Jake Sully, Anonymous and "WhatIsThePlan" - PsyOps?

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Patience said:
Possibility of Being said:
I'm sorry they've targeted you; fortunately not much harm has been done, as it seems. Geez, they look more and more like kids playing not so nice pricks. And no, I don't think we are interested in your dating data. :)

I think you meant "tricks." Some type of Freudian slip? :P

:lol2: :rotfl:
ravenpaige said:
So, please let me first introduce myself as ravenpaige. I am the the same username on WITP, and I've been the same username for about 20 years on the internet.

Welcome Ravenpaige! :)

I think I recognize your name...we might have worked together on a NOW March on Washington (Stop the Violence) in the late 80's early 90's?

I've just started digging into "projectmayhem2012.org" but I'm HIGHLY suspicious that's it's a government sting. It's too well funded, too fast...and no Anon "old timers" supporting it.
Interesting remarks in the following item published by Fox after Wikileaks made the big dump. Makes ya wonder if they aren't already getting their people into position in various Anonymous type groups so as to map the connections. I've put the interesting comments in bold:

Could a Cyberwar Take Out WikiLeaks?

A massive release from WikiLeaks of the entire unredacted database of U.S. diplomatic cables has brought renewed vigor to those calling for the government to take decisive cyber-action against what some have described as a terrorist organization.

“The latest release of stolen American secrets by the organization WikiLeaks once again proves that they are a terrorist operation that puts the lives of Americans and our allies at risk,” U.S. Rep Candice Miller (R-Mich.) said in a statement in response to the latest leak.

“It is long past time for the Obama administration to take decisive action to shut this criminal operation down and to bring those who steal and release America’s secrets and put our allies at risk to justice,” Miller continued.

But is that even possible?

Yes and no, explained David Aitel, a former NSA cyberoperative, current president and CEO of software security outfit Immunity, and author of “The Hacker’s Handbook.”

You could theoretically stop WikiLeaks with cyber-operations,” Aitel told FoxNews.com. “However, it would be extremely expensive and difficult. It’s not the sort of thing you do when you have other options available.”

Attempts to shut down the WikiLeaks website and the servers that host it have only seen the site propagate elsewhere. Since an organization like WikiLeaks lives and breathes scattered broadly across the web, there is no single “point of failure,” Aitel explained. Simply trying to shut down certain aspects of the site, such as the domain, wouldn’t do anything.

Such skirmishes have only served to strengthen the group, explained Jeffrey Bernstein, the executive vice president of security and intelligence firm Critical Defence in Washington, D.C.

"If you look at the history, WikiLeaks has had their site deactivated, their payment accounts frozen and hosting providers stripped away," Berstein told FoxNews.com. "And if you look at all these events, none of them have resulted in any effect on WikiLeaks. They've only gotten stronger."

Indeed, whenever WikiLeaks has been attacked, the number of WikiLeaks sites has actually increased.

Could even a government cyber-attack take out such an amorphous yet persistent beast?

“You’re looking at something that would have to be very comprehensive,” Aitel told FoxNews.com. “Identify all the infrastructure and personnel and then target them all at once -- ideally so comprehensively that they can never recover.”

This means carefully mapping out the WikiLeaks organization from top to bottom as well as taking out all of their computing equipment, Aitel said. “Everything electronic that Assange uses would have to be touched by an expert.”

There is, of course, a caveat. Such an operation would cost a fortune, Aitel admitted. “Hundreds of millions of dollars is not out of line for hitting a group that is this skilled at what they do.” This is, after all, Assange’s turf.

“The cyberrealm is where WikiLeaks is strongest,” Aitel told FoxNews.com. “It’s well known that Julian Assange and the people he surrounds himself with are technical experts in what they do.”

Attacking WikiLeaks at its strongest point isn’t necessarily the smartest strategy. “You would have to put trojans in places that are very expensive and difficult to place,” Aitel added.

And in the end, even after consuming the exhaustive spending required to shut down the site for good, the root problem would be far from addressed. “WikiLeaks has spun off,” Aitel told FoxNews.com. “You have OpenLeaks, you have Cryptome.org, you have all these other possibilities where people can setup parallel operations."

“So shutting down WikiLeaks won't ease any of the pain. You’ve got hundreds that will spring into its place when this one goes away.”

