Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

54 - Aspen Ideas Festival: From the Barricades of the Culture Wars by The Jordan B Peterson Podcast via #soundcloud
From the Aspen Ideas Festival, recorded Tuesday, June 26, 2018. Jordan Peterson, author of the best-selling 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, may be one of the most famous intellectuals in North America today. He also may be among the most misunderstood. His fans say that he’s saved their lives, and detractors say that he’s the gateway drug to the alt-right. Who is this psychologist-philosopher whom so many of us had never heard of two years ago, and what does he really believe? Featuring Jordan Peterson in conversation with Bari Weiss. Hosted in the St. Regis Hotel Ballroom, Aspen, Colorado.
Dr. Peterson has the youthful glow of truth, as always. :cool2:

PowerfulJRE Streamed live on Jul 2, 2018 / 3:20:21
We houden van 'em, maar we waren een beetje Peterson fatigued. Z'n werk zo goed bestudeerd dat we eigenlijk kunnen voorspellen wat-ie gaat zeggen. Inmiddels zo mainstream en uitverkocht dat we ons geen piloot van de Rebel Alliance meer voelden door het over zijn werk te hebben. Daarbij is de lobster meme is al bijna een jaar dood maar dat begrijpt ook blijkbaar niemand. Toen dat stuk in de Volkskrant, toen nog een keer. Vervolgens onze huisnar die net als de rest van de wereld met een vileine gewilligheid op dat "enforced monogamy" kwootje sprong, alsof daar ook maar een moment iets anders werd bedoeld dan sociaal afgedwongen en in de wet verankerde monogamie in plaats van polygamie (uitleg-fragmentje), omdat polygame samenlevingen bijna altijd in burgeroorlog vervallen aangezien er teveel single mannen zijn. Enfin, gewoon een beetje moe dus. Maar toen zetten we de Joe Rogan podcast van 2 juli aan, en hadden we hem eigenlijk toch wel echt gemist. Mooi gesprek over de revolutie in kennisoverdracht die er gaande is. Rode lijn: heel weinig mensen kunnen echt geconcentreerd op hoog niveau lezen, maar heel veel mensen kunnen blijkbaar op hoog niveau geconcentreerd luisteren, en nu de bandbreedte-beperking van weleer is vervallen veroveren online long form interviews grond op gemonteerde of korte tv-fragmenten, en dat is geweldig. Vanaf 52:13 gaat het trouwens weer even fijn over zelfoverstijging, een thema wat eigenlijk nooit uitgeput raakt. "What's the best thing you could do? Transcend your current wretched and miserable self, there's meaning to be found in that." Is wel zo. Onderstaande video is ook de moeite waard trouwens. Door ons ge-time code op het verschijnen van Peterson, maar het gesprek daarvoor is ook niet verkeerd.
Een kudtkoekiewall. Omdat dat moet, van de kudtkoekiewet.
I was thinking about the importance of free speech and speech in general.Barring telepathy and hand gestures it's really the only way we have to communicate.For such communication to be possible,a group of people have to agree on certain foundational concepts.I'll use the ''concept'' of a car and a house to elucidate my point.

Almost universally a car is seen as a mode of transportation,regardless of the fact that some people through various circumstances end up living in them.The ''concept'' of a car is a vehicle that gets you from A to B.So while there are many types of cars for varying purposes,saying that a car is a house would make people look at you strange.

A house or rather the concept of one is a dwelling.A set place you live for an extended period of time,so while there are houses on wheels and many types of stationary homes,the concept of what a house is generally isn't ''fluid'' unless you want to get pedantic.

Now as far as I can tell,the reason we can translate from one language to another is because people universally agree on certain concepts.This is why we use hand gestures when we can't use words.Which is also why when one nation or people have a concept that another doesn't it can lead to difficulty of understanding (see the early interpretation of the concept of Chi in the west).Now since language is the means by which we share concepts,ideas and meanings,messing with the language would also mess with the underlying concepts of such.So messing with words like man and woman also confuses the underlying understanding and sets up the future for failure as rejection of truth cannot lead to the ''promised land'' that so many revolutionaries dream of.

Imagine an entire generation of people raised on false or ''confused'' concepts.The further you drift from truth as a people,the more painful the return to reality and normalcy is.Effectively you lose a lot of bright minds,but more than that you can make them vindictive and destructive.In practical terms this means that the top 20% of society that is responsible for progress and innovation grinds to a halt,or worse begins to create destruction all the while believing they're doing good.Others will simply abandon a society that does not respect meritocracy.This will obviously have wide reaching impacts outside the nation that hosts the mental parasite.

