Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

If they hadn't been able to program him by nearly killing him to get him into a coma for an extended period, then I guess they would have just killed him. In other words, they knew they could do it and that it would be successful?

They've killed countless others. Was he too good of a tool to just do away with? Can they just program anyone at all?

I think so and it's really depressed me. What can we do against such overwhelming malice and power? It sometimes feels like we're all in a no-win situation here, but I guess that's the state of things that can lead to the greatest growth of the soul....maybe.
A question for you, but for everyone else also. Although, maybe it's an unfair one given everyone's time here in the group.

Do you think that you could ever be influenced in such a way that you would support a regime who was committing genocide?

Peterson spent most of his adult life teaching courses on ideological possession in order to try to inoculate his students against it, and yet, here he is. C's said he's a 'great soul' which I'm going to assume means that he actually has a soul, or is not an OP.

What does that mean for the rest of us? If one of us inadvertently became famous because we stood for something and went viral, and we were just going around talking sense to people, and 4D STS decided we were causing to many ripples and they needed to co-opt us (me, you, anyone here), could they do it?

Troubling thought. Is it hubris to say, "That wouldn't happen to me", or is it not at all, and simply being a normal, decent person?

If they hadn't been able to program him by nearly killing him to get him into a coma for an extended period, then I guess they would have just killed him. In other words, they knew they could do it and that it would be successful?

They've killed countless others. Was he too good of a tool to just do away with? Can they just program anyone at all?
I think your post raises a lot of interesting questions about the nature of karma. Forth density service to self beings cannot just do you “anything” to others, as is spoken about in The Wave. You have to be be able to receive and assent to their “bidding” process. Gaps in your own knowledge and awareness are how STS influence and program people, even those who consciously choose not to align with them.

JBP is on his way towards service to others I think, but it looks like there’s still a lot of lessons for him to learn.

The C’s have spoken about there being different levels of prioritization of life lessons. I think JBP’s primary one is to study and learn about totalitarianism and ponerology, with perhaps fighting it consistently on the side of good being the secondary priority.

Many people have attempted to give him the book Ponerology to read. He has several copies of it. I think on some level he is avoiding it because that knowledge would in someways interrupt his lesson plan. Or, perhaps the equivalent amount of conscious energy needed to read that book and gain that knowledge was equal to the preparation he should’ve done beforehand to avoid his programming and his subversion.

Even if he doesn’t completely fulfill his secondary karmic lesson about fighting totalitarianism, he is fulfilling his primary lesson about learning about it, with front-row seats from the perspective of the dupes he has written and lectured about so much.

I guess I’m trying to say we don’t need to feel too sorry for him. From the perspective of his higher self he is having the time of his life learning his primary karmic lesson. Save the pity for the victims of Zionist geopolitics, IMO.
Lord, this is so retarded it's not even wrong. Basically some sort of brain-dead fart.

These are the words of a man who would do and say anything, no matter how utterly absurd, to shield himself from a simple and horrible truth: he has allowed himself to become part of the dark side, because he's terrified of uncomfortable truths. Fear leads to rage, rage leads to...
believing a lie. The fragility of his beliefs are akin to the biblical house/beliefs built on a foundation of sand, thus parroting his zionist cronies because he, attempts to fill his own spiritual void by intellectualizing . Time to clean your own room Jordan.:mad:
Ok, I must have read your comment and that's where I got the idea. I don't get the impression he was always like this though, but right now he is certainly stuck in 'ideological possession', ironically. Or mind programming, as the Cs say. Personally, I do feel both infuriated and sorry for him.
His fundamental being presupposes the essential decency of the west, in its primacy and agency. Although I do concede that I never saw his anti Iran rhetoric to reach such bizarre proportions coming. I don't give 4d STS all the credit for him turning out like this. You have to "own" your mistakes in this life, and it's a heavy load he's got now.

A question for you, but for everyone else also. Although, maybe it's an unfair one given everyone's time here in the group.

Do you think that you could ever be influenced in such a way that you would support a regime who was committing genocide?

Peterson spent most of his adult life teaching courses on ideological possession in order to try to inoculate his students against it, and yet, here he is. C's said he's a 'great soul' which I'm going to assume means that he actually has a soul, or is not an OP.

