keylontic science?

Vulcan59 said:
Hi Elizabeth,

Did you have a chance to read the keylontic science topic yet? :)

Hi Vulcan

I read this thread recently after watching an amazing video lecture by Anna Hayes entitled "Earth History." I think this video answers any questions that might have been raised on the forum.

Elizabeth said:
Vulcan59 said:
Hi Elizabeth,

Did you have a chance to read the keylontic science topic yet? :)

Hi Vulcan

I read this thread recently after watching an amazing video lecture by Anna Hayes entitled "Earth History." I think this video answers any questions that might have been raised on the forum.


Or maybe not. When she gave the date 9,558 B.C. for the ending of Atlantis, that was clue one. And then she went on with more absurd nonsense. She's obviously pulling some things from common legends, such as the Platonic version of the Atlantis story though she did some very bad math on that. But the rest of it is so silly I can't even listen to it with a straight face.

And that's not to say that the Cs have not said some really bizarre things about Earth's past history - they certainly have. But at least a lot of it is checkable and I'm not out there declaring this channeled info to be the bottom line or these improbable scenarios to be the way things are.

Is any of it true? Some of it could be - maybe a lot of it. What I DO notice is that it seems that quite a lot of things that the Cs said very early on are appearing in her "system", though rearranged and sometimes twisted out of all recognition. As the Cs pointed out back in 1997:

Q: (L) Now, it occurred to me tonight while writing
to J, and it rather jumped into my mind while thinking how
best to answer his questions, that it was very strange
that Val was virtually begging me for every session I had
transcribed, and I sent them to him as they were done, he
called every week to discuss them, and then suddenly
silence, no responses, and virtually in the next week
after the last contact, he produces Alex Collier and the
Andromedans. And, the funny thing I thought about
recently is that Andromeda was the daughter of Cassiopia!
The only thing is, there is a core of information in the
Andromedan stuff that is so similar, but it is wrapped in
3rd density garbage. Is it possible that the reason for
this strange interaction is that the material I sent him
has been, shall we say, borrowed?

A: Influences derived from our messages to you are to be seen
more and more due to your widespread sharing of same.

Q: (L) Well, I am not objecting... I just want people to hear
it, so I don't really mind...

A: Good, perhaps, but... there is much opportunity for

Q: (L) Well, that is certainly true, considering the stuff
that is coming back to me about the "Wave." But, all my
internet postings are dated, so it would be fairly easy to

So, what I see is this: The Cs came along and I started sharing and publishing this material very early, before anybody else was saying any of the things we have been saying. Very soon after, the whole disinfo/damage control operation went into overdrive, stealing many of the concepts and ideas, twisting and distorting them, putting them in the wrong contexts, changing the names and roles of some of the players, and creating more "complete" and "intricate" systems of belief. I think that this woman is part of that damage control that was instigated from 4 D STS if not from 3 D secret government quarters. And, since I'm not out there trying to create a "belief system" or telling people that there are "good guys that will haul your buns out of the fire," then the field is wide open for people like Anna Hayes to do so.

Having said that, let me quote what I wrote earlier in another thread:

Rich Dolan wrote to me a few months ago on behalf of Kerry Cassidy and asked me if I would consider giving her an interview. He noted that, while he was aware of my position vis a vis the position of the PC people, at the very least, their audience ought to have the opportunity to hear "our story" amongst all the other stories they are hearing.

Now, ya'll know my position on this but since Rich asked and posed the possibility that way, I agreed to at least talk to Kerry. We had a few exchanges and what I decided at that point was that I would like to meet her and talk face to face before I made a decision. She was planning several other activities on this side of the pond and so she scheduled to come here for a couple of days in early Feb.

She's been here and gone, so I'll just give a brief report on the outcome.

First of all, I made it a condition of the meeting/interview that I wasn't going to take down or change anything that is on this forum about PC. She agreed. I said I MIGHT change my mind about Bill, if I were to meet and talk with him, and if I did, that would be added, but nothing previously published would be altered. As it turned out, Bill was unable to come to this meeting/discussion and nothing Kerry had to add to the information has changed my mind about him, so the info in the PC/SERPO thread stands as it is.

However, I will say that my opinion of Kerry is somewhat different from my opinion of Bill Ryan. I agree with Rich Dolan that she really is motivated to try to figure out what is going on and part of her approach is to leave no stone un-turned. I can understand this because I did much the same way back when during those days that I read every single thing I could get my hands on about the UFO/alien phenomenon. The field is wider now, lots more disinfo, so she sure has her job cut out for her.

