in my Report. There seems to be much fear surrounding Iodine supplementation, a new syndrome, medical iodophobia, was even recently reported. There are all sorts of conflicting information on the WEB. I promise that this REPORT will clear up any of your confusion and show you how to start using it safely and effectively. It is an essential mineral not only for the thyroid gland, but also for the ovaries, breasts, skin and other tissues.
According to the celebrated researcher, Guy Abraham, MD, just drops of Lugol's solution a day is an effective amount for supplementation. I have used this method for years and give it out like candy, watching UTI's and other infections disappear in my patients. In my report, we will send you crystal iodine and KI crystals you simply drop into a pint of water and Bingo - you have a 2+ year supply for you and your family. Make it, shake it, and put it in the fridge. Take some daily along with your vitamin C & E, B complex, etc.
Field Preparation of Lugol's: purified water, drop in granules of KI & I. 1 liter treats one hundred + patients.
However... even higher doses will displace heavier, toxic halogens, fluoride, chlorine [in drinking water] and bromides put in flour to make bread, cookies, and cakes as an anti-caking agent. At one time, iodide was used as a preservative and dough conditioner, but some bozo iodophobicthought better to poison the worlds food supply with bromine, a thyroid suppressing agent. Fluoridate the world's water supply, and you have the perfect thyroid/intelligence depressing chaser cocktail. Thus, brominated doughnuts go well with fluoridated coffee, the perfect dumb down breakfast perk. Remember, iodine deficiency in growth results in retardation. There are a lot of fancy words for these syndromes, but they all start with iodine from birth. (That's another therapeutic hint)
A heavier dose of Lugol's for 1 to 3 mos. is what I've heard recommended to "flush" out the heavier halogens as well as mercury. YES! Lugol's was well known to displace mercury from the body as early as the 1920's, ...and that's what we're after as my report will show.
And you will find dozens of therapeutic nuggets in the massive IODUM MATERIA MEDICA supplied with this REPORT
Metallic Poisoning. Iodine (Iodum) Treatment
Melsens found that every mercurial compound was soluble in an alkaline or neutral solution of iodide of potassium, and that corrosive sublimate, for instance, if fixed in a muscle, tendon, etc., could be dissolved out of the organic tissue by soaking it in such iodide solution. Also, that even metallic lead was, to some extent, soluble in the same medium, with formation of a double iodide of lead and potassium (Medico - Chirurgical Review, i., 1853). Hence, he argued that in cases of mercurial or lead-poisoning, with salivation, tremor, colic, palsy, etc., iodides introduced into the blood could form soluble compounds with metal deposited in the tissues, and enable this to be taken up by the absorbents and passed out by the kidneys and other channels of excretion. Support has been given to this argument by the fact that an insoluble salt of mercury or lead may be given to animals without evident effect until after the administration of an iodide, when the recognized symptoms of poisoning appear. (Medical Record, 1877).
Also, protection of the thyroid from radio active iodine fall out in cases of nuclear attack or accident would benefit from the recommended daily intake of Iodine discussed. The equivalent of dose of Lugol's solution daily would maintain a low radio iodine uptake by the thyroid gland, since the greatest damage to the thyroid occurs during the first few hours of radiation exposure. Be forewarned. Better yet, pickle yourself like Dr. Szent-Gy˚rgyi, he after all did discover Vitamin C! Something else we should be pickling ourselves with, but I will leave that for another REPORT.
Are you still waiting...?
...for your fish oil or vitamin pills to kick in? Get with it!
Mineral deficiencies are far more devastating than vitamin deficiencies!
'A FEW DROPS & BINGO!' -- Protection, Prevention, Better Health
When the first drop hits your skin, you'll wonder 'WHOW! What's going on here!' What happens next is a matter of testing yourself with the Skin Patch method. One of those methods I love wherein the diagnosis, is also the treatment!
Rub out skin blebs ON CONTACT...
How many times have you had a weird skin tag, little bleb, persistent pimple, wart, scar, cyst, etc. that just won't go away? Iodine to the rescue. Iftincture of Iodine, you know, that bottle of marked poison, was still in the medicine chest, and mommy would dab any old cut or scab routinely while growing up, I just wonder how many less obese and dumb-downed people would be on planet earth today?
And you will find dozens of therapeutic nuggets in the massive IODUM MATERIA MEDICA supplied with this REPORT
Acne - Iodine (Iodum) Treatment
Dr. Simpson recommended for indolent "menstrual" acne, a decolorized iodine paint made by mixing tinct. iodin. co. 1 part, with liq. ammoniae 2 parts, to stand forty-eight hours (Medical Times, i., 1861).
