Iodine and Potassium Iodide

Alana said:
loreta said:
Every morning my water with salt, Selenium, The B's vitamines, I don't take vitamine C, I feel sick with belly problems, is that normal? and also I stopped to take Magnesium, I have Clorure Magnesium and I don't feel well when I take it, so I will look for another type of Magnesium today.

It might be the type of vit C, as Gaby suggests, but it might be also related to the changes in the gut flora due to the introduction of the iodine protocol. Whenever I start doing something different in my diet or the supplements I take, I often notice some type of belly/digestive problems surfacing. I gather that the changes affect the digestive critters, and usually, a few days later it goes back to normal for me.

Another thought, is it possible to be a belly/stomach bug you might have picked up from somewhere? Different types of cold bugs seem to be going around at this time, at least in my area.

I just saw your reply to Gaby. Magnesium chloride gives most people belly troubles, if I am not mistaken it is used as a laxative. Try finding magnesium malate, orotate, L-threonate, or glycinate.

Thank you Alana, I will try to find one of the magnesium you told. I don't think it is a bug because when I stop to take the vitamine C the belly problems stop also. I will find also another type of vitamine C. The problem is when you enter a naturalistic store they are so many brands, and types of products that it is really complicated to decide what to buy.

Thanks again! Now I am going to try to find the magnesium.
Alana said:
Magnesium chloride gives most people belly troubles, if I am not mistaken it is used as a laxative. Try finding magnesium malate, orotate, L-threonate, or glycinate.

True, magnesium chloride is very laxative. Any other magnesium bounded to aminos like the ones Alana listed would do better.

The "C-Time 1000" should be okay as far as tolerance goes, perhaps you can experiment with it again in one week with one single capsule (or half a capsule if you can split it) to see if it triggers the same response or not. It might be the added stuff and not necessarily the ascorbic acid. Also, if it was too much vitamin C for your bowel, it will not get absorbed. That can also give tummy problems. Starting with half or one capsule could be a good test.

My 2 cents!
Loreta, the magnesium chloride is the wrong one. It cannot be absorbed by the body and will make you caga mucho! That is the type you use to make magnesium oil to spray on, or in baths.

Normal vitamin C in pills and the cheapest powder is called asorbic acid.

There are 2 alternative versions of vitamin C that are "buffered", meaning non-acidic.

magnesium ascorbate
sodium ascorbate

There is debate about them not being as effective as the ascorbic acid. However, the sodium ascorbate is used by "Emergen-C" and other popular brands. You can also use it to make liposomal vitamin C.
@ Divided by zero

Maybe I should look at the thread on Vitamin C :P but if I understand you correctly, you're saying sodium ascorbate is more effective then ascorbic acid?
Solie said:
@ Divided by zero

Maybe I should look at the thread on Vitamin C :P but if I understand you correctly, you're saying sodium ascorbate is more effective then ascorbic acid?

No, it's the opposite. "Buffered" vitamin C has one less electron acceptor site than ascorbic acid since one of these sites is bound to a mineral ion (like calcium, magnesium or sodium). So although it's less acidic, buffered ascorbic acid is also half as effective as an antioxidant versus straight ascorbic acid.

Hope that's clear :)
I’m now on the eighth week of the protocol. It was begun with fairly low dosages – 2 drops of lugols 10% two times a day for a couple of weeks with two days a week off. Then, for a week I upped the dosage to 8 drops and then, on the fourth week, I doubled that to 8 drops twice a day. Up until then, I supplemented with B-Complex, Potassium, Selenium, Ubiquinol, NAC, and NADH (the activated form of B3) but added: vitamin B2, L-Tyrosine, Boron, salt water, and more recently, Milk Thistle and ALA.

Like some of us here, I was preparing to use antibiotics so, needless to say, I was very happy to see all the excellent research being presented here as a far easier to do alternative. Having said this, by the end of the high-dosage 4th week at 16 drops, I experienced the eye twitching and at least two days of really tough depression. I had also experienced some strong tiredness. And more memory of dreams.

I had a bout of shingles about a year and a half ago which was treated with antibiotics, so this was, in part, a reason to do the protocol. But a bigger issue is a mitochondrial energy-production issue I have which, if the research is correct, may be ameliorated somewhat by iodine. This is the reason I was already taking the supplements mentioned above in addition to eating Keto, and exercising, which seems to have benefited me. And the reason why I wanted to try the relatively high dosage of iodine.

Should probably mention that I had all my amalgam fillings removed a few years ago, and also addressed heavy metal toxicity using chlorella, the dmsa protocol, far-infrared blanket, and supplementation with nac/glutathione/milk thistle/ala, coffee enemas, and EDTA. So I suppose the symptoms of heavier iodine dosaging could have been worse all things considered, and particularly with what Joe has related in his experience.