Next, Kerry knows that a lot of what gets put on PC is disinfo and even whacko info. That's why she likes to video her interviews - so that people can SEE these people making their various claims, see how they look, how they present themselves, and make their own determination about the trustworthiness. Kerry made it explicit that she has interviewed a LOT of people that she thinks are total disinfo, did it nicely (drawing them out) so that the viewer could SEE with their own eyes that this person was full of bull. This, of course, is where we have a little disagreement because I think that one has to realize that MOST people are totally impressionable and will not be using discernment when they watch these interviews but will, instead, think "oh, Bill and Kerry wouldn't have this guy on if they didn't believe what he was saying." Kerry tends to believe (naively, I think) that people can figure out on their own that much of the info coming from "whistleblowers" is disinfo. She also is convinced that they are telling a lot of truth and we have to try to figure out which is which.

Well, she is right on that point, I think. They do toss in some truths here and there and it just might be helpful to look at it in that way to try to analyze things, but since most of what I have perceived as "truths" coming from some of these "whistleblowers" is basically only confirming what the Cs have already told us years ago, I don't see too much point in spending my time wading through the muck to find the gems.

And again, there is the problem of people who are not able to discern. And that may include Kerry herself. She's very nice, very sincere, but also really wants to believe that there are "good guys" out there that can/will help humanity.

While she was here, we talked about this guy who talks about the "synthetic beings." In a sense, this idea is sort of designed to induce people to think that the gov is "on top of things" or is trying to protect themselves (and maybe the public) in some way. For all I know, those in the gov may even believe that. But, as I told Kerry, thanks to my experience as an exorcist, I have a nose for convoluted, evil, deceptive explanations for things. In this case, it seems obvious to me that if there are human elements that believe this story, then they have been duped because if you go back to the very basis of the whole alien plan that is evident from the bigger picture, explicated by the Cs, that there is a plan to use the resources of this planet to "create a new race" that they can incarnate into at 4D, and to subjugate the rest of us as a slave race, then it is not likely that the human government elements would be allowed to build scanners to detect "synthetic beings" but rather that the scanners are part of the plan to destroy/control/alter our race.

That's just basic logic starting from a particular premise that has stood us well over the years.

Kerry's premise is different, like I said, she believes in being saved by good guys and this blinds her to some things that are pretty obvious if you divest yourself of that wishful thinking.

Well, anyway, to conclude this: I did do an on-camera interview with Kerry though I haven't yet decided if it will be broadcast. We also filmed the interview. Everyone here thought it went very well so maybe I will give the go-ahead on this. What do ya'll think? Maybe it's time for PC to broadcast something a little different? Though I do expect that they will get a LOT of flak for it if they do.
Re: Aaron McCollum - Stargate - Yemen

Elizabeth said:
Vulcan59 said:
Hi Elizabeth,

Did you have a chance to read the keylontic science topic yet? :)

Hi Vulcan

I read this thread recently after watching an amazing video lecture by Anna Hayes entitled "Earth History." I think this video answers any questions that might have been raised on the forum.


Laura said:
Or maybe not.

Thanks very much, Laura, for your response. I always appreciate getting a larger, more considered perspective on things. This is one of the great gifts of the Cassiopaea website and forum. It offers many valuable perspectives and then challenges one to discern where the truth lies. I am learning and growing and (like everyone on this forum) wanting to know "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

Edit: fixed quotes
Re: Aaron McCollum - Stargate - Yemen

Just to follow up on Laura's comment about Anna Hayes (Ashayana Deane), I listened to a fairly recent interview in which Ashayana gives a perspective of cosmic events which is anything but encouraging. The interview is available as the last listed interview in the "Jukebox" section. This is Pt. 2 of an earlier interview:

Hi Elizabeth --

Elizabeth said:
Just to follow up on Laura's comment about Anna Hayes (Ashayana Deane), I listened to a fairly recent interview in which Ashayana gives a perspective of cosmic events which is anything but encouraging. The interview is available as the last listed interview in the "Jukebox" section. This is Pt. 2 of an earlier interview:


Just to clarify, are you placing this in the context of what Laura mentioned above, regarding the connection between earlier C's material which may have been "borrowed" by later sources? That's the way I interpreted it, but I wasn't sure if I was correct about that, so I thought I would ask.
Shijing said:
Hi Elizabeth --

Elizabeth said:
Just to follow up on Laura's comment about Anna Hayes (Ashayana Deane), I listened to a fairly recent interview in which Ashayana gives a perspective of cosmic events which is anything but encouraging. The interview is available as the last listed interview in the "Jukebox" section. This is Pt. 2 of an earlier interview:


Just to clarify, are you placing this in the context of what Laura mentioned above, regarding the connection between earlier C's material which may have been "borrowed" by later sources? That's the way I interpreted it, but I wasn't sure if I was correct about that, so I thought I would ask.

