Joe said:
Obviously, both men and women need to get their thinking caps on here and not allow themselves to emotionally manipulated to the detriment of society at large.
Well, I just came across this vid on YT. I guess they thought I would like it since I watch lots of JP stuff:
In addition to being a rather in-your-face social commentary, it kind of relates to many things I've been pondering lately, much along the lines of what Joe wrote above.
I think JP is so popular simply because men need him in the current climate. While he tries to tailor his message for everyone, the simple fact is that it is predominantly men who are coming up to him and thanking him for basically saving their lives. So, his message really is for men, mostly.
As for the video above, I suppose one could have various responses to it, probably the most common being a denial of female sexuality (publicly, at least). I don't think it's a coincidence that 50 Shades of Grey is still the #1 most-sold book on Amazon.
And here I don't mean what women REALLY want, which is a loving relationship. But then, that's exactly what most men want out of life. The proof of this is quite obvious: How many men do you know who are running around fondling and bedding supermodels on a yacht or in some Hollywood mansion, vs how many men do you know who got married and made babies and started a family?
Clearly, the majority of both men and women want real relationships, or at least a close approximation thereof.
So when I refer to "sexuality" as it relates to the above video, I'm talking about the "raw" aspect: Men want to dominate, women want to be dominated + provided for (along with children) so they can raise the little ones. That's biologically programmed, and there's nothing wrong with it as far as I can see. It makes the human race "go".
The trouble is that the male side of "dominating" is blown way out of proportion compared to the female side. The proof of this is also easy to see: just look at what's going on with all this "social justice" stuff, #MeToo, etc.
Smarter people than me have noted that while men objectify women physically as a
first step to motivate them to attempt to "hook up", women do the same towards men - albeit in a different way. First of all, women are sexually attracted to men. Duh. Second, women tend to choose up the social ladder, which means essentially they decide to "hook up" with a guy
initially because he looks like a good provider, is of higher social status - generally speaking. After that, both sides are looking for real love, however they define that.
But we don't hear much about the female side of things. It's like no one wants to talk about it, and I think that's part of the problem. It NEEDS to be talked about.
From the men's side, if I had a dollar for every time I was told that I'm basically evil for objectifying women because I thought some woman was sexually attractive, I'd be richer than Trump. Or how about locker room talk? Yes, it happens. Contrary to what some are saying, there is a sort of multitasking going on there - at least for those who aren't psychos. Basically, as a guy, I can simultaneously think, "hubba hubba" while at the same time thinking about every other characteristic that I know about some female of the species. I was privy to many conversations growing up that were more or less like this:
"Oh yeah, she's superhot... But ya know, I don't think that would work. She's too this for me, or I'm too that for her, or I can't imagine that it would last," etc.
Normal guys actually think this way fairly often. Shocking, I know. Or, at least if they don't think this way initially, historically they get there eventually because most of them end up married and NOT beating their wives.
Plus, as JP said in a recent video, men's objectification of women via things like porn is more damaging for the men. I've been saying that for years. Sure, it's also bad for women, but a small number of them. If a large number of men are watching that porn, they are basically saying to themselves that they don't deserve love, so something empty and meaningless will have to do. If men who watched porn are more likely to commit violence against women, then frankly there wouldn't be any women left on Planet Earth in the present day.
So yeah, I think that's why JP is so popular: Because modern men are practically dying for someone to help them out of this mess, and JP is doing it.
Anyway, my real question is: Where is the "Jordina Pederson" for women? Maybe that's at least part of the reason why some women tend not to like him?
I suppose one could argue that women are afraid JP will "take their men away from them" or something, but that's highly unlikely given his message. I would say just the opposite will occur! In that sense, maybe it's more like, "We need one of those..." At the same time, there's the make nice thing and hoping it will all go away.
Women also have a "base sexuality", and naturally it is the source of problems just as it is for men. Given the current state of affairs, women also need someone to speak up for and defend them - just not in the way that the crazy feminists are doing!
Lately, I've been thinking that things are shifting. People I know are posting #MeToo-type stuff, and whereas before they were getting cheered on, now they're asking, "Hey, why so few likes?" Even the articles these folks are sharing are what I would call "toned down" compared to what they were a few months ago.
At the moment, my concern is that the tide is turning, and this may lead to a backlash against women. Perhaps that is when "Jordina" will appear? Or, perhaps JP will shift gears and talk more sense to people about women?
Well, those are just my thoughts of late. I dunno what's going to happen. But I do think that these are important issues, and they do require both careful navigation as well as input from both men and women.
One way or the other, we'll get there!