So, let's think ahead of them: they are obviously thinking about this, so what might they plan on doing? Would it be possible for them to shut down the entire internet for everybody except military or government people?

I'm not a computer whiz, I'm just asking.
Laura said:
So, let's think ahead of them: they are obviously thinking about this, so what might they plan on doing? Would it be possible for them to shut down the entire internet for everybody except military or government people?

In a word, no. They could make it VERY difficult for people who are dependent on domain names to find the Internet, but that would only effect Big Business and general users. Shutting down the portions of the Internet they do have control of would cost "The Economy" BILLIONS and mega-corps would squeal like stuck pigs.

The people the gov actually wants to shut down use numbered IP addresses and would just have to shift some stuff around a bit. The international nature of Wikileaks is what's confounding the authorities, the United States doesn't control the entire world...yet.

I HIGHLY recommend that alternate news sources, natural medicine sites, activist orgs., etc. prominently display their IP address in a "Please make a note of our IP address just in case the US government seizes the Domain Name Servers" box

I should add that it's possible for a government to physically cut all communications to a particular area by shutting off ALL mail, phone lines, cell towers, jamming shortwave, setting up roadblocks etc. That's about the only way to keep something off the Internet, and even then, they're only delaying the inevitable.
Alright, I FINALLY got up to speed with the entirety of this thread. I didn't want to comment before I had made my way though. Hopefully I can put a few minds to rest for members who are concerned about my intentions.

First, a little background: I'm a total noob to online communites/forums/etc. I'm learning as I go, and simply expect that the same level of courtesy I would use in my everyday life would be sufficient in online communities. .

Also, I'd like to confirm that the feedback given by NYCAnon and ravenpaige are pretty spot on.

My interest in JakeSully concerns his ideas of Vibecraft. They're interesting to me, and I'd like to understand more about them. This is why I want to stay in contact with him, since I think he's going to disappear from these various forums. In that sense, mission accomplished.

JakeSully also introduced me to Cassiopaea, which I'm VERY interested in learning more about, though feeling overwhelmed about. From what I understand so far, I think the people here most closely match my own understanding of things. I'll address this later in my 'introduction thread' later, for anyone interested in this topic...

Finally, many things about WITP are suspicious to me, including censorship, lack of direction, emphasis on self-promotion, leadership that is not consistent, and not holding close to the values of Anonymous. Twice I've almost abandoned that board in frustration, but somehow, I keep hoping that something good may come out of it. However, after watching "Defense Against the Psychopath" (posted earlier in this thread), I may have to reconsider.

Actually, I think there are a number of members there (if they haven't been driven off yet) who might really like this place, if they knew about it....
SethianSeth said:

I've been following that, and I think it would work well in big cities, IF they can get all the security issues worked out. It wouldn't do us much good out here in the sticks, but we've still got shortwaves and cb's :lol:

I really don't think we have to worry about loosing permanent access to the Internet, mainly due to corporate greed. At worst, we can all take a two week vacation and watch a bunch of them go bankrupt. Then there's the MASSIVE civil unrest any restriction on the Internet would cause. Would you want to be that President that tells Bubba Joe Billy Bob "No more computer porn for you?" It could be the straw the US camel needs?
Guardian said:
I've been following that, and I think it would work well in big cities, IF they can get all the security issues worked out. It wouldn't do us much good out here in the sticks, but we've still got shortwaves and cb's :lol:

I miss the sticks. I wanna be back there!

Guardian said:
I really don't think we have to worry about loosing permanent access to the Internet, mainly due to corporate greed. At worst, we can all take a two week vacation and watch a bunch of them go bankrupt. Then there's the MASSIVE civil unrest any restriction on the Internet would cause. Would you want to be that President that tells Bubba Joe Billy Bob "No more computer porn for you?" It could be the straw the US camel needs?

You've got a good point. Bubba Joe Billy Bob gets really scary without his internet porn! :curse:

Thanks for the analysis, Guardian.
ravenpaige said:
Hi, just wanted to let you know that, since I first posted here yesterday, someone on WITP released part of one of my profiles from an online dating site I once subscribed to. This info is about 10 years old, I think, but I knew it was still out on the net. I'd give you the link to the WITP post, but it's since been thrown in the /b/asement and locked, so I don't think you can view it unless you're a member of the basement dweller's group on WITP.