What does that mean for the rest of us? If one of us inadvertently became famous because we stood for something and went viral, and we were just going around talking sense to people, and 4D STS decided we were causing to many ripples and they needed to co-opt us (me, you, anyone here), could they do it?

Troubling thought. Is it hubris to say, "That wouldn't happen to me", or is it not at all, and simply being a normal, decent person?

If they hadn't been able to program him by nearly killing him to get him into a coma for an extended period, then I guess they would have just killed him. In other words, they knew they could do it and that it would be successful?

They've killed countless others. Was he too good of a tool to just do away with? Can they just program anyone at all?

Just goes to show that however "great" you are, you've got to keep watering and nurturing that good part of yourself, it can wither and die if left unattended, so yes 4d STS can and will try to turn good souls against the light of truth and being. For every Roger Waters there is a Bono. But it's those fundamental assumptions about the primacy of the western system that seems to be the common thread in such people, and it's from there that they fall away into the realms of the obscene in their rhetoric and observations. I can't stand listening to Peterson now, which is sad for sure, and I cannot abide U2's music either because of that unctious prat Bono.

So yeah, if they want to throw it all at you to program you, they can and most probably will at some point. If anything it provides an added incentive to keep constantly working on your knowledge/being and always stay vigilant and observant too.
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His fundamental being presupposes the essential decency of the west, in its primacy and agency. Although I do concede that I never saw his anti Iran rhetoric to reach such bizarre proportions coming. I don't give 4d STS all the credit for him turning out like this. You have to "own" your mistakes in this life, and it's a heavy load he's got now.

Just goes to show that however "great" you are, you've got to keep watering and nurturing that good part of yourself, it can wither and die if left unattended, so yes 4d STS can and will try to turn good souls against the light of truth and being. For every Roger Waters there is a Bono. But it's those fundamental assumptions about the primacy of the western system that seems to be the common thread in such people, and it's from there that they fall away into the realms of the obscene in their rhetoric and observations. I can't stand listening to Peterson now, which is sad for sure, and I cannot abide U2's music either because of that unctious prat Bono.

So yeah, if they want to throw it all at you to program you, they can and most probably will at some point. If anything it provides an added incentive to keep constantly working on your knowledge/being and always stay vigilant and observant too.

I just wanted to add, that these are very unstable times. You have US/UK/Israel, Russia, China, Iran, it's all brewing up to something, how tough we cannot tell. But even in the face of all this evil and suffering, we still must look after ourselves properly in our daily lives. We have to truly love ourselves and those near and dear to us, and think and act accordingly. If we do that, then I think we'll have spent our time on this mad 3d realm well and wisely. Then, and only then, we'll stand a chance of becoming part of the "reality of the future".
What is interesting to me is that he now goes around saying that this or other group are psychopaths, or pathologicals. He did read PolPon and so I suspect that misrepresenting those terms and definitions is part of his new "mission", so to speak, though inadvertedly to him.
A question for you, but for everyone else also. Although, maybe it's an unfair one given everyone's time here in the group.

Do you think that you could ever be influenced in such a way that you would support a regime who was committing genocide?

Peterson spent most of his adult life teaching courses on ideological possession in order to try to inoculate his students against it, and yet, here he is. C's said he's a 'great soul' which I'm going to assume means that he actually has a soul, or is not an OP.

What does that mean for the rest of us? If one of us inadvertently became famous because we stood for something and went viral, and we were just going around talking sense to people, and 4D STS decided we were causing to many ripples and they needed to co-opt us (me, you, anyone here), could they do it?

Troubling thought. Is it hubris to say, "That wouldn't happen to me", or is it not at all, and simply being a normal, decent person?

If they hadn't been able to program him by nearly killing him to get him into a coma for an extended period, then I guess they would have just killed him. In other words, they knew they could do it and that it would be successful?

They've killed countless others. Was he too good of a tool to just do away with? Can they just program anyone at all?

I really like this question.

My understanding at the moment is that the battle no matter what, is fought thru us as the Cs say. Every minute, every hour, and every day. After all, isn’t eternal vigilance a burden of a warrior as the Don Juan teaching say?

The C’s would add eternal vigilance and a network are the key.

I always tell myself because of the yin and yang effect, for every Jordan Petersen there is a Tucker Carlson.
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