On the subject of feeling sick, down, depressed, etc. like several of us here, I was very heartened to read Joe’s account because it only goes to show that these effects happen to the very best of us and we can use his example of reaching out to both help ourselves, and pave the road for others who either are or may experience something similar. And if the great response to Dr. Gaby's article is any indication, there may be a lot of folks learning from this thread even if they don't post or are even members of the forum.

There may be a big emotional/psychological component to doing the iodine detox (or any serious detoxifying it seems). It's as though there are cells or physical memories of emotions and psychological states that are getting dredged up and released but also re-experienced as the process is occurring. Or, if it isn't quite this, the very process of detoxing causes us to feel ‘low’ as we know during a lot of illnesses. And this 'feeling low' somehow gets associated in our minds to memories of our worst mental states and so we seem to experience those mental states then. Just speculating here though.

One example of how this might occur was illustrated in a TV show I once saw, which I always thought was pretty insightful: The main character wakes up in the middle of the night and says to his wife, "I feel terrible! My life is terrible! I feel like I'm going through a mid-life crises". Then he runs to the bathroom, throws up, and then says, "No -- the fish I ate for dinner was bad!"

So just another way to understand it maybe. But when we're going though it, it can be awful tough I know. Something that has helped me is just friendly interactions with people I feel close to. Friendly, funny, caring communication about anything at all. It sustains me when I'm going through something in general, and I think that just being that way with others helps them too. Thank god for humor too! And that we don't have to suffer alone.

At the same time though, I try to remember why I'm doing this: Its being proactive for the future. And no matter how unpleasant it may be at points, the doing of it adds immeasurably to the chances of being less sick and incapacitated later on – when we want, and will need to be, strong and functional.

Getting back to the protocol, I’ve ramped down to 3 drops of Lugols a day which seem to be fine. No super-bursts of energy or cognitive skills yet, but that’s ok. I took the muscle test a few weeks ago and according to that, 6 drops a day would be optimal (which is strangely what I guessed would be good for me). So I think I’ll be going up to 6 again soon.
Ennio said:
On the subject of feeling sick, down, depressed, etc. like several of us here, I was very heartened to read Joe’s account because it only goes to show that these effects happen to the very best of us and we can use his example of reaching out to both help ourselves, and pave the road for others who either are or may experience something similar. And if the great response to Dr. Gaby's article is any indication, there may be a lot of folks learning from this thread even if they don't post or are even members of the forum.

There may be a big emotional/psychological component to doing the iodine detox (or any serious detoxifying it seems). It's as though there are cells or physical memories of emotions and psychological states that are getting dredged up and released but also re-experienced as the process is occurring. Or, if it isn't quite this, the very process of detoxing causes us to feel ‘low’ as we know during a lot of illnesses. And this 'feeling low' somehow gets associated in our minds to memories of our worst mental states and so we seem to experience those mental states then. Just speculating here though.

One example of how this might occur was illustrated in a TV show I once saw, which I always thought was pretty insightful: The main character wakes up in the middle of the night and says to his wife, "I feel terrible! My life is terrible! I feel like I'm going through a mid-life crises". Then he runs to the bathroom, throws up, and then says, "No -- the fish I ate for dinner was bad!"

Thanks for bringing this up Ennio. I feel the same way. Especially during the past few weeks, with Christmas time being extra powerful at triggering old emotions and programs in me, I experienced states which I thought were "in the past". It was double-depressing because I felt like I hadn't really gone anywhere or done any "Work" at all if I could still be dragged down so easily. I knew it was all brain chemicals/detox, but also beating myself up for not being able to rise above it. Seeing how it can happen to the best of us, as you say, kinda brings it back to reality - we're all still human.

So just another way to understand it maybe. But when we're going though it, it can be awful tough I know. Something that has helped me is just friendly interactions with people I feel close to. Friendly, funny, caring communication about anything at all. It sustains me when I'm going through something in general, and I think that just being that way with others helps them too. Thank god for humor too! And that we don't have to suffer alone.

At the same time though, I try to remember why I'm doing this: Its being proactive for the future. And no matter how unpleasant it may be at points, the doing of it adds immeasurably to the chances of being less sick and incapacitated later on – when we want, and will need to be, strong and functional.

Getting back to the protocol, I’ve ramped down to 3 drops of Lugols a day which seem to be fine. No super-bursts of energy or cognitive skills yet, but that’s ok. I took the muscle test a few weeks ago and according to that, 6 drops a day would be optimal (which is strangely what I guessed would be good for me). So I think I’ll be going up to 6 again soon.