I honestly think that at some point in the future this ''revolutionary psychosis'' will be seen as a definite disease,as literal and real as we view the plague now.As real as people used to view possession.After all,believing lies has definite physical effects on the brain.In fact you can get stuck in a feed back loop of lying to yourself,dismissing facts through mental gymnastics and then getting hit of dopamine.Eventually you cease to see reality at all and become what we may term mentally ill.What are some of the symptoms?Inability to analyze data at the most basic level,being prone to violence at the drop of a hat,extreme social submissiveness and lack of impulse control.It also tends to turn people ugly,I can't find the pic right now,but I remember seeing a compilations of photos of girls before and after they joined feminist courses at Uni and it's like night and day.If that's not a disease I don't know what is.
Thought this was an interesting description by JP.

"God is that in which you manifest necessary faith. Necessary because you have to start somewhere. And this necessary axiom is not a fact, but a way or mode of being, which is to say: a personality. "
After all,believing lies has definite physical effects on the brain.In fact you can get stuck in a feed back loop of lying to yourself,dismissing facts through mental gymnastics and then getting hit of dopamine.Eventually you cease to see reality at all and become what we may term mentally ill.
Also telling lies causes brain damage too:
(Pierre) Talking about reanimated people, I wanted to ask about the Hillary Clinton episode where she did that weird thing in front of the reporters.

(L) Was she having a mini-stroke of some sort?

(Pierre) What happened? What was the cause?

A: Brain glitch.

Q: (L) Cause?

A: Brain damage. Lying takes its toll.

Q: (Galatea) So basically, lying can...

(L) Destroy your brain.

A: Yes
Thought this was an interesting description by JP.

"God is that in which you manifest necessary faith. Necessary because you have to start somewhere. And this necessary axiom is not a fact, but a way or mode of being, which is to say: a personality. "
It really is such a shame JP follows the Zionist lie. He has a great mind and I believe his heart is definitely in the right place. In light of that which Hindsight Man affirmed regards believing lies (and telling them)... I just hope this doesn't have any bearing affecting JP's mind... Though, if he truly doesn't 'see' it, then maybe its not the same thing and won't effect him that way.
It really is such a shame JP follows the Zionist lie. He has a great mind and I believe his heart is definitely in the right place. In light of that which Hindsight Man affirmed regards believing lies (and telling them)... I just hope this doesn't have any bearing affecting JP's mind... Though, if he truly doesn't 'see' it, then maybe its not the same thing and won't effect him that way.

I don't think it's as straight forward as telling a fib=brain damage.After all if I were 100% or anywhere near that honest with everyday people I come across,I'd be looked at as insane for believing in conspiracy theories.Lying is a necessity in our society and it appears to have been a necessity in older societies too,otherwise schools for human development and esoteric knowledge wouldn't have had to hide themselves so much.And I think it would be related to the scale of the lie too,for example Cassies mentioned that evil takes it's toll on the body,well something like a 9/11 lie that has cost millions of lives and has created much evil in the world would be more costly than a lie in self defense. After all,if there were no possibility of lying without remaining relatively normal, humanity would have gone extinct long ago under some forgotten dictatorship since there would have been no possibility of resistance.
I don't think it's as straight forward as telling a fib=brain damage
Of course not. Thats not what I meant nor, assumedly, the C's either.
After all if I were 100% or anywhere near that honest with everyday people I come across,I'd be looked at as insane for believing in conspiracy theories
You and me both, mate!
Lying is a necessity in our society and it appears to have been a necessity in older societies too,otherwise schools for human development and esoteric knowledge wouldn't have had to hide themselves so much.And I think it would be related to the scale of the lie too,for example Cassies mentioned that evil takes it's toll on the body,well something like a 9/11 lie that has cost millions of lives and has created much evil in the world would be more costly than a lie in self defense.

Yes. It really is down to the nature of the lie that 'truly' matters - for most importantly its the INTENT behind which the lie is held. When 4D STS-sponsored psychopaths and their low-frequency proxy soul-snuffs running about amok, lying is often necessary to preserve life and freedom - the life and freedom of the TRUEST kind.
After all,if there were no possibility of lying without remaining relatively normal, humanity would have gone extinct long ago under some forgotten dictatorship since there would have been no possibility of resistance.
Maybe... Or 'Borg-ified' (I guess that amounts the same as actual extinction for 'humanity') or... The forces of darkness would have us forced into biting the bullet and going all out to the death - all or nothing!... No compromise! It would be pretty final and incredibly bloody - a battle to the edge of extinction even, yes - but worth it in the long run?
Whether necessary or not under the wraps of a psychopathic fold, lying is going to be a tight-rope. Too much 'rightful' and "necessary" lying, certainly to spare our loved-ones we cherish and feel responsible for, can nevertheless become its own trap because 4D STS-enforced PTB require a certain element of consent from us 'good guys' to limit bad karma coming back round upon them. Thats why false-flag events are so obvious to anyone with half-a-brain. On a collective-consciousness level we knowingly submit and pay homage to their dastardly deeds... And they know this! If we lie out of necessity too much, in a twisted twist-of-fate we are in danger of being liable to giving the forces of darkness our approval for their actions and thus become ourselves a proxy force of darkness. As an individual looking to grow a soul we are not a part of the lower-frequency collective so why should we be lumped in with that?... But, how many like-minded(?) individuals like us interacting like we are right now to, potentially, ourselves become a collective force of 'greater' responsibility to be reckoned with?. Is being part of this Forum as an individual burdening upon us a form of such collective responsibility? Irresponsible truth vs Necessary lies... Whether collectively or as an individual, some might say its such a fine balance; I might say its more a case of: Damned if you do, damned if you don't!
I don't think it's as straight forward as telling a fib=brain damage.After all if I were 100% or anywhere near that honest with everyday people I come across,I'd be looked at as insane for believing in conspiracy theories.Lying is a necessity in our society and it appears to have been a necessity in older societies too,otherwise schools for human development and esoteric knowledge wouldn't have had to hide themselves so much.And I think it would be related to the scale of the lie too,for example Cassies mentioned that evil takes it's toll on the body,well something like a 9/11 lie that has cost millions of lives and has created much evil in the world would be more costly than a lie in self defense. After all,if there were no possibility of lying without remaining relatively normal, humanity would have gone extinct long ago under some forgotten dictatorship since there would have been no possibility of resistance.