Hi Shijing

That's a very reasonable question since I provided no context for my comment ;) I wasn't sure how to do that without hauling a huge amount of text into my post.

Anyway, my comment was in reference to Laura's last sentence in the following paragraph:

So, what I see is this: The Cs came along and I started sharing and publishing this material very early, before anybody else was saying any of the things we have been saying. Very soon after, the whole disinfo/damage control operation went into overdrive, stealing many of the concepts and ideas, twisting and distorting them, putting them in the wrong contexts, changing the names and roles of some of the players, and creating more "complete" and "intricate" systems of belief. I think that this woman is part of that damage control that was instigated from 4 D STS if not from 3 D secret government quarters. And, since I'm not out there trying to create a "belief system" or telling people that there are "good guys that will haul your buns out of the fire," then the field is wide open for people like Anna Hayes to do so.

I was trying to make the point that (as far as I can tell) Anna Hayes doesn't see good guys hauling your buns out of the fire in the event of a cosmic emergency. It's up to each individual to save himself. And even that possibility is unlikely given the nature of recent dramatic events in our solar system, which she describes in the interview I referred to in that same post.

Thanks, Shijing, for offering me an opportunity to clarify my original post.

Edit = Quotes
Elizabeth said:
Anyway, my comment was in reference to Laura's last sentence in the following paragraph:

So, what I see is this: The Cs came along and I started sharing and publishing this material very early, before anybody else was saying any of the things we have been saying. Very soon after, the whole disinfo/damage control operation went into overdrive, stealing many of the concepts and ideas, twisting and distorting them, putting them in the wrong contexts, changing the names and roles of some of the players, and creating more "complete" and "intricate" systems of belief. I think that this woman is part of that damage control that was instigated from 4 D STS if not from 3 D secret government quarters. And, since I'm not out there trying to create a "belief system" or telling people that there are "good guys that will haul your buns out of the fire," then the field is wide open for people like Anna Hayes to do so.

I was trying to make the point that (as far as I can tell) Anna Hayes doesn't see good guys hauling your buns out of the fire in the event of a cosmic emergency. It's up to each individual to save himself. And even that possibility is unlikely given the nature of recent dramatic events in our solar system, which she describes in the interview I referred to in that same post.

OK, thanks for the clarification. I've listened to part of the first and all of the second clip of Anna Hayes that you recommended, and she's certainly an engaging speaker. If I understand Hayes correctly, your point above is correct in the context of her cosmology -- however, I think the more important question is, after reading the thread suggested above, do you still consider her a valid source of information?
Can one of the moderators move the Anna Hayes posts to the keylontic science thread?

One comment I would like to make about Anna Hayes: she strikes me as being very sincere, though duped, (see the interaction I had with a mind-programmed New Age type in The Wave), and somebody or some thing, is definitely feeding her something. Kinda makes me think of this guy:

Q: (L) What is the source of this contact with this guy Dean
A: Source is partially 5th density, partially 4th density.
Q: (L) Is he really channeling Franz Liszt?
A: No. Mental imprint from hyperspace.
Q: (L) What was this device that came into his room that
floated in front of his face and made the sound?
A: 4th density imprinting device.
Q: (L) What was it imprinting?
A: Knowledge.
Q: (L) Well, I would like to play Franz Liszt! Why haven't
we had something like this?
A: You do not get to choose the nature of interaction with
4th density STS! Unless of course hamsters, chirpy little
birds in cages and sweet, sad, dependent doggie "friends"
get to choose the nature of their interactions with you!
Q: (L) So, you are comparing Mr. Dean Fagerstrom to a
hamster, a bird, or a doggie?
A: Why not? It is the same thing.
Q: (L) And, he seems to be very obedient! (T) So, they are
just jerking him and other people around through him.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Give the doggies a biscuit! (T) So, where is my
A: Ask for a holodeck and you might get an electrostatic
brain splicer job instead.