Yes, I don't think there are many things worse in this life than suffering alone. We've seen enough examples in history, the modern world and the example set by the people in our network, to know that being closely connected to others when suffering makes it much more manageable and also gives it more meaning. I also know there are many members and non-members reading this who are also suffering (not necessarily just from iodine etc.) who do not have an immediately close, strong network. In this case, the second point you brought up comes in: Remembering our reasons, being proactive for the future, basically keeping the faith.
A small update regarding the skin test.
When I put some iodine on my skin at the beginning of the experiment, it took about 10 hours for it to disappear.
Now it's been over 80 hours, and the stains are only slowly starting to fade away. They were still very clearly visible after 3 days.
I had no idea it could last this long.

It's been mentioned that the test may not be very accurate, but at the very least this has proved a significant difference in the results between before and after supplementing with iodine.
Gaby said:
Alana said:
Magnesium chloride gives most people belly troubles, if I am not mistaken it is used as a laxative. Try finding magnesium malate, orotate, L-threonate, or glycinate.

True, magnesium chloride is very laxative. Any other magnesium bounded to aminos like the ones Alana listed would do better.

The "C-Time 1000" should be okay as far as tolerance goes, perhaps you can experiment with it again in one week with one single capsule (or half a capsule if you can split it) to see if it triggers the same response or not. It might be the added stuff and not necessarily the ascorbic acid. Also, if it was too much vitamin C for your bowel, it will not get absorbed. That can also give tummy problems. Starting with half or one capsule could be a good test.

My 2 cents!

Thanks for your advice! Yesterday I took my vitamine C while eating my lunch. I did not have secondary effects. So maybe this is the solution?

I started also my "quest" to find a good magnesium and for now it seems complicated! At the pharmacy they will check for me but I am afraid that if the magnesium comes from a pharmacy it will be with other bad ingredients, like aspartame or some other venoms. Also in a naturalistic store they have Oxide of magnesium. Do you think it is ok? I will continue to look for one of the magnesiums that are in the list and if I don't find it I will ordered from Internet.

What I am seeing is that all the naturalistic stores are money business, like the pharmacies. And they are very straight, are not interested in new discoveries, are not aware of new studies, are very mainstream, follow the official diet, etc. And they are there not to help for your health but to make money.

Thank you! If you can just tell me if the oxide of magnesium is something interesting? I did not saw the ingredients, although.
Mandatory Intellectomy said:
A small update regarding the skin test.
When I put some iodine on my skin at the beginning of the experiment, it took about 10 hours for it to disappear.
Now it's been over 80 hours, and the stains are only slowly starting to fade away. They were still very clearly visible after 3 days.
I had no idea it could last this long.

It's been mentioned that the test may not be very accurate, but at the very least this has proved a significant difference in the results between before and after supplementing with iodine.

Ok, I didn't read this thread for a couple of days because I was ill. Didn't know nothing about this test, so I tried just to see what will happend.
Taking iodine 2x5 drops per day because I have many bad symptoms.
So, I made a small dot on my hand, after three minutes my skin soak up everything. Now, after 10 minutes it is just a pale sign of something on my hand. :shock:
loreta said:
Thank you! If you can just tell me if the oxide of magnesium is something interesting? I did not saw the ingredients, although.
Hi Loreta, I had a quick look at the magnesium miracle thread and pulled up this quote:
nicklebleu said:
Gaby said:
A good dose of magnesium would be around 600mg. If you take too much, it will have a laxative effect.

More info here:

To benefit from magnesium supplementation, take chelated magnesium (bound to organic amino acids) for maximum absorption: magnesium citrate, malate, orotate, taurate, or magnesium glycinate. Do not use magnesium oxide because it is basically a laxative. The recommended dose is 6-8mg/kg of body weight (3 to 4.5 mg/lb), although 200mg four times per day is a better dose. If this dose has a laxative effect, cut down by 200mg until this effect stops. Spread your magnesium doses throughout the day because there is only so much you can absorb at one time. As you remedy your deficiencies over time, you might need less supplementation - your stools will tell you.


Magnesium requiremenst vary considerably depending on the state of your body. I usually take 4 - 5 mag-maleate tablets per day (1 tablet is around 150mg of mag). Recently I was sick and my body was able to absorb 15 tablets a day without diarrhea.