Pityriasis Capitis - Alopecia. Iodine (Iodum) Treatment
In branny, scaly conditions of the hairy scalp, and in partial falling off of the hair from debility, painting with iodine tincture acts as a useful local stimulant. It should be combined with other treatment, such as soap-frictions.
Pruritus. Iodine (Iodum) Treatment
In many varieties of this disorder - pruritus pudendi, pruritus senilis - iodine tincture locally applied often gives much relief.
In a case of hyperaesthesia of the vulva, without local lesion, but with severe "dyspareunia," powdering with iodoform rendered the parts quite insensitive to pain (Tanner). A tampon of iodoform had good results in another case.
And how many times have you
Hemorrhoids, believe it or not!
Literally rub away topical problems, as easily as
ERASING A BLACKBOARD while fixing the deficiency...
...with as little as just 2 drops of an astonishing rediscovery called LUGOL's, all those skin problems are rapidly improved - warts, suspicious blebs, hangnails, skin tags, you name it. Mexican folk healers even used it for baldness and dandruff. (That's another therapeutic hint)
Yes, that's exactly what this is saying. The treatment reveals that the diagnosis IS THE DEFICIENCY.
Even if you're delighted with your over-the-counter pills, or really believe a flu vaccine works,
WHY? Because even the perfect pill would still have one huge shortcoming called iodide deficiency... THEN WAIT! The next time you feel that scratchy throat or that first onset snuffle, reach for a bottle of Lugol's and start snorting from the open top. You may be surprised to see it rapidly quench a rhinovirus infection before it sets in. This also by the way is excellent for sinusitis.
Literally this test for arteriosclerosis requires no instrumentation while it also is the diagnosis for impending vascular damage...
Over 30 years ago, two ophthalmologists observed that a combination tablet of iodide and this vitamin, taken for several months could actually reverse atherosclerotic clogging of arteries. The published photographs showed a significant lessening of the cholesterol-laden artery clogging in the "after" pictures. This puts a whole new picture on the causation of atherogenic plaque and hyperlipidemia.
Even if you're delighted with your surgery,
They are all tell tale symptoms of massive iodine deficiency.
And how many times have you
If the truth be known, there are many chemicals that destroy or inactivate the herpes simplex virus. Iodine is a very common and effective antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal agent for topical use. A bit of a water soluble iodine complex like gram's iodine might be added to the mineral salt to wash and to help in the struggle against herpes. For example, in a 1975 study patients with vulvovaginal and cervical herpes virus infections were treated with a regimen of external and intravaginal iodine preparations. In all but one case, the expected duration of symptoms and healing time were shortened.
How many times have you tried a new product on your patients while you grit your teeth and bear it, right? And how many of these over priced products only gains results in about the same time it takes to watch grass grow. Right! Not anymore... Thanks to these series of reports, you are going to learn, once and for all, what really works, what is cheap, and what is backed from years if not centuries of general use.
From three years of clinical observations and experience in the use of dispensing oral lugol's, I believe that 80% of North Americans, and by extension the general populations, are iodine/iodide deficient.
So, what won't it do?
Quite honestly, this may be
the best news of all...
If you're still wondering, 'Can this be for real?' I totally understand. The supplement marketplace is awash in overpriced products that promise more than they can possibly deliver.
So I want to make it very clear that LUGOL's cannot erase 100% of all pain, lumps, bumps, tumors, etc. permanently; although I have seen it does this often. Of course, no pill can do that either. But unlike many pills, products and tablets that have been making headlines... LUGOL's is wonderfully safe to use every day, because its not just an antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral, its also a nutrient. Results come as no surprise, once you know how to use it, as this REPORT will demonstrate.
Not only is it safe and natural -- its revolutionary 'direct delivery' system neatly bypasses your entire digestive system. So, unlike pills that must be processed by your stomach and other internal organs...
* It won't upset your stomach... In fact, I no of no other agent so effective for reflux and developing ulcers. Lugol's is specific for helicobacer pylori.
* It won't stress the kidneys or liver... In fact, I no of no other agent so effective for kidney infections (pyelonephritis) and toxic livers.
* It won't trigger any other adverse side-effects that I'm aware of when used in gentle, near homeopathic doses...
Plus, you won't have to worry about interactions with aspirin, blood-thinners or other pills you may already be taking. A few drops is really quitehomeopathic.
You don't have to guess if it's going to work...
Why not find out RIGHT NOW? Just order our LUGOL'S REPORT! And don't worry about the iodine/iodide riddle ever again.
Yours for toxic-free living,
Prof. Charles _http://privyinfo.org/newsletters/What's%20UP100.html