Maybe Anna has been "brain spliced"?
Laura said:
One comment I would like to make about Anna Hayes: she strikes me as being very sincere, though duped, (see the interaction I had with a mind-programmed New Age type in The Wave), and somebody or some thing, is definitely feeding her something. Kinda makes me think of this guy:

Q: (L) What is the source of this contact with this guy Dean
A: Source is partially 5th density, partially 4th density.
Q: (L) Is he really channeling Franz Liszt?
A: No. Mental imprint from hyperspace.
Q: (L) What was this device that came into his room that
floated in front of his face and made the sound?
A: 4th density imprinting device.
Q: (L) What was it imprinting?
A: Knowledge.
Q: (L) Well, I would like to play Franz Liszt! Why haven't
we had something like this?
A: You do not get to choose the nature of interaction with
4th density STS! Unless of course hamsters, chirpy little
birds in cages and sweet, sad, dependent doggie "friends"
get to choose the nature of their interactions with you!
Q: (L) So, you are comparing Mr. Dean Fagerstrom to a
hamster, a bird, or a doggie?
A: Why not? It is the same thing.
Q: (L) And, he seems to be very obedient! (T) So, they are
just jerking him and other people around through him.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Give the doggies a biscuit! (T) So, where is my
A: Ask for a holodeck and you might get an electrostatic
brain splicer job instead.

Maybe Anna has been "brain spliced"?

The following article from the Azurite website describes the nature and source of the communication which Anna Hayes/Ashayana Deane presents:

Historical Method of CDT-Plate Translation

Since the first CDT-Plate/ Maharata Text translations were made in 246,000 BC, many events of both climatic change and human warring have occurred on Earth; due to the recurrence of such events, in 208,216 BC the Maharata Text books and 10 of the 12 CDT-Plates were retrieved by the Azurites and secured under MCEO guardianship. One of the two missing CDT-Plates was retrieved and returned to MCEO protection in the 1600s AD, and the other, final CDT-Plate was retrieved in November of 1999 AD. In pre-ancient times, after securing the Maharata Texts and 10 of the 12 CDT-Plates, the GA-MCEO and Krystal River Adashi Adepts created a set of protocols by which the MCEO CDT-Plate/ Maharata Text teachings would be returned to Earth through remote-translation during certain periods of significance, while the retrieved CDT-Plates/ Maharata Texts remained in security storage until a future date when they could be safely returned.

The protocols by which the Guardians have historically orchestrated remote-translation of the CDT-Plates/ Maharata Texts during various periods of human history involves their appointment, in a particular period, of a group of 3 MCEO Speakers from among Earth human populations — each group of 3 MCEO Speakers works closely together with the GA-MCEO Guardians to bring remote-translations of the CDT-Plates/ Maharata Texts into their respective period. Since 208,216 BC, numerous partial translations of the CDT-Plates/ Maharata Texts have been orchestrated, including the more recent efforts of 22,340 BC, 2040 BC and 10 BC; in more recent periods of ancient history, MCEO 3-Speaker groups and partial CDT-Plate translations have appeared within Hindu, Hebrew, Chinese, Tibetan, African, Egyptian, Mayan, Incan, Celtic-Druidic, and some other cultures.

The method by which MCEO Speakers achieve remote-translation of the CDT-Plates begins early in life, with at least one of the three Speaker-appointees having repeated, direct physical contact-encounters with members of the GA-MCEO from very early childhood onward. During every period in which the CDT-Plate/ Maharata Text translations are rendered, the GA-MCEO is aware of the identities of the “potential Speakers” before they enter physical incarnation on Earth, and watches over them from the point of physical conception. These MCEO 3-Speaker appointments are assigned prior to conception, with each of the 3 Speaker appointments having an additional 2 “primary backup” appointments — and occasionally a few others to serve as “secondary backup” — in the event that an appointed Speaker cannot fulfill the assignment. In every period, a “pool” of several individuals incarnate with specific dormant configurations carried in their DNA; when activated, these configurations open specific “electromagnetic passages” within the neurological circuitry, allowing those who carry them to receive protected, electronically-encoded data-streams directly from the GA-MCEO. Over time, as the dormant DNA coding activates, the individuals become progressively more able to biologically receive and neurologically translate information transmitted on the GA-MCEO data-stream, enabling them to develop clear, conscious, protected interdimensional communication with the GA-MCEO. This process of coded interdimensional electronic data-streaming is called Keylontic Communication.

