Jewish History, Jewish Religion - Israel Shahak's shocking revelations

Unlike other books, apparently amazon needs time to decide if it's going to approve the review for this book. The exception being The Wave books, the only book reviews I ever wrote and that were not approved. Anyway, all I said was something among the lines of how Shahak brings much clarity to so much pathological thinking and is not afraid of telling the truth of literally "The Weight of Three Thousand Years". Even allowing a big margin of error in his citations, which somehow doesn't seem likely, Classical Judaism is an ideology written by pathological people FOR pathological people. As Shahak says,

The extent of the persecution and discrimination against non-Jews inflicted by the ‘Jewish state’ with the support of organised diaspora Jews is also enormously greater than the suffering inflicted on Jews by regimes hostile to them. Although the struggle against antisemitism (and of all other forms of racism) should never cease, the struggle against Jewish chauvinism and exclusivism, which must include a critique of classical Judaism, is now of equal or greater importance.
I just finished this book. I found very shocking and interesting things about Judaism that I didn't know before.

Now I can see from where comes all that hate and violence of the state of Israel against Palestinians and how their religion practically brainwashed and programmed them to behave like that. For the first time in my life I read about those Talmudic laws and to be honest I could not believe that people can accept these rules and live by them.

But, probably a very long time of oppression and violence toward the ones that didn't follow the rules, practically reprogramed their minds and minds of many generations of Jews to be fooled by unbelievable so-called rules or laws that were probably written by some psychopathic minds hungry for power, control, and personal gain.

I just can't believe such rules and laws could exist among one population. It is astonishing to me.
I just finished this book. I found very shocking and interesting things about Judaism that I didn't know before.

Now I can see from where comes all that hate and violence of the state of Israel against Palestinians and how their religion practically brainwashed and programmed them to behave like that. For the first time in my life I read about those Talmudic laws and to be honest I could not believe that people can accept these rules and live by them.

But, probably a very long time of oppression and violence toward the ones that didn't follow the rules, practically reprogramed their minds and minds of many generations of Jews to be fooled by unbelievable so-called rules or laws that were probably written by some psychopathic minds hungry for power, control, and personal gain.

I just can't believe such rules and laws could exist among one population. It is astonishing to me.

I agree. And it's not very different from Islam, either. In fact, Islam was modeled on Talmudic Judaism.

I felt very sorry for the majority of Jews who have to live like that.
I am half way the book and just like Konstantin I am astonished and shocked. It is as though through these rules they are perfectioning the lying and cheating.
I also feel sorry for the majority of the Jews to have to live like that, the more because , according to Shahak , most of them don't know about the orgin of these rules.
I agree. And it's not very different from Islam, either. In fact, Islam was modeled on Talmudic Judaism.

I felt very sorry for the majority of Jews who have to live like that.
It is astonishing. Like Shahak says, Talmudic Judaism was totalitarianism. Probably the longest lasting religious pathocracy in history while the rabbis had complete control over the Jews - 1000+ years! And Israel is bringing it back... I wonder what Plato would say. Would he admire what he inspired?
I am half way the book and just like Konstantin I am astonished and shocked. It is as though through these rules they are perfectioning the lying and cheating.
I also feel sorry for the majority of the Jews to have to live like that, the more because , according to Shahak , most of them don't know about the orgin of these rules.

Same here. I actually don't know whether to be sad for them, or given this day and age, mad at them. At what point does it stop being enforced ignorance, and becomes willful ignorance? At least in what concerns Jewish people living in Israel.

I can't put the book down at night! It's all obvious and logical when you read it the way he puts it, but I think he has done an amazing job at explaining things that sometimes we don't think about, or take for granted. At least I know I did.
It is astonishing. Like Shahak says, Talmudic Judaism was totalitarianism. Probably the longest lasting religious pathocracy in history while the rabbis had complete control over the Jews - 1000+ years! And Israel is bringing it back... I wonder what Plato would say. Would he admire what he inspired?

And to think, it was all based on Plato, that old Pedophile Pathocrat. One wonders if only that kind of mind could come up with that stuff?
And to think, it was all based on Plato, that old Pedophile Pathocrat. One wonders if only that kind of mind could come up with that stuff?

Hmmm... a little high strangeness just happened here respecting this topic.

I had just written the above comment, closed the browser and wanted to check my email quickly before going downstairs for Reiki night. Well, the last email I received was just 4 minutes BEFORE I wrote the above comment, though I had not seen it. It was an announcement from that Etienne Nodet, bible scholar, had just uploaded a review of Gmirkin's book "Plato and the Creation of the Hebrew Bible."

I went to check; it's in French, but I figured I would download it, print it, Pierre could read it and tell me the gist of it.

Just as I was opening the downloaded file to print, Pierre walked in my office and announced that he had just read confirmation from Gershom Sholem that Jews had fomented the French Revolution and he was gobsmacked by that; he had long suspected it, but to hear from a Jew, that it was Cabbalistic Jews behind it all, was astonishing. He then commented that it is the Cabbalistic business that was pure Satanism.

Which, of course, brings me back to my comment about Plato and the Satanic system he designed and passed of as "philosophy", and there has been, according to Stove, a "Cult of Plato" ever since.

I was looking over the Protocols of the Elders of Zion stuff the other day on the back of this thread. In it it spoke of reducing the influence of the western monachies as part of their plan. So when you talk about the French Revolution being a Jewish endeavour I suppose it fits with the Protcols. Not sure where those writings have come from but when I read it I feel it is not from a human intelligence. It seems really evil.

