What Rense.com is not talking about
Ok I just want to make a few comments, but I wish to be clear that they're not designed to address Ruth with any hope that she'll take them seriously or really reflect and consider what is being said. I think that continuing interaction with Ruth is fascinating in and of itself, the more she talks, the more analysis can be made of what is going on, and the more learning for all involved. Also, the more Ruth talks, the more data we have to understand where she's coming from, and so it makes it much easier to SEE the same dynamic in ourselves and others in the future, if we're ever to encounter it.
Ruth said:
This just gets more and more bizare, almost like some ideas of reality are completely fantastic or come from some other place.
Ok so it is clear that Ruth does not agree with the comments made to her. But more than that, to her, those comments seem like they're coming from an entirely different reality than the one she experiences. It does appear as if Ruth keeps running the same program over and over in a loop, each time she posts. Curiously, she has a habit of going into truisms that really have little or nothing to do with anything that was just said, and seem to only exist there to make an appearance of coherent thinking and true analysis. But it seems very robotic, like she is running a pre-programmed script that involves using a lot of esoteric terminology with no "substance" in it or any context or meaning other than the general meaning of the esoteric concepts she brings up. But more than that, as hkoehli noted, she seems to be utterly unphased by any comments made to her, she just shrugs and goes back to running the program like nothing ever happened.
She seems to make no attempts to reflect, but also does not seem to be angry or upset or embarrased or even really manipulative. If she was manipulative then she wouldn't last very long at all with this group. She does not seem to exhibit too many signs of fighting to keep her programming intact with denial or strong opposition, etc. To some degree yes, but it seems more like a casual "hmm this is weird, I think you're projecting and avoiding facing your own issues" repeat of the same few programs. So yes, fighting and denial definitely exist, but it seems all very devoid of the "oomph" that people usually put into defending their programs, though I'm not too sure about that one.
So I keep getting the impression that she really means no harm, and she really does have good intentions, but it's like she has an "off switch". She seems very reasonable and makes great posts on certain topics, and then on others, almost inexplicably, she makes absolutely no sense, loses logic, sees what is not there, etc. And she's been on this forum for a long time now (considering casschat too), so it makes no sense that after all this time and countless posts on esoteric, spiritual, and Work-related topics, that she's so incapable of even attempting to do the most basic thing in the Work - self-reflection. How can this be?
Calling me a psychopath or an OP or telling me I am this, that, or the next thing (and all of it bad) is just a misplaced expression of fear or projection of problems designed to make a person feel more comfortable.
This statement is an example of what I think is nothing but a program, an auto-response not unlike an answering machine.
Saying that I have nothing to offer and shouldn't be interacted with, is a self defence mechanism designed to shut off any form of communication and potential self analysis.
Again, I get the distinct impression that this is the same program, albeit with some details changed. Again, a pre-scripted response.
In both cases I think the assumption is made that anything negative said about Ruth must be a projection or based on fear etc, and cannot possibly be true.
Like the ostrich stuffing its head in the sand, all the while telling itself that this is the best place for its head to be! Yep, its called entropy. And its good because it can be used time and time again.
Interesting how she keeps projecting though, since she just described herself to a T. I wonder why she keeps projecting? What does projecting signify, if anything? I mean, in general, why does someone project anyway? Where does projection come from and what is its purpose (conscious and/or unconscious)? And is this purpose the same for Ruth as it is for others who project? Is there any indication that it may not be the same?
For example, psychopaths often project. They would attribute to others what they themselves are guilty of. I'm not insinuating that Ruth is a psychopath, again, I'm just using them as an example to help myself understand projection. So my question would be, why do psychopaths project? Projection is assigning your own qualities, thoughts, actions, or intentions to someone else. But why, what is the reason/purpose for this?
But, it seems many are more comfortable in their isolated 'precious' and self important states, than actually interacting with (normal?) people whom they consider to be lesser beings.
Ok this is a general statement but, it seems you're talking about yourself as the "normal people" and certain members of the forum that you think consider you a "lesser being"? Just the impression I got. Anyway, what is "normal"? And I think there ARE "lesser beings" in some sense, it just depends on what you mean by "lesser". If you assign an objective meaning to it then it can be true - like some people may have a lower intellectual capacity than others. Some people may be OP's or psychopaths, and so fundementally different than others. Some people may be simply further along their 3rd density lessons, and so may be closer to fusing magnetic center and thus SEE more than those who are still only beginning (if even that) esoteric work.
So there are many objective ways to interpret "lesser", although I got the impression that you are speaking of a totally subjective meaning with some subjectively negative connotation, as in "worse" or "less worthy" etc. I'd disagree with you, but I just don't see the point to doing that anymore. So I guess I have no choice but to agree and say - yup, we all hate you. Ruth, our hate for you is nothing but a reflection of our own hate for ourselves and our fear to face it, so we all project it onto you. More than that, our inability to realise this is causing all of us to constantly insult you and put you down and make you the target of our hate because you are someone who can see right through us! You caught us Ruth, you win!
But what if I'm actually projecting about projecting, so really it is you Ruth that is projecting, and I'm just projecting my projectionable thoughts onto you. Ruth, you and I could be like 2 mirrors facing each other directly with one flashlight between them, with the beam of light projecting infinitely creating a really neat corridor that you can kinda see if you just sorta move your head a little to the side so your eye is like a little bit to the side of your own face so you can see beyond your head down the infinite corridor of the 2 mirrors. The effect is so awesome I can stare at it for hours on end contemplating just how far that corridor goes, and if somebody is at the other end looking back at me wondering the same thing?
Man, I'm deep. o_O
After this thread, I'm taking up smoking, that's it.