July 2016 Military Coup in Turkey

un chien anadolu said:
Explosion at Turkish Parliament House in Ankara. I also heard a loud explosion myself (i am in Istanbul)
Take care of your self un chien anadolu.

Turkey's Prime Minister: Turkey's Airspace Closed, Will Shoot Down Unauthorized Aircraft _http://sputniknews.com/news/20160716/1043086508/binali-yildirim-military-coup-airspace.html

while US and Kerry say they are behind the "Elected Leader" ( Hmm.. why can't they use the word Erdogan, if they really cared ) , now this
US, Turkish Military to Remain Partners if Coup Successful - Congressman _http://sputniknews.com/us/20160716/1043086784/us-turkish-military-coup-successful.html

The United States should maintain relations with the Turkish military if the coup succeeds in the country, US House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul stated.

People demonstrate in front of the Republic Monument at the Taksim Square in Istanbul.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Washington should maintain relations with the Turkish military if the coup succeeds in the country, McCaul stated.
"Our military enjoys very good relationship with the Turkish military. If in fact this coup has taken place and is successful, I think moving forward that relationship is imperative to maintain out NATO ally status with Turkey," McCaul said on Friday in an interview with Fox News.

The congressman argued that the Turkish military has seen policies of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as "a bit dangerous" to the security of the country.
bjorn said:
[quote author= un chien anadolu] Explosion at Turkish Parliament House in Ankara. I also heard a loud explosion myself (i am in Istanbul)

Stay save un chien anadolu !! How is this all going to end !?


Thank you bjorn. Honestly i don't know how this is going to end. But i think and i am afraid (and as far as i can see most sane, anti-Erdogan Turkish people more or less think the same), this will end with Erdogan's absolute power AKA dictatorship.

It's true that there's a (unfortunately) Gulen fraction in Turkish army and the Turkish media (95% of it is under the control of Erdogan) is speculating for the last 3-4 weeks that there will be a judicial operation to arrest the member of this fraction. So this might be a plan to provoke them for a desperate and hopeless coup attempt . And despite the casualties this will give more power to Erdogan as it has always been.
I think its not over yet, only in Erdogan's statements (wishful blowing in the wind) If its over, then it would be really over, no other confusions. Its very indicative US statement that they will stay partners whoever wins.
This is so badly organized that I think that the usual culprits has nothing to do with it. Maybe it really were just Turkey army officers who got fed up of Erdogan's "vision" of Turkey. Of course Psychogan will use situation to further manipulate the people, just as he manipulated them to go into the streets to fight "against the Gulenists!".
Well, one thing is sure; if Erdogan gets back into power, he is likely going to pass new executive laws giving him even more dictatorial power. That would be just sickening. :mad:
With all the madness going on - I took a short break and didn't catch up with the news for half a day - and when I got back on the news - saw this ! Looks like the coup attempt has failed...sigh! would have loved to see the back of the Sultan finally, but its not the case now.

Assuming the Empire's minions were behind the coup, and now that the Sultan is still around - this will make the situation in Syria more complicated, with more unknowns thrown into the mix. I still think if he remains in power, he will continue to work with Russia - but then the threat of a split or civil war in Turkish society is a high possibility.

Sigh...just more chaos down the road...

The level of entropy in the world now seems to be increasing exponentially this last week - somehow I think something is going to give... one way or another...
I watched live feed on RT this morning before going to work, and one detail i remembered very clearly.

On of the journalist on RT said that on Last NATO summit in Poland, Erdogan was Erdogan was alone all the time and he was looking very nervous. While seating on the table the Germany and France presidents were seating next to him but both of then talking between them and other members with their backs turned to Erdogan. So they were acting like they are mad to him for something.

So i guess he know something is going on and i'm pretty sure that other Nato members also know what is on Uncle Sam's menu.

I dont have any link to this , as i saw it live on RT on tv this morning.
Well, if Erdogan comes out on top....

Considering what Konstantin reported from RT TV about Erdogan being shunned at meeting; added to what Seek10 reported: US, Turkish Military to Remain Partners if Coup Successful - Congressman http://sputniknews.com/us/20160716/1043086784/us-turkish-military-coup-successful.html , plus the blame being placed on a moderate Islamic group that is run by a guy in the US... I think it was a badly done US/NATO/CIA maneuver - organized in a hurry.

As Bjorn wrote:

bjorn said:
US most likely had a role in this coup. But Erdogan has many enemies from all sides. Different factions could work together here with different agenda's. This coup could turn against the PTB. There is always that chance. But if that happens I fear the US will go all in to instigate civil war in Turkey. If everything fails, spread more chaos. That's how the Empire of Chaos operates. OSIT.

And, of course, if the coup fails and Erdogan really knows what was in the background, I guess we'll see soon enough. The fallout should give us some clues.