At any rate, I pretty much expected something like this would happen if I posted, but I thought you might want to know that you likely have a mole here. However, it's also likely someone from WITP that came over with the recent fuss.
I think whoever did that could benefit greatly from reading Political Ponerology (as Laura suggested of them in general) and The Sociopath Next Door. Or maybe they could help you, since you have been stung. Thanks for posting, ravenpaige and AnonGirl!

And that pricks/tricks word mix-up is just hilarious! :lol2:
SethianSeth said:
I feel nearly computer illiterate, but here is something my friend came across this week. It seems clunky, but intriguing, as possible defense knowledge. Main problem I see would be the difficulty in actually networking this configuration together, as well as the dependence on WIFI. But, I thought I'd throw it out there...

Project Kleinrock:


I recall that the guberment will go after those with open/public WIFI access,
so they may be one step ahead?

Goober search of: "Open WIFI policy", has many links, one which is here:
AnonGirl said:
Actually, I think there are a number of members there (if they haven't been driven off yet) who might really like this place, if they knew about it....

Well they should know about it by now :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hear what's you're saying though, I just stumbled across this forum while I was searching for information about a 40+ year old Pagan guru criminally charged with abusing his teen aged students. His defense was "He was 18, honest" :mad:

The first thing that appealed to me was all the information about predation and psychopathy.
I've been exposing and maintaining public lists of physical predators (rapists, child molesters, etc.) in the Pagan community since the early 80's

Then I read some of Laura's work, and waded thought a few of Gurdjieff's books and realized that what he calls "The Work" is absolutely no different than what I (and many Heathens) call "Life" He just picked different (bigger) words for stuff.

Of course the whole time I'm doing this, everybody is being so nice. I'm watching everyone practicing our Nine Noble Virtues, one of which is hospitality. I did a deep dig on Laura and Ark to see if ANY of the stories about them were true..they're not.

This is a VERY unique forum, and it's certainly not for everyone, but for a few, it's a gift....and they'll know it when they see it. There's a bunch of rules that everyone agrees to by being here, and sometimes people will show up who don't like those rules. Then they get derriere damaged when they're told to leave and go find a forum with rules that suit them, or no rules at all and just deal with the 99% garbage ..ie: Usenet

That's the best part of the Internet, the freedom to associate with who you wish, and even more important, the freedom NOT to associate with people who annoy you, waste your time, etc. unless you're getting paid to do tech support ;)
SethianSeth said:
You've got a good point. Bubba Joe Billy Bob gets really scary without his internet porn! :curse:

They've got beer, guns, no jobs, and then no porn OR interactive video games where they shoot each other for fun? I've lived in the South my entire life and I KNOW what would happen.
A friend of mine wrote his law PHD thesis on Internet governance, who own the Internet and how the distributed DNS root and cache systems works. He wad pretty confident you couldn't kill the Internet without killing the economy.

However, after I pointed out how the Internet kill switch could work, he's had to rethink this.

Theoretically, the kill switch, developed by Israelis, I believe, could use advanced hybrid filtering. So, instead of strictly filtering/blocking certain domains through DNS or IPs, it would look for content, author, consumer, etc., as well. Once the filter is set for a specific profile, it wouldn't matter if a server switched IPs, as the filter would still catch the other aspects of the stream that meet the criteria and kill it before it completes its route.

Such a system would require a learning ability, otherwise it would need constant human configuration and modification.

Therefore, the system would allow whatever it wanted to flow (commerce, gov and mil data, innocuous public comms, etc.) to proceed but kill everything else.

Naturally, for every obstacle, there's a solution. But, in this case, it could require significant effort to disguise or encode dialogue and data and would also need a fair amount of time to develop approaches and lexicons.

If my interpretation is accurate (big if), they could actually shut us down for a while. The political ramifications are huge, and therefore necessitates social conditioning through MSM, like the above-mentioned Fox piece.

Gonzo said:
Theoretically, the kill switch, developed by Israelis, I believe, could use advanced hybrid filtering. So, instead of strictly filtering/blocking certain domains through DNS or IPs, it would look for content, author, consumer, etc., as well. Once the filter is set for a specific profile, it wouldn't matter if a server switched IPs, as the filter would still catch the other aspects of the stream that meet the criteria and kill it before it completes its route.

Such a system would require a learning ability, otherwise it would need constant human configuration and modification.

Has your friend noticed how well "spam filters" work? Then what about entire nations that refuse to filter and floating proxy servers?
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