Keylontic Communication is not the same as the process commonly known today as “channeling” or “conscious mediumship.” Channeling is a process in which the spirit essence of a disembodied individual or collective temporarily (or sometimes permanently) enters the physical body, bio-energetic field and consciousness of an incarnate human in order to communicate in the human world. The GA-MCEO and Adashi Adepts do not engage the process of channeling because it most often causes biological damage to the human DNA that can severely interfere with the individual’s biological and spiritual evolution; in this regard channeling is considered “risky.” In many cases, both “channeling” and “trance-mediumship” (unconscious channeling) can also lead to temporary or permanent “identity displacement” or “possession”; in this regard channeling and trance-mediumship are considered downright dangerous. Channeling is thus viewed by the GA-MCEO and Adashi Adepts as an unsafe and unreliable method of interdimensional communication.

As Keylontic Communication electronic data-streaming does not cause human DNA damage — and does not intrude on or invade the human biology and bio-energetic field — it is the method of choice for Guardian collectives. All humans have an organic genetic ability to engage some degree of Keylontic Communication, and also have a genetic vulnerability to invasive interdimensional exchange. Interdimensional communication is an organic ability and a birthright of all humans, but it is a gift that requires educated application if it is to be developed safely. (More detail on the process and dynamics of Keylontic Communication, and information on creating safety in interdimensional communication, is found in the Voyagers books.)

Though all humans have an innate biological and spiritual predisposition to interdimensional exchange and Keylontic Communication electronic data-streaming, not all humans carry the responsibilities of MCEO Speaker Contracts. During conception, individuals with MCEO Speaker Contracts receive additional dormant DNA encoding directly from the GA-MCEO, which requires the direct assistance of the GA-MCEO for activation. In early childhood, and extending into adolescence, the GA-MCEO initiates repeated physical contact-encounters with the Speaker or Speakers who are intended to engage CDT-Plate remote-translation in adulthood. Through these contact-encounters, the GA-MCEO engages the progressive process of activating the specialized dormant DNA coding, which, when fully activated, will allow for Keylontic data-streaming directly from the CDT-Plate discs for remote-translation, and will provide direct “live” data-streaming with GA-MCEO and Adashi Adept representatives. The process of Keylontic Communication electronic data-streaming has been the method by which the GA-MCEO has orchestrated remote-translation of the CDT-Plates throughout Earth’s history, and it is the same method of remote-translation used today.

Hi Elizabeth,

Thanks for telling us Anna Hayes nature and source of communications.

I didn't understand some of the acronyms used and so I went to the website you quoted and did managed to decipher that MCEO is "Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order" and the CDT Plates stand for "Cloister-Dora-Teura Plates" which are "holographic data-recorded discs that digitally store massive amounts of pre-ancient data, reportedly held for many generations since pre-Atlantian times in protective custody of the Eieyani Priests." Couldn't find GA-MCEO but I am guessing that the GA refers to the "Guardians" who are the "Eieyani Priests of UR of Kauai, Hawaii,", but I could be wrong though.

What I would like to ask you is this; do you actually give credence to the above and to Anna Haye's material? :huh:
Elizabeth, it is hard for us to read your mind. When you post something like the above, without explaining why you are posting it, it is lacking in context. Vulcan59's question is a good one.
Shijing said:
Elizabeth said:
Anyway, my comment was in reference to Laura's last sentence in the following paragraph:

So, what I see is this: The Cs came along and I started sharing and publishing this material very early, before anybody else was saying any of the things we have been saying. Very soon after, the whole disinfo/damage control operation went into overdrive, stealing many of the concepts and ideas, twisting and distorting them, putting them in the wrong contexts, changing the names and roles of some of the players, and creating more "complete" and "intricate" systems of belief. I think that this woman is part of that damage control that was instigated from 4 D STS if not from 3 D secret government quarters. And, since I'm not out there trying to create a "belief system" or telling people that there are "good guys that will haul your buns out of the fire," then the field is wide open for people like Anna Hayes to do so.

I was trying to make the point that (as far as I can tell) Anna Hayes doesn't see good guys hauling your buns out of the fire in the event of a cosmic emergency. It's up to each individual to save himself. And even that possibility is unlikely given the nature of recent dramatic events in our solar system, which she describes in the interview I referred to in that same post.