When the C's spoke of Mossad being high up in the STS tree, it always piqued my interest. There is a Jewish fifth column called the Sayanim. Lay Jews in foreign countries secretly helping advance the interests of Israel. I think I have seen some of these people. They reminded me of the movie the Omen. Damien, the Anti-christ, had secret helpers as he grew up and made his way in the world.
I realise it all sounds a bit fantastic but the latest posts felt like it connected a few dots for me.
In Israel Shahak's book (pdf) Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel (Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky) the 'rules' of Kitzur Shulchan Aruch - written by Rabbi Yosef Caro (1488-1575) are brought up, among other rules. Had a look at quite a few of these so adding the online rule categories here for further details: example Ch. 39:1-3 The laws of eating before a meal דין מי שרוצה לאכול או לשתות קודם הסעודה

Of what looks > than two hundred rules, there was one even for Tattooing the flesh et cetera (referencing to the dead; like an attractor maybe).

Shahak cites:

Kitzur Shulhan Aruch ("abridgment of Shulhan Aruch" in Hebrew): A popular book containing the most necessary rules of Halacha, used in the education of Haredi children and by the uneducated Haredim. Written by rabbi Shlomo Gantzfried in early nineteenth century.

Noted in the Forum there were references to Shahak going back to 2006.
Just as I was opening the downloaded file to print, Pierre walked in my office and announced that he had just read confirmation from Gershom Sholem that Jews had fomented the French Revolution
For a deeper understanding of the context, I tried to look up some details and found for instance:
When Gershom Scholem Discovered the Zohar: George Prochnik on Scholem's Kabbalist Revelation But in the mid-seventeenth century, a mystical false messiah by the name of Sabbatai Sevi arose in the Ottoman Empire and became a seismic phenomenon, galvanizing Jewish congregations across the Levant and huge swaths of Europe. Entire Jewish communities in far-flung towns and villages began the process of uprooting themselves to follow Sevi and help actualize the prophecy he delivered of restoring Jewish sovereignty over the Holy Land and ushering in the era of salvation.

Scholem argued that the ideas of liberation fueling Sabbatai Sevi’s movement, combined with the communal effort to wrest physical control of Jewish fate by becoming active participants in the messianic revolution, planted the seeds for the Jews’ entry into modernity. Although Sabbatai Sevi’s movement unraveled with his conversion to Islam under pressure from the Ottoman Sultan, it succeeded in propelling the dream of the Jews gaining agency over their own destiny from the theoretical plane into the concrete realm of history. Scholem saw the legacy of Sabbatai Sevi embodied in certain figures from Jewish backgrounds who played important roles in the French Revolution—a number of whom were literal descendants of the Sabbateans—as well as in the rise of the Reform movement, which had likewise been partly conceived by influential figures in Sevi’s theological lineage.

And then another source commented:
Was Frankism the link between Kabbalah and Enlightenment?, or, What Scholem Got Unintentionally Right Gershom Scholem posited Frankism as the crucial link between Sabbateanism and modernity. Sabbateanism’s anti-authoritarian stance inspired the anti-authoritarian Haskalah, Scholem said, much more than did the non-Jewish Enlightenment. And Frankism, by way of Prague, is the missing link.
Was Scholem wrong, then, about Frankism? Ironically, he was unintentionally right. As a species of Western Esotericism, Frankism is indeed a halfway-house between religion and secularism. Late Frankism was part of a Western Esoteric tradition that, in its materialist metaphysics and in its presenting of an alternative body of knowledge to religion, helped lay the groundwork for the Enlightenment, the Scientific Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution. Scholem was puzzled that Frankist superstition could persist at the time of the French revolution, but this “superstition” was in fact a set of Western Esoteric myths that helped lay the groundwork for the French Revolution itself. In sum, Frankism was, in fact, part of the movement that birthed modernity – the Western Esoteric movement – and Scholem got it unintentionally right.
Etienne Nodet, bible scholar, had just uploaded a review of Gmirkin's book "Plato and the Creation of the Hebrew Bible."
It is so fresh the search engine could not help, or is it because I have the free version of Academia? At any rate there is a chapter summary of the book on the home page of Russel Gmirkin: Newest Plato Book and chapter one is available on Academia
There are also reviews and links to others on Plato and the Creation of the Hebrew Bible where Gmirkin, a surname apparently of Russian origin, also comments.
And to think, it was all based on Plato, that old Pedophile Pathocrat. One wonders if only that kind of mind could come up with that stuff?

There is one description in an early session I have always not quite known how to understand but now with the Plato connection it seems like this might be a link to why we now have possibly more than one corrupted religion and corrupted philosophies.

Session 7 November 1994:
Q: (L) You have often stated that the Bible is corrupted, I would like to know who, exactly, corrupted the Bible and when and how they did this?

A: Illuminati brotherhood for a thousand earth years.

Q: (L) Does this mean that up until a thousand years ago the Bible was fairly accurate?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is there any possibility that the Catholic church had anything to do with this corrupting influence?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Does the Catholic church have in its possession actual original texts of the Bible that have not been corrupted?

A: No.

Q: (L) Were there ever such texts in existence?

A: No.

Q: (L) Who wrote the book of Matthew?

A: Greek enforcers.

Q: (L) What are Greek enforcers?

A: Like your FBI.

Q: (L) Who wrote the book of Mark?

A: Same.

Q: (L) Luke and John?

A: Same?

Q: (L) Acts?

A: Same?

Q: (L) Are any books of the New Testament written by who they claim to be written by?

A: No. Remember this is 70% propaganda.

Q: (L) Is 30% then the truth or the actual teachings?

A: Close. Enough you must decipher from instinct through meditation.

These "enforcers" seem to have had devastating effects for a very long time.
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