Is There an Ideal Way of Acting and Being in Male-Female Relationships?

I think some of the misunderstanding comes from projecting in to the words used. For instance, "a successful date" can mean many things, like "not a crazy person", "good company, good time", "nice chemistry, we'll see each other again" etc. And it also can mean "score!" or "cosmic twin soul!". Without precise contextualization, the brain has a tendency to fill in the gaps, and often it misses the mark.
As for generalizations, the other day a friend's wife was complaining about the new generation of student she's having: they're arrogant, entitled, etc.. Of course there are kids who do not fit that description, but within the flow of a conversation, there isn't always the need to explicitly interrupt with the caveat that this generalization doesn't apply to every single individual if it is implicitly understood.
My main point, however, was that Corvus' posts were inappropriate and inconsiderate given the topic of discussion, which was not about men and women in normal relationships, but women in pathological relationships.
Well, Corvus was in fact talking about how pathological men manipulated women, so I don't see how it didn't apply.
On this note, given that psychopaths are vastly overrepresented in the male sex, I think that it is actually and primarily a male responsibility to shield women from the harms that psychopaths do. And in my opinion, men have been doing a pretty lousy job of it for the last ~300,000 years. Still, all is lessons, so hopefully we're improving
I would say many, maybe most men throughout history have been doing their level best. The fact that romantic love still even exists as a concept to this day is testament to that.
I did watch that video. And it does present the same kinds of findings that Corvus was referring to, only, shall we say, in a way less likely to offend people who've made a career out of helping traumatised women?
It sounds like you're saying we should be more considerate of snowflakes around here and sugar coat whatever difficult thruths we happen to want to convey. How was Corvus to know that the author would get offended by mere statements of fact?
If I recall correctly, external considering is not something that should be regularly practiced with people who are in the Work. If someone posts on this forum, I expect their doing the Work and can handle being exposed to ideas that might not jive with their current understanding.
Am I wrong?
Jimmy, you seem like a nice guy and you have your ideas about the world, which is great but you have to take a step back, come back to earth and realize that you are mostly just inserting noise into the conversation.
To be honest, I read a few sentences and then just skip your posts as they're mostly rambling, off topic, and largely incoherent.

No one is asking you to be the next Fulcanelli, in fact, just the opposite. Be clear and precise. Take time to formulate your thoughts in a way that people can easily understand what you're meaning to convey.

I sense that you are under 23 years of age.
There's timebto grow up, but at the same time, indulging yourself by writing whatever comes to mind is not going to help you in that regard. Try to take feedback on board. Feedback you receive here will usually be on point and you reject it at your own peril because other people generally see what we can't see in ourselves.
Also, people around here tend to know their stuff so don't just keep doing what you're doing disregarding everyone's advice and observations of your goal really is to advance yourself in knowledge and being.

Some concrete advice?
Stop using metaphor and fanciful narratives to convey your thoughts. Be succint, clear, unambiguous and to the point. You'll have a much more rewarding experience both here and in life.
Write poetry instead to satisfy that need. You'd probably be good at it.

It can be supported with foundation about what Corvus says from one or another position depending on the approach of the professionals their theories and philosophies regarding human behavior or specific to the subject raised by Corvus.
So this can also be false or not at all useful (as there are things unexplained or taken for conspiracy theories) if we use evidence that also suggest us about (organic portals, mind control, etc.) So first "if studies suggest" or psychiatry - psychology - psychiatry - psychologists - scholars "suggest" sounds as much as talking about science is science "if the scientific community approves". ...then if you want to classify the corvus issue from the "expert" position also following ",your personal opinion" it doesn't clarify with support and even if you had it is still subject to doubt in a certain way therefore (...?)
What you need is someone who shares your core values, not your interests.
Someone you can talk to on an equal intellectual level, even if it's not about your favorite topics. You need someone to contend with, someone who will not let you coast through life and your relationship because they don't have the intellectual means to call you out on your bullshit.

Very well said! Some people consciously believe that god exists, others don't, but unconsciously act as if god exists. No difference really. A good match. Assess a person by what they do, not what they say.
I think some of the misunderstanding comes from projecting in to the words used. For instance, "a successful date" can mean many things, like "not a crazy person", "good company, good time", "nice chemistry, we'll see each other again" etc. And it also can mean "score!" or "cosmic twin soul!". Without precise contextualization, the brain has a tendency to fill in the gaps, and often it misses the mark.

Indeed, which is why we should all try to avoid that kind of projection, especially when later posts by the same person provide a clearer view on what was meant. There was a serious amount of reaction and projection going on by many members here in response to Corvus' post. The truth, or otherwise, of what he said was discarded in favor of knee-jerk reactions and projection.
What you need is someone who shares your core values, not your interests.
Someone you can talk to on an equal intellectual level, even if it's not about your favorite topics.

Indeed. Keep in mind also that interests change, you change, your spouse changes, our ideas change. So there is no point finding someone who shares all our views and interests from the get go, as long as there is not a total clash. Also, it's all very well to wish for a partner to show interest in the things you do and think, but can you do the same for her or him? That's one of those deeper values: being interested in the other person, as the person changes, as you change. If that's the case, relationships can not only tolerate differences, but thrive on it. As long as this core of love and good will is there, which must be developed and worked on.
Not just partners and spouses, I have come across a few people out there who seem very sensible and capable of dealing with relationship issues and sensing evil in society etc but won’t be intestested in our activities due to their overall approach to life and general disinterest in esoteric subjects. I guess they have the previous life lessons and some real world experience in the current life which is of equal value (if not greater) to being involved in esoteric work?