A coup attempt has taken place in Turkey
At this moment the fate of the country is being decided. A military group occupied the state television building where they transmitted message of seizing power. According to the military, they are holding hostage commander-in-chief and the government was also arrested. Earlier, Prime Minister of Turkey Binali Yildirim made a statement that the attempt of the rebellion has failed

In a Skype, which was broadcast on the air of CNN Turk, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused the supporters of Islamist leader Fetullaha Gülen in the organization of the coup. Fetullaha Gülen is residing in the United States, and cooperating with US intelligence agencies. Erdogan urged people to go out to the streets and prevent the coup. Where is Erdogan himself is currently unknown. Meanwhile, military helicopters attacked the presidential quarter in Ankara. In Ankara and Istanbul and other major cities, people go out to the streets, trying to stop the military vehicles.

However, judging by the tanks in all cities of the country the Coup has the potential to end in the military's victory. While not reported exactly who led the coup. Military answered that they intend to restore democratic rights and freedoms. Open liberal rhetoric is the evidence in favor of the coup's Atlanticist orientation.

Washington's Hand

The military coup has obvious geopolitical implications. It comes after a sharp reversal in the direction of the relations of Turkey and Russia and changes on the Syrian issue made by the country's leaders . On last eve Binali Yildirim said that Turkey intends to restore relations with official Damascus. In essence, this would mean a radical change of the whole geopolitical situation on the Syrian issue and the collapse of the US strategy in the region. Before that Erdogan removed Ahmet Davutoglu from the country's leadership. US realized that Erdogan decided to change the geopolitical course. United States decided to act and use their networks of influence in military circles, to initiate a coup.
We should expect reprisals against both the opposition, in favor of strengthening ties with Russia and Syria, as well as functionaries of the ruling party "Justice and Development". The pro-Russian course will be frozen.

"US strategy is total failure."

Laura said:
Well, if Erdogan comes out on top....

Considering what Konstantin reported from RT TV about Erdogan being shunned at meeting; added to what Seek10 reported: US, Turkish Military to Remain Partners if Coup Successful - Congressman http://sputniknews.com/us/20160716/1043086784/us-turkish-military-coup-successful.html , plus the blame being placed on a moderate Islamic group that is run by a guy in the US... I think it was a badly done US/NATO/CIA maneuver - organized in a hurry.

A real hurry, and over in a hurry as well. It seems that they have surrendered already..

Considering they started so boldly, I wonder if someone gave the order to stand down for whatever reason.
Well, it seems that Turkish will continue to suffer.

Death Toll Rises to 90 After Turkish Military Coup Attempt

The death toll has risen to 90 people following a military coup attempt in Turkey with some 1,154 wounded, according to the state-run Anadolu news agency.

A failed military coup has left scores dead and over a thousand people wounded throughout Turkey following a violent attempt to overthrow the government by the country's military.

According to Turkish General Staff, 40 police officers are among the dead following the night's events.

From: http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160716/1043099901/death-toll-turkey-military-coup-attempt.html
Carl said:
A real hurry, and over in a hurry as well. It seems that they have surrendered already..

Considering they started so boldly, I wonder if someone gave the order to stand down for whatever reason.

You would have expected the military junta to come out on the media they took over with a firm statement showing leadership, and instead all we got was an attempted coup with no apparent head to lead. They were either incompetent or were somehow stopped in the making by other players IMO.
Laura said:
I think it was a badly done US/NATO/CIA maneuver - organized in a hurry.

Yeah, Russian analysts say that either the coup was badly organized, and it shows that US completely lost control over Turkey and Middle East, or they reached some sort of agreement with Erdogan. In any case, they all say that Erdogan probably knew about the upcoming coup and that's why decided to "apologize" to Russia. Some also mention the connection to clandestine organisation Ergenekon, and its direct connection with Mossad.
Keit said:
Laura said:
I think it was a badly done US/NATO/CIA maneuver - organized in a hurry.

Yeah, Russian analysts say that either the coup was badly organized, and it shows that US completely lost control over Turkey and Middle East, or they reached some sort of agreement with Erdogan. In any case, they all say that Erdogan probably knew about the upcoming coup and that's why decided to "apologize" to Russia. Some also mention the connection to clandestine organisation Ergenekon, and its direct connection with Mossad.

Maybe Putin warned Erdogan and he was prepared to deal with it and slapped CIA/NATO/USA.
Notice also that John Kerry has flown to Moskau in hurry, just before the coup started and many analyst wondered why:


Now we know why.

I kind of feel sorry for the turkish people, of whom many are willingly fooled by their own accord, by a wanna be dictator Erdogan, and on the one side, have the option of another military coup.

Neither "solution" will stabilize the country, quite the contrary in fact. As bad as Erdogan and co. are, another military coup in that country will also create chaos and destruction.

The turkish people have pretty bad cards there.
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