I think there is a big difference between what the C’s say, that believing lies can destroy your brain, and what Gurdjieff meant when he said, sincerity with everyone is a weakness (paraphrasing).

In the first case, believing lies about the reality of the world can be damaging in many ways. Like, if we believe the propaganda against Russia or Syria, or Israel’s lies about its role in the Middle East, or the official 911 narrative, the nihilistic liberal based actions of individuals who supposedly have other’s well-being at heart, etc, we end up in a “reality” that is not going to prepare us for what comes next, we hurt ourselves and others in the process, because we don’t see what’s objectively in front of us. Believing propaganda and lies like that can make us support a group/ideology that ends up producing the opposing results of what we expected when we wishfully started out, ie, causing social divisions and chaos instead of peace and prosperity, killing thousands of innocent people in faraway lands in our name, etc. Well, you know the picture.

Same if we believe the lies about basic health guidelines, like eating fat or the necessity of vaccinations, etc, which can literally damage our bodies and brains.

But being sincere with everyone does not fall under this category, and I think that’s what you are mostly referring to in your post above. Not being sincere to preserve our strategic enclosure, or to be externally considerate to people in our lives we are not very close with (sometimes even if we are), these are stuff we sometimes have to do so that we make easier the lives of others and ourselves and maybe even keep us and those close to us out of unnecessary harm and suffering.
I agree there are different types of lies with different intentions behind it.
It is not the same if I lie that I'm fine when a colleague asks me how I am feeling, or if I lie someone in order to manipulate him or a situation.
A pretty good and decent political summary of Peterson here about Trump, shared by Joe on social media:
I made it point to leave (the US), on Tuesday, November 8, 2017 thinking that Killery (as well), was a shoo-in to win.

There had been a number of false flag events within the two mouths I stayed in the states up in till the voting day. As AP's can be soft targets by hired thug merc's.

So hedging my bet that the deep state would take a break and prepare for there liberal victory, choose to fly out on election day just in case.

When I arrived at CD Airport (am on the Ninth and while checking in with French customs, border patrol), to my surprise the officer informed me that Trump had won, showing me his phone with a live broadcast of the win.

I was stunned to say the least, and felt like there had been a time alteration, with a feeling of being light headed and a bit euphoric !

Agree, it is a good assessment of the President and the US population as whole, by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson.
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NCAC Cautions Durham Elected Officials Against No-Platforming Jordan Peterson
July 11, 2018 by NCAC
A group of Durham city officials, including the mayor and all members of the city council, issued a joint statement on Facebook that suggested the Durham Performing Arts Center (DPAC) should deny controversial professor Jordan Peterson the opportunity to speak there.

The statement opens explains that, “Though the DPAC is owned by the City of Durham, the theater’s management companies, Nederlander & PFM, are entirely responsible for the choice of shows and performers who appear at the venue. We would like to be clear that we respect Mr. Peterson’s right to hold his opinions and to freely state his opinions without government interference. However, we wish to emphasize that a person’s right to free speech does not include the right to a platform or an audience. As many in our community have been disturbed and angered by Mr. Peterson’s racist, misogynist, and transphobic views, we would like to use this opportunity to reiterate our commitments and values to all of you as your elected representatives.”

Jordan Peterson is scheduled to speak at DPAC on September 10th and has confirmed that he rented the space.

Calls for “no-platforming,” or denying people with extreme views access to an audience, have increased recently. Advocates suggest that venues should allot access based on the merit of a speaker’s ideas and whether they benefit the community. But the question of who determines that “merit” remains unanswered.

NCAC has written to the authors of the statement cautioning them against chilling free speech by impeding to DPAC’s ability to book speakers with a diversity of views.

Our full letter can be read below. Click here for a full screen view:


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