What Rense.com is not talking about
Godot said:
Please! throws hands up in air.I will not post on the subject any further.
I don't think posting on ths subject is a problem - it's how you post and what you say and why. This applies to any subject that anyone posts in this group, not just this subject or just you.
Fact: I am a friend of Ruth.I have KNOWN her personally for over a year, therefore I qualified to speak on the "phenomenon."Which is a disgusting way to refer to another human being.
Many people know many other people for many years, but it doesn't mean they're qualified to assess whether those people exhibit certain OP-like behavior or natures - that requires a lot more knowledge and understanding than simply being around a person a long time.
Fact: Ruth is not an agent, nor an OP.
You declare that fact with apparent certainty.
So you try to convince us by putting the word "Fact" before it? But wouldn't an agent also do that? Not saying that it means you are one, just saying that stating it as a FACT not only provides absolutely NO data to support it, but it only makes it more suspicious.
But this is lacking objectivity (what you accused the group of) - what does "gentleman" mean?
I have not spoken a word of a lie since posting on the Cass forum.
Declaring that someone is neither an agent nor an OP as a FACT is a lie. Why? Because it is not a fact until evidence and data provide high probability of one or another. But even then it's not a fact but a probability. But having absolute certainty in anything is already a lie - a lie to oneself, osit.
I live in Australia, Johnno has my work address. If anyone cares to approach to visit me there they are quite welcome to.And perhaps discuss my character and that of Ruth.I absolutely mean that.
Well you seem to not want to discuss on a forum, why would someone think that you'd discuss in real life? But somehow I sense that just as your post claims to be what it is not, so is your invitation not really an "invitation" as it was presented. Sometimes it's better to discuss people's "characters" at a distance, especially given the data about yourself that you provided when you posted on the previous page. Honestly, this invitation makes me nervous for anyone that would be foolish enough to take you up on it.
Fact: I find this discourse revolting and slanderous.
This is, in part, why your "invitation" makes me nervous! You invited someone to discuss what you in fact find revolting and slanderous. Good thing you told me, I was already packing my bags!
I am a Celt: one saying we have is " A man lives after his daeth but not after his honour"
Fact: I find no honour in this.
PLEASE-go back to the thread.
You find no honour in seeking truth about an individual's intentions and nature? Isn't this what the group does, isn't doing this what helps us all grow, especially the individuals whose nature is mirrored back to them and if they choose to accept the mirror?
Godot, even despite my knowing better, I (and apparently others) do give benefit of the doubt and remain open - but forgive me for not having much hope in this discourse much longer. Oh and I think it might be worth repeating that it may not be a great idea for anyone to actually go discuss this with you in person - it still makes me very nervous, considering the fact that you express how you REALLY do not want to talk about this and go back to something else etc. Why oh why then would you want to talk about this and other even more "revolting" concepts in real life? Well, you wouldn't - and it wasn't an invitation from an "honorable genteleman" as you like to proclaim to be. Just another lure, and it is plain obvious.
In fact it is *so* obvious that I find it amazing that you expect anyone to fall for such contradictory, subjective, presumptuous, manipulative, and emotional nonsense. Then again, your post resulted in pretty much another whole page added to this thread just talking about it in (what I think will end up being fruitless) attempts to reason, so touche.
As a sidenote, if your remove "please", all that is left is a command. What you fail to see is that this IS the thread and what it's been about since the beginning - analysis of certain posts and natures of certain people.