Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

monotonic said:
I've started adding a handful of shredded coconut to my green tea right after the water heats up. This seems to extract the oil from the coconut and it seems to be extremely energizing for me. This way you don't have the eat the fiber, which becomes tasteless afterwards anyways. I get a similar effect eating the coconut itself, and not if I drink the tea alone. I've used black tea, green tea tips and oolong (all sweetened with Stevia) so far and they all taste great, though the greener ones are more fruity and less earthy than my preference. After I had some tea this morning I was full of energy and wrote 3 or 4 pages in my sketchbook-size journal that I may post, inspired by ISOTM that I'm reading currently, along with the resonance and impressions stuff that I'm always on about. What was most interesting though was the shift in attitude. After drinking the tea, reading more suddenly seemed to be a very interesting and fun thing to do. I have a lot of exciting ideas when reading this specific book which I think is because of all the unique ideas G gives and the no-nonsense way they are presented.

I don't think it's the caffeine, because I've only started drinking tea this way recently and usually only one glass a day.

I wonder if the oil in shredded coconut is not the best way, since in that form for me it does wonders. At the same time it has me questioning whether I can thrive at all on butter as my dietary fat that I've had so far.

I'm still taking 10 capsules of HCI.
I've tried coconut oil with green tea and they go really well together, taste-wise. I must try the combination again sometime. I don't recall any boost in energy as you describe beyond the effects of being in ketosis, but sounds like it may be the effects of a fat fast? Also you could try stopping the butter and use lard or other animal fats that suit you as your main fat source. The last time I had butter I observed a bad case of brain fog, although I have to add that this was a pasteurised brand of butter (Anchor).
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Is it possible that the negative reactions to Anchor butter - brain fog etc - is because it is non-organic? Non-organic butter is produced from animals that have been abused, both physically and psychologically through factory farming. Even taking the psychological abuse out of the equation, it's clear from The Vegetarian Myth and the wealth of information on the forum, that eating animals that have been fed the wrong foods themselves, produces inferior quality meat - in terms of human consumption that is.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

beetlemaniac said:
monotonic said:

I wonder if the oil in shredded coconut is not the best way, since in that form for me it does wonders. At the same time it has me questioning whether I can thrive at all on butter as my dietary fat that I've had so far.

I'm still taking 10 capsules of HCI.
I've tried coconut oil with green tea and they go really well together, taste-wise. I must try the combination again sometime. I don't recall any boost in energy as you describe beyond the effects of being in ketosis, but sounds like it may be the effects of a fat fast? Also you could try stopping the butter and use lard or other animal fats that suit you as your main fat source. The last time I had butter I observed a bad case of brain fog, although I have to add that this was a pasteurised brand of butter (Anchor).
A couple of possibilities, apart from using lard or beef dripping for example, is to see what reaction you get (positive or negative) from either eating organic butter, or from eating goat's butter (my preferred choice).

This may help, or not.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Prodigal Son said:
beetlemaniac said:
monotonic said:

I wonder if the oil in shredded coconut is not the best way, since in that form for me it does wonders. At the same time it has me questioning whether I can thrive at all on butter as my dietary fat that I've had so far.

I'm still taking 10 capsules of HCI.
I've tried coconut oil with green tea and they go really well together, taste-wise. I must try the combination again sometime. I don't recall any boost in energy as you describe beyond the effects of being in ketosis, but sounds like it may be the effects of a fat fast? Also you could try stopping the butter and use lard or other animal fats that suit you as your main fat source. The last time I had butter I observed a bad case of brain fog, although I have to add that this was a pasteurised brand of butter (Anchor).
A couple of possibilities, apart from using lard or beef dripping for example, is to see what reaction you get (positive or negative) from either eating organic butter, or from eating goat's butter (my preferred choice).

This may help, or not.

Another option is to try ghee - where the protein fraction has been almost totally removed. Works for some, but not others ...
As regards to butter another thing is that most is produced from pasteurized milk - and pasteurisation probably alters milk in a negative way. Problem is that nowadays it's almost impossible to buy (in Australia it is illegal to sell non-pasteurised milk products for human consumption) - go figure!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

It is a good practice to experiment with butter, ghee and heavy cream. Some people just cannot tolerate any of them. Some people can and some cannot tolerate the butter or heavy cream, but can tolerate the ghee because of the getting rid of certain proteins as nicklebleu has said.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Prodigal Son said:
beetlemaniac said:
monotonic said:

I wonder if the oil in shredded coconut is not the best way, since in that form for me it does wonders. At the same time it has me questioning whether I can thrive at all on butter as my dietary fat that I've had so far.

I'm still taking 10 capsules of HCI.
I've tried coconut oil with green tea and they go really well together, taste-wise. I must try the combination again sometime. I don't recall any boost in energy as you describe beyond the effects of being in ketosis, but sounds like it may be the effects of a fat fast? Also you could try stopping the butter and use lard or other animal fats that suit you as your main fat source. The last time I had butter I observed a bad case of brain fog, although I have to add that this was a pasteurised brand of butter (Anchor).
A couple of possibilities, apart from using lard or beef dripping for example, is to see what reaction you get (positive or negative) from either eating organic butter, or from eating goat's butter (my preferred choice).