OK, thanks for the clarification. I've listened to part of the first and all of the second clip of Anna Hayes that you recommended, and she's certainly an engaging speaker. If I understand Hayes correctly, your point above is correct in the context of her cosmology -- however, I think the more important question is, after reading the thread suggested above, do you still consider her a valid source of information?

Hi Shijing

I've watched several video presentations on the Internet and have felt a strong resonance with the speaker and with the material. Besides the "Earth History" video referenced in an earlier post, there's another 45-part series entitled "Angelic Realities" which I found very interesting:

Vulcan59 said:
Hi Elizabeth,

Thanks for telling us Anna Hayes nature and source of communications.

I didn't understand some of the acronyms used and so I went to the website you quoted and did managed to decipher that MCEO is "Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order" and the CDT Plates stand for "Cloister-Dora-Teura Plates" which are "holographic data-recorded discs that digitally store massive amounts of pre-ancient data, reportedly held for many generations since pre-Atlantian times in protective custody of the Eieyani Priests." Couldn't find GA-MCEO but I am guessing that the GA refers to the "Guardians" who are the "Eieyani Priests of UR of Kauai, Hawaii,", but I could be wrong though.

What I would like to ask you is this; do you actually give credence to the above and to Anna Haye's material? :huh:

Hi Vulcan

GA-MCEO stands for Guardian Alliance of the Melchisedek Cloister Emerald Order.

My reason for posting the article you refer to was to respond to Laura's query about where Anna Hayes' information was coming from. My quoting the material was not meant to be an endorsement but simply an explanation (from Anna Hayes' point of view) of how the information is given. I've only recently come across this material so am still evaluating it, but I have found it worth considering.
Hi Elizabeth,

Thanks for the clarification. Another question; when you stated above "I've only recently come across this material so am still evaluating it, but I have found it worth considering."

The material you are referring to above, are you referring to the material found here in this forum or Anna Hayes material? :huh:
Elizabeth said:
Hi Shijing

I've watched several video presentations on the Internet and have felt a strong resonance with the speaker and with the material. Besides the "Earth History" video referenced in an earlier post, there's another 45-part series entitled "Angelic Realities" which I found very interesting:


Thanks for the link, Elizabeth, and I will take a look when I have a chance. For now, I'd like to suggest stepping back a bit and examining Hayes' material as objectively as you can. I know what it feels like when something resonates with you -- it has happened with me many times in the past. Through participation on this forum and my own experience, I've learned that sometimes that may not be enough of a reason to consider a source valid (and sometimes, it may even be a warning that I need to slow down and consider that someone might be trying to pull me in). I can think of cases when multiple things resonated with me simultaneously, but if I compared them to each other they were actually contradictory :shock:

There is an attitude supported here, initiated by Laura, to always ask "sez who?" when you hear new information, especially if it is very extraordinary. What empirical proof does that source have to show that what it claims is the truth? There are a lot of people out there who ask you to believe what they teach at face value, but they never subject their own material to any kind of critical analysis. Hayes seems to fall into this category (she is reminiscent to me of authors/teachers like Patricia Cori, Dolores Cannon, Barbara Hand Clow, etc), and while I think its probable that she has good intentions, you know what they say about the road to hell....

Just one example from what I listened to last night to illustrate my point. First, she talked about the Guardians who are apparently the source of her information. She says that they are actively working toward preparing humanity for disclosure, leading up to 2012. This was a red flag for me, because while on the surface it makes it sound like the Guardians have humanity's best interests at heart, "working toward disclosure" could be considered an STS activity, because it is giving something that's not asked for. Compare that to the attitude of the C's, who not only wait to give information until its asked for, but even then often still withhold it when it is in the best interest of the participants.

More generally, although Hayes' schema of reality and the way the universe works is almost beautifully precise, it stands in rather sharp contradiction to the C's information. Whatever you choose to do with Hayes' information, you have to acknowledge the contradiction -- both of them can't be right simultaneously. That's a problem with most of the information that's out there, and we can unfortunately only synthesize all those different teachings to a point before we realize that we can't just brush the contradictions under the rug.

Oh, and one last thing that stood out to me is her use of "stargates". Perhaps this is nitpicky, but stargates really seem to be a favorite meme of the New Age COINTELPRO -- everybody loves to throw the term around, but no two stories about them ever seem to be quite the same . Its just one of those things that makes my spidey sense buzz.
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