The way to go in my opinion is to progressively up the dose until you start noticing the laxative effect, then back off a bit. This might need to be done regularely, especially if the body drifts out of the normal zone.
If you haven't already, you may want to read the whole thread as it discusses the various types of magnesium.,2354.0.html
Oh my god, lainey, another long thread! :) Yes, after this one. But knowing how important is magnesium that's why I wanted to know a good one. I will start the magnesium thread after I finished this one! :lkj:

Thank you for your advice!
Ennio said:
On the subject of feeling sick, down, depressed, etc. like several of us here, I was very heartened to read Joe’s account because it only goes to show that these effects happen to the very best of us and we can use his example of reaching out to both help ourselves, and pave the road for others who either are or may experience something similar. And if the great response to Dr. Gaby's article is any indication, there may be a lot of folks learning from this thread even if they don't post or are even members of the forum.

There may be a big emotional/psychological component to doing the iodine detox (or any serious detoxifying it seems). It's as though there are cells or physical memories of emotions and psychological states that are getting dredged up and released but also re-experienced as the process is occurring. Or, if it isn't quite this, the very process of detoxing causes us to feel ‘low’ as we know during a lot of illnesses. And this 'feeling low' somehow gets associated in our minds to memories of our worst mental states and so we seem to experience those mental states then. Just speculating here though.

One example of how this might occur was illustrated in a TV show I once saw, which I always thought was pretty insightful: The main character wakes up in the middle of the night and says to his wife, "I feel terrible! My life is terrible! I feel like I'm going through a mid-life crises". Then he runs to the bathroom, throws up, and then says, "No -- the fish I ate for dinner was bad!"

So just another way to understand it maybe. But when we're going though it, it can be awful tough I know. Something that has helped me is just friendly interactions with people I feel close to. Friendly, funny, caring communication about anything at all. It sustains me when I'm going through something in general, and I think that just being that way with others helps them too. Thank god for humor too! And that we don't have to suffer alone.

At the same time though, I try to remember why I'm doing this: Its being proactive for the future. And no matter how unpleasant it may be at points, the doing of it adds immeasurably to the chances of being less sick and incapacitated later on – when we want, and will need to be, strong and functional.

I think you're right on the money there with the emotional component. In the line with the idea of 'information theory' and what the Cs have said about viruses being 'information', it seems totally logical that any detoxing of viruses and other toxins would carry with it an 'information' download to the system as these critters and evil things get released. It can conceivably bring back to conscious awareness all of the things we have been hiding or ignoring or rejecting within and about ourselves. It's a difficult process for sure, but a very necessary one if we are to 'clean our machines' and be in the best possible position, physically, mentally and emotionally, to deal with upcoming changes and all that that entails.

Just wanted to say to everyone here that you are not alone, despite how it might feel at times. We are all in this together, actively following the same process for the same goal and experiencing more or less the same issues. The awareness of that can go a long way to dispelling any feelings of isolation. And of course, we have this forum to share our experiences and the burden.

Keep the faith and big hugs to all. :hug2:
Hi everyone, I have been reading the whole thread for a few days, it is extense :/ but i still have a few doubts and questions.

From all i read i guess the more accurate way to start this Iodine Protocol should be as follow (for me):

6am - ½ tbls of salted water in a warm glass of water.

6:30am - Breakfast.

7:00am - Lugols (1 drop and build up by one drop every three days until a balance of being well is achieved), 100mg of B2 (Riboflavin), 500mg of B3 (niacinamide), 200mcg of selenium (once a day).

10am - Snack and 3,000mg vitamin C (2 hours after lugols).

1pm - Meal and green tea

2pm - Lugols, 100mg of B2 (Riboflavin), 500mg of B3 (niacinamide).

4pm - 3,000mg vitamin C (2 hours after lugols).

5pm - Apple and ½ tbls of salted water in a warm glass of water.

8:30pm - Dinner.

9pm - 500mg of Magnesium Glycinate.

My dubts are:

1.- When should I take the NAC (N-acetylcysteine) and how much?
2.- How do I take my Lugol's, drop directly into the mouth or disolved in a glass of whater?
3.- I have been taking Omega-3 and glucosamine chondroitin, can i still take them?
4.- I am a social alcohol drinker, I drink 1/4 of bottle o scotch once a week (sometimes less, sometimes more) or beer. This habit interfere with the iodine protocol? should i stop this habit?
5.- I smoke e-cig, same question as above.

I was trying to find the asnwer in this thread but didnt find anything.

Thank you all, have a great day.

loreta said:
Oh my god, lainey, another long thread! :) Yes, after this one. But knowing how important is magnesium that's why I wanted to know a good one. I will start the magnesium thread after I finished this one! :lkj:

Thank you for your advice!

Unfortunately, most herbal shops in certain countries only sell magnesium chloride or magnesium oxide. People in general are so deficient, that they might still derive some benefit from those. Some of the studies quoted by Carolyn Dean in "The Magnesium Miracle" were done with magnesium chloride.

Some herbal stores might be able to order magnesium citrate from a supplier. That is good enough.
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