This may help, or not.
Thanks for that tip, I actually hadn't thought of it. Probably because organic butter is a lot pricier, but it would be totally worth a try to see how I react. I've had ghee quite a bit but not since I discovered the problems with butter. I might give that a go too.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Vic said:
Is it possible that the negative reactions to Anchor butter - brain fog etc - is because it is non-organic? Non-organic butter is produced from animals that have been abused, both physically and psychologically through factory farming. Even taking the psychological abuse out of the equation, it's clear from The Vegetarian Myth and the wealth of information on the forum, that eating animals that have been fed the wrong foods themselves, produces inferior quality meat - in terms of human consumption that is.
From what I know, all dairy from New Zealand is pasture-raised. I couldn't get conclusive information about the Anchor butter but I presume it's also grass-fed but pasteurised. The company website says this much: _
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

That's good news, beetlemaniac. Although it doesn't explain your reactions to Anchor butter it's great to know that New Zealand makes it from cows that are fed correctly, are not given growth hormones, and are treated well. I do wonder why Anchor New Zealand are not advertising their butter as 'organic' though.

I can't say the same for the UK. I've scoured the UK website of Arla Foods, the company that supplies Anchor, and it's clear the cows they use are factory farmed. It makes a big thing about reducing carbon emissions, but nothing about animal welfare and the damage to human health through the consumption of factory farmed foods.

I am using Yeo Valley organic butter, as well as coconut oil, and will also now try to find some Ghee. Eggs are delicious cooked in the aforementioned butter and coconut oil.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Vic said:
I am using Yeo Valley organic butter, as well as coconut oil, and will also now try to find some Ghee. Eggs are delicious cooked in the aforementioned butter and coconut oil.
You may like to seek out an Asian foodstore - possible Morrisons too, as they carry large cans of ghee. Alternatively, if you search the forum you'll find explanations for making your own ghee from butter.

Have fun in the process. :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thank you, ProdigalSon, that's so helpful. I'll nip over Morrisons tomorrow to take a look at their Ghee. And there is an Asian foodstore in my town which I'll explore also. I'll also search the forum for the info on making my own. :) Thanks again
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Vic said:
Thank you, ProdigalSon, that's so helpful. I'll nip over Morrisons tomorrow to take a look at their Ghee. And there is an Asian foodstore in my town which I'll explore also. I'll also search the forum for the info on making my own. :) Thanks again

Basically, you just melt it on low heat and then pour off the clear part to be the ghee and get rid of the whitish residue that sinks to the bottom.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

That's great, Laura, thanks. I shouldn't have any trouble doing that :/

No seriously, that will mean I can keep it organic. Nice one.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Vic said:
That's great, Laura, thanks. I shouldn't have any trouble doing that :/

No seriously, that will mean I can keep it organic. Nice one.

Yes Vic, I switched to ghee which I make freshly, daily. I just drag the white foam off the melted butter onto a paper towel with the egg flipper, before adding the bacon. This made a big difference. Adding coconut oil does give the morning meal a different taste, which is nice.
I did have to try a few brands of butter before finding one that sat well in my stomach.

It is funny because now when I eat something that is not as good for my system, it lets me know by causing me to feel stuffed even though I should be hungry. Could that be the start of swelling up as a reaction to wrong foods being ingested?(likely)

Thinking about this, lately feelings of not being swollen are starting to become normal. I have long forgotten the struggle it was to just clip my toe nails but marvel every time while standing I put one foot up on the bathroom sink at a time to clip nails that were not reachable for the past 20 years and that is good because they now need more clipping than ever with this diet.

The other part of existing in a constant state of being swollen is that you never feel satisfied even though you can't stuff another mouthful of food down. I hated the way my body felt and trusting that the medical establishment was steering me in the right direction by eating Becel, bread and high carbs while eliminating animal fats, salt and cholesterol which was actually making things worse.

Thank God/c's for not giving up on us, allowing/helping us to figure these double blinds out. The improvements and positive changes in my system over the past few years has been nothing short of a miracle, a man made one it seems but that may be the best way because it changes your life and the lives of the group you relate to.

What I remember from the 80's discussions with my guide was that humanity was at some sort of brink. There was concern that few could wake to the task at hand. I remember being asked to stand in as it seemed kind of hopeless finding a candidate. I remember the joy expressed when I was made aware of a woman who was becoming engaged in this self education process. I guess my guide could see the results one woman could cause. Back then it was difficult to see us/humanity being here today. I would have to say because of the work done with understanding the lies that are designed to keep us in check makes a huge difference in the future.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I always find the butter tastes rancid if I wait until the white stuff falls to the bottom or turns brown. If not, it gets that truly amazing buttery taste that I wished butter tasted like. I haven't found an efficient way of removing the stuff though, and I need a thermometer to get it just right.

The problem with fat is that we can't find a source. We get organic butter, sometimes grassfed but usually cultured since it tastes better and more consistent. Anything else is too expensive to get much of. But when we do I'll try goat butter, I hadn't thought of that yet. I really like goat butter. I might try cooking in coconut oil again, maybe mix it with butter. It gives my brother headaches but it seems to work well for me.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thanks for the tips, Win52. That swollen, stuffed feeling has plagued me most of my life. Right from a kid eating cornflakes I have had stomach problems. Three months ago I stopped eating wheat and gluten. It worked to a large degree. A particular pain I always had stopped happening. I still get the swollen gut syndrome though - after I have eaten carbs. I have reduced them a lot, but don't think I am down to the recommended maximum yet.

It's great to hear that you don't have that anymore. Living proof.

Thanks again.
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