Reading the reactions, I feel peeps have not taken much learning from the romance novels and are in need of some proper real world experiences. Just my 2 cents!
Very well said! Some people consciously believe that god exists, others don't, but unconsciously act as if god exists. No difference really. A good match. Assess a person by what they do, not what they say.
So it is and as such it is also necessary to reflect what you preach many talk about empathy with their nice words -smart and when the moment of truth comes they have the guillotine ready along with grenades in their pockets they talk to you like Heidi and then at the slightest opportunity they put their foot to trip you up they take you to the ring they make you type bulling- cybernautic in the best medieval style (the passion of Christ) they release their guard dogs on you and do not let you escape.
So where does that leave us?
Wow, Joe - I love You 😀.

About marriage with a person who does not do The Work: You see, even in context of this thread / conversation - when You do The Work does not mean that You are flawless.

I believe that we all have some bigger or lesser issues and even people who are not familiar with concepts in this forum may be a good match. Why not?

I pursued love (or some reflection of one) not challenges, however they came and it is very good when one may get prepared for them earlier (maybe more important than knowing Cs material by Your partner): make my mess in order (therapy), suround myself with wise friends, learn how to survive and collect some energy (your own strenght, health, money, job etc), be as free as possible to choose.
The more You know Yourself the more true You see others - applies also to romantic relationship. I would give myself this advice if I could when I was younger : do not underestimate Your and Your potential partner hurts/wounds/pains/traumas - they will come up in every day life - so important to know if I am ready for it, prepared for it, have I learned how to deal with it to be support to Your partner, to not break when challenge comes, to not hurt my kids.
But even if You do not, You will learn something in the proces - if You want, can. This might be a little painfull thou to You, Your partner and Your kids.
Try not to choose psycho.
How to choose life partner in general this would require separate thread and I just may say some bits and pieces from my exp.
It can be supported with foundation about what Corvus says from one or another position depending on the approach of the professionals their theories and philosophies regarding human behavior or specific to the subject raised by Corvus.
So this can also be false or not at all useful (as there are things unexplained or taken for conspiracy theories) if we use evidence that also suggest us about (organic portals, mind control, etc.) So first "if studies suggest" or psychiatry - psychology - psychiatry - psychologists - scholars "suggest" sounds as much as talking about science is science "if the scientific community approves". ...then if you want to classify the corvus issue from the "expert" position also following ",your personal opinion" it doesn't clarify with support and even if you had it is still subject to doubt in a certain way therefore (...?)
So it is and as such it is also necessary to reflect what you preach many talk about empathy with their nice words -smart and when the moment of truth comes they have the guillotine ready along with grenades in their pockets they talk to you like Heidi and then at the slightest opportunity they put their foot to trip you up they take you to the ring they make you type bulling- cybernautic in the best medieval style (the passion of Christ) they release their guard dogs on you and do not let you escape.
So where does that leave us?
Here you go again with the metaphors.
For the love of God, get a grip, man.
And flying over all this, the last activity of Corvus was last Saturday.

Things are the way they are and it will be what it has to be, but if there's no more Corvus activity, that's also something to reflect on.
Maybe he is a bit busy... anyway we are not perfect and there is no need to take things personally after the various reflections.
Just as we must train external consideration, he must also do it and therefore let all this flow, this is a safe space and no one can really hurt you, but I better let Corvus speak for him.
@Corvus thanks in advance anyway, your comments helped us at the end of the day.
You can control your impulses your thoughts and actions (but not other people's) there is no such thing as free will.
At least I'm not the impeccable liar lawyer I can't imagine painting my mustaches to please the judge.
There is no need for metaphors, you are bad with them or we simply do not understand them, no matter what the case, the result is the same.
Just leave them since they are not working at all and I say this since you implied that you want to improve, well, there is a simple advice that was given to you by a member of the group to help you achieve that goal and you reject it completely.
we're talking about not being reactionary and that's what you do.

ps: I'm not angry, lately there are people with herratic behavior swarming through the forum, so the members are alert and they won't waste energy on you if you continue in that mode... you choose.
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There is no need for metaphors, you are bad with them or we simply do not understand them, no matter what the case, the result is the same.
Just leave them since they are not working at all and I say this since you implied that you want to improve, well, there is a simple advice that was given to you by a member of the group to help you achieve that goal and you reject it completely.
we're talking about not being reactionary and that's what you do.

ps: I'm not angry, lately there are people with herratic behavior swarming through the forum, so the members are alert and they won't waste energy on you if you continue in that mode... you choose.
You are right you have to have external consideration. First I want to understand something I think I deserve to know as a "forum newbie" I see that there are certain cops to stop "noise" as an alarm or sign of sabotage.
Well it seems they appear as mediators of either you get the advice or we can kick you out.
Let me guess this works as a kind of test in the forum that seems to capture it there are administrators and a select group of paleochristianity say that there are big fish around the forum (not saying that's wrong) but I am also a member of the family we are united by the bond of friendship of soul.
Yet I also see that there are people who enjoy more privileges than others and people like you (armagelipsis) are permissive with unwanted and often hostile behavior but with some people for example you (armagelipsis) would not mess with Joe for example you would rather put your head down and sit quietly.
So to tell you the truth I don't have any agenda against the forum so yes the warning antennas are on yet as a member of the family I also deserve some consideration I apologize to those who are having thought crises about my comments and nothing more I want to know learn and gain knowledge I don't pretend to participate in the sessions even if I were fit but I firmly believe that my ancient lineage is from before the fall and I am here to find out things about my life and the world.
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